A friend of mine once told me something that stuck with me: "don't defer pleasure".
It sounds like one of those Instagram quotes on a background of a sunset, I know, but it's actually become somewhat of a motto for me, because I'm the sort of person that hoards things in video games and real life. My Skyrim house is full of potions; I never use the single Master Ball in Pokémon; and I tend to panic when my collection of snacks gets below 50% full, because what if I really want a bag of Twiglets one day, and I have none left?! WHAT WILL I DO?!?!?!

"Don't defer pleasure" is a kindness to yourself. It's asking your lizard brain not to save things for the potential rainy day that never comes, because if you're thinking about using the potion/Master Ball/Twiglets right now, you probably need it right now. Let's be honest, there is no future version of you that will think, "aw, balls, I really needed that potion right this second," because you'll probably get more, and if you don't, well, maybe the game isn't very well-balanced. You won't resent that past version of you, anyway. She needed it.
I've been playing Resident Evil 4 for the first time, and I know I'm twenty years late to the "hey, RE4 has a really interesting inventory system" takes, but I don't care! It has a really interesting inventory system! I'm a sucker for inventory management in general, to the point where my friends are point-blank refusing to play Stardew Valley with me anymore because I turn into a chest gremlin, and that's a large part of the reason my partner forced me to play Resi 4. "But I don't like zombie games," I pleaded, before he showed me a screenshot of Leon Kennedy's neatly-arranged attaché case and my eyes turned into heart emojis.

But my little zombie-killing briefcase is always full of pesky guns and ten billion grenades. Poor Leon's basically a walking fireworks factory, and yet he somehow always forgets that he's got grenades at all, choosing to get stabby with his pitiful knife before he remembers to lob a bang-egg at the approaching bad guys.
But last night, while playing Resident Evil 4 on stream, I used my rocket launcher on Salazar, and it cracked open my brain like a tin of beans on a rock, or a Salazar on the receiving end of a missile. My partner had described the rocket launcher as "basically a boss-skip button", and my silly hoarding brain had whispered to itself, "save for rainy day, never use, yes, yes, the precious." But it was towards the end of my stream, and I was hungry for pizza, so I decided to give the rocket launcher a go — and stupid Salazar died immediately.

Sure, there might be a tougher boss battle later on in the game. I literally have no idea! I know nothing about this game! I thought I knew what it was about, but then I had to fight a giant fish, invisible bugs, and a goddamn MECH made of marble! But you know what? It doesn't matter. I wasn't enjoying the Salazar battle, and also, importantly, I hate him. What better candidate could there be for a rocket to the face than the guy I'm fighting right now?
And that's the idea behind "don't defer pleasure", you see. You deserve things now, because you're living in the now. You'll derive no pleasure from saving something, because generally, the more you save something, the less likely you are to actually let yourself have it, since you've convinced yourself that your need is never enough. That way, sadness lies.

I still forget to use my grenades in Resident Evil 4, and it was only VERY recently (I've been playing the game for ten hours) that I learned that flash grenades were useful at all. But my wonderfully, mercifully short rendezvous with Salazar's stupid face inside a meat-tree before he exploded into sawdust has opened my eyes to the joy of just... letting myself live in the moment. And if that means chucking all my explosion nuggets at bad boys, so be it. I deserve it.
Comments 55
Same here! I hoarded granades and then finished the game with so many that the jetski at the end shoud've sunk
Whereas I’m the person that uses health items far too often, because of Silent Hill 2’s system deciding which ending you get!
The flash grenades are life savers there. And inventory savers cuz you need less bullets.
The flash grenades are useful?!? I’m currently playing 5 and don’t even bother taking them with me, just stash them. What do they do then? Daze the baddies?
I’ve struggled to get into four for years. I own it on way way too many systems and love resident evil but can never get on with it. I will give it a go when I finish five. The Christopher Nolan approach to resident evil. Will do 7 and the Zero and then Village followed by three remake.
I learned to stop hoarding items with monster hunter. Use the potions, place the traps and set up your buffs.
I still hoard items in most games I play. There's an almost unparalleled pleasure in playing a JRPG and going into the final dungeon and boss fight loaded down with powerful healing items.
@Manjushri It’s not really gender-specific though. FemShep and Kassandra from AC Odyssey frequently dip into the ‘idiot beefcake’ trope.
Last time I heard “Beefcake” it was from an episode of South Park.
I have RE4 on Switch, but I have been ruined by the Wii version. I just can’t play this anymore with standard controls
"Don't defer pleasure" is a kindness to yourself.
aw, balls, I really needed that potion
I turn into a chest gremlin
I don't know if there are laws in the UK prohibiting the filming of hiring interviews...
... but if you did record Kate's interview, Nintendo Life, I will pay good money to watch it. Like Skyward Sword + Loftwing Amiibo money. Maybe even FIFA Ultimate Team money. If this is how she writes, I'm fascinated (and afraid) to learn how she talks.
(...I used the rocket launcher on Salazar the first time I played RE4, too, Kate...)
@Manjushri Hahahaha, this is usually the kind of comment I would make. I don't agree with you here, though, she isn't attacking males generally. ... Leon's not really that stupid, but he falls right through gaping plot holes...
Calling him a "beefcake" is sexist, like calling a woman "sweet thaaaaaang" is also offensive.
@Manjushri I’m an idiot beefcake, and I thought it was funny. Can’t speak for every idiot beefcake, though.
@KillerBOB Both statements can be applied to either gender, which is the funny thing, to me.
@Quijibo This comment is too over-the-top to be serious. You’re joking, right?
Best resi ever for me. So many types of weapons to try , and upgrade , great atmosphere and replay ability, and it knows it’s a game! In my top 10 for sure xxx
@Quijibo Honest question: are you trolling?
Kate, can you write every article on this site please?
I don’t usually pay too much attention to who’s writing but within 2 sentences I always know if I’m reading something written by you and that I’m going to enjoy it.
Keep up the good work!
Yeah, it's the same stuff in RPGs with all the Elixirs and whatnot- or more valuable weapons or stat boosters in Fire Emblem. They do nothing for you if you just have them laying around, I've definitely gotten better at utilizing my resources than I used to be.
Waitasecondhere.... potions can be USED? What heresy is this?
Nononono - Potions have only one purpose: To be stockpiled until that moment - after finally defeating the ultimate boss - when I can finally fulfill my dream of opening a quaint little potion shop on main street! That'd hardly work if I went around DRINKING them, though. So there.
...Of course, once the enemy menace is defeated, few are likely to get wounded, and therefore few will purchase my potions, so... Drats.
@Stocksy They daze the baddies, but instakill the REALLY infected. In 4, when the tentacles sprout from their face, a flash instakills.
Really fantastic article.
I really love articles like this. Thanks for the great read.
I’ve only beat Salazar legit once. Every other time, I use the rocket launcher, because you get one for free in that area and it takes up so much space!
Salazar is a pain to fight anyways so I never feel bad.
Kate, your articles are my favorite. I’m starting to fan-scream when they get published. Ok now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I also want to say I play my games the exact way, right down to my Skyrim house full of potions. No, I have a room dedicated to emergency potions that I’ll probably never use.
I also hoard grenades in the same manner. I think part of the reason is that sometimes there’s a learning curve to lobbing them: there’s the arc, and sometimes learning the time-delay, or just the overall animation delay I could’ve spent pumping rounds into the target instead. Anyway, this article hit home. I’m gonna starting throwing grenades like there’s no tomorrow and throwing out those stupid potions. I end up never using some items because of my hoarding mentality but that’s going to change.
All these people talking about hoarding pharmaceuticals and mass-casualty weapons in their homes... I hope the intelligence services aren't reading this...
I also played Resi 4 a few days ago after not playing it through for years This game terrified me in year 7 when my friend decided it was a good idea to lend it to me on Gamecube, even though I was only 12 years old...I've had a phobia of chainsaws ever since.
On another note, it's amazing how well the character models and effects have held up in this game from 2004!
I thought the female version of "beefcake" was "cheesecake" though... lol I just heard that for the first time a few days ago on a podcast and thought it was hilariously stupid
@nessisonett lmao yeah Kassandra
@Quijibo you need to chill my guy
Oh I truly relate here. Whenever I finish a game inevitably I have a bunch of smart bombs or potions I never allowed myself to use, out of worry or cheapness. I suck at shooting games because usually I’ll take those precious bombs to the grave out of saving them for a boss.
I’m trying to chill a bit, though, and perhaps now I’ll have a little voice telling me not to defer pleasure. 😄
What’s tough is knowing when to hoard and when to indulge. Like today, it’s up to 80 degrees F (27 C) in my house, but NO WAY am I going to turn on the A.C. because tomorrow the weather is supposed to cool down considerably.
I’m glad Kate found the exact right moment to use her rocket launcher. 😂
@Quijibo wait how is appropriating a culture encouragement of hate? Seriously get over yourself. Cultures can be appreciated by anyone that dose not attribute hate it means they Like it. Or is liking something your not apart of now considered wrong? Give me a break issolating a culture that way leads to further misunderstanding and hate you are encouraging it not fighting against it idiot
Being able to make your own grenades on the go in RE Village has really helped me get over that particular hang-up!
Also, I don’t think anyone beats Salazar legit more than once...I’ve played through that game in the double digits, and I’m pretty sure they give you the free rocket launcher in the castle just because that fight sucks.
I miss idiot beefcake Leon...he’s much too grim and serious in 6
Dr. Weirdsale - Whadya buyin?
Thanks, I appreciate that and you’re right of course. Just my lack of self-esteem seeping into a weak attempt at humor - not a flattering look for someone my age!
I’ll delete the offending comment (with apologies to Kate and to @COVIDberry ) and think better before creeping anyone else out here in the future. 😓
I wish they'd added motion controls to the switch port like the Wii version had I've already got re4 on my PS4 but I'd buy it again for the switch if it had motion controls
This one time, I used my master ball on a hidden ability Hatterene. Then when I needed it for the shiny charizard I ran into I didn't have it. I didn't catch the shiny charizard. I absolutely resent my past self
Every time I start a video game, I remind myself, “I’m not gonna need any of this crap later.”
@Goat_FromBOTW I'd just like to add what everyone's thinking: "Holy crap a talking goat"
If Leon is an idiot beefcake, what is Krauser?
Resident Evil 4... yet another heralded game I have yet to play and still hope to!
Ah yes, when you work out how useful the flash grenades are they suddenly go from the worst to the best. Especially for that battle where you’re barricaded in that house with Ashley and Luis and being attacked on all sides. Those Ganados seem particularly prone to popping their heads and having the Plaga come out.
I used the flash grenades to create time and space, the two most important things in survival. They are by far the best grenade. i occasionally save one or two normal grenades for tough enemies or bosses. I sell Flame grenades and anything left over, using the money to tactically increase capacity, so that i get as close to a full gun reload as i can. I have beaten the game on professional using the starting case this way.
I feel very triggered by this. I'm the exact same - very much save this for that 'What If' moment that never comes. I usually can't pick up the pre-boss sup[plies in games as I'm already filled from earlier rationing.
I should try and break this - ironically I literally just started Resi 4 for the first time ever so now seems to be the time!
This article is kinda ironic, since the RE games at least before RE4 have been notorious for their lack of inventory space and for the low number of bullets it affords the player. You really do need to save the ammo or healing herbs for a rainy day. It almost becomes a puzzle game where you need to avoid enemy encounters instead of killing everything. RE4 on the other hand seems like dumb but fun action schlock!
I've been guilty of hoarding potions and other miscellanneous items in the past, but I've since learned that the game will show you whether it's generous with usable items or not. It's generally a good rule that you'll have a better time if you use what the game gives you!
I'm really trying to do that with this game, and my recent final fantasy 9 play through. It's hard breaking old habits though! 😂😁
Partly due to being use to quick access grenades, partly due to enjoying popping heads, but I'd just sell all mine to ugrade my weapons.
Also fish. I'd kill all the fish, and sell them. If you ever wondered where the merchant got food from, it was me. I was bringing him fish like a cat brings its owner dead birds.
@BulkSlash I cheesed that fight by standing halfway up the stairs with a shotgun 😅
@KateGray Very appropriately for your article, I usually end up dying in that fight because I'm so determined to conserve ammo I shoot the ganados in the leg so I can use the knife on them and then end up with Leon's head being knocked off by the tail of a plaga! 😂
@BulkSlash the adaptive difficulty means that I never run out of ammo — it just gives me more all the time
@garfreek Justifying sexism. You're doing the very thing that others in the thread were accusing KateGray of doing. Shameful. Ignored.
@KateGray I love adaptive difficulty, keeps me on edge, but gives you the feeling you can always bounce back!
That's why I love RPGs as well. I can take the challenge head on, but grind if things get too difficult!
@ARPK Goats can talk, just look at Animal Crossing lol.
@Gerald does RE4 Switch not have gyro? In 2021?
@nessisonett yeah I didn’t realise that on my first play through. I hardly used any health items as I’m used to them being scarce like in Resident Evil. Didn’t realise the game thought I was acting suicidal, being at low health a lot of the time, and so provided me with a suitable ending!
@Hungryluma unless it has had a stealth update, it does not have Giro. Disappointing considering that the Revelations games has it
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