The schedule for Summer Games Done Quick, the annual speedrunning marathon that raises millions of dollars for charity each year, just went live — and that means we can check out the games that will be included in 2021's livestream!
Since this is Nintendo Life, and we are legally bound to only report on Nintendo games, we'll only list the ones that will be played on Nintendo platforms (also, the list is really long, and we don't have all day), but you can check out the full schedule on SGDQ's website.

In chronological order of when they'll be played, plus the rough estimate of how long the speedrun will take:
- F-Zero GX — 1:20:00
- Mega Man X — 40:00
- Kirby Super Star — 1:00:00
- 007: Nightfire — 1:00:00
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages — 1:40:00
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe — 45:00
- Nintendogs — 25:00
- Startropics II — 1:08:00
- Tiny Toon Adventures — 15:00
- Batman: The Video Game — 12:00
- Ninja Gaiden — 20:00
- Amagon — 30:00
- Gimmick! — 14:00
- Ghost 'N' Goblins Resurrection — 30:00
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl — 15:00
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga — 34:00
- Cave Story 3D — 1:22:00
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land — 40:00
- Kirby's Dream Collection — 25:00
- Metroid Prime 2 — 1:25:00
- Paper Mario — 50:00
- Super Mario Odyssey — 1:50:00
- Blast Corps — 30:00
- Chameleon Twist — 15:00
- Yoshi's Story — 18:00
- Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures — 33:00
- Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow — 46:00
- Castlevania 64 — 47:00
- Castlevania: Rondo of Blood — 25:00
- Castlevania — 14:00
- Battletoads — 35:00
- Kororinpa: Marble Mania — 32:00
- Mischief Makers — 1:05:00
- Earthworm Jim — 30:00
- Golden Sun: The Lost Age — 6:06:00
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask — 1:50:00
- Link: The Faces of Evil — 1:00:00
- Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed — 14:00
- Sonic Colors — 1:00:00
- Sonic 3D Blast — 35:00
- Pokémon Black/White — 3:30:00
- Mega Man II — 22:00
- Super Mario Bros. 2 — 25:00
- Sonic Heroes (TAS) — 40:00
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild — 2:00:00
- Fire Emblem: Three Housees — 1:35:00
- Storks and Apes and Crocodiles — 50:00
- Let's Give Up — 35:00
- Mega Man X2 — 40:00
- Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble — 1:03:00
- Pokémon Emerald — 2:55:00
- Bowser's Fury — 38:00
- Mario Kart 64 — 35:00
- Super Metroid — 1:20:00
- Super Mario 64 (Blindfolded) — 2:15:00
- Super Mario Bros. 3 — 1:25:00
If you're thinking, "ugh, a list? Reading? No thanks," and you just want some recommendations, we got you!
Super Mario Odyssey is always a fantastic watch, as is Pikmin 3 and the blindfolded Super Mario 64 run, and it's traditional to watch the Super Metroid run and vote on whether or not to save the animals. Zelda runs are always great watches, and this year features an old speedrun classic, Majora's Mask, as well as Breath of the Wild, Oracle of Ages, and, for some reason, Link: The Faces of Evil, one of the terrible CD-i games.

If you're interested in literally inhuman speedrunning, the Sonic Heroes run this year will be done by TASBot, a "tool-assisted" robot that simulates the perfect speedrun, made possible by being a robot capable of actual perfection.
We're also quite intrigued by the six hour speedrun of Golden Sun: The Lost Age, the longest run by far on the schedule (the second-longest being a Pokémon Black vs White race which will take around three and a half hours).

(Personally, I'm excited about Dragon Age: Inquisition, which is going to kick off the SGDQ speedruns this year, but it's not on any Nintendo platforms, so- oh no!!! Please, editors, do not arrest me! I am sorry! I promise to only write about Nintendo games from now on, do not send me to video game prison, noooooooooo)
We apologise for the tragic arrest of the author of this piece. Please tell us which speedrun you'll be looking forward to in the comments!
[source gamesdonequick.com]
Comments 16
007 Nightfire is a must-watch for me. Absolute classic.
That picture of Not-Mario/Dorian does remind me I put my playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition on hold like two years ago. I should probably get back to that one of these days.
I would be terrible at those events.
@Eel I downloaded Dragon Age Inquisition onto my PS4 like 6 years ago. I then decided to play through the first two games again before playing Inquisition. Reminding myself of Dragon Age II killed all motivation.
You can speed run Nintendogs?
I'm not sure I'd want to see poor Nintendogs being force fed and dragged around for clicks.
Where are PETA when real injustices occur?
there are two games I would like to see on the switch , Nintendogs and Nintendcats. those would be relaxing fun
How do you finish Nintendogs? Is there an ending? Are there end credits?
I guess you eluded to it in your subtitle: Goodest Boy%
I wonder which dog will be selected.
There's a few games I'm honestly baffled to see make the list. Star Tropics II, for instance.
Seeing that Tiny Toons Adventure game reminded me of this 3rd party NES controller I owned as a kid that let me press the entire D-Pad down at once and input all directions, which would confuse some games. In Tiny Toons, it would cause them to do a "direction change" animation thing, and send them zooming across the screen. I wonder if this technique is somehow utilized in speed running? I guess I better tune in to find out!
(For the record, I did resist typing in "toon" in to find out")
Did... did Kate just use the degree symbol as a substitute for an O?
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga at 34 minutes??? Impressive. That is less than a minute per level. Am I reading that right?
Welp Kate's gone
@nessisonett thought the same, thats one of my favourite speedruns @sgdq!
The Super Metroid race should be an absolute sight to behold.
Nintendodogs? Interesting.
I liked GDQ's speedruns of Splatoon 2, and also Octo expansion, both by TonesBalones. Easy recommendation for Splatoon likers, they're entertaining.
@Eel DAI is one of my all-time favourite games!! It's also FRUSTRATINGLY SLOW for the first few hours >: (
@Silly_G I believe the run is winning all the contests!
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