A leaker with a solid track record on the topic of Pokémon has revealed that a new 'Pokémon Presents' broadcast is coming in June – which would tie-in with E3 2021.
@KeliosFR is the leaker who correctly predicted the announcement of the Diamond and Pearl remakes, and was one of the first people to post footage of the games prior to their official unveiling.
According to Kelios, we'll be getting the broadcast in 'early June' and it will reveal the release dates for Pokémon Unite and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as well as other details.
The last Pokémon Presents we got was in February of this year, which revealed the existence of the aforementioned Diamond and Pearl remakes. We've also had presentations of this type around E3 time, so it's highly likely this rumour is legit. Perhaps you disagree? Let us know with a comment.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 37
Yeah that is to be expected, you don't have to be an insider to predict that
@mariomaster96 Pretty much. 2017 and 2019 had a Pokemon Direct the week before E3, 2018 had a live event at the end of May and 2020 had 2 Pokemon Presents in June.
Pokémon Directs / presents / etc. are usually in the week(s) before E3 so, yeah.
With not just one but two core Pokemon RPGs releasing within the next 12 months, not to mention Unite and other spin-offs, one would hope that a new Pokemon Presents/Direct is on its way very soon.
Diamond and pearl remakes will come out end of November, unite in August.
It's almost as if we'll get lots of game news around E3 🤔
@Pokester99 Can’t wait to see more people complaining as well!
Which means that Pokemon won't have much screen time at E3... perhaps too many titles on E3 that would steal the spotlight?
I mean, that’s not the wildest prediction. Pokemon is usually not featured in Nintendo’s E3 presentations, even if it may appear in Treehouse. The Pokemon Company usually just does their own thing.
And besides, Pokemon Unite wouldn’t ever be featured at E3 in the first place.
Game announcements in June? How groundbreaking
I wish I could filter rumors out. I keep seeing these amazing headlines and then BOOM--Rumor.
this is pretty much a given, they always do this before e3 then Nintendo remind us during the main show
Timing checks out. Would be nice to have some more information on the remakes. They might be simplistic looking but the more traditional style could mean a lot of neat things: more post-game content, exp. share alterations, maybe even a hard difficulty. Who knows though?
I hope before the year ends we get a third Pokémon game that isn't Unite specifically. Pokémon's 25th Anniversary is giving us an overdue sequel and long awaited remakes, but I feel like it could use just something a little extra. Not something huge, but something that could be like a $20-30 eShop game like a new Pinball or a Rumble that actually has effort put into it.
@Pokester99 And ironically, neither BDSP or Unite are being developed by Game Freak.
@Pokester99 Pokemon UNITE is made by TiMi Studios and the BDSP are made by ILCA, but sure, lets talk about Game Freak...
I can't wait to play this game, I want to see why people love them so damn much.
@Trikeboy Game Freak still has Pokemon Legends Arceus though. The reveal trailer itself looked like a promising new direction, but it also looked really, really, really rough.
@Pokester99 Nintendo for one, apparently
@spinzaku97 It was also really really not finished.
And people still wonder why Nintendo doesn't show early gameplay footage of their games.
@Pokester99 Game Freak own the brand, but The Pokémon Company has the say in what is published, along with Nintendo. Game Freak did a great job with New Pokémon Snap.
As others have said, I wouldn't be shocked if this were true. It would be weirder if we didn't get a separate Pokémon Direct around E3.
The only thing I want is tons of news about Legends: Arceus.
Hopefully Pokémon snap DLC
Yet another "rumour" or " leak" that just turns out to be glorified speculation. They do a livestream every year, so it's pretty obvious they'll done one this year.
@Trikeboy I thought Game Freak were not the ones who made Snap?
@spinzaku97 that is not even the final product. It is too early to judge right now
@Trikeboy The Pokémon brand is co-owned by Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak, with The Pokémon Company serving as a licensing and brand management firm also co-owned by Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak, so those three companies are above The Pokémon Company. Also, New Pokémon Snap was developed by Bandai Namco.
Not saying this to be confrontational, though. Just correcting the facts.
@Trikeboy @dont_simp_for_them Pretty sure new Snap was developed by Bandai Namco, not GF
Wasn't there a Pokemon Presents before E3 back in 2019?
Now all we need is a Smash Direct for E3 and fans will be happy.
Sword and Shield DLC 3?
Of course they'll put out a video around E3. How is it a rumor? Here's another "rumor" the sun is gonna rise tomorrow!
While it is highly likely due to the date, the fact that this guy is predicting the games will be translated to Brazilian Portuguese, which has NEVER EVER happened, makes me seriously skeptical.
@Kelnos @Pokester99 @dont_simp_for_them Yes, I know, I was hoping Pokestar99 would say something like "thank you Bandai Namco", and he did. Funny that Pokester99 says thanks to Namco but complains about Game Freak when Game Freak aren't the ones developing UNITE and BDSP. Shouldn't you be praising Game Freak since the answer to his leading question: "Who gets a say into what should or shouldn't be published?" is Game Freak? You aren't a hypocrite are you Pokester99?
@Pokester99 That is the weakest response ever. Game Freak chose Bandai Namco, TiMi and ILCA to make the games. Why is it ok to whine and blame Game Freak for games you don't like, but don't praise Game Freak for games that are well received by fans? You are just as bad as the morons that criticize Kathleen Kennedy when they don't like something in Star Wars, but never praise her when there is something they do like in Star Wars.
@anoyonmus I'm not saying that Pokemon Legends Arceus won't improve. I'm sure that the final game won't have a horrendous framerate like it does on the reveal trailer. However, the reveal and actual launch for Sword and Shield did look exactly the same, so it's not like there's no precedent.
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