
Another long week has come and gone; one that saw Nintendo announce a new indigo Switch Lite, rumours and a staunch denial that someone was looking to snap up Square Enix, and a rather good Nintendo Indie World Showcase that saw some releases drop on Switch eShop. Lots of weekend fodder!

Now, though, it's time to discuss our weekend gaming plans. Members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Thomas Whitehead, deputy editor

I'll be away from home for a couple of days, so my trusty Switch will come into its own as it often does. I'm currently doing a bit of old-fashioned grinding in Monster Hunter Rise to improve my armour; I've seen the first credits and am now getting into the meat of it. Beyond that I'll jump between games depending on my mood: Huntdown is an awesome run and gun, I recently picked up OlliOlli: Switch Stance, and I redownloaded Oxenfree to actually finish it properly in celebration of the sequel.

I also have The World Ends with You: Final Remix installed for a playthrough, might as well use that Brain Training Switch stylus for something.

Ryan Craddock, news editor

I’m not usually the sort to try out new and quirky indie games, instead favouring the comfort and familiarity of established franchises I already know I’ll love, but this week's Indie World Showcase hooked me far more than any previous presentation focused on these digital delights.

As such, I’ll be getting stuck into two of the games that launched immediately after the show – The Longing and FEZ. I’ve heard really good things about FEZ’s gameplay, and Alex's review is more than convincing, but The Longing is the game that really pulled me in during the show. A game that makes you sit around for 400 real days, trying to figure out what on Earth to do with your life? Maybe new ideas can be familiar after all?

Kate Gray, staff writer

It's new games this week for me! While I have been chugging Friends of Mineral Town like a delicious cold pint of farming, I've also moved on to playing Fez for the first time. So far I have no idea what's going on, and everyone I know who has played it keeps giving me a smug, knowing look, like "ooooh just you wait".

I've also just started up a certain upcoming review, which is MILES better than I was expecting. You get to call your character whatever you want, and I called them "Badguy Murderman" because I thought it would be funny. Now I can't use any of the screenshots that say the name in my review.

PJ O'Reilly, reviewer

Hello. This weekend I’ll be spending the majority of my Switch gaming time making my way through Bitmap Bureau’s retro hack and slash effort, Battle Axe, in order to bring you guys a review in time for its release on the 22nd of this month. I’ll also be getting my skate on with Agens Games and Room 8 Studio’s Skate City, which drops at the beginning of May and looks like a properly chilled out time.

Elsewhere, my love affair with Warframe continues unabated, I’m absolutely down a deep Tenno hole here, and I’ll also be making a little bit of time to finally jump into Pokemon Sword and Shield with my six year old, who can now just about read at the level required to handle all of the in-game text by himself, so he’s very excited to get busy “catching them all” as the kids say. Have a good time whatever you’re up to or playing this weekend and stay safe out there.

Austin Voigt, contributing writer

This weekend it's all about Fez, Pac-Man 99, Monster Hunter Rise and Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town for me, baby! It's an oddball lineup, but I've essentially decided I need to get out of this bad habit of mine in which I purchase new games and never actually get around to playing them — I just turn on Animal Crossing or Breath of the Wild and screw around for a while until I fall asleep. It ends now! This weekend, I'll be like the cool kids and actually play all of the cool new games, I'm determined! ...It probably won't actually happen, but a girl can dream.

Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer

That Nindie direct certainly took a shot at my wallet this time so I will be spending the weekend with Fez (first time playing it!), There Is No Game (spoiler: There is a game), the 99 cent sensation Toree 3D, the multiplayer chaos of Knight Squad 2, the relaxing-until-you-crash-a-plane Fly TOGETHER!, the ongoing spooktastic adventures of The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark and career month 100 of Wrestling Empire. All of this assuming I can stay away long enough from the GameCube and Wii.

Game of the week will take me about 400 days or so to “complete”. It is very hard to describe the allure of The Longing but I quite enjoy the solitude. Will probably have re-read Moby Dick by Monday.

As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...