Would you like to see Nintendo revive some of its older and perhaps lesser-known IPs for the Switch generation? Well, if Shuntaro Furukawa's latest comments are anything to go by, it's probably best not to get your hopes up too much.
During an interview with Nikkei earlier this week, the Nintendo president explained how much of the company's current focus was on "new ideas" and what's next (aka the future). Although Nintendo has a lot of older franchises it could fall back on, it sounds like it's only really interested in keeping evergreen titles and "staple series" (such as Mario and Zelda) around.
Here's exactly what Furukawa had to say, courtesy of a translation by Nintendo Everything:
"We are constantly looking out for new ideas and researching what we can utilize next. In future, we want to not only work on our staple series like Mario and Zelda but also work on new games and new series."
Nintendo was able to take Zelda and Mario to new heights this generation with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. Alongside these more familiar series, we've also seen a number of new games such as ARMS and Ring Fit Adventure.
How would you feel about seeing more "new games and new series" from Nintendo moving forward? Would you like another success story such as Splatoon, or would you rather a blast from the past? Share your thoughts down below.
[source nikkei.com, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 147
Isn't that what they always say and do? Nothing new here.
Those kinds of responses sounds too PR and prefabricated.
Mario is alive, not dead.
Nothing surprising here. Switch has been pretty consistent with this ideology. Maintain core series like mario and zelda while releasing the occasional experiment like arms, labo, Astral chain, or ring fit. If a new idea hits - like splatoon -treat it like a mario or zelda game moving forward.
Yeah, kind of got the message that Nintendo doesn't care about F-Zero, Wave Race, Wario Land and other games, but thanks for the reminder Furukawa...
Should have said Donkey Kong, Mario and Zelda. Sad to see so much time pass since the last game in 2014.
It is hammered in that F-Zero is NOT coming back.
Standard PR talk, move along...
It's really sad that the only franchises Nintendo cares about these days are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Pokémon, Splatoons and Animal Crossing. Nintendo is basically replacing some of their iconic franchises in favor of introducing new ones which is the opposite of what we want from them.
I want my 1080 and Wave Race sequels. Nintendo used to have so many racing games, especially on GameCube which had Kirby Air Ride too... now only one...
I don't know why they don't see the great potential for online versions of some of these games.
At least in terms of F-Zero there's quite a few quality third party games filing the gap. I've found no decent games like 1080 or Wave Race.
So, we're back to arrogant Nintendo, aren't we? Every time Nintendo is doing good financially, they start making the worst possible decisions. This has been proven time and time again. It's actually unexpected.
that disapointing to know, so no more Donkey Kong country, F-Zero WarioWare/Warioland games coming to Switch?what a waste of opurtunity not releasing this franchises on Switch(new games not ports).
@Clyde_Radcliffe Didn't even think of an online Kirby Air Rider til just now. Imagine City Ride online working like a MMO with a bunch of players flying around a huge city for a while.
What about donkey kong ? Not relevant anymore for nintendo ?
@Riderkicker It would be amazing or as others have suggested recently an F-Zero Battle Royale style game!
Toon Link in Arena Ferox. This clearly confirms The Legend of Zelda: Link's Fire Emblem Awakening.
Can't wait.
@Giancarlothomaz @AJ1 @MS7000 Wario and Donkey Kong could be considered part of the Mario franchise/universe so those games might be okay...
F-Zero GX remake please, that's really all I ask.
Splatoon overrated? Look man, it's fine that it doesn't click for you, but you can still go ahead and admit the game has a huge following across 2 entries (soon to be 3). So no, it's not overrated. It's brilliant.
How many clicks can clickbait bait if clickbait can bait clicks?
Frankly, I'd like to see Nintendo give Mario and Link a rest for a while. I'm pretty sick of those characters right now. I'd rather see Samus get more attention, or maybe give Daisy and Peach their own official game. How about a Zelda game where you actually play as Zelda? And don't give me any of that crap about the CD-i games. Nintendo had almost nothing to do with them.
The quote doesn't say a single thing about forgetting past IPs. This is terrible, terrible journalism... I'm kinda done with this site
This is one hell of a worrying stance to be taking, and one that will bite them where the sun doesn't shine.
@Joker1234 Just like Sega.
@Anti-Matter That’s a good joke,
@Clyde_Radcliffe I am referring to the DK games not as a character only.
Keep moving forward Nintendo!
I think the problem is that F Zero, 1080, Wave Race, Kid Icarus.. they’re remembered fondly by so few people. Is it profitable to make new games I’m for these IPs in 2021. I feel like we’re extremely lucky we’re getting Metroid 4 as 1-3 didn’t exactly sell massive numbers or copies
How much I would want a new F-Zero game, I'd rather have new IPs. I do want a new racing game from Nintendo though, and no I'm not talking about Mario Kart.
Well let’s have BOTW2, Metroid and a 3d world in Donkey Kong would be great.
They do take there time Nintendo AAA studios.
@Anti-Matter Does Cartoonish = for kids though?
Because it really doesn’t. Splatoon is a really good shooter irrespective of its welcoming art style. I’d rather play a cartoonish shooter like Fortnite than another military one like Warzone.
@AJ1 But my point is if Nintendo considers Donkey Kong as part of the Mario universe those games might continue.
I grew up with almost zero Nintendo presence (except for Pokémon), so that's fine by me. My Nintendo nostalgia reaches only as far back as my late teenage years (2007 onwards).
I'm sad about this because Kid Icarus Uprising made me want more from that franchise.
Seems a bit of a stretch to take that from that small comment to be honest.
Welp guess I'm never getting a Fossil Fighters sequel
Starfox, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Wave Race, Warioland etc. are all amazing franchises that need to come to the Switch
@Anti-Matter "Splatoon was too overrated."
You forgot to add "in my oppinion"
That's one dramatic implication deduced from the translated quote that says nothing of "forgotten franchises" (not even to get started on whether the fandom and Nintendo are necessarily on the same page when defining a forgotten franchise ot staple series). Focus is one thing, but Nintendo clearly looks back often enough to release a once shelved Star Fox 2 or back up Sakurai's quest for Banjo and Kazooie in Smash.
It always makes me laugh when I hear this, as a quick remaster of an older franchise doesn’t cost the company that much and tests the water in terms of sales and attract rate before creating a new entry.
When I say remaster I’m talking in the same lines and costs as panzer dragoon for example.
@RadioHedgeFund "Does Cartoonish = for kids though?"
Not when Peach beach is added in the same sentence it doesnt 🍑😂
It’s really easy to confuse your love for a character or artstyle for loving a game mechanic. I feel F-Zero was a really cool visual, but it’s just a fast racing game with a Sci Fi skin. These days that isn’t original or unique. Golden Sun is a JRPG that doesn’t have a particularly unique play style, but Fire Emblem has had the marriage and children mechanic, followed by the make friends at Hogwarts sub mechanic. You may not like Pikmin, Splatoon, or Luigi’s Mansion, but it’s obvious Nintendo knows there’s more to be mined creatively there. I wonder if there’s anything else that can be done different to Earthbound, Waverace and maybe even Punchout that hasn’t been done already?
Sales indicate you’re in the minority.
Ik this is PR speak but how in the hell can you expect a past series to grow or potentially become a staple of sorts when you aren't even trying to give it/them a chance?
It may be guaranteed money, but all these resources thrown into/wasted on stuff like constant remakes and stuff that could use some cool down time like Splatoon(we couldn't even get a new MK yet somehow they find the time to make Splatoon 3 just a few years after the 2nd).
@MrGawain Well please feel free to explain something like Ice Climbers not getting another shot, as an example, cause you can't tell me they have -no- ideas on even a small downloadable entry when it comes to something as ancient as that.
The sad thing about Golden Sun though(the og being my favorite duo of games) is that it seems pretty clear it was probably just meant to be that standalone gamecube title before they moved it to gba w/ a split. :l I think Camelot is intentionally stalling for years at a time at this point.
I hope Metroid is a "staple series", whatever that means.
This is NOT news.
The problem is alot of nintendo's back catalog are a bunch of washed up franchises that nobody cares about anymore. I want to see new ips. Big ips. No more little kid games.
I do hope this doesn't mean they won't bring back some IPs. There's still much potential in some of those forgotten ones.
So same old? Cool.
Aaaand everone start panicing that they are never going to revisit older games ever again in 3...2...1...
Come on. We all know they would be crazy to make it a priority.
"Those kinds of responses sounds too PR and prefabricated."
That's basically Furukawa Shuntaro in a nutshell. He might well be the most nondescript president Nintendo ever had.
While i think the Switch is the perfect time to bring back some beloved series, i do love that Nintendo also always wants to try out new things. Arms was a great example of trying something innovative and it was fun, even if it didn't rise to fame like other IPs.
I can only hope they’d then consider farming out some of their other IPs to other companies to work on. Sure there are plenty of studios who would do justice with a new Pilotwings or F-Zero.
@Lalivero Every generation Nintendo's list of IP grows. It will only get harder to support or give a chance to a growing list old series as time passes. Especially given tech expectations makes each project bigger than ever.
And as shown by the Mario & Luigi RPGs and Alphadream, the game industry is so cutthroat that not even the Mario Brand is safe from failure.
It's not safe to assume that a series' audience will definitely come back to it, so Nintendo have to be careful about which games they make and when. I think the reason a number of their new IP (Splatoon and Ring Fit) do so well is because they have the advantage of being able to be designed for a modern audience/tastes, whereas older series there's a fan expectation for them to follow conventions that didn't draw that big of an audience back then either, letalone in the present.
@Anti-Matter I feel the opposite. Splatoon is underrated. One of the most innovate shooters ever made, and influential on later multiplayer titles as far as content delivery, like a proto-GaaS.
Most criticism was for how it trickled out content over time, but this is par for course nowadays and kept the game fresh (pun intended) for years.
TBH I'm all for Nintendo exploring new ideas. They have a fantastic innovative edge, as is proven by the success of the Switch and Wii, and the boldness of the Wii-U God rest its soul. Let's see more of that in the software: we get more than enough sequels and remakes.
Let's be real. From a business perspective.
They don't need F-ZERO/Wave Race. Mario Kart scratches the racing itch.
They don't need Mother. Fire Emblem/Zelda/Paper Mario/Xenoblade scratches the "RPG-ish" itch.
They don't need Donkey Kong. Mario/Kirby(?) scratches the platform itch.
Metroid is the only one I see sense in bringing back.
@Spiders splatoon is effing great. no other console has anything like it. it's more than just a "deathmatch shooter"
I am a different gamer.
I will choose playing cartoonish boxing like ARMS / Animal Boxing NDS rather than playing shooter games.
I wasn't born to like shooter games despite i played Ratchet & Clank games.
I felt peoples just too justified shooting genre as must play games, what about the other genre like rhythm / minor sports ?
I would rather being unpopular and very different rather than getting into cookie cutter popular games.
@Dr_Lugae I agree, but it’s a shame Nintendo doesn’t use the “indie” channel to resurrect some of their older titles in small experimental projects. I think they’re too stubborn and afraid to devalue their IPs, however dormant.
@Anti-Matter "cookie-cutter popular games" yeah funny joke Anti.
Same as always then?
I’m not sure Ice Climbers was a good game to begin with. How much better can you make a upward platformer with hammer weapons? I think Nintendo has invested it’s resources in better mini games like Pushmo and Snipperclips.
I think they are saying what a lot of fans want to hear but do they really mean it?
@Wavey84 Pikmin 3 DX has sold much better than Kid Icarus Uprising, though.. And Pikmin is a more interesting series.
I want them both! Obv we need Mario and zelda to keep going strong- but I’ve been dying for them to remake Pro Wrestling ever since the WWE games started being scarce on their systems. And Mike Tyson has basically redeemed himself in the eyes of the world- rerelease the greatest boxing game of all time and make a new punch out to go along
They didn’t have to sign the release with “and staple series don’t include f-zero, mother, star tropics, or kid icarus: so quit asking”. That was rude.
They forgot to mention ports
At the very least they could play fair and be clear about it.
"We have no plans to bring back F-Zero/Mother/Starfox... in the near future"
@Anti-Matter That’s no problem! I feel that way about realistic shooters that don’t really appeal to me.
In fact I only tried Splatoon because Nintendo made it, not expecting to play it for more than 10 or 20 hours.
I just don’t think you can call it overrated. Besides what I mentioned before, it’s Nintendo’s strongest new IP over the last two decades.
ARMs is dope, and I hope it gets a sequel that will be built to have a lasting competitive scene.
Saaaay, Bowser.... what price for the Drill Dozer IP? Mole Mania?
Sure Nintendo’s key studio should continue working on their key franchises, but studios like Next Level, NST, Monolith’s B-Team, Retro and close 3rd parties like Grezzo, and possibly the likes of Platinum, Bandai and Koei, Nintendo should get to work on new games for their lesser franchises.
@SoManyHaveDied Totally. I think the only thing that comes close is Overwatch, in that there are more ways to contribute than “shoot the bad guys”, but Splatoon is much less rigid in how you can accomplish win conditions, way less toxic, and doesn’t have an overbearing “meta”.
@Silly_G A lot more than it takes licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
@Spiders I couldn't get into Splatoon(2?). Hell, I'm so dumb I couldn't even get through the opening 10 minutes.
Some of these takes seem needlessly negative 😬
Just because Nintendo says they are focusing on staple IPs like Mario/Zelda and new IPs doesn't mean they are going to Thanos snap their smaller IPs out of existence.
New Pokemon Snap (a sequel to a 20+ year-old fan-favorite Pokemon spin-off) and Famicom Detective Club (a remake of a 30+ year-old Japan-only visual novel) are releasing within the next couple of weeks. Nintendo clearly sees value in their non-Mario/Zelda games.
Hahaha how insightful
Animal Crossing New Horizons outsold the entire Metroid franchise. So even bigger ip's look a little small in comparison.
New games are always welcome, but I would love to see Wave Race, 1080, F-Zero, ExciteTruck, Punch-Out, Mario Strikers and Star Fox more often
@westman98 Pokemon Snap is a spinoff to an already milked franchise. Stuff like Wario Land, F Zero, Star Fox, and even Metroid at the rate Prime 4 is going are all dormant. The only Metroid fix i have on the Switch is the lousy online services port of Metroid 1 and Super Metroid, were four years into the system and couldn't even get one remake while Pokemon gets two remakes?
if Splatoon, Arms, and another button masher by Platinum Games is their idea of new IPs, I'd much rather see old stuff revived instead.
Where exactly do spin-offs for existing games fall between new IPs and staple series?
Wario Land is a spin-off to Mario, a franchise that is "milked" as much if not more than Pokemon.
@ShriekXL I can't get into Splatoon no matter how much I try... I want to like it, but the multiplayer just gets stale for me after a few hours. The multiplayer of 2 just felt so barebones & limited compared to every other kind of shooter I've played before, the fact that 2 of whopping the 3 multiplayer modes were tied to Ranked didn't help. Aside from the new story mode, Splatoon 2 felt more like it should've been some of the post-release content added to Splatoon 1 rather than a full on sequel.
Just my irrelevant take though. If you enjoy it, good for you, glad you could enjoy it.
@MrGawain You're absolutely right. I feel like Nintendo never really had any ideas for f-zero to begin with they just rolled with it for a bit because the first one sold well only because of the era it was in. F zero is way more visual than it is any sort of a deeply rooted game in it's mechanics.
Donkey Kong. I just want Donkey Kong.
Sometimes it is good to try new ideas, however, Nintendo - in my opinion - is playing very safe at the moment and I don't see them taking a big risk on a new IP and, if it's to bring a new IP, I reckon they wouldn't invest too much $$$ in it.
It would be much more logical and profitable to bring known IPs that have been dormant for quite some time now, the list is huge...
Pillotwings, Wave Race, 1080, Cruis'n, Star Fox, F-Zero, Diddy Kong Race etc...
I'd take any of these over a new IP.
Speaking of Nintendo, does anyone honestly believe they are even capable of producing a new unique IP at this point? What even was their last one? Splatoon?
Guys theyre remaking Famicom Detective Club, games that aren't "staple" or new. Older series will be fine.
I think this comment is to address everyone who is saying Mario is dead.
He didn't explicitly say they WOULDN'T ever utilize less popular IPs again, merely that they want to try new ideas and nurture their cash cows. Both things are understandable from a business point of view.
They've been saying stuff like this for awhile now. I'd almost consider this non-news.
Just hurry up and remake CHIBI ****ING ROBO!
That's all fine and dandy but at least throw out another Waver Race or 1080 Snowboarding you rat b@stards!
There are actually 6 online multiplayer modes in Splatoon2, 4 of them being tied to ranked.
I see a lot of people complaining about these modes only beign ranked but i dont understand it. Its ok if you never get to S or X. Or if you go down in rank afterwards. Its not that serious
I want to see them invest more in new franchises, that have mature story-telling, that aren't anime art-styled and have some actual racial diversity.
Ring fit and Splatoon are excercise or multiplayer games. So no more multiplayer games.
Recently most of Nintendo games advertised on TV are initially single player games but are advertised as family games. Even a strategy game like Pikmin has multi players in mind.
Put the extra effort in better quality single player games. If Nintendo want multi player games then improve the Mario Parties.
I love the first 3 Paper Marios, but since they're determined not to let the series be what it should be, I'm in favor of letting Warioware/Wario Land completely overtake it as the secondary Mario IP. I'd rather Wario's stuff be saved than endure "he's made out of paper and that's so silly!" humor. I'm not fighting scissors, okay?
My dormant wants are Kid Icarus, Custom Robo and Drill Dozer. But the problem is how I understand Nintendo's creative process. They make a gameplay prototype first, than attach an ip "face" to the prototype. Works good for staples that sell no matter what and new stuff, but revivals? You'd get completely off-genre spin-offs that fans will have no patience for in light of their long wait for a new entry. Revivals represent a challenge to completely reverse how Nintendo operates: Setting out from the beginning to be a Star Fox or Earthbound game.
Kid Icarus Uprising was saved for me by the strong writing, as the gameplay itself is somewhat frustrating. But strong writing isn't always a reliable trait from Nintendo.
I find it hilarious that Nintendo made this comment and no one cares while Sony made a similar announcement and people are losing their minds.
Sure, I won't be holding my breath for a new F-Zero or Wave Race. But this doesn't necessarily mean they or any other dormant series is permanently off the table
@tseliot The motion controls throw a lot of people off - though they’re way superior to sticks and worth learning, and it can take a few hours to level up to get to the near of the game, ranked multiplayer, and a lot of weapon variety is locked at first as well.
I’ve got thousands of hours between both titles so obviously I think it’s worth getting over the early snags, but I’ve lost perspective on being new to the games.
Give it another go! Watch some high level play like SRB2DUDE and see if it’s something you’d want to get into.
@B_Lindz Right? Don’t literally closed their Japan Studio and and closed the door to all but the western single-player, save AstroBot.
Hopefully soon Nintendo will get back into developing fresh content instead of recycling stuff from WiiU, now 3ds etc.
What's the latest new IPs from them? The most recent? Splatoon and Arms I'd say? Can't think of another "new" IP, or at least none that worked tremendously well for them. Couldn't care about Arms, not my thing and neither is Splatoon (I got the 2nd but it's impossible to enjoy when you pro players who have a lot more time than you to spend getting good at it make you regret even daring picking up a controller).
I DO love the world of Splatoon, the aesthetic, the music, etc though so as an "IP" I can at least safely say that I do enjoy it and only wish that they made other styles of game within the same universe. I hope that if they do bring out another new IP in the future, that they make it something that not just fans of online competitive games can enjoy. Cause I don't count myself as part of that crowd.
@Joker1234 Metroid's still got a game coming, Bayo too (even if it's not totally theirs). The Fit series and the Brain Age series have continued, as has Yoshi and Luigi's Mansion and Smash. DK's been a short while without a release, but there's no reason to think it's going away. And Warioware just got a new game a few years ago, as did Rhythm Heaven.
The only notable series in trouble are Wars, Wario Land, Kid Icarus, Punch-Out, Wave Race, 1080, Chibi-Robo, Custom Robo etc, aka all the games that were already in trouble long before the current turn of fortune. The only others are Pikmin and DK, both of which have at least received ports this generation.
I don't really think this is a sign of arrogance due to increased fortune. Besides, they literally just revived Famicom Detective Club of all things, so it's not like their actions match their words.
@RudyC3 Astral Chain is NIntendo owned, though not developed. Sushi Striker is new but... eh. Miitopia is sorta new...? BoxBoy may be newer than Splatoon, I forget, along with all the other 3DS eshop IPs (Dillons, Sakura, Pushmo, etc). Part Time UFO. Ever Oasis. Code Name S.T.E.A.M. Most of these were mid to late 3DS era tbh.
...But yeah people do tend to forget that for every successful new IP, there's usually a dozen that fail to make a mark.
@MS7000 Nintendo, despite having loads of money, is not willing to invest in fan-favourite series sadly. They’ve become very ‘corporate’ over the last number of years. The innovative, playful company is a thing of the past. We still have their old games to enjoy though.
@Wavey84 You leave Pikmin alone
So no more Metroid? No more Donkey Kong? And if they aren't coming back, Star Fox is gone. Pokémon will never die. Is Kirby gonna disappear?
@SoManyHaveDied Eh, to some degree, but there's room for a few new IPs in those genres. Mario Kart being the only racing series is probably the biggest one. The series typically sells 10+ million (the only one that didn't AFAIK is 8) and Nintendo's multiplayer games tend to do well (see also: Smash, Splatoon). Not to say that F-Zero, Wave Race, and 1080 Snowboarding are the answer, they could come up with new IPs as well to fill in the gaps, but there's definitely room in the market for another racing game, Mario Kart doesn't entirely scratch the itch for racing and there's a lot more that could be done with the genre. They could do a foot racing game like Sonic R and work in some platforming mechanics, they could make another board racing game with a focus on performing tricks (1080 Snowboard racing did do this, but they could revive it or create something new like it), or at the very least give us an open world racing game like Diddy Kong Racing or Forza Horizon. Having a closed track kart racing game with party mechanics be Nintendo's only racing experience is way too limiting and I'm not convinced in the slightest that there's nothing they can do to shake the genre up that won't sell.
They're saying they'll do what they always do. Balance the new with the old. Make or contract for new IPs while balancing bringing their old stuff back. Like they just brought back very obscure ones like Famicom Detective Club and Miitopia and old spin offs like Pokemon Snap while finding for new games.
@Dr_Lugae Of course you can't just expect to save everrryyy IP they have because that's a hella list, but why not do an occasional release on the odd dormant IP to gauge the potential in them?(akin to what they did for Kid Icarus with Awakening).
Doesn't have to be like yearly releases but you can tell after a certain point they be acting like they are dry on IP and then we have cases like Splatoon 3 popping up so soon. It's even more noticeable when they started focusing on a lone console. At least with two, they could mask that more by making similar releases for each.
@MrGawain Not saying it was some sorta super iconic game, but, like the games you listed, how is there not potential to actually do something with it? Could be a dual character(ie Unravel) mountain platformer/adventure or something. The fact that the og game is so... bare bones could be the opening to revisiting some new idea(s) with the IP.
If you want an example of something else that could fall under the umbrella you're presenting, try Kirby. Aside from his sucking ability, what the hell are his games even? What's holding N&P from having some sorta ability...or are they doomed to stay in the land of irrelevancy simply because their og adventure ain't have much going on(on a limited system)? 🤔🤔
Lol Where on earth are people getting the notion that this means no more DK, Metroid etc. ??? Seems like some folks here took this the wrong way for no reason at all.
Pretty sure this has been Nintendo's plan for a while now. Sticking with Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kirby etc. but also making IPs such as Splatoon, Arms and Astral Chain.
@Bolt_Strike well, a port is their highest selling game..........so why use money to make another racing game? 3rd parties can take the different racing approach games. they might have learned their lesson when Double Dash sales obliterated FZero on GC (don't know the name) sales.
Yes...so they will continue doing what every publisher and developer does.
@SoManyHaveDied If racing is so successful that they can make money with a port, then what kind of money are they going to make if they actually try? MK8D's success implies that they should be doing more with racing, not less. If something's successful, you invest more money into it to try and replicate that success, so if a racing game is selling insane amounts, it's worth experimenting to see if there's a larger demand for racing that isn't being fully tapped.
Also Double Dash is still a different sort of racing game from other Mario Karts because of the double racers mechanic, so that doesn't really prove your point.
@Chamver What is arrogant about wanting to make new IPs? What makes you think that new IPs are a bad idea? You don't even know what they are yet haha.
f-zero is dead
@SpaceKaren The switch era alone has seen Arms, Labo, Astral chain, and Ring Fit. All new IPs all owned by Nintendo.
@SoManyHaveDied F-Zero scratches the Mario Kart itch, in the same way that there was no need to bring back Doom because Call of Duty is a thing.
Mario Kart is great and all, but F-Zero is something else. If they've made 5 Mario Karts since the last F-Zero game, I'm not buying the idea that there's nothing they can think off for a new game.
I am all for some new Nintendo franchises being developed, but I want some of the old ones too! More Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Star Fox! A new Steel Diver would make this guy extremely happy! Please Nintendo!
@westman98 lmao how is it milked more? There hasn't been a Wario Land game since 2008.
Game Freak's current plan for Pokemon is a new release every year, thats the definition of milked.
Well this sucks. So no more star fox, golden sun, f-zero, wario land. I guess it's a miracle that we still get metroid.
Millions of people don't know about the F-Zero, Earthbound franchises, much less Metroid, Kid Icarus, Pilotwings, etc. Metroid at this point should be the Resident Evil/Call of Duty for Nintendo. StarFox could take some inspiration from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in terms of exploration whether on foot or vehicle.
Earthbound, I know nothing of, but you could take a sci-fi route with the franchise and work from there. F-Zero can still work, use some F1 racing aesthetics with a storyline, customizations, cups, pro seasons, sorta like a sports simulation thing. Excitebike should make return, tired of Mario Kart being the only racing game with quality.
While there at it, someone make an Ever Oasis 2. You could have something there. Between Ever Oasis and the Bravely Series, these stand out from the 3DS era, compared to the rest.
There hasn't been a Pokemon Snap game in 2 decades.
I never mentioned mainline Gamefreak Pokémon.
How about a new 2D Metroid. Been waiting nearly 25 years for that (and yes I know about the 3ds remake of Samus returns). And actually make it a full game that doesnt make you keep paying money for DLC's of stuff that should've just been in the game to begin with.
Also Sushi Strikers, Snipperclips, and Buddy Mission BOND.
Sadly, Sushi Strikers bombed and Buddy Mission BOND is Japan-only (for now), but they all qualify as new IPs.
They said this before and only half focused on their promises. Nice PR. Just go continue porting old crap in premium, man. They know that's what's giving them ez money for minimum effort. They have PLENTY of IP'S of basically every genre, stop ignoring them, especially when you have a system that sells like hot cakes.
Of course I would. Nintendo usually makes fun stuff old and new.
Well, I always felt this was sorely needed by Nintendo for a while... But then again, they're saying "staple series" will continue, so I presume there will continue to be more Mario, Zelda, etc. alongside new stuff. That said, Nintendo already has a lot of interesting ideas in the form of dormant IP they haven't touched in years. They could afford to revisit those kinds of games as well, I feel.
The ironic thing is that Nintendo's dead IPs would be more fun online than what we have already.
@Tjerty Nevertheless, even the very first F-Zero is still a surprisingly fun and unique little action-racing game.
@SoManyHaveDied Nothing scratches the Donkey Kong itch besides Donkey Kong.
@SpaceboyScreams top 10 truisms
I would like to see Pilotwings, Wace Race and 1080 Snowboarding
What's old is now new. Alot of kids play old games and wonder why no one's made more. We know they didn't sell then, but they will sell now.
I want to see them strictly focus on new I.P. only. My Hope and wish and expectation would be that the vast majority of their new IP's would be JRPGs
I love new series but people don't always buy them like they do more well known brands. Labo 1: Variety Kit, Labo 2 Robot Kit, Labo 3 Vehicle Kit, and Labo 4 Virtual Reality Kit were all awesome and so was Clubhouse Games and Ring Fit Adventure and Snipperclips and I play ARMS almost every day. They have a lot of games like that, and some people act like they don't make anything new but when they put out something new they get ignored because it's not another 3rd person action adventure game or nobody has ever heard of it.
@Wavey84 A new Kid Icarus that develops on what Uprising started would be exciting, but I think Pikmin 4 would also be exciting.
Pikmin is a much more solid franchise. The first two Kid Icarus games were somewhat mediocre at the time, which is probably why Nintendo abandoned the series.
So where's Fire Emblem Sakurai?
A lot of Nintendo franchise's are dormant not just because of low sales potential, but also because the creators have moved on to other franchises or endeavors
This applies to games like Kid Icarus with Sakurai/Sora and Mother/Earthbound with Itoi. Probably the same thing for Punch-Out with Next Level Games (though who knows what they are working on right now) and Waverace/1080 Snowboarding with Nintendo EPD.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Splashdown (PS2) is a pretty fun Waverace like series, but yeah it seems that genre has sailed into the sunset, and yeah it’s really sad
My Top 10 Nintendo IP Revivals:
1. Super Mario RPG
2. F-Zero (I'd even take a spinoff like F-Zero Adventures with Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh, Pico etc.)
4. 2D Metroid
5. Mario Sports (Sluggers, Strikers, 3 on 3 Hoops, Sports Mix etc.)
6. WarioWare/Rhythm Heaven
7. Kid Icarus
8. Golden Sun
9. Pilotwings
10. Star Fox
If Nintendo really isn't planning on focusing on some of their heralded properties themselves, they should really let good 3rd party developers handle them with some oversight.
@antonio2244 If you think that's a long wait, consider this: it's been 19 years since the last original 2D Metroid game.
Nintendo may neglect their old IP, but they’re smart enough to throw us a bone every once in a while. I don’t expect a new F Zero, but a collection or HD remake would be nice.
The literal translation seems like it's being misinterpreted in this article. He never said "only" staple series and new ip. He's making a contrast between existing and new
I love new IPs but they should look after their old ones too. Fossil Fighters and Endless Ocean are catching dust after not getting new games for years.
This story really didn't age well. In 2021 or 2022
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