Fire Emblem: Three Houses comparison

Eagle-eyed fans of Fire Emblem on Reddit and Twitter have noticed a potential leak of new Fire Emblem: Three Houses art that may or may not come from a new game - or an updated version of the current one.

In the recent video, "Fire Emblem Castle Conversations", made to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series, viewers noticed footage that hasn't been seen before. In the footage, Edelgard has a new outfit and an updated look, and Claude also has a new model.

Some fans pointed out that the outfits that Edelgard and Claude are wearing are the special costumes, although the special costumes shouldn't affect what they wear in the cutscene, but also that the cutscene itself might be from an early beta version of the game.

When one Reddit commenter doubted that Nintendo would accidentally leak something like this, people pointed out in the replies that they accidentally leaked Terry in Smash not too long ago, and Simon Belmont before that.

So, what do you think? Beta footage, or actual leak? Would you buy a re-release of Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Let us know your thoughts and speculations in the comments below.
