Nintendo's latest Indie Showcase went out with a bang today, with the announcement that the insanely popular multiplayer game Among Us would be landing on the Switch. It comes with cross-play and can obviously be played on the go, thanks to the system's portable nation.
Of course, being such a big indie release, we're curious to know if you're picking it up if you've already played it on a PC or mobile device. Keep in mind, it's a paid download (unlike the mobile version) and you'll need to have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription in order to play the online mode. So vote in our poll below and leave a comment down below.
Comments 97
l already play it on PC. So no thank you
I been playing it on mobile but I have been wanting to play it on my switch for a Long time So I allready got it Just haven't started playing yet.
Been playing it on my phone since I don't have a gaming PC, so I'm especially excited for this! I played it for an hour earlier, and it's already such an upgrade visually, being a lot bigger. I also really appreciate how you can use buttons OR touchscreen for each task. I've been alternating between whichever feels right depending on the task and it's much more fun than on mobile. Only somewhat annoying thing is typing, but I'm getting faster typing with the touchscreen lol.
@realityxaidan They did a really good job.
Among us on the switch feels very clean compared to the other versions. Controlling the game with a controller feels so much more natural and smooth. I'm also pretty sure that the framerate is better than on mobile. The only downside to the switch version though is typing with randoms (which can be worked around via wireless keyboard). Otherwise, this is the definitive version for me.
Not a high priority for me, but I'll definitely get it later. My laptop is better off used for the games either absent or poorly controlled on portable consoles, and I have little motivation to play an evident action game on the phone touchscreen.
Like I said before, whatever comes out on Switch usually rules out a purchase on ANY other platform for me.
There was no option for having played it a little bit on my phone, which is me. Not paying for it and not renewing the Nintendo online when it runs out either (if it hasn't run out already, I wouldn't notice if it had).
Not interested in it, but I know it has a lot of fans these days.
Finally a popular third party game that was guaranteed to run without issues
@Kimyonaakuma lol, PC/Mobile has hackers, cheats and network issues. If i want to play a game with cheats on a nintendo console(if its crossplat) I will play goldeneye.
Your second poll is lacking an important answer: "I've not played Among Us".
It's free on mobile so I don't feel the need to pay for it on Switch. If I ever had some extra Gold Points I might consider it.
Nope, I don't play streamer games.
You can connect a usb keyboard to the Switch and use it in game right? Seems like just as decent a platform to play the game on as PC is I suppose. If I didn't already have it on steam, I probably would get it on the Switch instead.
honestly, this game totally snuck up on me. I just recently heard about it, and now it's on the Switch for only $5. I may grab this.
I guess I have three versions of Among Us by complete accident:
@ianl579 there is no ads and there might be so outfites to.
A friend roped me into playing Among Us a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say I'm now hooked! I definitely need to practice the imposter role though lol. It definitely requires knowledge of the maps.
I’m getting it on Switch as soon as I can since it has cross play
It's not my sort of thing.
From what I understand. This game is the equivalent of a board/card game about werewolfs and villager, which happens to be the only game I hate more than monopoly and poker. So hard pass.
No thanks. Played it for a couple of days on mobile. It was okay but not really my thing.
@Snatcher Which is great if you play the game frequently, but I watch Among Us more than I play it so the value isn't really there for me.
I bought the game and already had a couple of fun games out of it even though I'm still really not that good at it. It's just some silly fun but it's GOOD silly fun.
The only real reason I'd pay for the Switch version is to play with a controller. Other than that, not going to buy it.
LOL they block out words like F you on the chat LMAO I knew nintendo would have done that there would be no way nintendo would let it stay without blocked chat.
There should be a simple 'no' option.
@Mr_Persona amen
I don't know tbh. If it would not be surrounded by so much hype I would have no interest I guess. It looks pretty bad, but I know it's all about the concept in this case. The thing is that I did not understand the concept and what makes it fun so far. I guess I have to watch an explanation video at some point. (Which I probably could have done in the same time as writing this...)
I barely play new Nintendo games these days let alone what’s trending elsewhere. Most of the gaming world is passing me by like I’m a Sunday drivin bumpkin
I have a nine year-old. Like I have a choice.
@Snatcher fairly sure that isn’t new. It was even the case, though they might have fixed it to some extent, where using a “naughty word” for a name meant everyone else sees you with a blank name.
Among Us? Probs not.
@ChessboardMan but you can't take it off like you can in the others.
A simple time killer, maybe I'll get it some day.
Already have it on my phone but the touch controls keep me away.
"I've already playing it on my Switch!" Is meant to be "I'm already playing it on my Switch!".
I'm going to get it at some point, looks interesting.
I'll probably get it at some point. Can someone who actually has the game confirm that it supports cross platform? I still have only heard people say "I assume so" or some variation of that.
No thanks. I'm good
I'll stick with the PC version, this game plays much better with mouse and keyboard than controller or touch screen.
No, I'm not getting the game, from what I've seen it just doesn't seem fun to me.
Why would anyone pay for this when it’s free on mobile?
The online is free on mobile and PC, so why would anyone buy it on Switch?
I’ve been tempted to get this on mobile because of all the hype and praise it’s been receiving but glad I didn’t. I have a group of friends I game with on Switch and we’re all going to purchase it and try it out soon. fingers crossed 🤞🏼 that it’ll be a fun experience!
Heck no. Indy games like this aren’t quality, imho.
I tried it on mobile and did not like it at all. Not paying a dime to get this on Switch or anywhere else.
Complete waste of money. You can get it for free on other platforms without NSO, and you can type more easily.
This is game is what my dad calls quality crap. In many ways it's quite bad but I can't stop playing it. I just need to fish out my USB keyboard and an adapter to use it in handheld mode, touchscreen typing on Switch is very sus.
I am generally not interested in multiplayer-only games these days.
Not interested.
What is your plan behind these polls?
It went straight to number two last night, sales must have been colossal. My son, daughter and nephews LOVE this, we’ll definitely be getting it on Switch
Bought this game today. Very fun! Typing can suck in public lobbies, but that issue became nonexistent once I started playing with friends with Discord chat which is when the magic of the game really shines! I’m willing to believe that the people who couldn’t get into this game most likely didn’t get to play with friends!
I got it, few bugs here and there and trying out a controller for the first time takes a bit of getting used to.
I am not interested in this game at all, especially since I don't have many friends to play it with. So this game is a easy skip for me.
I don't even watch YouTube videos of Among Us tbh.
It’s free everywhere and 5 dollar on Switch. Why the hell should I get it on the Switch?!
I’d give it a go if it were free. Not paying £4 for a free mobile game. Typically exploiting Nintendo gamers. Seems to be the norm now
@Snatcher I cant work out the censorship on Switch.
I couldn't say Admin last night without it getting blocked off.
@ChaosBadger777 same I think it will get fixed they said they are fixing stuff.
@koekiemonster Its only free on mobile.
@Snatcher hopefully, its a big weird playing digital cludo when you cant tell people where you found the body.
I, and everyone I know, has it on PC or phone.
@RupeeClock 'Imposter'
I will check that out on GamePass where it releases tomorrow.
Not interested. YouTubers put me off games. Why do I need to play it when I have seen loads of it on YouTube?
Can anyone confirm if USB keyboard works?
You can play it for free on the mobile version plus chatting is a lot easier. I'm not sure how the Switch would work out.
After all I've heard about this game, I gave it a try on my phone yesterday, and got hooked right away.
But I'll think I'll stick to the phone version at the moment.
If I'm being honest I've never even heard of it.
@Brummieendo90 then you are the only one...
Bought it already!
I genuinely don't like this game so no thanks
Not worth 5 bucks and a nso subscription. Plus the game died so i wouldn't be able to play with anyone anyway
Nice to have this game on Nintendo console
I like the idea for local play in let's say smash tourneys. But during the current situation that's not really possible. For online this is useless since you need a voice chat anyway, and Nintendo doesn't provide it. Might as well use a PC version while you are at it.
I'm gonna grab it eventually despite having it on PC and mobile, mostly to support the devs. It's only $5 and it's a super fun time, so it's not a bad purchase
@Heavyarms55 The devs have confirmed via tweet that the game has crossplay
@MH4 Awesome. Thanks!
As much as i'd want to play this on switch, i just don't see it as being an optimal way to play. switch online isn't exactly known for ease of communication. you gotta have that to play this game, works just fine on my phone
No point playing this game until they implement voice chat in-game.
People having to type, use Discord/mods to use voice chat is just a chore and could be easily fixed by the Developers of this game with the mountains of money they now have.
@StevenRed0 Nah, you can play against randomers too.
I feel like this was a genius idea because I've wanted a Switch port since the game blew up in popularity and now it's finally here.
Ehhhh... This game needs a lot of refinement. $5 is probably the appropriate price. The matchmaking should auto add you to the next available open public lobby instead of forcing you to select lobbies, getting a full message over and over. Reminds me of early 2000 PC matchmaking. It's also not a good sign when no one plays the game as intended (no one does tasks, just meetings over and over, etc..)
This game reminds me of The Thing, and anything that reminds me of (John Carpenter's, obviously) The Thing and the game set after that movie, is a good thing. Still not convinced about NSO though, I've always said that I'd never pay extra for playing online. So unless I can actually say I "saved" more on special offers and free games than I paid for the subscription, I won't do it. PSN did a good job, but I'm simply not really interested in most of "their" games anymore, and don't enjoy gaming on a tv all that much anymore. I grew up with handhelds and no tv whatsoever.
@FatHedgehog you both can play together! Be so much fun
I'd be way more into this if it allowed for split-screen multiplayer for 2 or even 4 people on one console, especially if then you could go online with them. If I cannot play with my wife, or bring her online with me, why bother?
I'll get it when I get a new controller (the drift on my joy cons are awful).
I played it on my PC first, and had fun with it. Played it on my phone afterwards, and it was still fun, but I didn't like to play it on my phone nearly as much. (I think it was the touch screen controls that I didn't like to play with so much). So I play it on my PC instead. But I got it on my Switch now, as I have lots of friends who want to play it, so, I'll get to play it with them on my Switch now. So, good times.
@Clyde_Radcliffe I think he is aware of that, but with random people, the game isn't really fun. This is also the reason why I wont get it.
Already downloaded to see what all the fuss is about
Definitely will because I have a problem
How does one write on the switch? The on screen keyboard on TV mode is way too slow
@saunite If you have a keyboard laying around you can hook that up to your switch for faster typing.
@daisygurl Ya its very buggy I hope the fix it in the coming weeks.
@Lawnachaun if it comes on PS, would you get it also. Be one of the people who collects copies.
@daisygurl does that happen often?
@daisygurl annoying l can tell. Doesn't ruin the fun at least right?
@Mr_Persona Nope. I wouldn't bother with it on there. I'm happy to play on PC, mainly. I basically got it on Switch because I had tons of Gold Coins, so I used those and didn't have to pay for it, and, because I can play with friends while I'm out and about. But otherwise, I'll play on PC when at home.
@Lawnachaun good idea actually because no one wants to carry around their pc xD But congrats getting it
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