PQube and developer Inti Creates are resurrecting Bishōjo shooter Gal*Gun Returns for Switch, and they've just announced a 3,000 unit run of a limited-edition "Birthday Suit Collector's Edition" which comes packed with "CUTE and LEWD Gal*Gun content." Ahem.
Created in partnership with Rice Digital, this package will include:
- 100-page art book – The Sexy Chronicles of Gal*Gun
- Official soundtrack set of 3 CDs containing all the background music and vocal tracks
- 6 metal pin badges, one to represent each of the main girls
- A Gal*Gun 10th-anniversary collector's coin
- 6 art cards, one for each of the heroines
- Special cover art insert – with an exclusive sexy image designed especially by Gal*Gun series creator/illustrator Itou-san
- A pair of Safety Goggles
Safety goggles? Allow the official PR to explain:
This ULTRA-RARE collector's item, designed especially for gamers of only the most discerning tastes is made of premium quality, extra soft polyester and elastane. The Safety Goggles match the panties...erm "Screen Cleaner", from Gal*Gun Double Peace: Mr Happiness Edition to create a complete set!To be worn by yourself or any family and friends who feel that they need to be protected from unexpected sexiness in the vicinity!
That's not all! The game will also showcase exclusive cover artwork which shows the cast in various states of undress (although it should be noted that this is still a work in progress design).
And there's more! The Birthday Suit Collector's Edition also comes with the Sexy Chronicles, a "premium quality, glossy 100-page art book" which is described as "the lewd bible for fans of the series" packed with "beautifully presented artwork in full colour and full fan service."
Fancy grabbing one of these packs? They can only be ordered direct from Funstock, so use the link below if you're keen.
Gal*Gun Returns launches next year on Switch, Xbox One, and Series X and Steam.
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Comments 74
The fact there's even a market for stuff like this is worrisome.
Um... Those goggles are... huh.
It's cool when publishers go all out with collectors editions. I'd like to have the pins and soundtrack but I'll stick to the standard edition. The 'safety goggles' are kinda amusing, not exactly something I want to own though.
They've created 3000 of these? You have to admire their ambition.
This ***** is so damn creepy. I really don't get why Inti makes this series.
Meh... to each their own. I won't buy something like this due to standards but I don't see anything wrong with this being made for fans who are into this kind of stuff.
This is such a fun series and generally misunderstood I think. Its bizarrely way more cute and wholesome than people realise, when you look past the obvious ecchi side of it. Ive really enjoyed both previous games, but never played the xbox original.
@gojiguy Probably because sex sells.
@Twinsen Yeah, the series is pretty harmless and lighthearted and the gameplay is fun. I think some people seem to get way too touchy about this sort of game but oh well, that's their problem.
Just a standard copy for me is fine, thanks.
Meanwhile, no-one gets that angry in the west over COD and DOOM. I guess its just a cultural thing.
I'll probably buy it on PC, although some of these special editions can be quite tempting. I just... don't know what I'd really do with all this stuff.
I hope the gameplay is a lot closer to Double Peace than Gal Gun 2, though.
Each to their own. But if you’re type of person who gets off on drawings? I can sell you some pictures of a couple a stick figures I just drew, and what they’re doing is disgusting!
And as a bonus, I won’t even tell you the age of said stick figures.
@Clammy You would be minted in Japan.
@acNewUpdates It's definitely something.
No so vulgar! I must go back to my torture mini game in GTA5 or replay the airport massacre in COD!
Remember folks, obviously unrealistic sexuality is the devil's work, but intense realistic violence is totally fine.
I have no patience for the people who freak out over this but have no issue with the violence that permeates media.
In our culture it's more of a shock to show a cartoon boob than it is to literally blow someone's head off in graphic detail.
A game like this is obviously fiction, obviously unrealistic and clearly not meant to be taken seriously.
Those that talk or rail the most about such things are the one buying it - if so why rail and give it more news?
"10 years of panty-gazing with us"!
Funny how offend ppl get , moan about anything get over it don’t buy it don’t ruin games for everyone who enjoys that type of game . Games are for everyone
Ah yes, a game for real gentlemen
i have no idea what this is but i gotta hand it to em, this is a pretty packed collectors edition. really nice variety of stuff
@Heavyarms55 agree would buy it just to give safety gogles to wife for christmas and get the disaproving star in return. but car jacking mass murder is fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. killing woman fine beating them up in snk games fine just dont slap their asses lol. what people need to know lots of things us in western culture do deeply offend and shock pepole from the east.
I got the email from rice digital earlier today and laughed at the Safety goggles. I played the game on the vita and it was just so stupid that it was fun. Though I don't see myself getting the game but to the people who are going to play it I hope you enjoy the games as much as I did.
I think I will pass. Again.
Gotta love all the fanservice games hate...yet blood and gore is totally fine. Boobs and panties are a big no-no, they shouldn't exist!
...Anyways yeah, is this game actually good? I actually don't play too many fanservice games since most of them are "meh". (only series I'm into is Senran Kagura)
I need a new boob tube 👍🏻
Sexy anime ladies are great. My favourite part about them is all the weirdos who love to sneer at anyone who enjoys them.
I think they are amazing and they definitely don’t have too much time on their hands 😻.
Looks fab, definitely going to order. A LE that packs fun, uniqueness and collectability. As it should be.
@gojiguy because, believe it or not, every game is not catered to solely you. People out there like different things and developers like making things like this. A shock to you I know.
Why not just ignore this completely? Oh I know, moral 'superiority'.
@Joeynator3000 This, the PS4 and other Switch games are a lot of fun. Plenty of content, great shooting mechanics that requires strategy and quick reactions (a must for on-rails) and it has that feel that you want to keep replaying to get a better score which sounds like a 'obviously' thing but doesn't always land with other games.
The story is fun if nonsensical but you know that going in. The fanservice elements is also a wonder which you can ramp up or even tone down if you want.
One the top tier fan service games easy.
@BeautyandtheBeer All versions are basically the same, right? I kinda figured since Nintendo stopped messing with 3rd party games themselves.
Yeah and this game is made for people who like to sexually harass underage girls, I guess.
I love how it's skipping the PS4 and PS5
Now I know they can add grand thef auto to the switch if they will add this.
@Heavyarms55 While I agree with the heart of your argument, it's comparing apples to oranges. The reason why western society has a "violence good, sex bad" mentality is probably because you are almost guaranteed to have a sexual encounter in your life, but a huge chunk of the population will never even fire a gun, much less actually shoot someone. Violence isn't practical to most lives, so it's pretty easy to say "just don't do any of this in real life". It's clearly antisocial behavior. A child can understand this. Sex is much more complicated and the social rules regarding it are essential to master. Combine this with the fact that virtually everyone on the planet will have a sexual encounter and it's easy to see why people have a harder time separating a virtual act from a real one (not necessarily the people who play these games, but definitely the people on the outside looking in).
The real hypocrisy comes from people who look down on these games with imaginary people and scenarios, but will watch free porn and potentially contribute to an industry known for the sexual abuse and exploitation of real people. Not saying someone is a bad person for going to free porn sites, but they do kinda suck if they're crapping on a game and its users when it's clearly the more ethical option.
The Gal Gun series is always loads of fun, I get it's not for everyone but I personally find the tongue-in-cheek fanservice funny rather than overly lewd.
Really glad this series has found a home on switch since Sony have turned into prudes.
It would also be great to see the Senran Kagura games ported across - Peach Beach Splash especially, it would add another online shooter to the switches roster (its pretty much Splatoon with squirt guns and bikinis)
Sorry, but that's a strawman. Plenty of people get upset about violence in video games. Not taking any side, but just saying.
@Joeynator3000 Yeah all versions are the same, Nintendo doesn't alter games content outside of their own anymore.
@gojiguy Just like an FPS is made for murderers, or a beat em up is for psychopaths, sound logic there!
@Thaliard Your argument makes no sense. Most “violence”’ in video games are things plenty of people encounter on a daily basis though and not limited to just “guns”. GTA, for instance, has plenty deviant acts that go beyond just guns. Part of the appeal GTA, Saints Row, etc is being able to live out your deviant fantasies. And literally everyone has been presented with an opportunity to steal, lie, or hit someone.
@Heavyarms55 : I’d be equally offended by a game where I was asked to shoot schoolgirls as I am by one where the goal is to look up their skirts
@Rambler If mario doesn't rescue peach then bowser will take over the mushroom kingdom and try to get mario's attention because beating his eternal rival is more important than ruling over the mushroom kingdom.
If you ever played a mario game you would know bowser is a buffoon so that scenario is propably comical.
@Rambler I think fantasy roleplay is a healthy exploration of human sexuality, so long as it falls within consent and everyone involved remembers it's fantasy roleplay. Even film can be roleplay. If people didn't identify with videos and do a little roleplay in their head, VR wouldn't be taking off like it is. The line is already blurred.
@Moon Authoritarian puritan police like youself are far more worrisome.
i mean honestly i do not want to debate but i have a daughter whos in high school so running around a game world lookin at underage girls panties makes me feel uncomfortable and is not my thing but whatever to each there own im not gonna down anyone for it.
@EVIL-C Authoritarian? lol. Um, okay. If you say so.
@mousieone My argument wasn't regarding general antisocial behavior, but was more of a response to graphic violence. Regardless, you are correct. Those situations require more guidance because they require context and judgment in a way similar to sexual situations. Games like GTA and Saints Row aren't exactly exempt from criticism for their violent and sexual content, though, despite their mainstream appeal. Is it also possible that GTA and Saints Row get more of a pass because they're simply better games? There's no ecchi equivalent.
@Thaliard I don’t know about that. I’ve heard Omega Labyrinth series is a good dungeon crawler rogue like game. I think the acceptance is still based on Western de-sensitivity toward cartoon violence.
Imma just put this out there:
@Moon Hey, as long as you're not suggesting policing what media and ideas people can consume, you're free to not like the media in question.
@Clammy Well, if you just drew them, I'm guessing they can't be very old.
@EVIL-C I'm not suggesting anything other than what I said. Feel free to consume whatever you want.
I think feminism in Japan must be fifty years behind the West.
no PS5? I'm shock!! Shock I tell you!!!
So basically these special editions are for girls or cross-dressers.
@KayFiOS I was thinking "the fcuk are you on about?" in regards to your "goggle" comment....then i looked closer and I SAW what you meant😆😆😆😆
@Moon did you not see the article, right below this one, saying Leisure Suit Larry's coming to the switch😆😆
I can't even directly respond to anyone trying to dissuade me. As far as I am concerned saying things like "apples to oranges" or comparing seeing a girl's panties to murder is so far beyond outrageous I don't even know where to being.
I commented, I brought the utter nonsense on myself.
shut up and take my money!
I'm not that big a fan of rail shooters but these silly fanservice games are great fun. Glad to see more still coming from this series.
"Official soundtrack set of 3 CDs containing all the background music and vocal tracks" including one cd full of shrill, ear-piercing moans to get your neighbours to think you are sexually active. Or straight
To quote Travis Touchdown-
@Lionyone or fifty years ahead, dependent on various points of view.
@Kriven : sexuality of getting off on looking up cartoon school girl skirts, is yes
@Clammy Stop being so sensitve.. You Probably think the opposite sex still has cooties... lmao
@PhhhCough Leisure Suit Larry games are funny and great! I got the one on Switch and enjoy it... People are way too sensitive these days!
@Lionyone The people in the West Are Way too sensitive when it comes to sexual topics and it’s really ridiculous! Woke SJW‘s get out of the gaming industry!!!!
If you don’t like something then don’t buy it and the reason why the gaming rating system was created. So, people can see the rating and make the choice for themselves whether they want to buy it or not!
WOKE SJW’s are the worst thing to mankind!
@Ashole agree, wholeheartedly. Offended doesnt mean entitled.
Wow you're touchy and oversensitive.
I have Leisure Suit Larry on Switch. I have Lust For Darkness on Switch. I like both those games. Sexual themes are great when done well.
The worst thing for mankind is right wingers who want to crush women. They have caused nearly every problem that literally threatens humanity's existence.
@Lionyone I think you are misunderstanding what I wrote because I am not the oversensitive one..
I dont want CENSORSHIP in our games when the ESRB, PEGI, CERO rating systems are enough for adults to buy what they want making a decision what they want to see without companies like SONY censoring it!
These games are freedom of expression which is not illegal, but SJW’s get offended when they dont even play theses games wanting to CENSOR the artist that created it the way they intended; not CENSORED!
I am the complete opposite of sensitive and if I dont like a certain game then I wont buy it.. Its that simple and if there are Ratings for these games like movies then we dont need SJW’s or The Platform companies telling us what we cant view when its not ILLEGAL!
Its light hearted fun and if someone gets offended then focus on what makes you happy.. No one is asking you to play these games.
There are many women that love these games and franchise as well. This does nothing to downgrade women in anyway and in reality women are always treated equally with respect never crushing anyone by me.
Someone will always be offended of something in entertainment, but that doesnt give you entitlement to shut it down because it goes against your views.
Its funny here in the West people accept Blood & Gore promoting violence in games more and in the East Sexual themes are more accepting. SMH.. Same thing happened in the 90’s when they tried shutting down Mortal Kombat...
They tried to say all sorts of mumbo jumbo why Kombat would make people killers... Look how that turned out..
We now have MK 11 and science proved that LOGICAL people can determine what is FAKE OR REAL...
They created the ESRB rating system and that is enough without further censoring a games content.
Not sure why some Conservatives are scared of some Anime light hearted fun. Some fans like this kind of Art style and guess what lewd Anime doesnt hurt anyone physically!
People need to stop being so objective to every little thing that offends them and I am far from oversensitive. If you dont like something like this doesnt make it creepy..
I dont care what SJW’s are watching for their enjoyment so stay out of my entertainment!
Oh yeah, SJW’s enjoyment is making everyone else angry trying to CENSOR everything they disagree with.
Go Woke, Go Broke!
I wrote about Japan not the game.
@Moon T. SJW.
I mean, dude, if you're old enough to post here, you should be able to separate fiction from reality. If you can't, then you're worrisome.
@Ashole "Not sure why some Conservatives are scared of some Anime light hearted fun."
Lel. You're talking about lefties. I'm conservative myself and I love this stuff. Lefites are pro-censorship. Lefties are unable to separate fiction from reality.
@gojiguy Funny
from all the news, smash players seems to be the ones who are touching irl underage girls
@Moon ripping hearts and guts out in mortal combat it a-ok but panties and fanservice is suddenly not allowed.
Thank GOD japan doesn't try to please the west
@Rozalind you triggered bro?
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