UK chart data is now in for the week ending 17th October, revealing that FIFA 21 is still sitting pretty at the top of the charts.
The Switch version continues to sell poorly compared to other versions – although that's no real surprise – but Nintendo's console has had a pretty cracking week in the charts regardless.
Switch-only titles have taken every position from second through to sixth (Minecraft's Switch release is treated as its own separate release), and Just Dance 2020, in seventh, also sold best on Nintendo's platform.
Here's a look at this week's top ten all formats chart:
Last Week | This Week | Title |
1 | 1 | FIFA 21 |
4 | 2 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
6 | 3 | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe |
7 | 4 | Minecraft (Switch Edition) |
10 | 5 | Ring Fit Adventure |
5 | 6 | Super Mario 3D All-Stars |
17 | 7 | Just Dance 2020 |
2 | 8 | Star Wars: Squadrons |
3 | 9 | Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time |
11 | 10 | Grand Theft Auto V |
[Compiled by GFK]
Did you buy any of these chart-topping games this week? Let us know down below.
Comments 52
FIFA will be there for a while, I guess?
Seems like GFK doesn't track games that don't include a disc/cartridge or a download code, which explains Mario Kart Live's absence.
@Quarth Until COD releases, it's every year the same...
Can't wait to see Pikmin 3 Deluxe knock FIFA off the top spot... Hopefully.
Doesn't anyone think its the craziest thing that Mario Kart 8, a game that not only was basically a launch title but a port of a previous generation console game, is pretty much always hanging around in the top ten best selling games, and not just from Nintendo only lists. it is a super polished fun multiplayer but I find it incredibly stressful to play, that blue shell IS coming.
I bought fifa 21 on switch and i enjoy it.
It is very nice even if reviews says different.
I also have a ps4 and even if analysis is really good i dont
like it because it is very dark.
Gameplay is very funny on switch and ball goes good, on ps4 that i played it ( i always test games before i buy them ) ball goes like balloon!!!
If u dont care about volta mode then play it on switch, it is really good, don't listen reviews. Just play them both and then decide.
Yeah, the lasting power of Nintendo games is always impressive. Just look how the newer titles like Crash and Star Wars went down several places but the evergreen Switch titles like AC, Mario Kart and Ring Fit went up. And even Minecraft, while not a Nintendo 1st party title, the Switch version has dominated the UK and Japanese charts since it came out.
Everyone, please listen to reviews and not Scirocco7's gibberish.
First time playing Fifa on Switch? Fifa 21 is a decent football game but be aware that it has not changed since Fifa 19 bar a UI makeover and a squad and kit update. You would be paying a premium price for a game that has had no effort whatsoever put into it. You could buy Fifa 19 for a tenner/fiver and play the exact same game.
Snagged Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for my little sister for Christmas this week.
@vatrafetru That and GTAV are always in the charts. For a nearly 6.5 year old game and a 7 year old game respectively that is impressive. It's the people who buy FIFA every year at release that surprises me especially as people have to start again on the microtransactions.
@vatrafetru MK8D is often bundled with consoles, which will probably explain a reasonable number of sales in the UK.
MarioKart 8 is Nintendo's Fifa or GTA5.
Ah good, gta is back in the top 10. The world makes sense again.
@Enigk There's only microtransactions in one mode of FIFA. Plenty of people play it without touching Ultimate Team mode.
I own fifa 20 on ps4 and i already played fifa 21 also on ps4.
Do u think has any difference fifa 20 and 21 on ps4???
It is also the same games with different UI and rosters!!!
So don't blame only the switch version for same games.
Because of covid-19 all sport games that released every year are almost the same for 2 years now. They don't have the time to go back releases, so companies ( also EA ) released the same games with small differences.
The big difference from 21 to 20 is the very easy goal.
And this is applied to all versions on every console.
On fifa 20 goal was much more difficult.
@Peach64 When I last bought a FIFA game I didn't even dabble with it so I am well aware you don't need to touch it. Played it for a few weeks and then found the game was half price everywhere and I got it opening week. I think it preys on children wanting the game to play with their friends to be up to date. My brother used to play all the time until he went to University and then his interest waned.
Everyone plays what he likes...
I love football and also football games.
I am 41 years old and untill my 36 i was playing football.
So every year i buy football games.
This year i decided to buy fifa 21 on switch and i really enjoy it,
much more than fifa 20 that i had it on ps4.
What has the PS4 version got to do with anything?
@sanderev "MarioKart is Nintendo's GTA". Love it!
U say that nintendo version is the same with the last year version and i say that also the other versions us ps4 ( for example ) are the same for the last 2 years. So if the price is high for fifa 21 on switch, it is also high for all the other version us ps4 ( for example ) because it is the same game with fifa 20.
Again with the gibberish. The PS4 version is not the same, reading professional reviews of that game would explain that.
The Switch version is literally the same game with the exact same gameplay as 19 and 20, it is even confirmed by EA. No work put into the game yet still a 45 quid RRP. It is a joke.
People who want user reviews on the eshop? Scirocco7 is the perfect example of why they would be useless.
Ok big reviewer can you please tell me the big changes between fifa 20 and 21 that worth to give 60 euros?
Because the most people around the world says that they are almost same.
I have read the most reviews and even there the most says that they are similar, but you are so great gamer that you found big changes. Please write them...
Read some reviews.
"most people around the world" You like exaggerating don't you?
@Scirocco7 I know not everyone who plays is a child just like COD but I feel FIFA now more than ever preys on young people and microtransactions after paying a premium for the game. Not only that the game is usually about half price 6-8 weeks later. COD rarely goes down in price so I can see why that sells like hotcakes. Both are prime examples of "Keeping up with the Joneses" for me though.
Excuse me?! Wtf are you talking about?
I am saying that the contents of what Scirocco7 is writing is gibberish. I have not made any comment or have any comment to make regarding the quality of their english writing which is fine to me.
Are you dumb?
Because of i am writing gibberish, i am still waiting the big changes that cost 60 euros.
As i told u i read a lot of reviews and i also played fifa 21 on ps4.
The most people, also me finds fifa 21 similar to fifa 20.
But you the proffesional reviewer you find big changes that worth big price. Please can u write them? Because i cant...
Don't worry your writting is not offense, we just make conversation and we don't agree. That's not offense.
I like video games conversations and i also hope i am not rude.
After all in here we are all nintendo funs and video games funs.
The truth is that fifa has been more arcade than a football simulator, also PES, but i can't stop buying football games because it is my half life. I love football whatever it is, however it is. Yes u r right, it has changed, but this sport is my big love, the time that i will not involved with football it will be my end.
Yes I am saying what you are writing is gibberish as in nonsense because you are telling people to disregard reviews of the game, it has nothing to do with whether or not english is your native language.
JimmySpades obviously checked your profile to see where you were from, I hadn't because I had no issue with the quality of your writing but what you were actually saying, maybe @JimmySpades is the one with the racist tendencies.
Anyway back to Fifa 21. The game has had zero changes to the gameplay on Switch and reviewers are rightfully calling that out as it is the third game in a row to offer nothing new for a premium price.
Look at IGN or Eurogamers review of Fifa 21 on other consoles to learn about the differences, they may be minor but there are differences, something the Switch version lacks entirely.
Edit: Just seen the rest of your comment. Fair play to you, I just thought you saying to ignore the reviews was incorrect as they raised valid points but saying it was gibberish was maybe a bit OTT so apologies. Have a good day.
@JimmySpades: you can do one you fool.
As it seems u have not played fifa 21, not even 20, believe me a small change on career mode is not worth 60 euros.
The gameplay is same at all and also none new mode has been aded.
Sometimes if we dont know something it is better to listen someone else that he know.
I play football games since i was 10 years old, kick off, sensible soccer, ISS, PES, FIFA.
Last year i had both fifa and pes, football is my big love, and for once more and last time i tell u, fifa 20 was similar with fifa 21 in all versions, not only on switch. Dont believe the commercial tricks. That's why i tell again: play both versions if u can and decide by from your own.
I have Fifa 18 and 19 on Switch, refused to buy more on Switch as they became the Legacy edition.
Reviews pointing out that 21 is the exact same as 19 can inform someone of whether or not they need to pay full price for a game that plays no different. They may still decide to buy 21 but it is good to have that information first to make an informed decision. That can only be a good thing and not something that should be ignored.
I have Fifa 20 on PS4. I will get Fifa 21 on PS5.
I also play football games and even tiny changes to the gameplay can change how the game feels entirely from year to year. But that won't happen on Switch because the gameplay has not been changed at all for 3 games now.
Nothing really else to add so have a good day.
@Scirocco7 Football is clearly very personal to you and you enjoy it in whatever form you can get it. You make a valid point for your purchase.
@Scirocco7 Fifa 21 on the Switch is missing the new features added to Fifa on the other consoles like VOLTA street football, enhanced career mode, etc. Fifa 19 was the last Fifa on Switch that had most new features from the other consoles. Fifa 20 and 21 on Switch have the same gameplay features as Fifa 19, thats why its called Legacy edition.
I own Fifa 19 on Switch and thats the last one I will ever buy unless EA start making the game have the same features as the other consoles. Fifa 21 I will buy for Xbox Series X.
You are right at all, that i am trying to explain is that also fifa 20 and 21 are the same also on the other platforms, because of covid they didn't make changes or new adds, so if the switch version is expensive then all the other version are also expensive.
@vatrafetru I dont think it's all that crazy, MK has been pretty consistent with its releases and with modern MK having online mp keeps people coming back
@Scirocco7 Had you played 19 on switch? I saw you said 20. I only ask because I have '19 on switch. And care NOTHING about what players are on what team or what the uniforms look like (if they're updated). I only care about gameplay during the game. I don't care about extra modes either. I grew up on old school Fifa on the Sega Genesis. I wish they'd remake one of those.
Anyways, I'm only asking because I'm perfectly happy with '19 and you like the new one, so wondering if there is any reason to get the new one if I don't care about kits or players.
19, 20 and 21 have exactly the same gameplay so save your money.
@TheFullAndy Thanks! That's what it seemed like from the reviews, but since he liked it, I thought maybe I had missed something.
Jeez Crash is falling quite sharply! Perhaps people are not ready for a new one just yet after a couple of years or just wanted the old ones and that's all or people were happy to pay £35 for three games but not £50 for one. The price put me off somewhat, i mean I'd pay it for a new Mario that is for sure but Crash? Nah, there are platformers I still dont have that cost less and are more appealing for me.
@Scirocco7 The thing is, FIFA 20 and 21 for the other consoles are not the same. EA did add some minor changes to gameplay and career mode. Legacy edition means just that, it’s old gameplay with updated kits and players.
@SoIDecidedTo, you’re not missing anything new. If you have fifa 19 and don’t care about updated kits, then just play that. I also have 19 and will not upgrade due to the legacy editions.
@TheFullAndy Doubling down on the insults, I see. Bold. I assume your purpose was to confirm my assessment.
To confirm your idiocy which was again confirmed with the removal of your idiotic comment.
I was focusing on what Scirocco7 was actually saying, you apparently were focusing only on the quality of their writing and were apparently critical of it enough to check their profile and confirm where they are from, so who really has the problem?
You lack reading comprehension and then hurl ridiculous accusations at the drop of a hat. I am guessing you aren't well liked.
You are going on ignore son, life is too short to be dealing with halfwits like you. I recommend everyone else does the same.
is pure
That’s not Fifa21/20/19 on Switch that high surely?
@TheFullAndy You have made some interesting points that I look forward to pondering. Thank you for your continued interest in this discussion.
I enjoy banter and can give as good as I get but the bottom line is you can't just be casually calling people racists or nationalists, of which I am neither, especially when there is sweet FA evidence to back it up. I did take serious exception to that accusation as it is a truly despicable thing to be and to be accused of and anyone with a modicum of sense could see none of my comments here could lead to such an accusation.
So apologise or, as previously stated, go do one. Please note I am being polite.
@vatrafetru it seems that a copy of Mario Kart 8 sells about every other time someone buys a new Switch: as long as the Switch keeps selling to new people, people will keep buying Mario Kart to go with it (or it will come prepackaged a lot of the time, but they make it the paxk-in because people like it).
@TheFullAndy I appreciate your continued interest in this matter and look forward to productive dialogue in the future.
Ah, that must be your "I've been proven wrong but I'm too petty to admit it" response.
You can go do one.
@TheFullAndy Once again I thank you for your contributions to this discussion and the illumination that they have provided.
And you contributed nothing of worth or value except to label someone as something hateful with no basis in fact which resulted in said offending comment being deleted.
I am now done with this comments section and I am most certainly done with a person like you.
Do one.
And onto ignore you go, filth.
@TheFullAndy That is interesting reasoning that I shall ponder, undoubtedly to my benefit.
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