We all know that the new versions of Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy contained within the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection on Switch are going to look better; they're running on more powerful hardware, there's more pixels available on screen to utilise, it's obvious.
What's not quite so obvious is just how much better they look. With so many releases on the likes of the various Virtual Consoles Super Mario 64 especially gets remembered as being much less granulated than it actually was.
To emphasise this, we've captured footage from original hardware that is running all three of these games natively, but we've not just relied on blurry analogue signals to show that. Using various adapters and mods at our disposal, we've been able to grab the cleanest possible signal from the best examples of the original consoles that we could, such as the UltraHDMI N64 mod, the GCHD Mk-II GameCube adapter, and a Wii U running in Wii mode and outputting a digital signal (that last one was especially tricky).
We recommend taking a gander at the video above to see them in motion, but if you're late for an important breakfast meeting or something, you can get an idea from the stills below:
Do these revamped visuals give you the gusto you need to pick the collection up for yourself? Drop us a comment why don't you?
Comments 127
Of course they look (much) better but it's still a shame since Nintendo could have done so much more
Funny thing, that.
I don't see that much of a difference. "Much better" is a stretch in my opinion.
Honestly, at a glance? Not really. Look a bit closer, then sure, but not enough for me to be singing praises.
If you need a comparison video to see the difference then it's really not that much of an improvement if you ask me.
Low quality work for a high quality price.
They're certainly a very lot crisper now, which is nice
They do look better, especially in motion. Kudos to Nintendo. No meaou, meaou, no arf, arf, no moo, moo from me.
I adore all three games in this collection as they’re very close to my heart and having them all in one collection on Nintendo’s current flagship system is fantastic.
On the visual side, I thoroughly appreciate what they did to make these games look sharper and crisper, although it would’ve been amazing if they went the extra mile with bonus features, graphical enhancements and small little details that could’ve been addressed, such as Super Mario 64 not being in widescreen and other improvements here and there. Mario 64 in general could’ve received more attention: it kind of reminds me of the XBLA port of Banjo-Kazooie, a solid upscaling that still appears dated visually: I love the game and all but it seems Nintendo focused on it the least out of the trio included in the collection.
I’m also disappointed that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is not included or even being acknowledged by Nintendo at all in their anniversary celebrations: it wasn’t included in 3D All-Stars when they could’ve given it the exact same treatment as Galaxy considering they run on the same engine and UI and all and I haven’t even seen them mention the game in the Direct sizzle reel or anywhere else. As one of my favourite games of all time, that kind of stings.
As an anniversary collection, while Nintendo could’ve easily put more effort into this one, it’s hard to argue with three phenomenal platformers in a single collection. But the limited time availability is the absolute pits. I get anniversary merchandise as they don’t want that stock on their hands in a few years time, but a landmark release like this makes no sense logically or business-wise for Nintendo’s pockets. The scalpers will end up making more profit than Nintendo themselves in the long run.
I liken Nintendo’s approach here to eating a lot of sugar rather than carbohydrates if you need a boost of energy. Sugar will give you an enormous boost and you feel like you can accomplish anything when you eat large amounts of it: but that’s only for a brief time and you feel drained shortly after. With carbs, sure you don’t feel the immediate effects very quickly, but a gradual, healthy burst of energy is all you need and those kinds of foods will last you longer. The same is true with 3D All-Stars here. The sales Nintendo will make will be astronomical for 6 months due to limited availability, but that kind of success isn’t healthy in the long term and once the game is unavailable, the scalpers will generate profits beyond what Nintendo will make. Keeping it on sale permanently will see a gradual, less sudden rate of sales that is substantial to consistently make Nintendo money for years to come. As much as I love Nintendo, they befuddle me some times...
They 100% used the emulator that was created for the Chinese nvidia shield, looks like the same quality too haha. Though why wouldn't they reuse that emulator it is pretty slick.
"Miles better" my butt. They look higher-res, which is pretty much the barebones, bottom-of-the-line expectation you could hold for any remaster of an old game.
For Galaxy, that's all that's really needed for it to look amazing. Super Mario 64, though, would have benefited tremendously from some actual work being put into the visual side of things.
Well, whatever. Still excited for portable Sunshine and Galaxy!
Miles is a bit of an overstatement I’d say.
It’s the increase in resolution. Any (PC/Android/Mac)emulator could do this.
You also need to compare original resolution on a CRT or nice plasma tv to this version.
Ultimately I think the minor increase in image quality isn’t worth not playing them on original hardware.
From what I've seen so far all 3 look great, I'm looking forward to playing them on Friday and probably more so than any game this year. Even Sunshine looks pretty blurry on a Gamecube these days let alone Mario 64 so these are obviously going to be far cleaner
@NintendoWiiDS @Ralizah Absolutely!!
Of course, the originals are all SD and these are HD. Other than, it's a cheeky and lazy cash grab.
The fact that they run on emulators and Super Mario Galaxy 2 was excluded is an insult to fans.
Super Mario Galaxy's graphics still surprise me. Nintendo did an amazing art work there, it looked brilliant in a Wii, and the jump to higher-resolution makes it look even better than Odyssey sometimes.
I kinda wished Nintendo had remade Super Mario 64 and Sunshine.
@personauser93 how does it compare to Wind Waker HD being 60 euro’s on its own you’d say?
I wouldn't say miles better,just slightly cleaner. Crash Bandicoot Nsain trilogy, The Spyro trilogy now THAT is miles better then the original
Miles better? If you mean the difference between SD and HD is miles better, then I suppose so!
@Yosher I think a lot of people probably remember games as looking/running better than they did. They may play the collection and think “exactly how I remember it”, but the video is proof that it isn’t.
Honestly the only graphical facelift that looks remotely noticeable to me is Galaxy at a standstill when looking at pictures
Plus as a proud Dolphin player, this doesn't look any better than an HD Texture pack you can find on GameBanana
@Ralizah Honestly, the sad part is 64 clearly got the most work out of all of them in terms of visuals. Compare it to an uprezzed emulated version or the PC port, and it's clear they've updated most of the non-environmental texture work. The paintings, Mario, Bowser, UI, boxes, anything billboarded, signs, the stained glass, etc, all that stuff was clearly redone outside of the game and probably touched up by hand.
It just kinda makes the stuff they didn't touch stand out more, like Goombas still using low res textures, so clearly they didn't finish doing all the textures that needed it. Honestly kinda weird.
Cool demo. They need to upscale that Mario Kart 7 now I want that!
@link3710 And the textures would have been so easy to remake as they are simple: earth, grass, bricks...
I don't know what everybody is complaining about. These games have never looked better. I'm personally not a fan of HD "remasters" that change the aesthetic of the game. I really like having the original visuals preserved but in higher fidelity. Although a compromise would have been to completely redo the graphics for all three games and then include an option to play with the original graphics instead. But, of course, that would have meant a lot more work for Nintendo and would have dramatically increased the file size making it unlikely we would see all three games on the same cart for a price that works out to $20 each.
It's not just a sharper image, the flickering lines on fences and windows are all but gone. For me, that's really great. It's something that's always annoyed me with Nintendo games, kind of breaks the immersion at times. Even Mario Odyssey suffers from it, especially New Donk City.
I read that these ports had no anti-aliasing added but it certainly looks like they have?
@BlueOcean Nah, that one would be difficult. The environment is very saturated, which contributes heavily to the look of the game. If you start adding detail, you need to lower the saturation, which makes the game take on a very different sort of look. I think the environment textures maaay have been upgraded tbh? In terms of just uprezzing them with an AI. But it's kind of hard to tell. But if you add any detail, you start making the game look like SM64 DS instead.
Which... I would be okay with. But I'm betting plenty of people wouldn't be.
@OorWullie No antialiasing, but part of the reason it looks like that is that the billboarded textures (textures that mimic models, like the trees) are all redone at native resolution. So the aliasing is reduced to normal amounts of lacking antialiasing, rather than how SM64 usually looks when it's uprezzed. Try pausing the video and you can see the aliasing, but it's nearly invisible in motion thanks to the simple geometry combined with the high resolution.
People will always fine a reason to cry.
Entitled gamers: "Why nintendo don't give us Mario Sunshine/Galaxy/64 on Switch"
Nintendo : release a HD port of the games
Entitled Gamer : "I'm unhappy they could have done better"
@poudigne Exactly. I don’t understand it. They got what they asked for and don’t want it. It’s okay that they don’t want the game... they just don’t have to complain about it so much.
@link3710 I mean, look at Super Mario Odyssey grass and earth textures, they are quite simple but high-resolution. The solid-colour textures in SM64 don't need anything, though.
My only complaint is no SMG2. To be honest I didn't care for SMG 1 or 2 the first time around because I hated the forced motion controls, but I'm beyond excited to play SMG1 with standard controls this time.
Other than that, I wasn't expecting much. SM64 not being completely remastered like OOO3D or MM3D were doesn't bother me that much. I played it a couple years ago and it still holds up in my opinion.
Now next year if they do a Zelda 3D collection for that 35th anniversary and it's the 64 versions of Ocarina and Majora's Mask, then I'll riot. Those games did NOT age well, and the 3DS versions but in HD would be my expectation
I never played those games. I never owned a Wii, Wii U or GC. And I have never touched Mario 64.
I am not a speedrunner either so this is a brand new experience for me and all in one package.
People don’t remember what the originals looked like. You should do a video comparing Mario 64 on Switch to Mario 64 on a PAL TV through RF or an NTSC system through Composite. That’s how most people played them.
Comparing to the original Super Mario All-Stars, this is leagues behind. They literally just slapped some games in an emulator and into a cart. I can do that also.
This is a hard pass for me, even though I love all the games inside.
I cannot help but feel, that for all that time this collection had spent going through the rumour mill, before it’s eventual official announcement. Might have damaged its image somewhat. All that speculation and imagination of the end product sent expectations to the Galaxy (sorry), leading to a lot of disappointment. I’m okay with it. These being emulated also give me optimism about the potential of newer systems being supported with NSO in the future. At least the groundwork is there now with N64, GameCube/Wii.
Mario Galaxy is a beautiful game that looks even better now.
@diegoarthur You do you, but you have probably no idea the work required to natively port these game on the switch. running them through an emulator is the best thing they could have done.
@diegoarthur Still more effort than the 25th Anniversary All-Stars for the Wii, that was just an SNES Rom on a disk, not even the Super Mario World one. They’ve done worse.
@link3710 Cheers for the info. What a difference it's made. I'm not sure if Doom 64 uses the same technique but I was really impressed with how good it looks. Before I played that, I was of the mind that 64 era games have aged really badly but with a little bit of work, they can still look good today.
Aside from Mario 64 not being in 1080p and widescreen, these all look pretty great. I'm especially eager to see how Galaxy will look in HD. It was always such a tragedy that Galaxy was released before HD was standard. Now the game will truly shine in 1080p glory.
@electrolite77 is also correct that the leap from composite video to this would be even higher. The video is using HD modded stuff like UltraHDMI. Comparing it to the standard composite video we used back in the day it's literally a world of difference.
Definitely don't see the big outcry. Looking forward to getting my onion paws on the game friday and checking it out for myself.
@Friendly I'm gonna be a bit biased in my answer because Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game. But for that release, they made significant changes to the game itself like reworking the Tri-Force quest and adding a way to sail faster. I personally did not pay 60 for WWHD, but got it for a reasonable price when it became a Nintendo Select. The worst part of all of this is there's no way this collection is ever going to be on sale considering its limited-time release window. Artificial scarcity for the sake of front-loaded sales numbers.
Well increased resolution will make it look better that is a given. But on a base level outside of the resolution increase the game looks identical since it hasn't had anything else changed I think Mario 64 having the text and the rest of the on screen displays increased is the only real graphical improvement if you want to call it that.
64 got the most love
Still lazy
I think the issue is that the games look how I remember them, so it's not actually that impressive. It's a lot sharper, but it's the same thing.
@personauser93 Even the Wii U and GameCube games is emulated, making the collection even less worth than it already were. One of the most sloppy releases from Nintendo ever.
The only reason why they are crisper, is because they increased resolution. Did no effort at all.
Looks like what you get out of Dolphin with a resolution upscale.
I guess if Nintendo is the publisher, "resolution does matter" and makes one version "much better" over another 😉🙃
Either way, each version should have been free for anyone who bought it on the WiiU. Those people should not need to buy this again.
Most people would have paid 30 bucks (or even 40 if we're being honest, they would sell a lot of copies at either price ) a piece for either Mario Galaxy or Mario Sunshine. That is the way I choose to look at this, Mario 64 is a toss in for free. The other 2 games look very good still.
They're just the same games with a HD filter. Miles better... Sorry but no.
@personauser93 Putting a game in HD is more quality work than you think.
Yeah, but it's not 8k with 120FPS.
Such lazy!
Mario 64: Experience the same blurry textures but now in HD
That makes no sense fella, Nintendo were never going to make the games look different, but the difference is night and day to me, and a comparison video demonstrates this.
It's hilarious that people have been begging for this precise collection for months, and built up this totally unrealistic expectation that Nintendo was going to actually REMAKE all three games. If you don't want the games, don't buy the collection. This is exactly what I, and so many other people, wanted: a faithful rerelease of three amazing games that can now be played on the move.
Mario 64 looks the same as it always has on emulators. Sunshine is slightly more clear, but still has muddy textures. Galaxy is upscaled and looks nice, but questioning if that original video was shot on a wii u or not, because it made the game look nicer as well.
Not worth hyping NL.
@BanjoPickles So you wanted to play some roms, and you get to play some roms. Everyone else should just be happy nintendo released anything at all. Great point, now let's rush off to the store to buy it....OH nvm it's limited as well
@doctorhino Take the chance! It's three fantastic games.
@Dog Yeah I had all 3 of these games when they came out. I can legally play the 2 I have on disc on dolphin so I'll probably just do that instead.
Or we can complain, as we always do. If they had remade the games completely, people would have b**ched that Nintendo changed things too much. If they had included Galaxy 2, people would have asked "why not just include 3D World to round things out?" If they had released Mario 64 as part of the NSO service, people would have complained about Nintendo rehashing Mario 64 for the umpteenth time (DS, Wii, Wii U), while leaving Sunshine to rot in purgatory. People are going to complain, no matter what. A physical copy of Sunshine will run you in the neighborhood of $40-60. I look at it like I'm getting three of my favorite games, from the past twenty-five years, with just enough upscaling to make me happy. I don't need museums, bonus material, etc. I have far too much to play, and far too much going in my life, to nitpick. Also, I kind of see it as a situation where if I'm that unhappy with the package, I can simply vote with my wallet.
@BanjoPickles Yeah but this is a forum, it's where people state their opinion on things. if you want people to shut up you're in the wrong place. it's worth having an opinion on Nintendo games if you're a true fan who has followed the company for 30 years or more.
So people want to get excited about a rehash, cool, but honestly I have seen these games look better on dolphin back in 2012.
Not saying you can't still like it, but getting excited that this is an amazing package, come on...
That's all well and good. Some people will complain about everything Nintendo does. I have more fun complaining about the complainers.
the magic is called "high resolution"
@BanjoPickles All well and good, hope you enjoy the games on the go cause outside of buying an expensive thing like the GPD win it's probably your first chance. That wasn't a selling point for me but it might make it for people.
I agree! It’s like taking a SD TV Show and delivering it in HD. A new remake would have been cool. 😝
💯. Having this collection is something I have wanted since the Wii. Honestly, I would have loved to have seen a comprehensive collection that collected all of the classic Marios, the GB Land series, the New games, and all of the 3D entries. Now, THAT would have been unrealistic, but it doesn’t hurt to dream.
Tons of whiners on this subject.
We got three great games at a bargain price and the first thing people want to do is whine about the graphics..
So superficial...
I hope there's an option to use the correct texture for the smoke trails in Super Mario 64.
Yeah, graphically speaking, this is not that big of a change, but it is nice to have Mario Sunshine officially on switch, I'm okay with that alone. If want real HD remasters, I'll stick to the emulators.
Super Mario All Stars for the SNES that is all
@Mountain_Man this is a remaster, a remake would be to REMAKE something
@johnvboy With all due respect, that's a massive overstatement. The games look better, yes, but it's not MUCH better as they mention in the article. If it was actually much better, then you would not need a comparison video to tell the difference.
I'll still love playing the games all over again regardless mind you, but they really don't look that much better.
What stands out to me is:
1. N64 games, no matter what you do to them, still look like N64 games. They just have a certain angular look that you just know isn't a PS1 or Saturn game, or anything else. N64 games always stand out as N64 games.
2. Super Mario Sunshine released 18 years and 4 systems ago - Switch, Wii U, Wii, Gamecube - and Nintendo games have hardly changed at all. Sure we've gotten HD and widescreen, but just look at it, it's a 3D Mario game after N64, and they've changed so little since then. Same for some other Gamecube games like Pikmin.
It's like Nintendo has basically been using the same visual presentation, just making it higher res or whatever, and they really aren't even trying to branch out at all. Gamecube games really look so much better than N64 games, but not that much different from Wii, Wii U and Switch games. Gamecube was a beast monster console for it's time, and Nintendo seems to be treading water since then.
Of course really the same can be said for a lot of games on the other 2 big console series, PS2, PS3, PS4 and Xbox, Xbox360, X1, but I feel like those consoles have done a bit more towards modernizing games with more photorealistic graphics, while Nintendo sticks to it's primary colors, red, yellow, blue. The only thing with improved graphics I've ever seen by Nintendo that had me excited they were moving forward was the koi pond vid for the Wii U, but no game ever came close to matching that. Nintendo games have been Nintendo games for nearly 20 years. But I don't have to tell Pokemon fans that. 🤣
9 years ago, does Switch have a game yet that matches this graphical style? XCX probably comes closest, but not XC2.
Meh. Give me 2d
Absolutely stunning. Were in for a real treat folks. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to buy in to this!
@Yosher Eh, nobody said you "need" a comparison video to see the difference. They just made a comparison video so you can see the difference yourself.
After seeing Mario 64 redone beautifully by modders online, I'm so disappointed nothing was done here...
I can’t be the only one that is happy that not much has changed with these games and that they more or less look and feel how we remember them, right?
I really wanted full screen and amped up graphics for super Mario 64
Umm a remaster to 1080p so yea it looks better.
I've been playing Sunshine on my 4k Dolby Vision TV and it looks like bad.
I don't know what tv/display this writer is using, but it's obviously not a good one.
This is starting to feel like when PS tried to defend games as a service to try to hype up the Avengers game.
If you're having to write article after article, and feel like you need to defend your stance in the comment section, maybe it would be easier to just acknowledge the issues, rather than trying to paint them in a good light.
Mario lookin good in Sunshine 😁
@gonzilla Yeah, but I don't think most people withhold be able to see the difference without one of these videos, at which point the improvement really isn't all that big in my eyes.
I guess it can also depend on what someone sees as "miles better" though.
Why does Mario 64 look so weird in this video? It looks like Mario 32... I can't remember playing a game that pixellated back then on my N64.
All I am saying is they better port Ocarina of Time3d and not 64 if they ever do that.
@echoplex you will have played SM64 as intended on an analogue TV that doesn’t show the pixels as clearly. Plus through composite or S-Video with the hardware anti-aliasing that further softens the image which the UltraHDMI mod removes. People think that UltraHDMI shows the true N64 video but I disagree. The N64 was designed with smallish CRTs in mind and the best picture in my opinion is and always will be RGB on CRT with an RGB modded N64. However UltraHDMI is great for displaying on modern TVs and the pixel purists.
Playing these three on original hardware though an mClassic in retro mode look unbelievably good and I’d like to see a side by side comparison with these HD versions. In fact I might even do it myself...
I love the term "With all due respect", as it tends to proceed a statement or post which shows no respect.
It's all opinions however, for those wanting a complete makeover then they will be unhappy, for me the original look of the games are important as the games themselves, so the HD upgrade is massive to me.
Doesn't matter what Nintendo did with this collection, it was never going to be good enough for some people in this comment section. The majority of buyers will be rejoicing the fact they'll get to play these games again or for the first time, the 0.1% who comment here will nitpick and cry till the cows come home like their opinion is the absolute truth. Like it will make a difference.
Looks nice, not amazing. Really looking forward to Friday though.
"Super Mario 3D All-Stars Looks Miles Better Than The Originals, And Here's The Proof"
So do the originals, when played with Dolphin...
These would just be PC ports if they were released for PC at the time they were released on their respective consoles.
bUt NiNTenDo iS lAZy UsINg aN eMulATor.
@Ash1189 "All that speculation and imagination of the end product sent expectations to the Galaxy (sorry)"
Yeah, even when these games looks 64 times better than the originals. (sorry)
@0nett No, but it does make this a less impressive achievement.
This is a joke, Galaxy 2 was totally ignored, Galaxy 1 is hardly any difference, and 64 is slightly sharper. When we can get these things already on an emulator; I expect from Nintendo something WPRTH buying or a lower price for something that is basically an SD to HD package
Boggles the mind how much people are getting basically entitled about this. People, including myself, have been begging for these titles to come to updated consoles for awhile now. New game price? It's three games in one. If people really want something to bitch about, how about fact it's the "base" Mario 64 and not the 3DS version? I'd much prefer the new playable characters and extra stars/areas. Without that though, still didn't find the price unreasonable. You'd need to either dig out three old consoles or work on getting three consecutively more difficult to use emulators (two really, I suppose, since N64 is pretty easy to run on just about any modern platform in a quick and easy manner).
I guess maybe don't buy it if it's worth THIS much moaning and groaning over. Personally, 18th can't get here soon enough.
Genuinely can't see any difference.
Feels a bit like an Emperor's New Clothes situation to me.
These games look great compared to the original releases. I have HD adapters for the N64 and GameCube and a Wii U with the original versions of the games. I, for one, am happy they didn't do full remakes. Each game has its own charm and should be preserved. It seems they did just enough to give them an updated feel without changing what made the originals so special.
This is great I guess for people who have no other way to play these games or are just really excited to have them on the switch, but they hardly feel like definitive editions.
As long as the framerate is stable. IDC if it looks nicer or not, but if the framerate is butchered/lower overall than the original... then that would be sad :/
Even back in the day, the 2D sprites (trees, coins, fenses, UI etc) in Mario 64 looked awful, glad they sorted this for this release at least, it looks a lot better.
What a shame Nintendo didn't spend more time on this package to make it special for Mario's 35th.
Of course it's going to look better because the resolution has been increased. The whole "powerful hardware" crap doesn't mean much here because these games are being run on an emulator. If these games were remastered ports running on native hardware, then yes you could start talking about hardware. But they are not, they are being run on an emulator by nintendo. Even so, emulators can still need decent hardware to perform well and since switch hardware is dog ***** I'm surprised nintendo could develop Wii and GBC emulators for it.
This all stars collection was a major disappointment after all. They could have at least made sunshine and 64 60fps. Or added full support for a gamecube controller. Overall this is pretty bare bones and lazy. I'm going to buy that limited Mario handheld cause that has real value.
If I want to play these games emulated in high def, which is what this collection is, I can just play them on the Wii. Mario 64 is already emulated perfectly in the Virtual Console, Sunshine is an ISO I can play on Nintendont in 16:9 progressive, and Galaxy was made for the Wii. I can also play Galaxy 2 if I want but that game sucks so why would I? Anyway happy birthday Mario, sorry your anniversary collection is so lame 👎
@poudigne That's precisely how I feel every time I read comments here.
I am just hoping I can change the camera to not be inverted on Mario Sunshine.
I was most concerned by whoever was playing the remastered levels........they were terrible!
@beazlen1 Thank you for the explanation.
I can't watch the video at the moment. But since all comparison videos are basically a lie, I'll assume it's the same here.
I know there's a big difference, but I was watching on a phone screen which doesn't show a huge difference. Buzzing to play this tomorrow!
Some people really need glasses. Can't you see that the images are way sharper due the higher resolution? And less blurry background because higher setting has been used so you will have a better view when playing it. Who wants huge depth of field option on as on earlier releases instead depth of field off? Off is always better. You want to see as far as your eye can see on the map. But they had to blurry it because the older systems couldn't handle it. oh and get some winddex. Your eyes needs some good cleaning here. Well I guess we all found out why Nintendo doesn't do much with new gen hardware.. since people here can't see even the higher resolution sharpness... why bother?
Miles better... this is funny to me.
It looks better, no doubt about it, but could it be better? Probably.
My only gripe is lack of extras for a celebration collection.
Needed concept artwork, interviews, making of documentary if possible, a proper instruction book like the good old days, even if only a digital code to get from the eshop.
Now, they just need a Mario RPG collection, with Mario RPG, Paper Mario TTYD, and the Mario & Luigi games
To me. I see this video and think.....
Surely this means we should get an N64, GameCube and Wii virtual console platform on Switch? Or sustained physical releases of collections from these platforms like this!?
I’ve never seen these classics look this good, it’s better quality than the expensive retro work around. I’d want all Nintendo first party games from N64, GameCube and Wii if they look this stunning running on Switch.
Mario Sunshine looks like a new game!!!! Could you imagine Metroid Prime being released for Switch!? Or the Prime trilogy even better!
Not interest on this emulated version of the game. if only it were the 3DS version with all the extra characters I would consider it.
64 looks like it will actually look good on a HDTV now.
Sunshine looks like a modern day release.
Galaxy is absolutely stunning. I thought the original put other Wii games to shame (considering the console was 480p) but the HD bump does the game justice.
"If I want to play these games emulated in high def, which is what this collection is, I can just play them on the Wii. "
You do realise the Wii isn't high def right?
Nintendolife stop being an ass and just do as a normal website would do. This is a low effort romcollection. Stop pretending that this is an amazing effort.
I was really hoping for a Spyro remaster level of effort. I feel like the DS version looks better. Obviously the res is very low but at least they put more effort into that.
Better, but not "miles" better, no. They're still wonderful games, but they've had the absolute bare minimum done to them and that's a shame whichever way you shake it.
@Kezza64 I'm playing my Wii through an HDMI converter. The picture is miles better than it was and Mario 64 and Sunshine are being emulated just like Nintendo is doing with this collection. Galaxy is native to the Wii so it's gonna run better than on Switch.
@Papichulo Yeah anything looks better than standard Wii composite, doesn't matter what output you use though the highest the Wii can do is 480p unfortunately. I use a component cable which is probs the best picture you can get out of it.
Sunshine also runs native on the Wii by the way, not through emulation. My collection arrives tomorrow but there is no way it doesn't beat the Wii and GameCube versions graphically, since they are now in 1080p.
@Jmjfrank I will riot too if they only give us the 64 versions of Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. They've already put the N64 versions on an extra disc that came with Wind Waker if I remember right, it also had Ocarina of Time Master Quest on.
@link3710 you seem quite knowledgeable in game design and development (I'm not in the slightest). Curious if you think this was an honest, good effort from Nintendo and whether they reasonably could have done more. Not looking for a specific answer, just genuine curiosity.
@Kezza64 that's cool. I'm happy they're all back for people to enjoy. I hope Nintendo does something similar with the newer Kirby and DK games in the future. Mario is great and all but they have so many other top platformers.
I honestly didn't like Galaxy. It's basically a tech demo. Sunshine feels like work, especially the first parts of the game. Bianco Hills is easily the worst 1st world I've ever played in a Mario game. The best way to describe it is that it feels like a rejected town from Ocarina of Time. I just don't care for this 🐬 island and its fat ugly people. I played it when it came out and I tried it again and I still think it's garbage.
Mario 64 is a flat out masterpiece, and should have received a standalone remaster with all the crap from the DS version. If you wanna see a true remaster of that game check this out;
It's ok but it's not something I sing to the high heavens over.
I agree with the opening of Sunshine, the game is not as polished as other Mario games but I found the rest of the game very fun.
I can understand your view on Galaxy, I still enjoy it of course but Galaxy 2 feels like a fully realised version.
64 is definitely a masterpiece. People can pick on the shoddy camera all they want but I have played ALOT of recent AAA games and none match up the the flexibility and enjoyment that one gets out of controlling Mario in 64.
BTW i know that youtube video had good intentions of what a Mario 64 remake could look like, but compared to Nintendo's graphical design it looks awful in comparison haha.
Or you could still emulate all 3 titles on PC and get matching or better performance.
Please never do comparison screenshots like this again. Full uncropped shots of each version only.
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