If you love DOOM as much as we do, and have played the hell out of the original game on your Nintendo Switch, you might be interested in this new offering from Limited Run Games coming soon.
It's a special "limited-edition" classic DOOM helmet collector's bundle. This includes a "full-size" helmet you can wear, a recreation of the game's original floppy disk pin, and a limited edition print.
Pre-orders as noted on the Limited Run website are "coming soon" and will open this Friday on 25th September. All up, this classic bundle will set you back $139.99 USD.
In related news, earlier this week Microsoft bought Bethesda, giving it Doom, Fallout, Elder Scrolls And Wolfenstein. Have you always wanted to run around your place as the Doom Slayer? Leave a comment down below.
[source limitedrungames.com]
Comments 27
theres a cyclops in that mask
Will you be fined 200 quid for wearing that outside without a mask?
The game's original floppy disk? As in singular?
Not even the shareware episode would fit on a single floppy disk.
I recall The Ultimate DOOM shipping on five floppy disks, though there would have been a CD-ROM edition as well.
They could have at least included the game in floppy disk form for novelty purposes (and/or CD for more practical use). It seems ridiculous to be selling a novelty like this with no game.
They should have sprung for a full 32GB cartridge version of DOOM (2016). Now that I would have jumped at, helmet and all.
@OorWullie : I was tempted to buy the Eternal limited edition for the helmet. I figured if I'm going to wear a face covering in public, I want to look good doing it.
Is this site a news site or just paid/free advertisement and rumours?
@Coach_A : Isn't that what passes for most "journalism" nowadays?
@Silly_G Floppy Disk Pin, technically.
"DOOM FLOPPY DISC PIN: Proudly display this recreation of the MS-DOS hardware that started it all. Modeled after the classic 3.5 in floppy disk. Features classic Doom logo."
Yea uhhhh...hell no
Does this count as appropriate face covering? Asking for a friend...
The floppy disc pin is pretty cool though.
@DrivingturtIe I see it too...
I want that mask but I don’t want to pay that damn price for it.
@DrivingturtIe Can’t Unsee.
I mean this might be cool if I was a kid out trick or treating.
Some people will buy anything
@Liam_Doolan : I'm aware of that. The wording suggests, however, that the game originally shipped on a single floppy disk. There should have been five pins for authenticity's sake.
I still haven't received my Streets Of Rage 4 Limited Edition Bundle. Perhaps I'm being impatient but I was assured that it would ship out by mid-August so...
@Coach_A Because we've reported on a product you pay money to own, that makes us advertisers? I've got a newsflash for you - pretty much all games cost money. I guess we'd better stop reporting on anything that's not free to play? 😂
@Damo just curious - and you don't have to answer me if you don't want to - but now is the pay structured between you guys? Is there a hierarchical structure of do you just divvy up the 'pot' equally at the end of the month?
@Damo using emojis to belittle readers is a bit yikes
But this is about an unnecessary hunk of plastic rather than a game that people have put work behind that may actually be newsworthy
@Coach_A I'm not belittling you; I just thought the accusation was laughable given that we're a site which promotes things you pay money for every single day. Just because this isn't something you don't personally want to own doesn't make it any less relevant to our audience; we cover stuff like Zelda statues and Conker plushes as well, for example. Are those also not news-worthy?
And if this particular story doesn't take your fancy, why did you bother to click on it? We've posted a lot of other content you might be interested in recently:
Or why not comment on our reviews? We've got plenty of those, too (often as many as two a day at the moment):
Who knows, you might even find something you like!
@Lordplops We're all paid salaries, just like any other company. We also use freelancers for review and feature content.
@Damo the "holier than thou" approach is a little off-putting with the references and and extensive links to try and prove your righteousness.
I visit this site daily, a habit I've had for years now, and have steadily watched the quality of the reporting slip from interviews, reports and information written well and covering such a range of topics (even in the Wii U era) to a lot of limited run articles, waaayyy too many rumours that have since been proven false or been unproven entirely in place of any journalistic integrity. Quantity over quality if you will.
If you took criticism and opinions as they are presented to you rather than incessantly needing to prove the "naysayers" wrong it would come across a lot less like you're trying to inflate your own ego and maybe be a little bit humble.
@Coach_A We take all feedback very seriously, and, as the person who has editorally guided the site for well over a decade, I can tell you categorically that the quality of what we produce has gone up, not down. We've got more staff now, a bigger pool of freelance talent, a larger video team, more exclusive features, more interviews, more reviews and more hands-on content.
That's not being "holier than thou" - it's our job to provide you with the best content, so it would be rather strange for us to state anything else. If you honestly think the site has gone downhill then there's little I can do to convince you otherwise, aside from illustrating via links that we're actually putting out more quality content than ever before.
More tat nobody needs that probably won’t ship until 2025!
Also still waiting on the new Ori review
@Damo thanks.
Will there be mold growing out of this one as well?
Is that release time for US? When can i preorder in Australia?
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