Retro Studios has already signed some incredible talent to help it out with the development of Metroid Prime 4, and somehow it's still bringing in the big guns.
In the latest update, it's been discovered the studio has hired Santa Monica senior game designer, Jon Marcella, as an environment designer for Metroid Prime 4. He most recently worked as a level designer on the PlayStation 4 hit God of War and has been with Retro since July 2020.
In God of War he designed layouts, Lua scripting, AI scripting, navigation sequences, fight spaces, puzzles design and more.
Earlier this month, Retro hired industry veteran Dylan Jobe, who has previously worked on titles such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The studio has also hired talent previously associated with series and games like Borderlands 3, Halo, Call of Duty Black Ops, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and Battlefield Hardline.
It's certainly sounding like one hell of a line-up, which is obviously great news after the game was officially scrapped and restarted at the beginning of last year.
[source, via]
Comments 55
Good news BOY!
I have a feeling this is going to come out on the switch's successor.
I have never played a metorid prim game I bet my first time is going to be great.
I'm confident now this game will at the very least be decent. Now, I'd prefer to play this "decent" game this decade please. But no rush, I still applaud the Metroid devs for restarting and giving it to Retro instead of releasing a half-baked game, that's not something every game studio would do.
Generic "This game must have just started development" comment here
This game must have just started development.
2026 is going to be a great year!
@Prizm "I lasted about 10min in Metroid Prime before giving up on it as just another crappy console FPS."
You didn't get far enough at all, your problems with the game would immediately be fixed if you at least finished the intro (another 20 minutes or less). The intro is indeed very action oriented, but if you got farther you would lose all of your upgrades, and then go to a planet (just like in Super Metroid) in which you would find all of your stuff again, in the same pace as a regular Metroid game. I played both Super Metroid and Prime (though i didn't it finish yet), and can tell you that both of them have a very similar atmosphere (mysterious, isolated, with bursts of action), and the exploration in Prime is basically the same as the exploration in SM, but three-dimensional.
I'd say give the game another proper go, because it's a great experience. 10 minutes don't do it justice.
Oh wow, cannot wait to play this!
Nintendo, in the meantime, please release Prime Trilogy in Switch!
I will get this if it is a launch game for the next console. I hope nintendo release prime trilogy, samus returns and the games fanboys rant about to tide us over.
I actually restarted MP yesterday! Planning to get 100% in all three of them before the end of the year! and I never played MP3, so I’m excited already!
@Prizm there’s a lot of game you have not played then... the exploration starts after the intro. Might I suggest you’ll give it one more go? . Once you explore the chozo ruins, Tallon Overworld or hear the music of Phendrana Drifts you might find it’s way different from regular fps. The environments and atmosphere are beautiful!
I’d say it has very minimal fps in it, actually. After the opening sequence.
Who hasn’t been hired the person who designed the Pepsi logo?
What a team!!!
Is this a nintendo switch project or for next gen?
If they actually market Prime this time round it may sell well (hopefully).
Never saw a single advert for the Metroid Prime games during the GameCube and Wii era.
I also miss the ambiance of super metroid, but thats was just because the music did a lot, the combination of both, made it such a master piece.
What i found most dissapointing after super metroid were the boss fights.
And that the setting was not eerie and isolated.
For instance i dont like it when samus meet crew or have conversations with a comm bridge or computer. I leave it rather up to my imagination what has happened.
@Kezza64 it also depends when it releases it might sell poorly if its released to late in the Switch’s life
They will still be hiring for Metroid prime 4 in 2035 and retro studio will be the biggest studio in the world with over 3 billion pre-orders for a game that will come out after star citizens (about 3 years after the end of time)
Sony is very blessed with talents it seems. Over the years we heard many talents left various sony related studios but they seems to be able to replace those talents with just as talented devs even though we never heard of them before. Must be a really good work environment.
Call me when we get some details on that 2D Metroid that we all know they’re working on simultaneously to ride on the coattails of the trillion of popular recent metroidvanias.
@Prizm I just LOOOOOOVE it when someone calls a classic game CRAPPY and proceeds to internet-review it when he just played 10 minutes of it.... LMAO
The social media generation in a nutshell. Gotta feed on likes and hate baby!! Gotta be different!!
"Ughh this Universal Logo is too much CGI... the movie must be horrible... I'm out"
*Admits they played 10 minutes of a game which is not even past the tutorial section
*Gives general comment about the whole trilogy
(ok I'm biased, but give MP2 a try!)
I know i'm probably the minority here but I really enjoyed Metroid: Other M
The 3rd person + switch to first person was the perfect Metroid mechanic for me, best of both worlds. The way Samus handled was just awesome for me, the slo-mo's etc. People had an issue with the story but I couldn't care less about the story the gameplay was awesome. I hoped I would one day play a new Metroid game with the same type of mechanic but the stupid fans sent a clear message that they want fps or 2d that's it, no combination or iteration on the formula.
People often comment on these bits of news in a negative way, but to me it's great. They are adding talent that's going to help make the game better. I don't really care when it's coming out or what state it is in at this moment. I've made peace with the fact that it is a ways off. I just want it to be great when it is done and this helps with that goal, almost certainly.
Yeah they do, but it's really no different or special than with Nintendo, MS studios, EA or so many other talented studios & companies out there. Talented people move back and forth between these companies all the time. And really, It's not like it's a Carmack or Miyamoto joining the team.
@Veggies I agree.... the game got a lot of undeserved hate. There were issues... sure, it wasn't perfect. But FAR from a bad game. It was a GREAT game, although not the best Metroid. I hope they include it with the MP Trilogy... (if that even exists for the Switch)
Ha ha Yeah, I just shook my head & kept it moving. Was just like aight
I wonder who will get the Boss/AI designer job. I recently did a project for my CS class and I had a few Retro Studios jobs on there and that one sounded the most interesting. I hope whomever gets it has made some great boss fights in the past.
@GrandScribe That Pepsi designer is designing the cover art! I thought this was common knowledge! Xxx
@Veggies @fafonio Other M is great for me too. I love blasting through that game while just skipping the cutscenes. I don't mind the linearity. Fusion was pretty linear as well, and I enjoyed that one. I know it's unlikely, but I would love a Switch emulation of it like with 3D All-Stars. I think being able to press a button to go into 1st person view and use the joycon or pro controller gyro for aiming would be great.
@Snatcher I'd say try to play 1 - 3 some way if you can to get a feel for the series. Plus it's a shame to miss out on them because they're all really good.
@Prizm I'll echo @MimoDX2 here and say definitely give Prime another go, and then I'll say give Prime 2 Echoes a shot. It's a really challenging Metroid with how complex the backtracking and world traversal can be, so if you like a challenge, it has it. It's probably the hardest Metroid game aside from the NES original which I've never been able to get a handle on because everything looks the same to me, and I just get lost...
Hope they give samus some proper melee combat as well.
@Veggies Gameplay wise, Other M was really fun. It's mostly just the story that was horrible.
@Prizm I understand people can have different opinions but holy cow either this is bait or you are simply just extremely wrong.
@everynowandben I have the feeling Nintendo will do that the day they announce the release date for MP4... like "download the original trilogy today from the eShop"
I'm still holding off playing Prime again hoping the HD remaster will be announced. I'm not making the same mistake again as I did with Mario Sunshine, which was announced right after I finished it again on the Gamecube!
Next they’ll be announcing they’ve got Tom Cruise and moving development to the international space station!
I get the feeling the whole team are just sat around thinking which big names they can add next and actual development still hasn’t progressed past that logo we saw years back.
Soon there's not gonna be any talent left at any other studio if they keep this up.
This has be one hell of a game, i bet it arives on switch pro.
With God of War in his CV that’s some prestigious talent to add to this ever-growing Metroid Prime 4 dev team!
This will be something special when it arrives eventually.
@Veggies I agree 100%. I’m not saying the prime series are not good but I actually enjoyed Other M’s gameplay vs that of the prime series.
I doubt we'll get to see this game on the Switch.
It sounds like it's years away from being done.
I find it funny that they put all this work into a Metroid game, than it sells like crap.
Yeah as many have said already at this rate with recruitment the game will drop sometime in the next decade. I'm just waiting to hear they recruited Michael Winslow (the dude from "Police Academy" & "Spaceballs" that makes cool sounds with his mouth) as sound designer.
Can’t wait to play this game Holiday 2024.
@Lordd_G you really think the Switch 2 and Metroid Prime 4 will be out by then?
Metroid Prime 4 seems like an incredibly ambitious game for a franchise that is less popular than Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda (not saying it's bad. It's just that Nintendo seems to be putting so much into it right now).
It might fall under another BotW situation, where it comes out on both the Switch and its successor, assuming Nintendo doesn't have a Zelda game ready at that point.
2022 is the 20th anniversary of the first Prime. Just thinking...
To me all these announcements mean is that the game is still very early in development and years away from release.
@Lindhardt I wouldn't be surrpised if it launches on Switch Pro or whatever the better version is called, and is primarily marketed for that, but also playable on regular Switch, just with lesser graphics.
Also sick name Lindhart is my boy
If they actually hold onto all this new talent after the game comes out they have a banging studio on their hands for future games.
@Slowdive Please don't give me hope they'll make another DKC game. I'd worship them if they did that.
As someone who works on the side in the independent development scene (modding projects) environment designers, level designers and scriptwriters are involved throughout development. As things constantly shift and change during development and sometimes whole levels need to be redesigned as they no longer function as intended. A level or quest may now be too long or too short and it no longer flows.
So Retro continuing to bring in the best of the best from Sony and Microsoft studios hits me as them really planning Metroid Prime 4 to be something very big and exciting! God of War (2018)'s environmental design was one of the best aspects of that game!
@Vortexeo It will probably release at the end of the Switch's life cycle. But they should pacify us with the Metroid Prime Trilogy! Even if they're emulator based like Mario 3D All Stars.
That is not a very good pic of him you guys posted, looks rather....sexual deviant; might want to change.
@Liam_Doolan That is not a very good pic of him you guys posted, looks rather....sexual deviant; might want to change
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