Yet another week has flown by, bringing with it a fantastic Indie World showcase, some suspicious Zelda listings, and a big multiplayer game sale on Switch, but now it's finally time to sit back and discuss our weekend gaming plans.
Members of Nintendo Life have done just that below, and we'd love for you to join in via our poll and comment sections. Enjoy!
Liam Doolan, news reporter
I've just finished watching the new Netflix documentary series High Score (it's worth a look, I might add) and it's got me in the mood for some retro gaming. So this weekend I've decided to relive the glory days with games like the original Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Excitebike, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Fox and DOOM. Of course, I'll be playing all of them on my Nintendo Switch.
In terms of more modern offerings, I might play through A Short Hike (again) - you know, one of the many games shadow-dropped during the Indie World presentation earlier this week. It's a really charming game that's well worth setting aside a few hours for if you haven't already. Game on!
Ryan Craddock, news editor
This weekend I'll be continuing my playthrough of Paper Mario: The Origami King, which I'm quite enjoying so far. I've recently reached the desert area and just experienced what I'll painfully refer to as the 'but why, Bobby? Why would you do this to me?' moment. If you've also made it to this point in the game, you'll know exactly what I mean (and I'm sorry to have brought it up again).
The battle system has been pretty heavily criticised by fans of the series, but as someone who hasn't played a Paper Mario game in about 15 years, I'm not comparing it to previous entries and I actually think it's pretty fun. Boss battles in particular are spectacular, and I'm looking forward to fighting through more of them.
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. Last week’s Indie Direct saw an absolute ton of really good stuff getting announced and stealth-dropped onto the eShop so I’m currently blasting through a few of those for review whilst trying to mop up the last few bits and pieces that I missed on my playthrough of Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, which I really quite enjoyed my time with.
Elsewhere I’m getting stuck into Risk of Rain 2 after having been recommended it by several friends and trying to finish up my first full season in the absolutely sublime Super Mega Baseball 3. Honestly, even if you’re not a massive fan of the game in real life, it’s one of the very best sports games on Switch, a perfect balance of arcade and sim that I just can’t stop playing. Have a good weekend whatever you’re up to or playing!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 116
Getting towards the end of Little Busters! which has been quite the experience. I plan to start Spiritfarer next once I'm done with it. Also been playing some Splatfest with friends today.
I am playing Spyro 2 on the Switch, because I felt like it
Persona 5 Royal and Fire Emblem Awakening for me. Might pick up dead cells in the sale too.
Looking for something to buy. Given up on Paper Mario.
Was thinking Xcom. But as lot of reviews saying to play what is a very good game you have to put up with poor frame rate and graphics.
I’ve just had the credits roll on the Switcher. An absolutely stunning game. For me it really was one of the best gaming experiences ever - right up there with Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles. I am so glad the Witcher was ported to the Switch and I took the plunge in buying it.
So I will take a little break from the intense world of Geralt and head back to my 3DS backlog by hitting Mario and Luigi Paper Jam’s final boss area.
It's been a weird week at work. I have to cheer myself up by playing through Mega Man 2 and 3 this weekend!
Just finish Dragon quest XI now playing Xenoblade chronicles after that xenoblade chronicles 2 all those games are superb !
Man I love switch a lot !
For me this is the Best console ever after Ds and PSX
Have a nice weekend <3
DOOM 64! Still very much enjoying it. Have a great weekend everyone
Loved a short hike. Just downloaded inmost. Xx
Over the last couple days, I've been playing A Short Hike, and I'm pretty sure that it's become not only my GOTY, but one of my favorite games of all time. It may be only a few hours, but scaling that mountain was incredibly pleasant, with so many fun characters to meet and activities to do. The atmosphere, writing, visuals and music were all top notch for me. Best of all, was that last night I had my 5 year old girl have a go with my file and fully upgraded bird, and she finally found a game where the controls clicked, and she was able to scale all the way to the very top of the mountain all by herself. I could tell she was enjoying every second of the game, and she had this look on her face of magic and wonder that reminds me of when I got into gaming as a kid. For this reason alone, I think it's one of my favourite games ever.
Aside from that, I plan to play some more chill games like Windjammers, Big Tournament Golf (otherwise known as Neo Turf Masters), Chess Ultra and Snooker 19 this weekend. Maybe its because of summer, but I'm just in a sporty mood. I also started some Death Squared single player this morning. I tried co-op in the past, which got massively frustrating trying to coordinate movements. Single player is surprisingly enjoyable so far, since it eliminates that factor.
Not played anything in last 3 days (business research), stopped playing ACNH about a week ago. Just felt it was taking over and the real time grind and store stock turnaround was starting to grate. Might pop off some quick arcade games, maybe.
Finally got 100% on Lego City Undercover this week, so another one off my backlog. Appreciate those games aren't for everyone, but I really enjoyed that one. Lots of humour in the script for that as well. Aiming to get back to Wonderful 101 Remastered this weekend. I've got further with it than I did with the Wii U version as it seems to be clicking with me more this time. I still don't think it's an all-time classic, but it's definitely good. Somewhere around the 7 or 8 out of 10 for me.
Moonlighter and Dead Cells after the recent sales!
Animal Crossing New Horizons with more than 385 hours within 8 weeks in a row. 😀

I have collected ALL art installations from Redd by Time Travelling. Now i'm getting all Pirate stuffs from Gullivarr by Time Travel and at the same time tried to help either Gulliver or Gullivarr for 30 times to unlock Golden Shovel DIY recipe.
I played Ratchet Deadlocked PS2 & Dance Dance Revolution Extreme PS2 USA this morning to maintain my old machines. I didn't play any games but ACNH since 8 weeks ago.
INMOST is an intimate story of loss and hope that some may find upsetting.
A short break from Xenoblade chronicles, for this indie Inmost
Not a bad game..
I've been playing collar x malice and so far are I'm really enjoying it! Quite more than a few typos sprinkled about however.
Finishing off donkey Kong country returns on the wii with the missus. Then dragons dogma or streets of rage 4...
Huntdown - I'm at 55% completion and the game just keeps getting better. As retro inspired indies go, it's one of the best.
Splatoon 2 - I haven't played a Splatfest for about 2 years. I'm not a huge fan of them but I'll have a few rounds.
Rocket League - of course I'll be playing Rocket League.
Finished starlink main story and can't be bothered to do any more in it so started one of my backlog games, Grim Fandango. Enjoying the story and characters although not sure I have the patience for the obscure puzzles in this sort of game. Already used a guide a couple of times.
If I get time might playca bit of Splatoon 2 as well.
Streets of rage 4.
Animal Crossing New Horizons. But I am eager to try Spiritfarer. While the games can be similar, I hear the story telling in Spiritfarer is very good and the visuals are stunning.
Almost finished Travel Mosaics 3, great puzzle game. Quell and Rocket League may be in the mix.
Happy gaming, everyone!
None of the staff joining the Splatfest?
This week I will be mostly playing
Mario + Rabbids DLC
A Little Bit Of Brain Training: Maths
StreetPass Plaza Fishing
Ni No Kuni, such a charming RPG 😁
@GregamanX I am glad you liked A Short Hike! I just played it this week and finished it in a day. I agree with your well written assessment. This is a very good game. When I heard someone compare it to Zelda, I thought "no way" but then I played it and I understood. While it is a short game, there is that same spirit of adventure and exploration. I am glad your child liked it too!
Paper Mario and Spyro Switchy
@GregamanX Now you've convinced me to get A Short Hike as well. Maybe I do need something more relaxing after the roguelikes I've been investing a lot of time into lately.
Anyways, my focus this weekend is on Faeria; such a beautiful-looking and surprisingly addictive card game. I just purchased the puzzles DLC for it last night.
Also dipping into Dead Cells/Slay the Spire/Binding of Issac as and when I fancy.
@BenAV Can you tell me more about Little Busters and your experience with it?
On the Topic:
It's been a long time that a game hooked me in. But now I just got two at the same time that basically run all day long on my Switch since yesterday
It has it's ugly downgrade moments, but it is soooo much fun. I did not expect it to be that addictive.
Just finished the first game a few hours ago. Amazing.
The remake graphics do look cheap though. But the gameplay just hypnotized me.
@Shadeon_Koopa good taste in games you have kind sir
Disgaea 5 for me. Not sure if I’m enjoying it but will press on as still quite early.
Battletoads 💪😎
Pga Tour 2k21. Ready for some golf been awhile since everybody's golf. I hope they announce mario golf for switch soon
@Yanina It's a visual novel by Key with interesting storylines, likable characters, good soundtrack, etc. Doesn't have quite as much of an emotional impact as Clannad but still has plenty of moments. Super long for a VN, currently 80 hours in with probably at least a good ten hours to go so it's been a bit of a journey but very enjoyable. It's got a few minigames here and there but like 99% of it is just your typical text heavy VN sorta deal so I'd only recommend it if you're into that (I love VNs), wouldn't be for everyone.
Just about to unravel the green streamer in Paper Mario! Almost time to take down King Olly!
@GregamanX So u recommend Neo Golf ?, also want dat Snooker...lol...that Super Mega Baseball 3 looks very special...
Hopefully some more Turok for N64. So much nostalgia for it. I finally got a copy off eBay recently. I used to rent it from a local video store in my town. I remember the clerk making sure my mom knew it was a rated M game lol
@BenAV Oh wow, I was not aware that these games are so long.
I was always intrigued by all the artwork and flavor that Little Busters showed. So I might join you. Even though my VN knowledge is rather slim. Tried a few here and there as a teen (mostly hentai stuff) but never finished one (I did though).
I’m playing Steins;Gate Elite, it’s really good. There’s not really any gameplay as it’s a visual novel but the story and characters are really great.
@Sim1 I tried the demo for Super Mega Baseball. But the design really was not my thing.
R.B.I 20 has to do until MLB The Show comes to Switch next year.
@dugan Speaking of Zelda, I find that the presentation's style kind of fits Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, although much nicer looking. It really does have a similar feeling of exploration, in a breath of the wild sense, with the climbing and gliding. I found the whole thing to feel like a mashup between BOTW and Night in the Woods. Also, my kid got into it because there's no threat of death and total freedom of movement to do what you want. Its helping her adjust on how to properly control a video game character.
@Shadeon_Koopa Sometimes we all just need a game to chill out with amidst all the chaos. If you take it as an experience and take your time to do everything in it's small, but dense environment, I think you'll enjoy yourself.
@Sim1 I totally recommend Big Tournament golf. It's a pretty low price for four 18 hole courses, and the retro gameplay holds up really well. I had no past experience with it, so I had no rose-tinted nostalgia goggles on. Snooker is a good deal for it's current sale price. I wouldn't pay full price, but I really needed a billiards game, and I couldn't wait the eternity it's taking for This Is Pool to come out. Plus, I'm finally getting to learn how to play Snooker now, and it's rather interesting!
Just connected the Wii to play some Pikmin 2 ahead of Pikmin 3 Deluxe. Never played it. And playing Disaster day of crisis. Never finished that game. Also thinking of playing some Black flag or Bioshock.
@Yanina It's the longest one I've played unless you count The Grisaia Trilogy as one game (which took me 140 hours). I was expecting it to be pretty long because Clannad took me a good 60 hours but I didn't realise just how long, haha.
Just finished Night in the Woods yesterday, good game! So I’m bouncing around trying to find another title to pull me in. Currently bouncing between Golf Story, Phoenopia, and Spiritfarer. Spirit is just magical feeling, but starts a little slow. And NL review for Phoenopia is spot on!
Kirby's Adventure, Animal Crossing and a bit of I Am Setsuna. Still need to finish Mystery Case Files 21 too.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey and F1 20 for me on other system. Switch mostly getting used for games night with mates lately.
Animal Crossing
Yesteraday I got Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia - Echoes for 10€ and I've been enjoying it a couple hours now. Pretty good FE game.
For the Switch, I guess I'll play some SNES games like DKC and I'll finish The Midnight Sanctuary.
Sega Smash Pak for gba!!!!
Splatfest for me....
Oddly enough I just happen to be playing one of the games in the poll. Paper Mario. Continuing with my Super Mario 35th anniversary marathon!
PROLOGUE: Star Children
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's Island DS
PART I: Let's-a go!
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Wrecking Crew
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros 2 - The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2 USA
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Land
Super Mario World
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Donkey Kong 94
Super Mario RPG
PART II: Adventures Untold
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario <---------- Currently at Shy Guy's Toy Box!
Luigi's Mansion
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Princess Peach
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
PART III: A New Beginning
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
PART IV: The Stars Align
Super Mario 3D Land
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Luigi U
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Super Mario 3D World
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Super Mario Run
PART V: Jump Up, Super Star!
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Super Mario Odyssey
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: The Origami King
I've spent some time playing through Paratopic and A Short Hike. Now splitting my time between Grid on the PS4 and Crysis on the Switch.
Almost finished Origami King. It is okay but can't really say I am enjoying it. I just got so far into it, it seems like a waste to just stop a stone's throw away from the final boss.
seeing my poor troopers die in xcom 2
Wonderful 101 for me!
Xenoblade definitive and Phoenix wright trilogy these are must gets on switch if you're into these games!
I downloaded melee online yesterday, and have been loving it!
pga tour 2k21
madden 21 trial
and maybe f1 2020
all on ps4
Playing more Spiritfarer as well as some more Yakuza 5 on the PS4.
Spiritfarer is absolutely gorgeous and has a boatload (no pun intended) of charm. Definitely worth picking up if you haven't already.
Flight Simulador because I want to find uncle's home
Borderlands,DKTF,MK8 and probably some bioshock. Also picked up oddworld strangers wrath physically on switch in the uk. Didn't even know it had one
I've been quite enjoying Grimvalor this week, and The Takeover, getting quite far on that now and the excitement ramps up nicely the further you get.
Story of Seasons FOMT is my main thing at the moment. But I haven't had much time for gaming and might not even be able to play it today. Too much housework, yardwork and craft projects that I need to finish.
Still playing horizon chase turbo. I finished the first four maps with all perfect trophies but may need to either take a break or stop going for the perfect trophies.
I fear I will start another game and never come back to this one.
In earthbound I am about 60% done. Really enjoying the experience and humor.
@abdias I really want to play that. I think finding one's home will be the first thing most people do.
@0L1V14 Inmost looks gorgeous 🙂
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition. Love the graphics and lighting on this.
Currently at the beginning of a Dragon Quest marathon. In the past week I’ve finished DQ I and, bizarrely, DQ VII (finished with 101 hours on the clock). Now making my way through DQ II. Also, loving A Short Hike.
There simply isn't time to play everything I want to! I'll be continuing to play:
Nier: Automata
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Axiom Verge
And I've got my eye on numerous indie games, thanks in part to the current sale:
A Short Hike
Creature in the Well
Dandy Dungeon
We've also got Moon arriving next week and the potential for a Nintendo Direct too. I'm not getting bored any time soon, that's for sure!
Some Splatfest and the bug event in AC:NH.
Searching for weeks for time to get back into Octopath Traveler and I think tomorrow will be the day
I have been playing Ys VIII more as of late. I want to continue playing Octopath Traveler, but I'm engaged with Ys. My 8 travelers will have to wait for their stories to continue 😅
Back on Animal Crossing and enjoying it much more than at launch with the extra content. Finally picked up Octopath Traveller as well
I’ll be joining in this week’s Splatfest! Team chicken all the way! I’ll also continue playing TOK- I’m getting to the last streamer now.
I’ve also been playing walking Dead Telltale series- I just started the final season.. it’s a bit of a rabbit hole I fell down 😅.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Paper mario origami king 😊
Unpopular choice, but I'm enjoying the latest seasonal event of Asphalt 9. Considering I don't normally take too well to free-to-play mechanics, that must mean they're doing something right.
Alternatively, I really should give time to finally finish the last quarter of Blasphemous so I can finally unlock New Game+... to play for another time, so as to prevent the game from quickly going stale.
Mostly the wonderful 101, and zelda 2. I grabbed some classics from lukiegames recently so I might fire up perfect dark, oulaw golf, wcw/nwo world tour, and dead to rights.
Still pounding, whipping, slashing, shooting, and hammering my way through The Wonderful 101: Remastered on the Switch. Odd controls and other little issues aside, I'm quite enjoying the game. The theme and writing are definitely on point.
About a year ago, NL ran a "Best Nintendo DS Games" article. Many of the usual suspects were towards the top of the list, but one I'd never heard of caught my eye: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. I found a new copy of the game (paid a bit of a premium) and backlogged it. I figured I'd finally give it a spin this weekend to see if you lovely folks know what you're talking about.
As usual, there will be a bit of Pokemon Go.
Have a great weekend! Happy gaming!
With the Tony Hawk remasters coming out next month, I decided to dust off the PS2, so I could play Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 this weekend. I also plan on popping in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2, at some point as well, since the PS2 will be out.
On the Switch side of things, I'll be starting a new game of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze with the girlfriend, since she hasn't played it before. Other than that, the usual games of Animal Crossing: New Horizons (I took a break from it, but have gotten back into it), Super Smash Bros.: Ultimate and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I'm playing chrono trigger on my snes
Still playing Astral Chain. Almost completed it. I got tired of getting "bad" grades after fights, so I switched to the casual setting and I'm having much more fun. Sorry, there are times where I just want to play the game and have fun.
Also playing Rygar on the NES NS Online and DKC on the SNES NS Online.
There are A LOT of new games that came out for the Switch over the past few weeks, so might have to do some shopping as well.
Have a great weekend!
@Tyranexx those lovely folks know what they are talking about! Ghost trick is fantastic fun and quite clever from what I remember x
@JohnnyC I enjoyed Lego City Undercover too, still need to go back for 100% but it's a really good game.
Splatfest for me. Have also finished Sonic Forces on PS4 and now completing the Episode Shadow DLC. Not sure what my next game is going to be.
Astral Chain ! Bought it a while ago, played it a bit and for some reason I stressed over all the fighting mechanics and left it in my backlog. Now I'm back into it, and worry less if the way I fight is a mess, it's still a fun and well crafted game
Death Stranding,
Slime Rancher.
Animal Crossing,
Paper Mario.
Enjoy your weekend all!
Having watched and helped out my father with it recently I got the bug to play Final Fantasy 1 again after many years. I went with my favorite version, the one on the PS1, trying something slightly different and decided to omit the warrior class for once instead opting for a team of Red Mage, Monk, Thief and White Mage. Just made it through the first portion of Terra Cavern and beat the Vampire mini-boss. Really enjoying the heck out of it.
There's also the new RPG Maker that just released, been tinkering around with that a bit as well, but I dunno if anything will end up coming out of it.
More AC:NH. Also a couple weeks ago, I lucked out and got the collector's edition of Xenoblade Chronicles at Nintendo's online store, so I'll be playing that too.
FINALLY beat Mummy Me Maze Forever (or whatever the “It Follows” style level is called) in Captain Toad, so I’m getting started on the Switch DLC. Loving it so far. I never expected to love this game — kinda bought it on a whim — but it’s such a feel-good treat.
Other than that, grinding with my teams in Bowser’s Minion Quest on 3DS, maybe getting back to Super Mario Bros 3 (Super Mario All-Stars version), and Lego Batman on Wii.
@Expa0 just beat that game for the first time (Wii Virtual Console). Dated in some respects, but I really enjoyed it!
Had an urge to throw on Street Fighter Collection this weekend, but I’m quite enjoying not playing anything at the mo.
Hoping to dive back into Dragon Quest XI S. The weekend is usually my time to catch up on podcasts. JRPG's are good games to play while a podcast is in the background. Grind a bit, and then pause the podcast when doing main quest.
I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos. Mostly Ryukhar, Poobear, Tha Beast, Cannot Be Tamed, Alanah Pearce, and random reviews and performance videos (and always Digital Foundry stuff when it drops). Also watching kayaking videos, political news stuff, and music. Also playing Rocket League, A Short Hike, Zelda BotW, Animal Crossing, Tekken 7, Trigon, Sine Mora (love the music and pretty visuals), FF X, Fall Guys, Ghost of Tsushima, Burnout Paradise, and Paratopic!
@Medic_Alert I gave up mainly because of the battle system, it becomes very tedious to play. The adventure part of the game is ok, although there is to much dialogue.
The battle system is there just to collect coins. The further into the game you go the more random battles there are. As long as you have powerful boots and a hammer you don't need to configure the enemies, just whack or jump on them. It gets boring and detracts from the rest of the game.
But others like the game. I will sell my copy as well.
@OorWullie Installing was a pain, but it is fun to fly around
I just reached Act 2 of Divinity....
But a friend of mine got me hooked on Slay the Spire and I can't seem to boot up anything else
Lonely Mountains: Downhill, Streets of Rage 4, A Short Hike, and The Stretchers. The sale got me, but I’m loving these games.
Rocket League & some Splatoon 2. Probably some Crash Team Racing, possibly Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - if anyone want's to race on the NintendoLife Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tournament/community. "NLife Community".
Nothing on Switch for me this week. Waiting for Captain Tsubasa.
Amazon US has Cold Steel 3 for $40 (It has all the DLC)
Amazing game for that price. If looking for something.
Paper Mario TOK for me, played about an hour so far, enjoying it. Cost £30 when purchasing a Switch from Argos and can trade it in for £30 so free rental 👍
Started playing Dead or School since it was on sale a week ago or so, and questionable, stiff animations aside, I'm really enjoying it. I like games with loot and this one has enough of it to actually change the way combat feels here and there, so it's fun.
Gonna work on moons 800-900 in Super Mario Odyssey. Stopped a few months ago around 627. Picked it up again this week.
Splatoon 2 for the Splatfest and some MCC on the Xbox front. After the weekend though I'll return back to DQXIS.
Final Fantasy VII until further notice.
Fortnite and Splatoon 2.
@Dragonslacker1 So far it seems like they do! I sunk a couple of hours into the game earlier and have really enjoyed what I've played so far.
Fire emblem fates for me
Oracle of Seasons - for the first time!
Finally got around to playing The Banner Saga. Just started the second one. Not sure what's taken me so long to start but I'm glad I finally did. Amazing story, art, and soundtrack. Also, me and the wife are starting to redesign our ACNH island. Enjoy the weekend everyone.
Recently bought the phoenix wright collection, which is really fun!
but you should be a bit into visual novels and heck i am a bad attorney
The Touryst, finally.
Switch- Splatoon 2
Xbox One- Battletoads
Spiritfarer. I think this might be my GOTY. That's saying quite a bit considering I have 435 hours in ACNH. It's just so darn charming, atmospheric and EMOTIONAL! I love it!
Got the Dead Cells bundle on current sale and have quickly become addicted - it has way more personality than I expected!
Will also give The Stretchers a try, looking forward to some couch co-op fun.
I am playing Yoshi’s Crafted World. I am enjoying getting all the collectibles for each level.
Paper Mario TOK will be next.
started playing warface, it is quite good.
Finally forged the final sword in Muramasa: Demon Blade. With all the talk over Zelda: Skyward Sword being ported to the Switch and and how awesome (or not awesome) that would be, I decided to make playing through that my next project. And that's where six hours of my Sunday went.
Paper Mario. I enjoyed it quite a bit when it first arrived, but quickly got distracted by Ni No Kuni. I picked Paper Mario up again last night and remember just how much fun it was.
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