Capcom has told fans multiple times that it won't be bringing its latest home console Monster Hunter game (Monster Hunter World) to the Nintendo Switch. At the company's 41st annual meeting of shareholders in June, though, management said it was open to developing a new entry that would be more popular with the high school age bracket (aka a new portable entry).
Now, according to the supposed Capcom insider Dusk Golem - who has made some accurate predictions in recent times, the Japanese company is getting ready to reveal a new Monster Hunter game for the Nintendo Switch "soon". This game is allegedly running on a Switch compatible version of the RE Engine instead of an older MT Framework engine.
Oh, and if you're wondering if there's a chance of the newer Resident Evil games coming to the Switch based on this information, the same insider claims it won't be happening:
"I will crush one dream with my RE Engine on Switch talk: RE7, RE2 & RE3 aren't coming to Switch. They tried to port RE7 to Switch for a while one time, but had difficulty getting any satisfactory result. RE Engine games for Switch will need to be made with Switch in mind."
Would you like to see a new Monster Hunter game make its way to the Switch? Share your thoughts below.
[source, via]
Comments 139
Given the rumor with RE VIII, this one might have some credibility. Still, I'll believe it when I see it and not expect it to happen, just hope it will.
Seeing how many entries the 3DS got I'd be surprised if the Switch only got one.
NintendoLife your number one place for low tier twitter rumors.
I’d rather a specific Switch entry like the 3DS games than a dodgy World port, I liked World but prefer the more focused entries in the series.
As long as it's not a port of Monster Hunter World I'll be okay with it. The Switch surely need a unique exclusive title for its platform and this may very well be Capcom's first exclusive title if they play their card correctly. I'm on board as long as it's not just another lazy port.
Seems reasonable, but, as usual, I don't put stock in unsubstantiated rumors.
Even if I believed the rumour, it's hard to get excited about the prospect of a new Monster Hunter game before seeing what it looks like. I'd love a new game in the style of traditional Monster Hunter but I don't want one in the style of Monster Hunter World, which is unfortunately what I'd expect to see.
That's why I always have a Nintendo and sony console so I get the best of both worlds
Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate Recoded
Honestly, many people don’t enjoy the rumors on this site, but I like them. I like seeing them and getting up to date. They’re also every efficient in doing so.
I had a hunch, or rather an outlandish hope, that one of the "hardcore" games revealed to coincide with the Switch Pro that "could be marathoned for hours" would be a new Monster Hunter.
Monster Hunter Switch rumors have been swirling about for quite some time, so I'm excited! Huge Monster Hunter fan. I agree that I wouldn't want a downgraded port of World, and would rather have a traditional, more old-school Monster Hunter made from the ground up for Switch.
I've already played World, and I'm ready for something new. Iceborne's Clutch Claw gimmick killed my enjoyment of the game, along with the terrible Westernized multiplayer design, killing all community cohesion with the gathering hubs of old.
Dusk is very accurate when it comes to Capcom information, having correctly leaked details of RE2, RE3, and REVIII months if not years before they were officially unveiled. He was even able to tell us about Yoshinori Ono's internal conflicts within Capcom before he abruptly left the company.
I'd more excited that they had the RE engine working on the switch. Then maybe I could finally get all the resi games portably!
It's just a matter of time.
Let's hope it's a good game, big and ambitious, and not just something to get easy money...
@HollowSpectre *reads article
*is disappointed
He denying that the recent RE titles are coming does make it more credible sadly
@Ulysses Now you say that, it reminds me of the New 3DS, that launched along with Majora's Mask and MH4. Maybe we'll see the same by march 2021? A New Switch with Zelda BotW2 and the exclusive Monster Hunter? That'd be crazy!
What do they mean by a switch compatible re engine? like the one that powers the current switch ports? or the one that powers the failed re7 port?
I’m glad I’ve held off on buying it.
@Bl4ckb100d their newer engine is actually called RE Engine, it's kinda confusing but DMC 5 uses it too
I guess it just means that like the older MT Framework engine had a 3DS-targeting version, they now have a Switch-targeting RE Engine version
@Slowdive @NullPointerExcep This makes me wish for a Lost Planet revival on Switch with the RE engine. So many possibilities
@Rika_Yoshitake low tier? This guy leaked practically everything about RE8 a year before it was announced.
Card game or party game?
@nessisonett And on closer inspection I am now dissapointed
I am still waiting for Nintendo Direct that you said that there'd be in the end of the month in tens of rumors.
At least they openly admitted to an attempt at porting some of their games.
@NullPointerExcep oh that's awesome! thanks I didn't know that
I'd love to see more Monster Hunter on Switch... but I just finally got started with Generations Ultimate! ;_;
@HollowSpectre Apologies, I’m disappointed too and I’ve played the new Resi games. The more people play them the better.
In other news Nintendo is rumoured to be working on Mario Kart 9. Are you excited for a new Mario Kart? Let us know in the comments below!
@IronMan30 Honestly, just the fact it doesn't read like a wish fulfillment list(and not only that, but that it even reads like the opposite of one as they go into why other games using the engine WON'T be coming to Switch due to not being built from the ground up for it) makes it perhaps one of the more believable rumors out there.
And honestly, the timing would fit. Monster Hunter World is about to close the door on it's own arc with the "final" Fatalis update in October, the next console generation isn't out yet and certainly -won't- be cheap to develop for with still unknown install base... meanwhile the install base of the Switch is known and still actively growing -and- bereft of a fifth generation title still... and developing an exclusive title for it from the ground up(with it's limitations now much better known than in 2017, and thus easier to plan around of) would be likely much easier and with higher chances of payout with how many PS4/PC owner already own a Switch on the side anyhow.
@nessisonett No prob got a little bit too excited. Just waiting for resi 3 to come down to reasonable price then I'll get the PS4 version for now I guess.
@Ulysses switch pro is not going to happen man since nintendo is more focus on the current models plus switch successor is around the corner in the next few years like most likely 2023 time frame.
i would love to see a new MH game for switch hopefully they use a new gaming engine for it.
A MH that combines the slickness of MHW and the depth of the classic titles would be perfect.
I don't get the part about Resident Evil... so games that are already out like 7, 2 and 3 remake are not happening but they will think about switch for next games that way they will work?
@Ulysses Honestly, considering how... "restrained" this rumor is(most rumor which proves fake tend to read like features wishlists), I'm tempted to feel it might be one of the few legit future releases rumors out there.
Heck, it even goes out of it's way to confirm why -other- games running that engine might not come to Switch despite using the engine. Most fake "wish fulfillment" rumors would instead have implied that as a sign these other games "would" be coming instead.
That alone feels to me like it add to the credibility of this rumor.
I still think re7 will come to the switch. The new switch pro is coming out next year and if the Witcher 3 is on the switch now. Anything is possible.
@JuanGartner The engine is... just that. The engine. It doesn't include any assets/etc yet, which is where games can struggle a lot on weaker platforms.
I mean you'd be surprised when looking at some of the games out there that run under the same game engine despite wildly different platforms or even looks.
All this could mean is still a Monster Hunter game which might not look any better than, say, Zelda Breath of the Wild(as opposed to current Monster Hunter World's more realistic style) but would have better support for the coding of the more modern MH games' features like the high level of mobility seen in World vis a vis climbing up and sliding down the terrain on top of other gameplay-oriented details.
Meanwhile, games like RE7/etc which were -not- made with the Switch in mind... remains thus outside of the capabilities of the Switch unless they and their assets were outright remade from the ground up(this is basically borderline what happened with Dragon Quest 11S, and why even on PC the definitive editions and it's extra content continue to use Switch assets rather than the prettier assets of the original Dragon Quest 11 on PS4/PC due to how wildly different the Switch port and that extra content had to be at fundamental levels)
@Ludovsky it is one of the more believable rumors, but I always try to maintain a clear mind so I don't hype myself up and get disappointed if it doesn't happen.
hope so capcom mmmmmmmmmmmmmm MH always sells well mmmmmmmmmmmm lets not make MH. only in japan
MH fans...
Our time has almost come.
@JuanGartner I think it's a "lite" version of their engine, so instead of them having to manually tone down details while using the regular engine, this new version would only support features the Switch could properly handle. This I imagine would impact the devs and artists approach while using this lite version from the ground up.
One example of the 'approach change' thing I think it's the Digital Foundry's Halo analysis, like, Infinite uses a demanding real-time lighting feature, but the older games could look good just mimicking lighting by drawing fake shadows on the textures themselves instead
Easy prediction. Tokyo Games Show is next month and the last investors show had a subtle hint that one was in development.
@NullPointerExcep Thank you! I hope we can get more Resident on Switch, it seems september it's gonna be a good month for Switch announcements.
Yeah they said that a couple of years ago.
@NullPointerExcep Honestly this is basically my feeling in a nutshell.
Like... most of the rumors that proved fake would usually read like features wish-fulfillment lists that leaves most of the technical side of stuff glossed over. This is light on features but however goes into the detail of what engine might be used.... and the limitations that end up going into however how this does -not- means other games running the same engine will be coming to Switch(and then goes further, in very direct fashion, on why NOT to expect those other titles).
The fact they keep in mind that "not everything is possible" and point out this might only happen due to the game being made for the console specifically from the ground up in the first place (and thus indirectly confirming still that World -won't- be coming to Switch) kind of lend creedence since it keep in mind the limitation of the Switch.
Plus, with World about to draw to a close for good with the Fatalis update this October and the next gen of consoles -still- not out(and thus with an install base which is still an unknown), the Switch is honestly the only way they can really grow the userbase further with any certainty(especially with how many PS4/PC owners who already have a Switch) and I doubt port of older games would satisfy(especially since the fact MH games were always light on stories and newer games have clear advances in mechanics, it make it more pointless to port older MH games than stuff like older RE games which at least have developed stories to experience).
Actually, a few years ago they said one was in development. Not that one was imminently being announced.
This is just the inevitable outcome we already knew, thanks to the 3 individual leaks from 3 individual, credible sources over the past 2 years, and comments from Capcom.
This is now a 4th credible person chiming in, but saying its announcement is imminent. Which makes sense, given we’ve known it’s been in development for several years.
Monster Hunter Stories then?
@JaxonH Eh, whatever...if it's MH World Portable, then I'm out. >_>
Not a big fan of MH series but if its more like MH Stories I could be interested.
Did you read the actual article?
It’s not MH World. Capcom has reaffirmed this multiple times that that game is not coming to Switch.
It’s a new game. So if you hate new Monster Hunter games, by all means bow out.
@IronMan30 Tbh I don't expect much because even if true, the reveal might not be until a while/could prove to not exactly be the kind of games people hoped/etc.
I mean, this would be Monster Hunter for Switch and one, as potentially implied by that one investor meeting, potentially primarily developed for high schoolers(which -could- be a group of players Capcom might try to cater to).
Even if it happens, it could thus end up a case of "could be actually great" but also "streamlined so much in an attempt to draw a crowd of players to a level such 'core' players feel left out/etc" and thus end up a disapointment to current monster hunter players.
But in last interview they didn't care for a Switch port or game or something. Wy they change?
@nessisonett this one is made specifically for the switch and not a port so its looking good!
In Japan, when they say “appealing to high school kids” what they mean is “a portable entry like the ones on PSP that was a cult phenomenon in local wireless MP among kids”.
All this to say, translation = portable entry. This was made abundantly clear by a person who was actually present in the investor meeting room when the statement was made. He said the question was meant as “do you have plans for an entry that appeals more to kids [like PSP]” since the portable entries are a phenomenon in the country among kids who carry portable game systems and play local MP Monster Hunter
@JaxonH I said World Portable...
@NullPointerExcep Honestly, -mechanics- of newer games such as the greater ease of climbing and new sliding down slopes/etc I could see the Switch handling... after all, advanced mobility stuff is a lot of what one can already find in, say, Breath of the Wild.
But the thing is the console's limitations might thus mean a Monster Hunter game that, as a result, also might end up -looking- closer to Breath of the Wild in graphics(and if you explore around, especially on the lower poly mountains and their lower resolution textures, you can see the shortcut BotW took to work at it's performance level) than it would World.
Not that I would mind a more cel-shaded Monster Hunter myself if that's what it takes to run on Switch.
Right. And this is not World Portable. It’s a new entry.
@JaxonH Sure, keep thinking that, then.
I intend to.
Capcom has made it abundantly clear they are not just porting World or down-porting World or making a portable version of World. It’s running on a completely different engine- a modified version of the RE Engine. You don’t port to a different engine if you’re just making a portable version of another game. You’d keep it on MT framework just like MH World and MHGU is running on.
Not to mention, all the leaks have been very specific about it being a new game built ground up for Switch.
@JaxonH Tbh I always expected something like a "Monster Hunter 5th Portable" but that's the thing... past portable titles were usually NOT a portable "copy" of their main console titles, but usually entirely new titles that just happened to be released as part of the same generation and sharing some monsters(which, in the past, usually would -then- be ported into the "ultimate" edition of the main title released afterward).
Like Monster Hunter Tri and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd were completely different games centered around completely different villages and even with different flagships(Lagiacrus for Tri, Zinogre for Portable 3rd).
Then when Tri Ultimate was made, they ported a lot of Portable 3rd's monsters(such as Zinogre and wroggis/great wroggi to name just a very vew) into TriU as new content.
I would be perfectly ok with that too, tbh. I’d be ok with a port of World as well (though I would, of course, prefer a new entry more).
Frankly, I just want more MH on Switch. New game? Right on. World Portable? Awesome. Actual port OF World? I can dig that too. Because no matter what it is I’m going to play the heck out of it.
In truth, I didn’t enjoy MH World as much as MHGU even despite all the QoL changes, because I really disliked the new decoration and charm system and I hated the fact they got rid of negative skills and activated skill thresholds, and the low amount of content via monsters and maps. But after the Iceborn expansion was added in, all that added content finally outweighed the bad to the point I can definitively claim MH World + Iceborn (in totality) has surpassed MHGU as my favorite in the series.
So no matter what we get, it’s hype. But we know it’s going to be different from World because Capcom adamantly stressed they’re not porting World. If it was mostly the same they would just say they’re porting the game. Fact they’re saying they’re not porting the game means this has to be significantly different enough to not qualify as a port.
That said, all games share monsters and I would certainly hope some of the new monsters make it into this game.
Capcom developing a modified version of their RE Engine for Switch is the interesting part, as it implies that other new non-Monster Hunter Capcom games could be headed to Switch (maybe another RE Revelations?).
@JaxonH You do have a point so maybe I read a bit too much into it. This said I recall hearing that Portable titles(specifically Portable 2nd/3rd/GU as opposed to 2U/TriU/4U even if on a technical level 4U was a 'portable' title though it was developped by the then 'main' team?)tended to be even lighter on story than main titles so even back then there was a form of compromise?
I guess I'm just keeping a potential layer of scepticism. I.e.: I'm hoping it'll be good, but prepared for disapointment just in case.
A bit of skepticism is always a safe play, IMO. We’ve been waiting for this so long that we don’t want to get our hopes shut down with a false positive. Totally understand that.
But I think this is all but confirmed, at this point. Capcom consistently releases great MH games, and given the sales of the 3DS entries (5 million) on a single platform, with a low budget and minimal marketing, versus MH World Iceborn which only saw 5.8 million across 3 platforms (yes, the base game sold 250% of that amount but I am convinced that was a one time fluke, as the franchise was the beneficiary of millions of disenfranchised Destiny 2 players, most of whom were not retained as consumers for the ultimate version’s release). Switch is an exponentially more popular platform with exponentially higher software sales and attach rates, and the franchise itself is exponentially more popular than it ever was back on the 3DS. Which means the sales potential of an exclusive Monster Hunter built ground up for the Nintendo switch is astronomical. I expect them to spare no expense.
Unfortunately, an insider has shared they were working on Resident Evil Revelations 3 for Switch, but ended up taking what they had and using it for RE8. So basically, Revelations 3 became RE8. I don’t know if they did that because the game wasn’t living up to quality standards and so they salvaged what they could and used it towards a different game, or if it turned out better than expected and they decided this is too good to put on one platform, let’s make this a mainline game and release on power consoles instead. I hope it’s not the latter. But in any case it does indicate they have interest in developing RE for Switch, but it will need to be done ground up, or at the very least with the system in mind from the start which, even then, I’m not sure if that would be enough to yield satisfactory results.
This one actually has weight, as we have known that a Switch-exclusive MH has been in the works for some time.
Sadly, if it's being revealed soon, Hunter may well take the wind out of Shantae's sails for Smash.
@JaxonH My main curiosioty will be to see how much of World's mechanics they'll maintain(specifically as pertain to mobility; climbing + sliding and the maps structure). The other aspect I'm curious about would be art direction.
I assume skills/etc are sadly to remain mostly as-is since for many it did make the titles more accessible, at least in the early game(though I'd ironically say it perhaps made endgame Iceborne sets more overwhelming due to how many skills could end up piling up in the player's build). But mobility/etc is what I'm curious since it could involve more "horsepower" requirements... then again that's a ball Breath of the Wild has handled very nicely.
The other aspect in graphics is wondering what they'll do to make a Switch compatible game. Will they keep a similar art direction than World for identity's sake even if they have to downscale resolution/etc(at the risk of looking ugly/blurry as many "realist" art styles can look when suffering too much of a downgrade). Or would they go for something more unique but also potentially Switch-adapted like cel-shaded look that could run very good performance on Switch while still remaining very good looking now and years later?
Personally I oddly wishes for a cel-shaded look as I feel it would fit the gameplay and atmosphere very well but I'm also aware that the stylistic clash with World might disapoint others.
The Switch has numerous smartphone games so, this is probably Monster Hunter Stories. It still will be fun but not as fun as Monster Hunter World Iceborn would have been. Though, a port of the Wii, WiiU, 3DS games would be welcomed.
It’s not Stories. All the leaks have been very clear that it is a mainline styled game. In fact, rumor has it that Stories 2 is also in development, and is also coming in addition to this. Which means this one definitely can’t be Stories if a sequel to Stories is already coming.
So rejoice, it’ll be even more fun than Iceborn would have been, since it’ll actually be a brand new game. By the way I’m 100% down with a port of MH4U. I like MH3U too, as I put 600 hours into that one versus only 400 hours in MH4U, but it’s a lot harder to go back to than MH4U. The feeling of movement isn’t responsive. I don’t think they’ll bring them over though.
I think it’ll land somewhere in between, similar to the style of the pre-World entries. Truthfully, the 3DS Monster Hunter games were graphical showpieces given the hardware. So much so, that even MH3U on Wii U and MHGU on Switch barely looked any different aside from resolution, yet still passed as console-grade games in the ballpark of other console games on those systems.
So I would expect the game to have an art style similar to what we see in MHGU, which is actually more realistic than cel shading, but it’s definitely more colorful and does have a flare of cel shading that helps keep power requirements in check. I don’t expect it to be nearly as intricate as MH World, but keep in mind this is an exclusive game built ground up for the system, and if there’s one thing you can say about Capcom, it’s that they know how to make graphical showpieces that really take advantage of the hardware.
I suspect this game will actually look a lot better than most people think. With that being said, If they do decide to try to incorporate all of the foliage and detail we see in World, leaning more into the cel shading might be necessary. And I’m not opposed to that. I don’t think it would go as far as Zelda BotW but, maybe somewhere between that and Twilight Princess.
Can't wait for Monster Hunter Stories 2 or Monster Hunter 6 to arrive on Switch. Either would be just fine. Both would be better.
As long as it uses some of the modern enhancements I will be happy.
Just not World, please. I cant figure out why I find it boring but I do.
Hopefully they are working on monster hunter world 2 for the ps5, wouldn't mind a monster hunter stories 2 on the switch though
I personally found the game boring because of World's Westernized art design and diluted mechanics for the sake of broad appeal. It also focused more on the single player experience for the sake of PS4 gamers, and sacrificed the gathering hub experience for the sake of pure convenience, which newcomers attest to preferring on various subreddits unfortunately. PS4 is home to the average gamer this generation, and these average gamers have appreciated the diluted mechanics and pure convenience in the SOS flares that disrupted the more involved online experience of past installments.
I sorely hope you are wrong. I'm tired of ports and smartphone versions. I want this game to be built from the ground up for Switch, akin to a fresh Portable installment.
I disagree that World was a one-time fluke. Yes, its explosive success may point to timing, but I believe its long-awaited breakthrough in the West combined with consistent positive reception from gamers has cemented its multi-million success going forward on PS4/XBOX.
Thanks for the answer.
Of course it’ll remain a multi-million seller success, of that I have no doubt and am not arguing against.
What I said was that the insane sales of 16 million were a fluke, and the sales of the Ultimate version (5.8m on 3 platforms) were much more in line with the long term trend set by the last half dozen releases spanning back 15 years prior (4-5m on 1 platform).
It’ll remain a multi million seller. I just don’t see it hitting even 50% of those numbers moving forward for future entries.
I have a feeling we will see many more ports. That takes the least amount of effort and makes them the quickest profit.
New? More like a new port.
Does any Nintendo fan actually have faith in Capcom to produce new content these days?
I'd be all for a new entry of MH for Switch built for the Switch. I don't want World because I've personally played that to death. I'm also not interested in some kiddie-fied neutered MH experience...Nintendo fans are well versed in hardcore Monster Hunting thanks to the games that hit 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Switch, so I'm concerned about a game being made for the "high school age" crowd. But it's all rumor anyway, so as ever, nothing to do but wait and see.
New information from the source.
I do know a little bit about Itsuno's project, but I won't say much more except that it's open world & they're expanding features of the RE Engine to work with a more open format for the title
So it’s definitely open world. That’s great. But, given Stories 2 is also seemingly coming, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of Stories 2 being announced simultaneously, even first, with the core MH trailer following right after. Supposedly Stories 2 is already being localized, so it can’t be that far off.
You misunderstand. When they say “for kids” they mean “another portable entry that’s popular with kids like the MH games on PSP”. An investor who was present in the room when the question was asked clarified this is what was meant when the question was asked. MH on handhelds is popular with high school kids who play local wireless MP. It’s a cultural phenomonon in Japan, and, it’s why MH World only did 35% of the sales of previous titles in the country (and only 15% of the sales for Iceborn).
It has nothing to do with “maturity”..
There’s only been a lot of ports because those are the games they can actually get running. That’s precisely why this is not a port. Because they can’t get MH World running, they’re making a new game ground up.
There‘ll be plenty of great ports still on the way. Don’t worry about that (DMC4 on the way, for example), but MH Switch and MH Stories 2, and Mega Man X9, will be new entries on Switch. Resident Evil Revelations 3 was also in development, but was salvaged and reworked into RE8. No word on whether they’re trying again, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a new Resident Evil Revelations entry on Switch down the line as well.
Yes! I look forward to a new Monster Hunter game for the Nintendo Switch. This is good.
Hope the combat system is more fast paced. If so, its an instant buy 😊
So for 3.5 years Capcom has given us lazy overpriced old ports of old games. Even over charging us for a shoddy mobile game they made.
Are people genuinely expecting a new game from them?
Forget the 3DS days, we've obviously been kept in the dark about some "behind the scenes" issues they've had, seeing as the 3DS had exclusive games made specifically for the hardware and the Switch has only had over priced lazy ports (RE4 on the Switch is basically a joke, it's the 360 version). I can't think of any reason for the sharp drop in support, other than a falling out that we don't know about.
I wouldn't hold my breath for anything other than old ports of 3DS MonHun games.
So, Monster Hunter World Ultimate, right?
@Itachi2099 and then he pretended to know that ps5 games run at 1080p below 60fps and got banned from resetera after he admitted he was full of bs
@Rika_Yoshitake and that disproves his literal factual leak of RE8 before anything about it was announced how exactly.....?
Given how well it’s selling, especially in Japan, it would be silly to ignore the Switch this gen.
At first I didn't like World, because I had 500 hours poured into MH3U, but then with Iceborne a couple of buddies got it and I am loving it.
I think it has a ton of QoL improvement but retains the core spirit that made the franchise so special in the first place.
I hope that whatever they do they keep on that track, tweeking and perfecting. I hope it's something new, but if it comes out in PS4 I doubt I'll get the switch version. Portability has taking a backseat for me in covid-19 times, I would go with a more powerful version.
@MoonKnight7 That's true, that's also one of the reason why Capcom put Monster Hunter 3 on Wii instead of PS3 cause the Wii was the hottest selling console for that gen. My guess is that Monster Hunter World is just an experiment for them and they are planning the actual main entry for the Switch.
@RodrigoCard I hope not, maybe on the Switch Pro but I don't think the current Switch would be able to run that game justice yet.
I feel like this is just inevitable whether this guy is right or not. Monster Hunter games are proven to sell well on nintendo hardware and World raised the pedigree to make this one of their best selling franchises overall. I'm sure World 2 is already underway for PS5/XSX, but they're sure to have another (maybe spinoff?) one in the works to get that Switch audience.
So, if the rumours are true, we´ll get a new Monster Hunter and a new MH Stories. It couldn´t be better!
By the way, Capcom, we´re still missing DMC and Devil May Cry 4 on Switch.
I dont care about monster hunter, WHAT ABOUT MONSTER RANCHER !!!!!!!! japan is getting a monster rancher game on switch WHY NOT US ?
I'm out if its an exclusives. The joy of MHW is finally over 10 millions of people gets to play it and I also gets to experience MH at 120fps ultrawide. Its a far more baluable experience than having a portable MH.
Probably Stories 2. Also, sounds like Capcom have either given up on putting mature franchises on Switch or treating the console as a dumping ground for kiddy franchises.
If the Monster Hunter game coming to Switch was Stories 2, there is no way Dusk Golem would not clarify that to everyone.
Confusing Monster Hunter Stories 2 for a mainline Monster Hunter game is the equivalent of confusing Mario Kart 8 for Super Mario Odyssey or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX for Pokemon Sword/Shield. I refuse to believe someone so privy to such accurate information would make such an amateur mistake.
@Ralizah I don't either, but I do put stock in common sense. Japan loves portables + Japan loves Monster Hunter = Japan would love Monster Hunter Switch. Of course, Capcom has shown a tremendous ability not to have common sense, but even a passable Monster Hunter would become the best selling third-party Switch game in Japan with no difficulty.
I hope it’s not too much like MH: World. There are some good QoL features they’ve added, but I still prefer a MH game closer to Ultimate.
Well to be fair that is only the best of 2 worlds. As you are certainly missing out when you exclude PC & Xbox.
@BenAV I like MHW's system. It feels like a proper evolution of the old systems I had gotten used to and I loved the QoL changes (Hello being able to move around while drinking a Potion).
Im still playing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and I still havent played Monster Hunter Stories for my Nintendo 3DS
Big disappointment here is the lack of RE 2&3. Not that I expected the remakes but I’d have liked a port at least. I find it really off putting that I can’t ply the entire series. Particularly as 2&3 are faves of mine. Code Veronica would be nice too!
@Sakaixx Iceborne only sold 5 million though. Lot of people dropped it after the initial release of world.
@JimmySpades I totally agree that it would make sense for them to do that, but they have been missing opportunities continuously since the Switch launched, and you have to consider the possibility that they did so knowingly.
So despite knowing Japan loves portability, knowing they love Monster Hunter and also RE. Yet most the RE stuff we have are old over priced ports and we have one MonHun game which was a port of a mid card MonHun game on the 3DS.
I personally think there's been a falling out behind the scenes between Capcom and Nintendo that has caused this rift, they went from full blown dedicated exclusive support on the 3DS to old over priced ports on the Switch, it's been more than 3 years. I doubt common sense will have anything to do with what we get from them anymore.
We might be getting a switch built monster hunter game why are people complaining I for one would love to see it mh franchise games are all ways fun as hell with a great loop of gameplay fun to play with others plenty of lore and cool ass looking monsters if true in hyped.
I’m hyped but I’d want a MH5 type game rather than a stories RPG or similar.
Unpopular opinion: I hope they use MH Stories art style with MH Gen play style.
@Magician there's more chances of switch's monster Hunter bbeing name "Portable 5th" than "6" however. If a Switch title do indeed happens it's much more likely to be considered an extension of the fifth generation kicked off by World than to be the start of a new generation.
After all, Monster Hunter 4/4 Ultimate was followed by Generations/Generations Ultimate, another 4th generation title, rather than immediately being followed by World and the fifth generation it is part of.
@glaemay iceborne sold 5.8m within a year. Still bigger than any 3DS or PSP titles. Anyhow why are we talking sales?
@gameboy1975 I am skipping this and will wait for next gen. Had my fun with portable MH in PSP and 3DS days but I am older and I realized I can still have so much fun with my friends online and, MHW is just beautiful. Cannot wait for what they comes out with next gen!
@Ludovsky - I don't care what form or iteration the Monter Hunter game for Switch will take. The bottom lines is...more MH can only be a good thing.
I find these games way too hard, and full of dull grinding. I got one on psp and played it for 20 minutes, one on 3ds and played it for about an hour but couldn't progress even with a powersaves hack. and then I got pretty much the same game on switch, thinking a real controller would help but it didn't. I wish there was a zero-grind-mode where you just fight the creatures and where whatever armour you like. I know that's not what big fans want but it might get casual players onboard.
@JaxonH I am still cautiously optimistic. I hope that it borrows from MHW to make it more mainstream and gain more sales. I really hope it doesn't sit in Japan for a year before releasing to other regions. Time will tell.
Probably an unpopular opinion.But i would love a sequel to Monster Hunter Stories on Switch.The original on 3DS got an animated series that had an awesome second story arc totally missing from the game itself.Would love to have a playable version of this story:
I think it was Dusk Golem gimself who claimed that RE Revelations 3 became REVIII.
I still think Capcom will (or at least should) release a RE Revelations 3 sometime in the future, especially if they want to annualize the Resident Evil franchise without quickly burning through the remakes (which themselves are of questionable quality, judging by RE3).
Hope it won't be ''Monster Hunter the movie" game.
Will be interesting with what they decide to do. I've said multiple times MHGU would be my swan song of the franchise. I really hope I can resist My obsession compulsion playing of that game is so out of my control it makes it hard to concentrate on anything else. I have over 1000 hours currently with MHGU and its still my main Switch game for hours at a time.
Ummm okay. I dunno what any of that has do with me pointing out that you are still missing out on a ton of worlds if you don't have PC & Xbox in the equation, but oooookay.
Well, it's all how you look at it. It was also sold across three platforms. So it should & darn well better had soled better if that's what is being compared to the sales of games being sold on a single platform like the psp or 3DS
Lmao that is almost something that you'd expect from crapcom when it comes to the Switch. And they would probably pat themselves on the back trying to sell it to Switch owners as something fresh, new and exciting for them to come up with & deliver exclusively to Switch owners... unless or until the base of those people that they often take for granted actually make the game a success. At which point they will port it to other platforms & the Switch owners will never see it put on that console again. LOL then it will officially be a full-on Capcom.
@gameboy1975 yeah and its the better for it. No reason to stay exclusive when they can reach far better sales on many platforms.
Hrmph...They could do those resident evils if they wanted to. Think back to early Nintendo 3ds, look at what Capcom was able to do with the original model 3ds with "resident evil: revelations". Until that game launched NOBODY thought something like that was possible on 3ds. They managed to get RE5 engine to run on 3ds and built an unbelievably good looking and impressive game that ran quite well. It was so good that it was ported to ps3. Can anyone ever remember something so fantastical as a Nintendo 3ds game being so impressive that they ported it to PlayStation? Lol. Capcom managed a true tech miracle making 3ds RE: revelations, if they could do it if they really wanted to put out the resources.
Also COOL!! I love monster Hunter, I've played them all from MHtri and up and loved every one of them, including the crazy different but equally awesome MH:stories. I'd love me a switch MH, yes please
Monster Hunter is always welcome. I'm still holding my breath for Phantasy Star Online
I hope this is true!
@Jhomesjones hmmm, you probably never played RE Revelations then if you say that. The game is beautiful no lie but it is very closed off corridor shooter with doors as loading screen. The biggest area in the game was when Chris and his partner at the beach and the area was actually so small.
Yes please, and a sequel to world on the ps5 would be great too.
Did not care for RE2 or RE3 on PC or PS4. So do not care if not on Switch.
A "NEW" Monster Hunter on Switch would be amazing. MH:World has given me tons of hrs of fun. Capcom is back in shape.
They needs to stop acting like the Switch is a dumping ground for old code, and put some effort. MH is a perfect place to start.
With how popular MH is with portable console in the last generation, it would be crazy for Capcom not to make a fresh entry for Switch. The question is just when it happens...
I played a bit of Monster Hunter World on the Xbox. I played about 10 hours and that was enough. I just didn't like it. Everything was so spread out. Even the 3ds games had hundreds of hours of play. I guess I prefer the more compact towns to run through. I did love Monster Hunter Stories. It had a nice open world feel to it and was actually pretty amazing on 3ds.
A great game series for the 3DS. Pretty sure it will be great also on the switch. Capcom usually doesn't disappoint when it comes to Monster Hunter!
Yeah well their bottom line doesn't excite or do anything for me. So I couldn't care less about ANY of that.
And what's wrong with that? The fact that they were able to squeeze what they did out of the 3DS was impressive no matter how it was done. Heck, sony does stuff like that all the time to achieve higher graphic fidelity on the ps4 & nobody bats an eye. We could always point to the use of linear paths, limited amount of enemies on screen, said enemies having lackluster AI or whatever as they make sacrifices for graphic fidelity as well. Seems crazy to discount or hold a a 3DS to a standard that we seemingly don't with a much more powerful console.
@gameboy1975 the point is. Re Revelations is pretty but is highly limited by the tech on 3DS. I mean had you played the game you will know how many doors and empty rooms Jill had to go through just to get to the bottom area of the ship.
Can't compare with PS4 really. Its a 200w powered console with more than twice the processing power of switch.
And yet the power difference has nothing to do with what was being discussed. When someone pointed out the over achievement of RE.Revelations on 3DS you went about out critiquing & pointing out how they possibly got it done. And hey okay, cool. So I simply pointed out that devs & companies make concessions & find work arounds all the time. Pointing out how people wet their knickers over games like uc4, the last of us & the last god of war.
Even though they they seem to adhere to a similar pattern of using linear paths, often limiting the number/types of enemies on screen, are constantly capped or targeting 30 frames & will have aforementioned enemies with sometimes laughable levels of A.I.. Yet many didn't an eye or nitpick nearly as much about games on MUCH more powerful hardware nearly as much as we're doing here with a 3DS game because the end result works. If anything it's WAY more impressive what they were able to do on such meager hardware no matter what random power comments we're making.
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