If you're a fan of Okami, you might recall how a member of the original development team - Ikumi Nakamura - teased its possible return last year and even roped in PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya, who of course served as the director.
Now, in a recent interview with IGN Japan, she has revealed her plan is to pitch a new Okami title to Capcom once life returns to normal across the globe. As long as she "goes after it" she believes there's a good chance of Capcom greenlighting a sequel.
While Nakamura says she wouldn't be particularly worried about the role she's assigned, she insists on the return of Kamiya - who is currently working on Bayonetta 3 and Project GG - a spiritual follow-up to Viewtiful Joe and The Wonderful 101.
This time last year, Nakamura was one of the many people who jumped on stage at E3 to talk about an upcoming release. Later on, in the same year, she announced she would be leaving her role as a creative director and art director at Tango Gameworks (GhostWire: Tokyo) to pursue other projects.
Could a new Okami game be one of them? Tell us what you think below.
[source usgamer.net]
Comments 31
I wouldn't mind, I never even got the chance to play the original.
As long as it's better than the DS entry. That one was painfully dull and repetitive. Really want to see it happen though. Especially with Ray Tracing, that'd be awesome.
@Kalmaro play it on Switch! It’s discounted pretty often too and totally holds up.
Ray tracing?! How does that benefit the watercolor aesthetic of Okami?
All for it, really enjoyed the HD release on Switch.
@TobiasAmaranth I really didn't see anything much more repetitive on it than on any other game. It even had a similar structure to the original game, divided by story arcs and powering up and being pretty much a formula that many appreciate on Zelda games. I never understood the bad reception for it, forme it was quite an impressive entry specially for a DS title and a faithful succesor to the original one ,which people didn't even appreciate properly either.
I'd love that. I was one of the few people that actually waited for Okami's release on the PS2 and even got it on it's first week out. The game did have quite an underrated sequel, although I suppose people could argue that it's not a direct one. Still,I really recommend Okamiden as much as Okami. I loved both.
Yes, yes and yes please!
Played Okami recently on the Switch and Okamiden (a whole back) on the DS.
What I really love about the Okami series are the humour and the setting in Ancient Japan.
Fingers crossed for this one.
I would like to see a sequel especially if it has a better end boss. Just because a fight is on the long side don’t make it more enjoyable
What is this woman doing besides just appearing in studios and tweeting? Like did the internet fame get to her head that she doesn't need to work? Cause it seems like it, she left that Tokyo game fast after the internet started kissing her feet and calling her "queen."
If Capcom was going to greenlight another Okami it would have happened already and there is no chance Kamiya is going to stop working on games at Platinum to do it. Maybe advise the new team at the most? So much going on at Platinum right now wouldn't be time for another huge project.
I'd love anything Okami to come out but an ex-employee asking them to do it just seems unlikely.
@MsJubilee Not sure about that, but I can't help but wonder what makes her think that she can convince Capcom to greenlight a sequel to Ōkami; she's one person. A lot more people screamed at Capcom to make another Mega Man game well before they eventually did, and even then, they weren't listening to the fans; they were listening to the mighty numbers Mighty No. 9 generated on Kickstarter.
Please make this be true. I dont care whether its a next gen or current gen or what. I just want a new Okami. One of my favourite games ever. I've been replaying it on the Switch, it's a much longer game than I remembered.
I loved Okami on the Switch so I’d be very interested.
This reminds me I have Okamiden in my backlog.
I'd happily help support a Kickstarter for a sequel if it helped get one made. I played Okami on Switch last year and it holds up so well, a true underappreciated gem.
Capcome is only focused on their biggest franchises nowadays (Resident Evil + Monster Hunter + Street Fighter + maybe DMC/Dragon's Dogma).
I would be pleasantly surprised if this pitch didn't fail.
Would love to see a sequel.
If you haven’t played Okami yet please do, it’s often on sale but well worth the money at full price.
I'm pretty sure it's continual re-releases on various consoles will have dramatically increased its lifetime sales figures.
Fingers crossed Capcom go for it
Yes please, Capcom! I didn't get a chance to really play Okami until last year, I had played it a little on the Wii back in the day, but didn't get too far into it. I played it on PS4 last year and I absolutely loved it! I played Okamiden earlier this year and I also really liked that game too, I am definitely ready for more Okami.
I really hope a direct sequel or another game in the Okami series happens. I played the first game on the Wii and absolutely loved it; because of its similarities to the Zelda franchise, I would have never given the LoZ games a proper chance! Okamiden is also decent, though I'd consider it more of a spin-off than a sequel.
@Bliquid yelp of the mut?
Sounds amazing!
Yeah, I really need this. I keep dreaming of Capcom commissioning Platinum* to make Okami 2.
I would love a true Okami sequel, but this sounds like pie in the sky at the moment. Will buy day one if it happens, but I'm not holding my breath.
For the Love of F#@&^%/ God just give us monster hunter. This stuff is good... but Monster Hunter.
I hope it goes through and we do get a sequel! Okami was great, and I think a sequel has the potential to be even better, as long as they cut out some of the tedious parts (like those block guy puzzles. Good lord.)
@Smashfan508 last monster hunter we got was 2 years ago, and that was something of a remake from the 3ds game, we have yet to get a monster hunter game specifically for the switch.
@MsJubilee She killed Tango Games according to some, apparently Shinji Mikami is leaving after this Ghost Wire game (which was her idea in the 1st place) and he put resources into Ghost Wire for a couple of years before the reveal and then she just quits. Now he is directing a game he didn't want to because they need to due to all the cash spent on it so far. And that means no Evil Within 3
@Smashfan508 I was referring more from a sales perspective. I don't think it's ever been a huge seller, despite multiple re-releases. It's definitely highly regarded from those who know it but outside of the more hardcore gaming community I doubt many can recall it or have even heard of Okami.
@Smashfan508 The original PS2 game had low sales.It was really well received by critics,but sold poorly,hence why it wasn't properly appreciated.
@Smashfan508 Think you may have sent me the wrong comment?!
Oh, yes please! Make it happen, on Switch!!
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