If you had the chance to see the Sonic the Hedgehog movie in cinemas this year, you'll be well aware of a certain Baby Sonic who makes an appearance during the film. Interestingly, Baby Sonic was never officially revealed before the movie's huge redesign, meaning we never got the chance to see how he would have looked if the original aesthetic had remained intact. Until now.
Paramount has shared a deleted scene from the film online, giving us an early look at how Baby Sonic was originally planned to look. The clip never made it to the final release, and as such, the character models and visual effects vary in quality throughout. The latter half of the video gives the best representation of how Baby Sonic might have looked, but we've grabbed screenshots of both that, and the unfinished model, below.
The new, redesigned Baby Sonic was first revealed back in December in a Japanese promotional trailer. Here's how he looks in the final film:

If you're wanting to catch the film for yourself, you're actually in luck, as the movie's digital release has been brought forward to today.
Are you a fan of Baby Sonic? Happy with the changes that made it to the final version? Share your thoughts with us below.
Thanks to Greatsong for the tip!
Comments 21
That does look bad and creepy, but not as bad is his original grown up design. He still looks like Sonic here.
That looks creepy as hell. Jeez give kids nightmares why don't ya
Taking aside the redesign thing.The most important part here is that Longclaw came to Earth originally,but in the final movie she dies on her home-planet in the first few minutes of the movie.So,maybe to make the redesign,the team killed her off early so they didn't have to animate her.
It's those weird human teeth that spoil it - otherwise pretty cute...
So they totally changed the story about what happened after he went through the portal
Idk this is still the placeholder model. I’m sure a fleshed our design would have been far creepier
I really do hope they include the horror version of the adult Sonic design in the bonus material. It is [or should be] a special moment in time captured for video game fans to enjoy for ever.
So the movie was done... This scene wasnt fully animated... And they changed this scene to not animate the owl?
For some odd reason i doubt there was really a delay, and it may have been a pr move knowing people would hate the Sonic.
Am very thankful that the Sonic movie design was changed for the better.
@Radbot42 There is no way they could have predicted everything .it would have been a massive gamble for no reason since Sonic is already popular.
@Crockin You obviously just watched the first half of the scene. The definitiv model is in the second half
@smashboy2000 can you really blame me though?
@Crockin turns out... absolutly not
I was about to stop the video too when he appeared on screen...
That's okay, I didn't need to sleep anymore anyway.
Ugh! Not you too, Ryan!
Kill it with fire!
@Xiovanni it was supposed to be of either old age or illness
Well, he sure does... exist
Meh I would had still been okay with the movie even if both the baby scenes aren't in there. The change to Sonic was all I care about.
oh hell, it's Ugandan Sonic.
there shall be memes, horrible memes
Wow, these baby scene is looking awesome. thanks for sharing this, I can't control my laugh.
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