Last weekend, Hideki Kamiya told fans at PAX East 2020 to "email Capcom" if they wanted to see sequels to particular series. One of the games mentioned was Viewtiful Joe, which was first released on the GameCube in 2003 and received a sequel the following year.
Following up on this in an interview with Nintendo Enthusiast, Hideki reinforced the fact that certain decisions were no longer his to make but added how eager he was to "finish" the Viewtiful Joe games with a third and final entry:
there’s been a Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, but there has been no 3. So, for me personally, I would also love to finish that trilogy with a Viewtiful Joe 3.
Hideki would also like to see the original Viewtiful Joe game on the Switch, but once again, it's up to Capcom.
Personally, I really hope that it comes back. I don’t want it to be lost in the sands of time, so to speak. I’m requesting it! I would love it if that would happen.
Would you like to see a third Viewtiful Joe game? How about the original on the Switch? Comment below.
Comments 34
Oh God yes! Would love to revisit that game now. Pleeeease.
It's not a serious I personally care much about - but I know a lot of people liked it, so I would be happy for them if it happened.
YES!!! I would love that.
I played the first one a super while back and I had some fun with it. I would love for Capcom to reintroduce this series to today's crowd.
Never played it, and I know next to nothing about it, but I've heard people talk fondly about Viewtiful Joe for years now. I would be interested if a port were to come to Switch.
Side note, I used to be upset about the Switch being a "port machine" when you consider the overwhelming number of games in its library that aren't "new." But the more I reflect on it, the preservation of older games in the current era of consoles--and being able to own all those games on a single platform thay doubles as a handheld--is nothing but a very good thing. So long as companies don't forget to invest in new products and not sell us the same old games for full price, that is.
He also wants “cute zombie dlc” in REmake 2
Viewtiful Joe is the only Kamiya game I ever completed. I've given a handful of others a spin, but lost interest in the designs.
I bought Viewtiful Joe 2, but it was basically the same game, which I'd already had quite enough of.
That's all fifteen years ago, however, and I'm sure Platinum could pull off a spectacular third game by now, if they put their minds to it. :3
By all means let him.
I have zero interest in Vietifull Joe but the entire trilogy on the NX would be great regardless for any fan of the series.
I played Joe 1 and it never really clicked for me. Possibly I just found it too challenging on the easiest setting, so the harder levels were off-putting. Finished it once, eventually traded it in.
I feel like a weirdo who just doesn’t understand what everyone seems to think is obvious, it was so loved by critics and users.
This has sat near the top of my Switch port wish list for a while, but I’m unsure if there is enough love out there for Viewtiful Joe.
It would be interesting if more games went to Kickstarter to see if the ports would be financially viable — seems a fairly decent way to sound out whether a game will at least break even.
I remember buying a GameCube with RE4 and Viewtiful Joe. What a combo, loved them both, RE4 especially.
This is a must! Where’s the email address?!
HD remakes and a sequel please! Also Viewtiful Joe for Smash...what I'm not asking for that much ; )
Is it just me, or is Platinum the only games company courting the media at the moment? The news cycle would practically be dead if Platinum didn’t keep piping up the whole time.
@Rexenokid and we got a Devil May cry 5, 11 years after dmc4 with a western spin-off in between.
That was a great time to be a gamer. 2004 to 2006 was insane. RE4 and then OBLIVION on 360. Such a jump.
Yes please also 1&2 remake for this gen even though there is nothing wrong with the original 1&2.
Viewtiful Joe 1 one of my fave game ever the moment i started playing i knew it was something really special.
Bring it on captain blue ( While spinning kick in slow motion inbetween captain blue's lighting ) on the hardest setting it's logged in my mind for ever.
I just hope the rights have expired from Capcom i think some people from Clover Studio made it for capcom. Clover made some amazing games in the gamecube era they where my fave studio at the time. Now PlatinumGames they make outstanding games such top quality, design and gameplay.
I never got my hands on these back in the GameCube days, so I'd be thrilled to pick them up for the Switch now!
I would love to see this game on the Switch in general! Unfortunately I don't see it getting funded if Wonderful 101 sells poorly.
I still have VJ 1 & 2 for GCN, but I'd pay anything to have remastered/upscaled versions running on any modern console.
@nab1 I still own them too, but yeah, these would look fantastic in HD.
Yeah, I'd love Viewtiful Joe to come back to Switch. Mad World and P.N. 03 as well. Too bad Nintendo has sucked bringing N64 and GameCube classic games to Switch's eshop.
Yes and bring Joe to Smash, please and thank you.
Take my money!
@gaga64 How'd you even finish the game if it was too challenging on the easiest difficulty? I enjoy the games, but I don't think I'll ever be able to beat them.
@BulbasaurusRex a combination of luck and stubborn dogged perseverance.
By “too challenging” I don’t mean it was impossible, just that it was so hard that it started to feel like a chore, repeating the same sections over and over until I managed to bludgeon my way to the next save point.
I just didn’t find it much actual fun, but maybe I was just missing whatever trick makes all the special moves piece together and flow perfectly. Like looking at a jigsaw puzzle but not being able to find the corners.
@Luna-Harmony to my knowledge, Platinum basically is Clover studios
A new one would be great, but honestly, just having the first two on Switch would be MASSIVE. The first was untouchable and a great new IP, with just enough shared DNA with Mega Man to make it familiar without boring you.
I never got to play the sequel, which I remember being kind of hard to find back in the day--but would love a chance now!
@gaga64 Ah, that would be an issue. I'm someone who just gives up after a while before it ruins my experience with the game. Did you at least enjoy the earlier levels before the difficulty got too frustrating?
@BulbasaurusRex I did. The difficulty was present from fairly early on, but it started out at a reasonable level - tricky, but with that feeling that it should soon start falling into place. I just don’t think it ever did for me, so it gradually became more frustrating.
I would love it!
Viewtiful Joe 3 please! A port on Switch of the original would be nice too, but I wouldn't base demand for VJ3 on a port of VJ1 to current gen consoles, because the ones who want VJ3 have already played VJ1, we would much rather have something new please, but I'd still buy a port of VJ1 just like I did to support a comeback of Onimusha when it released on Switch.
P.S. I periodically go back and revisit VJ1 and 2 to this day. I actually replayed some of it just last year.
Sounds like it’s time for a Viewtiful Joe 1 + 2 HD Collection!
Here’s to hoping we really do get a Viewtiful Joe 3 as well!
… Wun can only hope.
Henshin a gogo Baby!
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