Last month, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD was revealed for the Nintendo Switch during the Indie World Showcase.
In the latest update, the game's developer has now announced a co-publishing deal with the French publisher Microids to bring a total of three classic Oddworld titles to the Nintendo Switch this year. The first one is obviously Stanger's Wrath HD and it will be arriving digitally on 23rd January.
This will follow with a standard and limited edition retail release of this game in the first quarter of 2020 featuring some exclusive collectibles.

The other two "classic" games haven't been revealed yet, but we do have a comment from the Microids' CEO to share:
These three games will fit quite nicely in our catalog where retro gaming has a prominent place. These games captivated an entire generation of gamers
Alongside this announcement was a new trailer for the Switch release of Stranger's Wrath HD (see above).
What do you think the other Oddworld titles might be? Share your thoughts below.
Comments 29
Munch's odyssey is almost a guarantee. Love Oddworld. Used to live in the town of their original headquarters. They had just shut down operations about a year before I arrived there. Glad it's still going in one way or another
Cool! Never played any of them but my best friend wouldn’t stop talking about them growing up. Well that and FF 8. I will give them a go. It is a nice time to have grown up a Nintendo mostly gamer. Lots of new to me games being ported or remastered.
Yes, my hope for New 'n' Tasty will come true after all.
Ooh!! I might get this actually!
There has only been three other games right? I know there’s a new one on the way to PC but the only others I can think of are Abe’s Odyssey/new n tasty, Abe’s Exodus, and Munch’s Odyssey. It’s likely Munch and Tasty.
New 'n tasty would be awesome, never played it. Exodus would be outstanding, because to me it did everything that Oddyssey did way better
Physical release? Well then, I'll be waiting for those!
Please please please be Oddyssee and Exoddus.
Soulstorm is actually how Exoddus was supposed to be in the first place but I actually like the retool they gave it.
Great news but $30 for Stranger’s Wrath seems $10 too much
4 of the Oddworld games were ported to NVIDIA Shield TV years ago. 1080p/60 on Tegra X1.
Also. The Oddworld games on Shield TV is how you do it properly on Android TV as they supports 4 different gamepad API's and loads more other devs don't.
Oddworld is basically benchmark games for Android when it comes to doing it properly.
Preordered it already and will buy the other 2 day 1
You guys remember when the creator didn't want to put Oddworld on Switch? It's nice to see he finally realized the potential. Switch should have no problem running these, since they are last gen.
I believe the other two games will be Munch's Odyssey and New 'N' Tasty.
@Ventilator These are the HD remakes though. Not ports of the originals.
Didn't Lorne Lanning go out of his way to dump down the Switch's throat during its first year on the market?
The Oddworld games have always been fun, but I don't plan on giving this d-bag any of my money.
@Skulks It's cause New N Tasty sold poorly on Wii U. He pretty much said he wouldn't put the games on Switch because of that. It's not that terrible.
Oddbox on other platforms is like £16.99. Has Stranger's Wrath HD, Munch's Oddysee HD and the original 2 playstation titles. So, I'm sure one will be Munch's. The other will probably be New n Tasty because the new one (Exoddus remake) isn't finished yet.
@Bermanator The one released on Android released years ago is the same as this game. Same HD version. It's just a late Switch release.
My guess: At least New and tasty since that has been on a Nintendo device before (Wii u). As for the other: Maybe Much Oddysee, maybe the upcoming remake. I prefer the upcoming remake and Munch Oddysee, I have already the one on Wii u.
It will be Munch's Oddyssey and New''n'Tasty
I expect Strangers Wrath to look and run great on the Switch. After all it was brilliant on the Vita, and the Vita, ironically enough, was the console ports went to to die.
Finally - yesss!!!
New N Tasty is my favourite game.
Oddworld amiibo would be great too!
Nope,... announce Oddworld: Soulstorm is coming to Switch and you have a deal.
Have the VITA and the $3 iOS version (also has Gyro aiming and fast loading) no need for another $30 version 🙄
All derepnds on the price. Stranger's Wrath is an amazing game but I'm not paying full price for the third time
@Ventilator Last time I checked, the Android version is a port of the original. The sound quality is better in the HD version. The graphics are too. I played the Android one, voices were compressed just like in the XBOX version.
Does anyone know if these games have or could have coop?
@Bermanator It's the NVIDIA Shield TV version which is HD 1080p/60. Not the standard Android version.
Oh. Okay... Didn't know.
@Bermanator yup I remember when he was bashing Nintendo saying they doomed his games because they wouldn't advertise them properly on the eshop
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