At this year's Game Awards, we got a look at an extended cut of the upcoming Switch exclusive, No More Heroes 3. Thankfully, it's still on track for a 2020 release. The clip caught a lot of viewers off-guard when it was first shown because as you can see above, the beam wielding assassin Travis Touchdown doesn't make an appearance until the very end.
The story this time is about the "all-American No. 1 ranked assassin" facing off against "super hardcore enemies" from space. In the new video, we're introduced to 'Fu', an individual from space who is out to destroy one planet at a time with a crew of alien buddies.
Last month, Suda51 said the third entry was about 35 to 40 percent complete. He also mentioned how it would be an open-world title once again, but informed players not to expect too much in terms of scale, because Grasshopper is only a "medium-sized" studio.
Are you looking forward to the return of Travis Touchdown? Comment down below.
Comments 38
Suda you troll.
@TheMisterManGuy He truly is a trickster king in the gaming world.
What happened to the live stream page?
Now, THIS is how a sequel to E.T should be.
@HeroponRiki There seems to have been some technical issues. We managed to get through the pre-show in the end.
Please give us the original two on Switch as well!
@Liam_Doolan I can’t find the live stream anymore, maybe it’s just me though
@SimplyCinnamon53 It's been taken down due to a technical error.
I thought it was going to be a Studio Ghibli film there for a while.
And people thought Death Stranding was confusing? 😅
That trailer was... AWESOME!
I'll play the waiting game. NMH was pretty meh. They needed more polish.
This looks epic, and not in the way it was overused in the 2000s
@SimplyCinnamon53 your avatar brings back memories of that movie lol.....TRAJANUS!! Gentlemen Broncos was a great movie
Suda51 is a master studio at subversion I would love to see after they complete this them create a horror game or something rich in story or perhaps both.
Fu! Is that you??
this trailer was awesome and i am sooooooooooooo pumped for this game.
Nice touch with the Akira reference there Suda.
Suda51 and Swery65 need to bring all their games to the Switch.
Wow those Villains/heros//!!!
Man loved that trailer, felt like watching a great anime.
Travis for smash!?
@dublae lol glad you noticed it! My username is also the name of her breakfast inspired dress
This was the best trailer showed last night, and it was at the beginning of the event. Should hadn’t stop watching after it
Suda take your time, I’ll be patiently waiting. Awesome trailer, was that Sylvia ?
He's no villain, he's a GODDAMN SUPERHERO
Oh, I am definitely charging my Beam Katana. It's time to get MOÉ~
Also, RIP Number 6. We loved her soul.
@DFaceG_Rebooted Watch your language, cursing bad here! 🤓
@The-Chosen-one Ya, if you actually listen to that little sound effect after the date screen drops they all but confirm him for Smash with that alone since it is a sound directly from Smash Ultimate. I wonder why there isn't more speculation.
I second the call for a No More Heroes Collection. I've never played the first. The second is one of my favorite games...but my disk is scratched.
The only question is should the collection have the Wii version of No More Heroes or the updated PS3 version?
Oh my didnt notice that 🤔
I really hope he is in!
@The-Chosen-one He is like a perfect fit for a DLC Character, and Suda likes to hide stuff in plain sight.
That's amazing. And that's all I can say.
@Jokerwolf wow I didn't make the connection until I read your comment!
He's actually one of the few characters I can think of that I'd really like to see in Smash, along with Skull Kid, Amaterasu and the Doom Slayer.
Sadly none of those is gonna happen though 😕
at first I didn't really care about No More Heroes 3 because i'm not familiar with the series but now i think i'm willing to give NMH3 a chance next year would like to see gameplay next
@bluesdance DAMON I LOVE YOU.
Thanks, Damon.
Now THAT's a teaser. Feels like the set up for a great movie, it already has me interested in the stories of several characters, and it has several surprises and plot twists, one of which is that it's the sequel to one of my favourite games... And it didn't spoil a thing about the actual game, while fueling speculations and building hype to a reasonable level this far / close to release. 2020 release, good luck! Don't rush though.
This is very weird, but they're weird so that's to be expected.
@DFaceG_Rebooted But I thought he was finally a cowboy?
I'd love a Collection of the NMH games. That'd be pretty rad.
Lol, this is so weird...but very cool!
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