
Only hours remain until Christmas Day - unless you're reading this in the future, of course - and what better way to spend your Christmas Eve than angrily shouting at the hardest Pokémon crossword known to mankind?

Here's a blank image of the crossword. Look at the SIZE of it!

Joe Merrick, the hardworking webmaster of Pokémon fansite Serebii, has created the latest edition of the site's annual Advent crossword. There are 400 clues to figure out, a reference to Pokémon Sword and Shield's Pokédex count, and you can choose to fill out the entire thing online or by printing it out and doing it by hand.

A word of warning, though: this is not your typical Pokémon quiz found online. You know - the ones that say 'you'll never be able to answer number ten', and then the question turns out to be 'what colour is Pikachu?'.

This one is super hard. Indeed, we imagine only Poké-fans in the top percentage of Poké-fans will get anywhere close (and if you didn't get that reference, good luck to you). Still, it's something to do while you wait for the big day, so why not give it a go by following the link below?

There are a number of Pokémon fans on the Nintendo Life team, but even we're seriously struggling here. Oh Joe, you brutally intelligent monster.

[source advent.serebii.net]