Everyone knows that the Switch isn't quite as powerful as the Xbox One and PS4, which makes it easy to keep expectations in check when it comes to multiplatform ports. However, the arrival of games like Witcher 3, Overwatch and Wolfenstein II has emboldened Switch fans, who now know that β in the right hands β the console is capable of hosting perfectly satisfactory replications of these amazing titles.
If you were to ask Switch fans what game they'd like to see ported to the system next, then Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to be quite high on the list. Rockstar's epic Wild West action title would be quite a challenge to cram onto Nintendo's hybrid console, but a new find has triggered speculation that it could well be happening.
Twitter user TezFunz2 has been digging around the game's files and has discovered an image of the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller:
Does this mean that a port is in the works? Or could it simply be that Rockstar is planning to bring Pro Controller support to the PC version in the future? Could the Switch even handle a game of Red Dead Redemption 2's scale and visual scope? Which studio would handle such a tricky job?
Let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
[source ubergizmo.com]
Comments 105
Half-Life 3 confirmed
Don't you dare get my hopes up. This would be amazing though!
Controller support lol
Even my 2060 super cant max game out, xb and ps4 versions get pushed hard too.
Probably the most demanding modern title I can think of, its even more demanding then metro exodus with raytracing turned on lol
Most probably just controller support on PC.
Japanese streaming release. π
Also dont really like the authors comparison of things like Wolfenstein II.. idtech is a very flexiable engine which is why doom and wolfy work so great on switch
RDR2 uses the rage engine, which is known for being pretty tempremental.
I dont think Rockstar have the engine or the know-how to make it a reality
All games can be ported to Switch. The question is how much graphic fidelity can they retained? Just like Witcher 3, a lot is downgraded, but not enough to make the game unplayable. The real obstacle is not the processor speed, but the cartridge storage.
@NoTinderLife Yeah I've heard we're getting Star Citizen next
Bring over the first one would be fine.
Bring over any Rockstar game would be fine.
Haha, Pro Controller support seems most likely. I really can't see the game coming to Switch as much as I would like it....
Obviously it would be amazing if it did and I would look forward to seeing a Digital Foundry analysis of this beast on the Switch!!
@NoTinderLife : Considering that the console versions apparently shipped on two Blu-rays, this beast would need a 64GB cart or at the very least a 32GB cart with heavily compressed assets.
I'd play it on Switch, if the port would be as good as The Witcher III. Oh, and the whole game should be on the cartridge too.
@gaga64 Manhunt on switch!
Though whats chances nintendo would allow that xD
@Silly_G it needs more then 64gb, the xb and ps4 versions have mandatory downloads, even on physical, pc version for me sits at 150gb
Let alone how demanding the game is, even with downgraded graphics I think itd still make my switch blow up xD
Also, doubt you could compress such a big game into 32gb
Maybe one day though, when we see a switch pro
It's coming to Switch on 20 cartridges! As soon as the intro is done then you enter cartridge #2.
@Doktor-Mandrake : Manhunt 2 was released on Wii, albeit censored as the BBFC banned the uncut version (a twice or thrice censored version was eventually approved with an 18 certificate) while it was rated AO in the States (a censored M rated version was released on consoles). Rockstar never bothered to classify it in Australia as the R18+ classification was not yet legislated for games, and the first game had previously been banned on appeal (despite being initially approved with an MA15+ classification) because the minister of home affairs (or the like) complained about it.
Ironically, Australia would probably be the only jurisdiction that would now accommodate the uncut versions of both games at the R18+ classification while it would almost certainly be censored elsewhere.
@Silly_G that is surprising for australia for sure hahah id still consider manhunt one of most brutal video games out there.
Manhunt on the go would be pretty neat, as would bully and gta vice city ^_^
Well, if Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't a 'proven third party title' then I don't know what is...
...but I'll echo what others have said. Where the heck is GTA?
@Rafke I imagine them compromising the online portion if they did do GTA V
I think alot of people here never consider the fact the RAGE engine (that r* use for all their games) isnt partiuarly that great and its pointless to compare to witcher 3 or wolfenstein 2 ports when those games use entirely different engines.
Never say never I guess, but the engine as well as storage capacity would be their biggest hurdle, along with social club functionality
We got L.A.Noire. Thatβsa rockstar games, no?
Most likely pro controller support cause the game takes up over 100 GB as is.
@Doktor-Mandrake : The console versions are (give or take) 100GB, which is consistent with the shipping of two BD-50s. After any downloads/installation of temporary files, the final sizes sits at around 100GB (temporary files are deleted once the installation is complete). I can't vouch for any patches post-release that may have ballooned the overall size of the game any further.
PC versions are usually significantly larger by default as they aren't being shipped on discs anyway, and are also not bound by the same technical constraints as the home consoles, so there's virtually no need to worry about storage or costs of physical parts on the publisher's end.
It isn't inconceivable that Rockstar can squeeze a 100GB game designed for 2160p displays down to 64GB for a 1080/720p display. There's also the fact that the assets will need to be significantly reduced to prevent overheating and to render the game playable for a reasonable length of time on a mobile device, so quite a lot of compromises would need to be made to optimise such a lofty game for what is essentially a tablet. Perhaps RDR2 would be better situated on the Switch successor where fewer compromises would be necessary (and storage costs will have fallen even further by then).
Either way, publishers are reluctant enough to use 32GB cartridges as it is let alone 64GB. And a partial cartridge release makes no sense for a game as large as RDR2 if the userbase needs to fork over an extra $20 or so for 64GB of storage (charging an extra $10-$20 for a physical release with the content on a cheaper ROM cartridge would make more sense, but who's listening?).
In any case, I strongly doubt we'd see the likes of RDR2 on Switch. The best case scenario would be a port of the last-gen versions of GTAV, but even that is a pipe dream. The classic GTAs and Bully (with the Wii motion controls ported over) would also be amazing.
This is like 2 weeks old
This won't be coming to Switch. Personally I doubt I'd buy it again if it did. Very overrated game for me. General gameplay and controls are not great. This game got by on the story and presentation,which is stellar,but the rest is just ok for me. I have no desire to play it again personally. It felt like it was becoming tedious and a chore long before it got to the end,and i put that mostly down to the unsatisfying gameplay,the shooting mechanics especially. It is a great looking game no doubt but you won't even get that on the Switch if it were to happen
@Doktor-Mandrake : Playing a game as brutal as Manhunt would be a bit awkward in public. I felt weird enough playing DOOM on the train in case there were any children or sensitive people nearby.
I thought it was Mother 3 confirmed.
If this would happen day one purchase for me. If they give the same treathment as what was done to Witcher.
@KingSinister YES PLEASE!!!
@Silly_G suffocating people with plastic bags while sat on the train would feel a little akward xD
No chance in hell for a port.
I'd rather have GTA V to be honest. But I'd probably try it.
Iβd prefer the first Red Dead Redemption.
I'd actually prefer the first one over this one. It's a lot better than this.
The game play is terrible in RDR2, everything else is great but its a chore to get past the convoluted and slow gameplay. The first one didn't have it anywhere near as bad.
Yeah give us RDR1 and GTA 5.
@Kneppy18 oh yeah, I forgot about that. Anyone know how it performed sales wise?
I bet we get GTA V before MOTHER 3.
But honestly, where's the next Rockstar game for Switch? I thought L.A. Noire was good but that can't be the only one. Even the Wii got more support with the best versions of Bully - Scholarship Edition, Manhunt 2, and Rockstar's Table Tennis.
My guess is maybe they floated the idea of porting this game to Switch at some point and drew an image of the Pro Controller, and the image of the controller stayed in the program file.
people do understand there are more there are more bigger and demanding games than The Witcher 3 right? seeing The Witcher 3 run 20 FPS on Switch tells me that is the maximum the Switch can handle you think Red Dead Redemption 2 could run on Switch? unless they broke it up into parts not a chance
I think it did okay, but not great if I recall. It was such an old game and not the highest regarded in their library (though a really good game in its own right).
As a reviewer once said about Witcher; if you must be able to play it on the go, get the Switch version. If you have a PlayStation and a Switch get the PS version, it's cheaper and much better looking.
But if there is a demand for big open world games with high end graphics like Witcher or Red to be played on a small low resolution screen with graphics that have been trimmed down and a high price tag, then go for it.
Zelda botw fits well docked or handheld because it was build from the ground upwards, with Nintendo knowing the limitations of the Switch.
@Xylnox like the old floppy days where you need multiple of them to install one game π
@KBuckley27 I wouldn't watch a multi million pound/dollar blockbuster designed for the big screen on my smartphone. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Firstly welcome to old news!
Secondly it can't happen unless the game is broken into chunks like DQ11S
wouldn't this be impossible? I mean I'm no tech wizard but I'm pretty sure this ain't happening. Isn't this game like over 100 gigs on PS4? Yeah good luck finding a micro SD card to hold all that! Okay so we got the witcher but keep dreaming guys. Not likely.
I actually have this game on PS4 but as of yet, havenβt played it. Iβll get around to that eventually.
@zool A portable GTA V in at least PS3 quality would not be a problem for Switch. Many people nowadays prefer to have games both on the big screen and portable with them at the same time. GTA V is one of the best selling games of the last years, and a Switch version of any GTA would be selling too.
If someone could find a way to get this on Switch it would be amazing. To be able to take this massive world with you anywhere would be heaven.
They don't release gta games on Nintendo platforms because they simply wouldn't sell and rockstar knows this. The extreme violence and glorifying of cop killing probably doesn't help either. Chinatown wars on DS and i think a crappy gameboy advance one is all that ever released.
GTA V is way lighter and they don't plan on porting that.
If the Switch gets this then the best case scenario would be via streaming.
I think Sony Nintendo and Microsoft should come together. Get Xcloud and PS Now on switch. That way, games the switch can't run can instead be streamed. Plus with 5G coming, streaming will be super easy.
I'd prefer we started with RDR1 which would probably be an easier task anyway
@huyi : At least in the floppy days we got the entire game in our hands with no DRM, patches, or any of the other crap that has since plagued the industry to the detriment of consumers.
Games on CD were sometimes fully playable from the CD alone (no installation required), and just as well, as CDs have a maximum capacity of about 700MB, and hard drives in the mid 90s were only a gigabyte or two, with most computers only having a few hundred megabytes of space, so in comparison, the storage capacity of CDs were absolutely massive. I think my weirdest CD-ROM purchase in the 90s was Magic Boy, which was only 300kB in size, and would have fit on a floppy disk four times over. It seemed like such a waste of a 700MB CD which could have accommodated the game more than 2,000 times! Fun game though.
Mario Is Missing needed five floppies, if memory serves, and I'm pretty sure DOOM II required five floppies as well (though it also had a CD version, but CD drives were not as common in the early 90s).
DVDs weren't really used for PC games until about 2005/2006, and Blu-rays had entered the marketplace in late 2006, but weren't widely adopted by PC users, and Apple refused to include them in their products as they wanted customers to buy significantly lower quality iTunes downloads instead of Blu-ray discs.
Not gonna happen. Some GTA action would be very welcome though. Open world games like that are a surprisingly good fit for a portable.
Would much rather GTA5!
@huyi Haha. Ya.
@Silly_G I bought DVD games for PC in 1999 like F18 Hornet and some, but it sadly took years before CD died.
I had CD games years before it even existed for PC.
Commodore CDTV from 1991 got around 500 CD releases in 2 years. PC were very late to the CD game.
My smallest CD game were "Frontier: Elite 2" for CD32 console in 1993. 300K and to date my favourite game ever. Funny thing is that 300K game were the worlds biggest open world game ever made with 100 billion planets etc.
When that's said, my physical edition of GTA 5 for PC had 7 DVD's in the box.
Willy Beamish on Amiga came on 15 Floppies, but not a big deal as i had 4 floppy drives on Amiga at the same time.
Phantasmagoria on PC.. 7 CD's.
1980's were great, but 1990's were the greatest decade ever for gaming, but also hardware innovation.
Red Dead Redemption is on Steam.
Steam has Switch Pro Controller support for all games.
Having a Pro Controller image makes sense, even if just because of that.
Itβs clearly just controller support. I would love to be wrong, but the media is REALLY hyping this up.
@Ventilator : F18 Hornet on DVD in 1999? I find that very hard to believe. I couldn't find any evidence of a DVD version online except for one that appeared to be a mid-2000s reprint (which looked like a Windows Vista/7 era release). I'd be fascinated to know if there were in fact any PC games on DVD released so early! The only versions I was able to spot were on CD.
One of the reasons why some games (particularly FMV-style games like Phantasmagoria) in the 90s had so many CDs is because some games were only marginally too big to be stored in their entirety on a CD, and because most hard drives were only a gig or two in size at the time, all of the CDs would contain a lot of duplicate data (presumably UI assets and other frequently recurring elements) between them so that the game could be played entirely from the CDs without needing to install anything to the hard drive (except for perhaps save data). I had a game called Byzantine which shipped on I don't know how many discs (maybe six or seven CDs), and there was only about 50MB or so of unique data per disc (with everything else being comprised of duplicate data).
Had DVDs been around for PC gaming then, I have no doubt that these sorts of games could have easily fit on a single-layer DVD without issue. The high number of discs was also a means to prevent the need on the player's end to swap discs too frequently.
I also have the PC version of GTA V. It took hours to install due to the low read-speed of DVDs. It would have been a lot quicker if they had used a Blu-ray instead (with the remaining data supplied on a DVD or single-layer Blu-ray, as 7 dual-layer DVDs was slightly too much for a single dual-layer Blu-ray). I intend to burn my own Blu-rays once I get around to backing up my PC games.
Wouldn't mind red dead redemption 1
It can be done if Nintendo release 64GB card. I am sure it will be coming to Nintendo Switch. 32Gb is a crappy card anyway. 64GB is the best bet.
I hope we get some more Rockstar games on the console, period.
"We're proud to announce Pro Controller support in the PC Version of Red Dead Redemption II"
if cdred can port witcher 3 to the switch im sure rockstar can do it if they have the patience to do it like cdred did anything is possible.
@Silly_G My purchase date for "F/A-18E Super Hornet Attack" on DVD were 5 December 1999. I still own it physically in a big box.
It were released sometime before december 1999 then.
"F/A-18E Super Hornet Attack" is the full title.
The 1999 version DVD contains a 45 minute plane documentary narrated by John Travolta too.
I also bought Tex Murphy Overseer on DVD 20 December 1999.
Overseer were the first game to be released on DVD ever.
I have first print of both games from 1999 in original huge boxes.
First CD Games came in 1989 on Commodore 64, published by Rainbow Arts.
Another thing most people don't know.
Note that these 1999 DVD Game releases were released in Norway, and i don't know where else they were sold.
I were one of the first in the world to have games on CD and DVD.
I were born as a early adopter. I also had 3D cards on PC before people even knew what it was. First Edge 200 and then 3DFX Voodoo 1.
There were lots of duplicate data on floppy too, so you got less disc swap.
I found it weird that GTA 5 didn't come on 2 Blu-Ray discs instead of 7 DVD's.
The game came with a download code, so i never used the discs.
My home fiber line downloads 20.GB every ~4 minutes, so it didn't take me long to download whole game.
I have purchase date for all my 1000's of bought games since 1999 when i started to log that.
@Zeldafan79 your full of crap dude seriously nintendo allows violence games on their systems along with ecchi type games so dont start.
@RiasGremory Exactly. Nintendo officially said many years ago that Nintendo consoles also needs violent game, but Nintendo themselves can't make them.
Not even game titles is censored on Nintendo.
Sony is the worst at censoring of everyone, because they even censor game titles. Sony forced developers to change name for PS4 release. Bombing B**t***s and Stealth B**t***s to name two of them.
While this would be cool, honestly, I think Call of Duty would be a big seller and it blows my mind how it hasn't come to Switch yet
Keep dreaming guys..... Plus, i don't want a game that requires a 30gb download. The Witcher port is a work of art and dedicated developers. I think this is one step to far....
Would be fun if this was the tip of the spear for a βSwitch Plusβ with extra performance. Offering games like this one would surely attract many to upgrade, especially if it can run passably well.
@NoTinderLife thank you! Someone who gets it
@nhSnork please don't jinx it.
Literally just Switch Pro Controller assets for the PC version. After Steam added native support for it, a few games have included it in their UIs (Shadow of the Tomb Raider is one that I know).
Chinatown Wars 2 please, don't need no downgraded PC games from my 3k beast to run on my $300 dollar Switch.
As much as it would be cool to have it on the Switch, imagine the quality drop in visuals. It would be almost GameCube quality IMO. The game is so detailed that I don't think the Switch could handle it. Half the beauty of the game would be sucked out of it, and it's the visuals that make the game so unique.
Star Citizen! Lol! The space flight simulator game that is on the "juice" for graphics, but lacks any true compelling story arc. I admire the crowd funding, but again, seems a great outlet to just...fly in space. Advice, for every planet, add more chapters to the story arc.
And the wait starts for a $60 port that will be barely "satisfactory" if you set your standards at 360/PS3 low. And most played a year ago π
I guess if cross-save with RDR2 online.
@Zorox88 Table Tennis?
RDR2 probably wont even be able to run on a hypothetical Switch Pro unless that revision is considerably more powerful than the base PS4/XBO.
It's obviously a reference to Pro Controller support for PC.
Red Dead Redemption 2 on Switch? To be honest, I expected this game to come and be playable in your hands for the first time... for a next-gen Switch (or Switch "Successor"). But if they really want to kick things up a notch, then what can stop them?
But of course, it could be a controller option for the PC version (as otherwise, Joy-Cons could probably fit more for Switch), but as far as I'm concerned, it's not common for such an option to appear textured in the first place. Besides, I remember a similar situation with Paladins, so I guess we'll know about it soon, maybe E3 2020? lol
I haven't seen much about this game but what I have seen has been pretty disturbing. I can't imagine it's very high on the list for Switch fans
Theres zero chance of RDR2 appearing on the Switch. Not because the Switch couldn't run the game in some form, but because the game weighs in at over 100gb which makes it far too large for a cartridge or for standard internal memory.
Considering the game is like 150 gb I highly doubt it
@CaPPa π€£
@CaPPa same thoughts
This one I doubt.
Even Witcher 3 would have been a big flop if not for the story considering the significant graphics drop they had to make.
if they want RDR for Switch, they should port RDR1.
Would prefer RDR1 tbh which would also be a better fit for switch...
Steam big picture mode has Switch pro support, and it would makes sense to have the native buttons.
Ya it could handle RDR2 but it would look muddy, foggy, choppy, and poopy. I got halfway through RDR2 on my PS4 Pro and itβs a visually beautiful game, but itβs depressing as hell so I stopped and played Yoshi instead.
I'd love to play grand theft horse on the switch.
I think it would be nice to see some last gen Rockstar classics. Imagine getting RDR, GTAIV, and Midnight Club LA.
@FoxMcCloud if someone managed to get the game to 30gb it would be nowhere near as good as on the other consoles and pc
@Lojik So it would be pointless in my opinion. I played it on ps4, it wouldn't come even close to that experiance....
Pro Controller support in more PC games would be ace. So far it only seems to be supported by games I would want or already have on the Switch anyway (or are IMO better with a mouse). My beat-up 360-style Logitech controller could use a break.
@Lando_ Doesn't the Witcher on Switch hurt your eyes? I have a hard time trying to play it. Have only squeaked out like 4 hours into it.
@Dang69 To be perfectly honest: Yes, it does. Also in handheld mode. It is a good port though, regarding the technical Switch-limitations.
Iβd prefer to play it on my PS4 Pro with HDR and higher resolution. But at the moment, Iβm traveling a lot, so itβs cool to have the possibility to play it on the go.
It's weird because I have a PS4 PRO and have no desire to play a game like that on there. I do have that desire to play a game like that on Switch. However the visuals (the dynamic resolution changes so abruptly it's dizzying) keep me from wanting to play it on my Switch. Guess I'm a little Nintendo brainwashed ( I don't travel ever, but I do like to play Switch on smoke breaks at work).
I feel in a similar way. Even in times when I donβt need to travel, I prefer the Switch version of a game over my PS4 Pro, because I tell myself, how great the mobile aspect is. However, when I actually start to play a game like The Witcher 3 on Switch, the downgraded graphics bother me. Itβs crazy. It really seems to be some kind of Nintendo brainwash.
I am aware of this but name one main series GTA game to ever appear on a Nintendo console. I rest my case!
@Silly_G Hello again. I have taken photos of my 1999 DVD-ROM Games including F18/Hornet. Both DVD games were manufactured in 1998, and were released in 1998 too. Not 1999. EAN codes on picture is 100% proof that it's 1998 DVD version. As you can see, The big box on F18 also have flip cover.
TM Overseer includes 5 CD's + 1 DVD of the same game as shown on picture.
As i mentioned, not all game releases ever is on internet as of 2020. There is no complete game database on internet to date.
@Ventilator : Hi again! Fascinating stuff. Thanks for sharing.
It's a shame that publishers today have been reluctant to ship PC games on Blu-ray discs. They would certainly be a lot cheaper than supplying multiple DVDs too.
@Silly_G No problem. I will probably need this picture as proof later too, so i made one now.
Kinda weird the F18 game which were the second game released on DVD ever have no info on internet at all as it's a major flight simulator by a famous developer.
Atleast i have proof of it's existence. I also own original CD games on CD32 and CDTV that people don't believe exist.
Here is my own whole theory on why Blu-Ray failed on PC.
First Ever Blu-Ray drive for PC came in 2006, but were very expensive back then. It took years for the price to lower.
It took years for Blu-Ray to become mainstream for even movies, and DVD's outsold it most of the time due to the very high price of Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. I own around 160 movies on HD-DVD too, and i have 3 HD-DVD players. 2 as backup.
Perhaps around 2012 at the earliest BR drive were cheap enough for home usage on PC.
Because of Steam back then, physical started to die on PC after 2012 or so. Infact most stores here stopped selling physical PC games already in 2014 because 99% of people here had already swapped to digital Steam.
As far as i know, not much Blu-Ray players were ever sold for PC.
To date, i don't think any games were ever released on PC. I still believe some dev did release a unknown game on it. There is always a early adopter like in 1998.
I own a Asus Quad Layer 128.GB Blu-Ray Burner on PC with support for the 1000 year discs too, but i only used it as a reader.
I paid only 85 bucks, 5 years ago this month, and the price is about the same today.
Blu-Ray writable discs is still not cheap, and it's overall better, more handy and cheaper to use external USB for media.
This is why Blu-Ray RW never became even close as cheap as DVD RW discs.
As for my F18 and TM Overseer 1998 DVD releases, DVD for PC kinda died for years and were resurrected around 2004/2005 for selected games while most still came on CD.
I have loads of physical retail games on PC from as recent as 2018, and 100% of them is on DVD. No Blu-Ray games at all.
@Ventilator : You're a silly goose for supporting HD DVD. The substantially lower storage immediately raised red flags during the brief war between the two HD disc formats as a single-layer 25GB Blu-ray could hold nearly as much as a dual-layer 30GB HD DVD. As far as I was concerned, it was dead on arrival, and I am grateful that Blu-ray eventually prevailed (though you do have my sympathy for having amassed a vast collection of a quickly abandoned format).
Blu-ray discs are cheaper than you perhaps realise. I cannot attest to how much they would cost for large companies to press in commercial quantities, but simply from a consumer standpoint, even a single-layer 25GB Blu-ray is cheaper than a dual-layer 8.5GB DVD, and 50GB Blu-ray is a little over a double the cost of 25GB, but it would ultimately be cheaper to use fewer discs (fewer discs also means less disc artwork and less time spent burning).
As for producing copies of video content (as I sometimes perform video work), multiple copies of Blu-rays, with custom covers/cases and disc artwork, are still a lot cheaper to produce in bulk than USB thumb drives (with superior A/V quality to boot), and I almost always supply my work on Blu-ray disc at the highest quality that my software allows.
Surely it would have been cheaper for GTAV, for instance, to ship on 2 Blu-rays (one BD-50 and one BD-25) as opposed to 7 DVD-9s, each with textured artwork (which surely would not have been cheap).
But rewriteable Blu-rays have always been expensive and didn't make sense as USB flash drives were plummeting in price for those who needed to be able to write/delete data frequently (as opposed to going through the process of burning every time you wanted to write or delete something from a disc). Sure, when 1GB USB sticks cost $80 or more, it made sense to use rewriteable discs, but those days have since been numbered. Blank Blu-ray discs at retail also failed to take off as they were ridiculously overpriced (I always buy in bulk from Japan), and it is no surprise that the format failed to gain traction with consumers.
Blu-ray is still my preferred format for making copies of large files and HD video though, and will be for the foreseeable future. I also future-proof my work in 4K (4092x2160) and/or UHD (3840x2160), and I hope that the UHD Blu-ray format will gain a little more traction once the PS5 drops, and UHD Blu-ray production increases. At the moment, there are no blank UHD Blu-ray discs (UHD Blu-rays come in 66GB and 100GB varieties) or software capable of burning such discs available, and it seems that only the major studios currently have the resources to produce discs at present.
There is a silver lining though to Steam allowing game data to be backed up as I can burn those to Blu-ray disc. While I would prefer the publisher to provide their own discs, I do appreciate the option to be able to produce discs of my own. GOG is also a great resource and their games are DRM free to boot, so I will certainly consider burning my GOG games to Blu-ray as well (once I have amassed a collection, as most of my purchases at present are comprised of DOS games from the 90s that wouldn't even fill a 700MB CD let alone a 50GB Blu-ray disc).
@Silly_G HD-DVD had better sound and used VC-1 for compression unlike Blu-Ray which had DVD PCM 5.1 and DD 5.1 sound and had the outdated MPEG-2 compression for video making Blu-Ray look grainy like DVD.
HD-DVD were dominating here because of better quality. Stores also had more HD-DVD than Blu-Ray on shelves for that reason.
HD-DVD were the obvious choice the 2 first years, and if you look at reviews, people were silly to choose the inferior Blu-Ray as HD-DVD version won most of the time. Back in ~2007, Blu-Ray discs costed too much, so bonus discs for movies were mostly exclusive to HD-DVD which didn't cost much more to manufacture than a DVD even when it were a new format. Also. It took Blu-Ray 3 years to catch up on HD-DVD specs. So basically you voted for a inferior format?
HD-DVD had around 50% market share when Warner Bros decided to go for Blu-Ray.
If the dominating console Xbox 360 had HD-DVD drive as planned instead of DVD, Blu-Ray wouldn't exist today.
HD-DVD advanced faster in tech than Blu-Ray, and 45.GB discs were underway too.
When HD-DVD died, American Gangster HD-DVD still outsold Blu-Ray version. That were in media worldwide.
Anyway. I have nearly 1400 Blu-Ray discs, where around 210 of them is 3D Movies.
Anyways. My Toshiba players got firmware upgrades and new features over 2 years after the format died. That's how much Toshiba cared even when they didn't need to.
When big companies releases new movies for as low as 5 bucks on release with a smaller marker than earlier, you know it's dirt cheap to manufacture BR for big companies.
I used to make a bunch of own DVD's for own filmed stuff too, but stopped with that before Blu-Ray came.
Blu-Ray is cheaper USB thumb drives, but i prefer to use USB 2.5" HDD instead. I still have loads of USB Flash drives, but i don't use them that much anymore.
They could have included 2 x Blu-Ray discs with the 7-DVD in the GTA 5 package. They sure could have afforded it as they earned billions on the game and still sells.
A bunch of other developers included both CD and DVD in same pack as it's cheaper than 2 separate releases. Probably because it were hard to pre-judge how many DVD vs CD that would sell too.
Blu-Ray RW is probably still expensive today, but DVD-RW were cheap for over 10 years. I have a bunch of those.
My Blu-Ray burner on PC supported 128.GB RW discs for many years, and as of 2020 128.GB discs is still not available as you say.
I checked last year. IF they were available, they would be too expensive anyway. Even the 100.GB is perhaps still expensive.
A few years ago, i had 100% of Steam backup to external HDD's, but as the games became much bigger, i deleted all the backups, also because many games gets updates even after 5+ years, so backup is then partially outdated...Depending on what the new patches is for.
Floppy games compressed sure were small. Infact there is near complete MS-DOS collections on the net, and even Amiga drained x amount of GB, and the same for PC.
I think you are a bit outdated on info on MS-DOS releases fitting a 700.MB CD.
The comlete MS-DOS collection as of march 2019 is around 170.GB. Insane, but true. It's a 2 part torrent.
Does of course included duplicates, but with never revisions, re-released patched games etc.
Like Doom.. V 1.0..V1.01, 1.1, 1.2 etc.
Donβt you dare get my hopes up
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