Senran Kagura by Marvelous might not be the most well-known series here in the west, but it is beginning to get more exposure. Most recently, the localisation team at XSEED Games helped release Senran Kagura: Peach Ball on the Nintendo Switch.
Once again, this game starred the usual group of female ninja. Did you know though that the series could have had a very different name? As part of its 15-year celebrations, XSEED revealed a little bit of trivia about what else it could have been called:
If you've played any entries in this series, we're sure you'll be able to guess the reason why this name was even in consideration. As XSEED notes: "better judgment sliced through and prevailed" in the end.
Senran Kagura originally started out life on the 3DS in 2011. Since then, multiple entries have been released on Nintendo systems.
Have you played any of the games in this series before? Leave a comment below.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 45
They made this game and NOW they are being sheepish about a title?
Ninja + thugs. What other possible combination could it be????????
Not that it matters anymore. The series has unfortunately gone down the drain, in my opinion
That would have made it even more embarrassing to own, lol.
Anyhow, I wonder what the future of the series holds. I enjoyed Burst & Estival Versus well enough, but apparently the next mainline game was completely scrapped (due to Sony's stricter rules about these kinds of games) the series creator left Marvelous in frustration, and I haven't heard anything since.
@RR529 They honestly should think about moving the series over to Nintendo if Sony is going to be so strict with the core elements of the game.
Oh c'mon this is perfect!
Dang, that’s a way better name. I wasn’t a big fan of the core gameplay of the first one, even looking past the distinct dodginess of it all but I guess it’s a shame for fans that it’s basically turned into a spin-off oriented series.
Too obvious. It doesn't match the extreme subtlety of the game itself
...Still waiting on an actual game on the Switch...anytime now Marv...
@Dezzy Just checkin' but you are being sarcastic right?
Ninjugs, when you go to touch them, they dodge out of the way. Damnit!
Can they just bring SK Burst Re:Newal, Estival Versus and Peach Beach to the Switch already?
Because of course it was.
we need a Kaijo game now, basically the booty version of senran kagura lol. but yaknow the game..
Always been tempted by this series but haven’t delved in yet. Woulda have totally caved for “Ninjugs” though, if only to have a game on my shelf titled Ninjugs.
Wew lad. Yeah, that would have been a weird name. Too on the...nose...for sure.
Better Jugment? 😂
I've never played one of these games before but they seem interesting to... er, look at.
I bet they would have thrown nintit stars as their primary projectile and used the kataboob sword.
If they moved the franchise over to Nintendo, they could call it "Nintenjugs".
While that is pretty funny (as are the names being tossed around in here), I think I vastly prefer its given name.
It's just a name and I would have gave the game a chance anyway, but this sound so... so nineties...
I thought we left the "western audience won't buy such a japanese game, change the name!" attitude back in the ninties, kinda surprised to hear they still consider changes like that nowaday.
Or maybe it was to help understand the content? I mean..
I guess the game is really very subtle about those two aspects, totally not the selling point tossed in everyone face in every trailer, promotion material or even just the games' cover~
what are these games usually anyway? i only saw alex playing the thigh massage one.
edit: looked it up, 3d beat em up, doesn't look bad.
@sdelfin Ninjitsu + hugs.
@locky-mavo Peach ball and Reflexions are on the Switch already.
Well that’s all I’m calling the series from here on out.
@RR529 7EVEN hasn't been scrapped to my knowledge, they have just had to basically rework the entire game to fit Sony's censorship policies. To the point I sadly will no longer be able to buy it and finish the story because of it.
I, and many others, assume they have some kind of exclusive contract for the game with Sony and so simply can't pull out or switch to another platform which is a crying shame.
They had to rework another game (to a lesser degree) but haven't named what it was but most people think it is Kandagawa Jet Girls which yeah I can see. Looks too fun and free for the ones enforcing these draconian measure.
Senran Wonderbra: Ninjugs...
A main game would be nice on Switch. Instead of these spinoff games that just focus on 5 girls.
The problem with calling it Ninjugs is that it's not inclusive enough, as it totally ignores any focus on boo-tays.
@Dakotastomp but SK Burst Re:Newal, Estival Versus and Peach Beach are not. I wanna see the main series back on Switch and some of their better spin-offs.
If they went with that title, they would have difficulty calling their game an "artistic appreciation of women".
@tech7 what games are actually worth playing in the series? Just wondering
Glad that didn't happen. The games are so much more than breasts.
@PickledKong64 Story-wise, Senran Kagura Burst (It's also a nice 2d sidescrolling brawler) and Senran Kagura 2. Most of the playstation stuff isn't really good with story, or just recaps it while leaving some stuff out. Other than that, the best combat is found in Shinovi Versus, and the most solid systems in Estival Versus.
Playing all the games is recommended if you're interested in the story. The girls have deep personalities (and no, it's not a pun, and I'm not joking. I got into SK for the visuals, no doubt about it, and I stayed for the lore and characters.)
Senran kagura BUST
@locky-mavo OH! Peach beach! I misread. If fan demand on the switch is high, "maybe" they will port it to the system, but I think the main creator has the main say in if they'll make new SK games for any systems. And now he's gone because of frustration, so...
Tbh what a game is titled really doesn't affect my purchase. All that matters to me is whether it has tiddies, if nude even better. I'm waiting for the Switch Pro before I buy the newer Senran Kagura games, but if the discounts are big enough this Winter Sale I might just get Reflexions, Peach Ball and Burst Re:Newal on Steam. Not giving any more money to #Soyny.
Honestly tried to play these games once. But the gameplay was just so lackluster and boring. Its obvious these games are just for the weebs. I dont even get whats so fascinating about that stuff. Anyway, luckily refunded it.
@Blizzia nice thank you! I'm getting a vita soon and I'm aware some games are on there. Is that senran kagura splatoon game populated online. I think its peach beach or something?
@PickledKong64 No problem. As far as I know the online for peach beach is pretty dead atm, though you should easily be able to find people to play with if you join the senran kagura discord (google senran international academy) - it's a matter of using discord for matchmaking since there's probably only few people doing random matches.
I think that would have been a very suitable name
@Blizzia oh awesome. Thanks so much will probably download if it goes on sale on steam
I have very mixed feelings about this.
Don't act like it's not a catchier title.
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