We've seen some fatal cuties in certain other games in the past, but this one is perhaps the cutest of them all.
Following the release of the DLC fighter Terry Bogard in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Nintendo Versus Twitter account has uploaded a few screenshots to showcase what exactly the pink puffball Kirby looks like as the iconic SNK character from the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series.

Kirby's copy ability gives him Terry's cap, his long blonde ponytail, and even his leather gloves. It also allows him to perform the fighter's neutral special attack, Power Wave.
As previously noted, Kirby isn't the first character to be turned into a fatal cutie. There was a time when Terry himself was transformed into one in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, as a result of a prank.
What do you think of Kirby's latest copy look? Share your thoughts below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 16
kirby is a boy
"Kirby Transforms Into A Fatal Cutie When He Uses His Copy Ability On Terry Bogard"
Let's be honest: Virtually anything Kirby does is considered "cute".
"Kirby Transforms Into A Fatal Cutie..."
Did you guys had to use that headline? Because the first thing that came to my mind is something that is best left without a description.
Aww how adorable the destroyer of worlds is...
Y'know, when you call Kirby a "Fatal Cutie," it makes me kinda wish they included female Terry from SNK Heronies. Then again, I think any character who has an opposite gender equivalent in some way should have them as skin swaps. I'm looking at /you/ Dragon Quest IV Hero.
I'm alittle disappointed they didnt give Kirby the "Fatal Cutie" hat that Female Terry wears in Heroines. Would've fit the character and be a fun reference.

That said, Kirby with little Terry gloves tho..
I approve of this message! 👍
Kirby Bogard is my new main now!
~Hey poyo!
Is this news worthy?
@StephenYap3 He's the most adorable Eldritch abomination ever.
@NerdyBoutKirby So much so that the United Nations had to have an immediate conference to discuss Kirbys new look. Happens every DLC.
@BarefootBowser I take it Kirby once kicked sand in your face
People say they wanted fatal cutie as a skin, and there you go. Kirby is deadly cute with that hat.
He looks like the forbidden play-dough left behind in the storm drain.
would be cool if kirby also got a new taunt that made him say "hey, come on!" or just "hey!" instead of hiiiiii
Still disappointed they didn't make a lady Terry version.
@Big-Pepsi a superior replacement
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