The last SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy update was a new trailer highlighting the game’s story. According to the clip, the all-female cast of fighters had been kidnapped by a mysterious individual a few months after The King of Fighters tournament and had to fight their way to freedom.
SNK has now released a new video for the upcoming release announcing the inclusion of “fatal cutie” - Terry Bogard - who is the main character of the Fatal Fury series. To fit the theme, Terry has received a makeover, essentially transforming him into one of the girls. The move set of the character looks promising, with one attack, in particular, launching an old SNK arcade cabinet in the direction of the opponent fighter. There also appears to be a variety of outfits for Terry.
It's not clear how exactly this came to be, but the official website says Terry's appearance in this game is the result of a prank. There's also confusion surrounding why the company didn't opt with Alice Nakata instead (Terry's number one female fan), perhaps the game itself will reveal more. Terry is now officially the 14th character confirmed for SNK Heroines.
Take a look at the trailer, and tell us if you will be adding SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy to your Switch library this September.
[source, via]
Comments 97
Terry... are those yours?
Female Exploitation much... 🙄
Oh, well...
Need a very Daring Developers to create the OPPOSITE , Sexy Muscular Six Pack dudes as the stars.
@Anti-Matter You mean like... the whole male roster of almost every fighting game ever? Not counting the mandatory fat guy, beast or weird thing of course.
I like Six pack guys if i have to admit.
From SNK, Joe Higashi is the Sexiest for me.
I find the idea of a genderbent male character hilarious! If I liked fighting games, I'd totally pick this up.
@Anti-Matter So you mean the men in almost every other fighting game since the dawn of video games? These are all fictional characters, there is nothing wrong with making them this way.
Well turning Terry into a female actually kinda makes sense since Terry is both a male and female name. I know this cause I use to had a male friend name Terry (back in 2nd grade) and a girlfriend also name Terry.
Now to be fair, to make an equivalent game featuring men, they would all need to be built like swimmers, and be wearing banana hammocks.
Tbh i don't care if they make the female characters cartoonish in their anatomy... what bugs me is the skimpy clothing that you don't see the make characters obligated to wear.
Oh cheese, we now have an official lovechild of Rule 34 (well, somewhat) and Rule 63! Not that I'm complaining, but this is really weird.
At least there’s no invincible disabled women with hook hands and blue face paint..
I wonder if this game is exclusive to the switch.
Everything about this game turns me off. To be honest it feels like a good example of everything that is wrong with Japanese gaming these days. Everything needs to be about anime waifus.
@Hen1roc it’s coming to PS4 as well. Digital only for that one though.
@Heavyarms55 ...except this isn't for female empowerment, quite the opposite. They do this just to exploit women and the kind of guys who are into the whole "waifu" scene. It is all about sexualization. If you want to see fighting games where they don't do this as a gimmick there is a ton of fighters out there with primarily a female cast, in fact it has been very common for a long time now. The whole "fighting games are mostly men" mentality is stuck in a past era.
Just like I posted on Push Square, most of these characters are just straight out from KOF14. Nothing wrong with that, just could have used more like B Jenet or that maid girl on Samurai Shodown 6.
@JayJ I am not okay with objectifying real women. But these aren't real women, and if people are pretending otherwise then they should see a psychiatrist. I never said it was about empowering anyone. But I do hold the opinion that they is nothing wrong with portraying fictional characters in this way. Men are always depicted as being in absolutely ridiculous peak physical condition, but it's only sexualized if it's unrealistically beautiful women? Nonsense. I've seen entire threads dedicated to Snake's butt in SSB. And you know what? If people like that, all the power to them! These aren't real people, so objectifying them is fine.
There is nothing wrong with like this sort of thing. So long as one can grasp the difference between reality and fiction. And if one cannot, they have bigger problems than video games.
They needed a big name to advertise the game and try to make it interesting for more people and Alice was not enough big (obviously). Not that I care about Terry Bogard (or that game) either but many other people will. I'm just not sure if they will be happy to see him turned into a female.
@Heavyarms55 Just because it is a video game doesn't mean we need to turn a blind eye to the obvious sexual exploitation of the characters. The fact that you expect everyone to accept this says a lot about your taste when it comes to these matters, as does my objections. Basically, we are free to have our opinions, but the fact remains that this is obviously a pervy fan service meant to cash in on waifu culture.
I could totally get behind this!
@JayJ Oh I don't deny that it is meant as a cash grab nor do I deny that it is pervy. I just disagree that there is anything wrong with that. But your jab at my character is unwarranted. You claim I am trying to have everyone accept my stance while you turn around and do the same thing, implying we should all agree with your moral objections is hypocrisy to say the least.
Yay, genderbending!
As a Neo Geo and fighting game fan I'm definitely looking forward to this. I like the gender bender Terry! Although I could do without the busting boobs and sexualization of the characters. Don't see how this aethesthic appeals to anyone other than immature teenage boys.
By the pricking of my thumbs, heated comments this way comes.
Well said, some people really need to learn the difference between fantasy and reality. If they don't like the game, fine, don't buy it (I won't be buying this one for various reasons) but this whole 'this game shouldn't exist because I don't like it!' bs needs to be put to an end. This is fantasy it's not going to set real women back and beyond that it's only going to appeal to a very niche part of the market. No sense getting all fussed over it. Although I also don't think there's any sense getting all riled up over super popular games with questionable content like GTA either. End of the day, it's very easy to avoid.
Wait, you're not going to delete this video, Youtube?
@Gamer83 When it comes down to it, we have game ratings for a reason. So long as a game is honest about what content it contains and is rated appropriately, it should be up to the consumer whether or not to purchase said game. Or in the case of minors, up to their parents.
Completely agree.
LOL she's got even bigger chest muscles.
I never thought I'd be admiring Terry's.....ummmmm pecks? Lol
it's 2018 and we're still having conversations about "boobs" in video games. these are not real women I hate that I have to point that out
The fan service is strong with this one.
Still kind of amazing to see this type of thing on a Nintendo platform.
If you don't like it, don't buy it. Problem solved.
@Heavyarms55 I just want to say that your Snake’s butt point kinda breaks down because it’s almost certainly an unplanned incidental detail in the game that has taken on a life outside the game. Whereas this, or Dead or Alive or Senran Kagura or whatever, are built ground up and marketed on the basis of intentional sexualisation.
Which is at least open and honest, and there’s a valid market for it for informed adults, just like any form of risqué material. Valid business practice, so long as no-one’s actually getting taken advantage of. Anyone who takes offence after buying it unaware of the content is just foolish for not paying full attention.
Personally I’m in the “if it doesn’t interest me, I can ignore it, I’m not going to join a hate campaign to prevent other people enjoying it”. It’s just a game after all. No actual women were harmed in the making of this game.
@gaga64 No actual women were harmed in the making of this game. = key point.
I don't give a monkey's about gender. Is this game any good?
Terry is a pretty unisex name in the US already right?
Look at some of u!!! Bout time we had a some sexy females in skimpy outfits battling it out. Theres waaaay too many prudes on this planet and the world is going mad with "ooooh thats offensive" if u dont like what u see look away u jessee!! Theres plenty of chess games that dont feature guns, boobs or bad language
But ofcourse people will call this "oversexualized" because that term is always used if women look like this in games.
Meanwhile nobody says the same about males in games like Street Fighter, Tekken or even One Piece or funny enough GTA, I had a discussion about this with few people a while ago and in essence a very muscular (bare chested) man, or a man that acts very manly (like in some GTA games) could also be seen as oversexualized.
But it isn't because nobody cares, and even while a anime girl or a muscular guy are both "oversexualized" nobody cares about the latter but everybody complains about the first, even while both have the same issue.
Fun fact, most (gamer) women don't care about waifus or anime girls and a lot even like the design, if there is a issue then mostly if a game has strange mechanic.
The guys themself are the ones that complain mostly about such design, and offcourse feminists because most women don't give a poo about it because it's fake.
Lol why....?
I want a normal fighting game, male and female.
I like fighters and I would like to play this but it just seems a bit girly. I don't have a problem with sexy scantily clad woman but it's all the cuteness and love hearts and dress ups that puts me off. If it weren't for the girls beating the snot out of each other this would just be a Barbie game.
@Anti-Matter clearly you haven't noticed that every male fighter is a ripped mound of muscle in every fighting game and every game in general in fact.The difference is men couldn't give a crap and don't turn it into another needless political agenda,projecting sexism at every turn. Gaming needs to remain separate from all other forms of media that have been infected with that crap and forced down our throats wherever you look. People that take offence to this innocent form of make believe need to get a life. it's not a direct dig at you,I'm just pointing out the double standard and the fact the other side of the coin is completely ignored when blowing these things out of proportion
This game is fan service to the max and I love it.
@Anti-Matter It is very weird to show your fetishes in such way.
I mean you are confident in your let's say likings but it is weird just posting ripped chibi men and calling them hot. I like video games and certain characters but not to the point of drooling over them.
@Djgoa it's not offensive, it's just dumb. A cheap marketing ploy to draw in pre-pubescent teens. The game would be better off without it - more serious. Has nothing to due with being a prude.
@Anti-Matter here you are posting this weird s*it in the comments section and you were criticizing me for using foul language. get a freaking grip dude. keep that to yourself
Weird what ?
I have very Strong Interest with Boxing, Kickboxing and... Bodybuilding (My Best Sport of all)
I have some Bodybuilding magazines (FLEX, Muscle & Fitness) with Mostly 98% Shirtless Muscular Male Bodybuilders on almost every pages.
To tell you, i found another Deviantart artists that inspired me with their Bodybuilder pics. I learned their pics, especially drawing muscles and posing. Maybe by Normally, not many dudes have quirky interests like me, but i'm here with all my quirkiness.
If females exploited too much, so does with males. That will be Fair and Equal. And to tell you.....
There are some fans that really adore my Chibi Bodybuilders.
@Anti-Matter I have interest in those things as well, but judging by the looks of you I think you have them for all the wrong reasons (not that there's anything wrong with that) and you should keep it out of the comment section. you consider the word "fu*k" is inappropriate to be in the comments but not half naked buff chibis. nice.
Saying that doesn’t make you one of the most heterosexual. It just makes you a prat.
I'm just going to quietly take the opportunity to be "that guy" fifty comments in and note that my girlfriend finds this entirely nibelsnarfing hilarious and is looking to buy the game for the sheer ridiculousness, the same way she did Senran Kagura and other such games, and upon me mentioning the objections in the comments to the boobs/sexualization etc, she answered, "Oh who cares?"
If you don't like this thing in games, I mean, okay I guess. But y'all need to stop acting like it's the downfall of society when a game does this. Terry's tenacious tatas aren't going to stop a woman from becoming president someday.
@SuperWeird lol thats what a prude would say
@EightBitMan anime didn't change, the difference is that this kind of stuff never came outside of japan back then.
At least that's what my few japanese friends say, west got the regular very popular stuff back then, niche like this did exist back then but only in japan.
Also Akira is in some people opinions very "westernized" so it would appeal to the western audience back then.
Well that was....something. I can’t help but wonder if there is actually a small desire to grab some of the female otaku fandom, amongst my geek friends turns out it was the ladies that really got excited about female charas like this. The genderbending was the icing on the cake. Never understood it myself (Terry(F)’s cute but yeah knowing his origins ain’t gonna get the blood pumping) but hey, it pleases them.
Wonder what the comments are like on Niche Gamer................well some people are happy.
Wrong reason what ?
Am i not allowed to be Opposite, well... adore Six pack guys ?
My Chibi Bodybuilders are my Expressions of my quirkiness.
So, you want another Muscle March or more of Cho Aniki I guess.
How did you know ?
At least you should do a re-count before claiming what you do and don't love. I see 8-packs.
...and what's up with that brown stuff in their bellybutton? Also see a doctor about those knee caps.
By the way. Didn't know Harry Potter did body building.
To be fair, male characters in fighting games aren't that different. Maybe Zangief is angry because he's being forced to wear this skimpy outfit and show off his ridiculously exaggerated male physique?
The hypocrisy of those criticising Anti-matters chibi bodybuilders is staggering.
This is a discussion thread under a video of sexualised women, where everyone is commenting on how it's fine to do this, yet when it's sexualised men you're getting all up tight.
This is the root of the problem. All the males saying it's ok to sexualise females because it doesn't affect them. Just for once in your lives try and imagine what life is like for other people.
My first reaction was that was a nice play on the "Terry" androgynous name here in the States as it gave an excuse for a female Terry Bogart. Brilliant!
@Anti-Matter I do not care about your ME statements okay?
I thought it is against the site rules to advertise own work in threads that are NOT for that kind of stuff.
I hope you understand what I am writing because I see that you struggle with this. This thread/news is NOT for your drawing ok? It has nothing to do with them.
Since Terry is my favorite SNK character (other than Mai Shiranui) and my main in most FF/KoF games, this is both intriguing and...weird.
Oh well, I'll roll with it.
It's so hilarious that people are losing their minds over ONE fanservice-filled fighting game when there are several other fighting games available on Switch and other systems that don't do this sort of thing. Hating the very existence of this game when you can just ignore it. It exists, there's nothing wrong with any of its content, it's coming out and it'll probably sell well to the niche market it's being made for. If you're not a member of that audience you can just move on, it's not that hard. You're not going to change the minds of people who are interested in this sort of thing.
You know, Urien and Gill from Street Fighter III are Almost Naked, just with their Bodybuilder thong.
He's in his undies, but he is not necessarily a "sexual object."
Imagine Zangief with the behavior of Vega, and there would be a sexualized male character.
Don't forget Urien & Gill from Street Fighter III.
@Anti-Matter Yes, but that is NOT what I meant.
Either both male and female are accepted or neither. At least this is my understanding. Just don't overreact about one and be OK with the other when ALL are just characters.
Also I continue to stand with my point that it was unnecessary to post your drawings here with ZERO reason.
It was like "I do not want this objectifying of women BUT see what I like".
It is NOT ok.
@aznable - I see what you mean about female characters tending to wear skimpier outfits (at least on the lower half), but don't forget male characters are often completely topless, whereas women never are (in this sort of game). I personally think because society considers the female chest sexual, women and female characters tend to show more leg as compensation.
It's the same when people go swimming or with a group of dancers, for example - the women might wear skimpier outfits overall but the men might be expected to go topless. The difference is that women are now becoming more and more covered up in most media, unless it's something completely adults-only. For that reason alone, I find games like SNK Heroines quite refreshing.
Eh, ooops ...
8 packs, eh ?
Can't wait for Terrie to be a regular unlockable in future games
They did it... the absolute madmen did it.
Haha, it was a Wild guess.
I still don't quite get the point of an all-female fighter from SNK. I mean I get the marketing point. I don't get why they really needed it to be such a limited kind of "joke" fighter for that reason. Don't we have DoA for that? I'm happy they tried something different but it ends up being a very one time deal kind of game.
@Nomad I don't know, all the girls that would dress up and play with glitter and unicorns in my middle school also beat the snot out of each other when no one was looking. Seems realistic to me.
Dead or Alive is not just about sexy babes, right ?
I heard it has some Shirtless Hunky dudes there.
I heard the game rated Teen on ESRB, though it was CERO C / PEGI 16.
@Anti-Matter Hah, you are, indeed correct. The women are all in bikinis, and the men are shirtless and oiled. It's fair with its sexploitation. And I have no idea how they manage the T rating with that much skin, but they do!
Still, it does hurt it in terms of being taken seriously, something the devs are (claiming) to be looking into and rectifying for the next installment. I think they're tired of being kind of a sideshow in the genre. I just don't know if Koei will really stick to that for a series famous for swimsuit and maid costume DLC....
I'm a big fan of fighting games, but the amount of "fan service" in this game is ridiculous, this is the type of game I'd be embarrassed to be seen playing by my wife and kids, no matter how good the gameplay is.
You know how The Jerry Springer Show was the worst trash entertainment on Television? I think we have found a good candidate for the Video Game field.
Man, this comment section 😂
The developers claim there is more to the game than its exploitative presentation and concept,saying it about ''love and fun'' or some pretentious lie like that.
I hate it when people try to pass off stuff like this as subtle or nuanced with some artistic theme or reasoning.Kojima did this in M.G.S. 5:The Phantom Pain and said that it somehow subverted fighting game tropes of female characters but it was blatantly obvious that the character design was chosen for marketability.
In general, I dislike even small levels of objectification in video games and that is why I stick to Smash Bros. for my fighting game fix (although Bayonetta has spoiled it a bit).
This fighting game icon is now an objectified digital model for people to spam an attack that gives them the best point of view.
Pshhh, u guys are way too sensitive. The game looks great. Grow up. It’s 2018.
You can never win with sjw losers they will find literally anything to complain about it’s really pathetic 😂
Have the collectors edition preordered. Looking forward to play the game
@NEStalgia I can’t really talk since I bought and played Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Vollyball back in the Xbox days. 😎
I'm actually not okay with this, and now I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to unsee this. I don't know why people seem to think a person getting literally emasculated by having them turned into another gender against their will funny, especially when it's rarely there to be funny, but instead is just altering the look of an established male character to make them more sexually appealing to male audience members, but I just find it gross and an outright degregation of one of my favorite characters.
I knew Terry was going to be in this, but there were so many other ways they could've done it that would've been actually silly and fit the tone they were going for. Now they've just established that it's a sexy game, not a silly one. And I want nothing to do with it.
Loving this game but I'll wait til the price drops.
@Sabroni Well said. As someone who isn't the typical straight male that you see dominating the video game industry, I find it ridiculous how quick some gamers are to attack anyone who isn't into women being depicted as sex objects in video games while defending it as something people shouldn't have any objections to.
With the way they can gang up on anyone who isn't like them, it is no wonder the community is lacking in diversity. This is easily one of the most toxic comments sections I have ever seen on this site, and it is no wonder why. This kind of game seems to attract a demographic that is hostile towards anyone whose taste differs from theirs.
I don't know ANY those characters. I miss Dead or Alive Dimensions
@Anti-Matter you should find another website to post your weird fantasy’s on. This is about video games.
"With the way they can gang up on anyone who isn't like them, it is no wonder the community is lacking in diversity. This is easily one of the most toxic comments sections I have ever seen on this site, and it is no wonder why."
Yes, comment sections about those games certainly bring in people who are calling people trash because they like certain kind of games.
Like a certain someone's first comment did:
#11 "To be honest it feels like a good example of everything that is wrong with Japanese gaming these days. Everything needs to be about anime waifus."
I will probably not get this game since I am not that into 2D-fighting games but I consider it funny that some people are so hypocrite.
@MajorTom Way to keep the toxicity alive! This is easily the most hostility I have come across on this site. If anything, this just goes to prove why the fanbase for this game should be avoided.
@JayJ What kind of toxicity did I bring? I only showed the comment that you yourself posted as one of the first in this section. You were basically one of the first to bring the toxicity to the comments in the first place and then call other people toxic. It is hard to not see the hypocrisy here......
You could easily have stated that the game was not your thing but you went so far as calling it "everything that is wrong with Japanese gaming". You really came in the comment section for some fun right??
"If anything, this just goes to prove why the fanbase for this game should be avoided."
Seems like you also don't read what is said to you since I told you that I don't like 2D fighting games, which doesn't make me part of the fanbase. Guess some people really only see what they want to see.
😂 😂 Ohh my, the comments here are too much... 😂😂
@Sabroni its a video game dude. Does the multi-billion dollar porn industry objectify women? Yes. That is how humanity works.
@Anti-Matter exactly as @SonOfVon said keep your quirkiness and opposition out of the comment section, weird people doesn't appreciate offenders, those who mock them, same goes for all the wrong reasons behind homophobia and racism, dude no one cares what you like from the back or the front, just don't tease people when you know that there's some people who feel offended by guys like you influencing their kids or other kids in this site, please just keep the hints to yourself, respectfully and i hope you'll be civil enough to understand and stop annoying those who doesn't share your "hobbies"
Pardon ?
Do you mind if i'm quirky & different here ?
@Anti-Matter You are Special as they politically correct call it in the US.
@Anti-Matter I'm not against it Anti-Matter but dude keep private things private, people are annoyed that you keep mentioning it including me because it can influence our kids, everyine now knows you are more in the girly side, like muscle and dudes and cute stuff, just keep that private man.
Take this as an example: let's say a gay person or a trans, part of minority, he'll be attacked by homophobes, and I'm not saying I'm homophobic or anything, but don't expose yourself for attacks, you want your quirkiness and personality to be respected? Well keep it private for others may disagree or find it offending, just talk about the game in topic, don't show a side, either you like or you don't without expressing your "special" side 😊
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