Earlier this week, we got a scary surprise when Capcom released demos for Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 on the Switch eShop, ahead of the big release later this month. So, how do they hold up compared to existing versions? The experts over at Digital Foundry had a look and found the Nintendo iterations to be rather disappointing in terms of performance.
Resident Evil 5 was found to have an unlocked frame rate - resulting in unsteady performance, and the removal of motion blur really changes the look of the game - to the point, it doesn't hold up to the Xbox 360 version. The load times are also worse on the Switch.
With the Resident Evil 6 demo there are noticeable performance issues from the beginning. The frame rate can dip below 20fps, and on average hangs below 30fps, with occasional jumps above this. It's described as having performance similar to the PlayStation 3 version of the game. As these are just demos, nothing on display here is necessarily final.
Have you tried out these demos yet? Tell us below.
Comments 113
What? Capcom doing disappointing stuff on Switch?? I can't believe it!
Capcom being a disappointment when it comes to Switch releases, what else is new? sighes
Real shame though that they put in so little effort, as they've generally got a lot of good/great games imo, but everytime there's a "but!" making it really hard to justify buying their stuff.
edit: ninja'ed by the_beaver about them being a disappointment xd
I'm assuming the games also don't have gyro aiming like with 4 which is why I haven't paid the slightest of intention to them as they're completely unplayable for me without it. It's a shame that they've dropped the ball and gone down the super lazy port route with these games after doing a great job with the Switch version of Revelations.
The lack of cartridges is pretty disappointing too. I don't see any point in downloading the demos if there is no option to buy a physical copy of the games. They could have fit the entire triple pack on a 64GB cart and produced them in limited quantities if Capcom were worried that a premium product wouldn't sell in high enough numbers (even though it's Resident Evil for crying out loud). Likewise with the Origin and Revelations duos. For a portable gamer, three blockbuster games on a 64GB cartridge that does not require any installation or further storage requirements, even at about $100, is a decent value proposition. Those who prefer otherwise will always have the eShop.
I really don't understand Capcom's line of thought with some of their idiotic business decisions. They release Dragon's Dogma at retail in Japan and the US on a 16GB cartridge at a budget price, to very little fanfare, and is unlikely to have sold well at all. They released Okami in Japan on a 16GB cart at a budget price, but for some reason thought not to release the physical edition internationally (even though it's readily available on PS4 and Xbox One), so the cost of manufacturing is clearly not an issue (which makes the refusal of some publishers to use 16GB/32GB cartridges all the more frustrating).
As one of their biggest franchises, I can't wrap my head around why they are treating Switch users with such contempt in respect to Resident Evil. Even with digital-only releases of RE5 and RE6, they haven't even bothered to put the work in. As someone who primarily uses Nintendo hardware, I would have loved to have caught up on the many Resident Evil games that we have missed out on over the years, but Capcom continually fails to do justice to their IP and their potential customer base.
And just like that, Capcom will become the latest to put out laughably low effort releases then blame Switch owners for not supporting them, right before they pull out of supporting the platform. A shame, really.
Breaking News: Bad RE games have bad performance
Capcom being Capcom as usual.
I wasn't kidding when I said those RE5 & RE6 demos ran like garbage in the comment section of the Super Monkey Ball article. Hopefully the full games doesn't end up like those otherwise Capcom just sold you two piece of trash for $20 each.
Played the demo as well. Pass VERY hard if they don't fix it.
Something to note: The cutscenes in the game run just fine. The framerate took a nosedive when I got to the public assembly.
Well the xbox 360 was decent but sometimes a bit fps drops as well, but acceptable. and it was 30fps and Switch has trouble running it doesn't sound good at all. Or they need more time or Switch is a bit worse than xbox 360. I thought they said WII U was on par with Xbox 360... so that was a lie?
6 only runs well on Xbox One and PS4. On last generation consoles it runs poorly (worst on PS3) and Switch is more similar to last generation consoles. 6 has a bad reputation but it's a lot of fun when played on Xbox One or PS4 at 60 fps.
@Alucard83 360 and Wii U are similar, Switch has mobile architecture and it's different but in power terms and capabilities Switch is more similar to 360 than to Xbox One S.
@Alucard83 Switch could ran these game with no problems, only problem is that Capcom is lazy and didn't take the time to test these games so to make sure performance is solid. Other Capcom games that made it to Switch like Dragon's Dogma, Onimusha, and Resident Evil Revelations 2 plays as smooth as butter on Switch. This is just Capcom making quick ports to get quick cash and then patching the games later just to save faces.
Poor peformance indeed.
This is quite thoughtful of Capcom.
"Were you looking forward to these games? Well... we've made a mess of them. See for yourselves! Maybe don't bother buying them. Sorry."
Weird. I played both demo's and had no performance issues at all, was also playing in handheld mode.
And before anyone starts, I mostly play on PC so I would see any FPS drops and didn't see a single one.
This "article" If you can call it that, is just in line with all the other "we'll spit on all the Japanese games apart from the Nintendo made games."
The demo of RE5 looks fantastic ! What's all the moaning about?
It's absolutely nonsense to compare hardware like that.
These games were created with the Xbox360 and PS3 hardware in mind. When these games got released, they were big blockbuster titles, and much care and time was taken to make them perform well on the leading console hardware of that time.
Today these games are cheap budget titles, were the publisher tries to make quick bucks on them. Investing time and resources into making some good and well performing ports isn't included in the budget anymore.
The porting of these games are often outsourced to cheap and lesser experienced studios, resulting in some real bad performing games. No time and money is given to make a good end result, and focus is to deliver these ports fast.
The Switch hardware is generally considered to be stronger than last gen consoles. Just behind Xbox One, actually.
There are games on switch, like Doom, that would never run on the Xbox360. But porting old games to new better hardware like Switch, with all new architecture, can still be an issue and takes time, expertise and effort to get a good result.
It's a shame that Capcom isn't putting enough effort in to these ports. The switch is easily capable of playing these games considering they were developed for last gen (which the switch is more powerful than) and the Revelations ports were great
I saw videos of these games running on switch on you tube and they look and perform just fine. Personally not interested in these games but if I were, I'd actually play the demo first and then judge. I think we all tend to form our opinion based on other peoples' opinions even though we never tried the product itself.
For example, I bought the darn nintendo "switch" lite, gave it a thorough test ride for over a week(played many hours on it to get the feel for it) and then judged it(to me it sucks by the way, a half baked product). Anyways, try first, then judge.
Another showcase of why you shouldn’t base all your opinions on knee jerk articles and comments section. Here we have a mixed bag of comments - on a free demo - some saying garbage some saying good... when NL and others savage a game a bandwagon of hate quickly follows a game. So many games I’ve enjoyed have terrible reputations and have been destroyed by such bandwagoning.
And people commenting about lack of effort from capcom without trying the demo. Shame on you.
Hardly surprising, but disappointing nonetheless.
Remember when Capcom made graphically astounding games like Resident Evil Remake and RE4 on the Gamecube?
If they care, developers can make games punch way above the weight limitations of hardware. This is just laziness and sloppy porting. It’ll be shockingly overpriced to boot.
Don’t buy it.
Every review of a product is subjective. We are not machines. We can't be objective. That's why I take reviews with a grain of salt and do my research thoroughly and then buy or not. For example, a dude here, a reviewer judged jedi outcast by giving it a 6. In my book, it is an 8 maybe.
Anyways, of course, sometimes I also ride the hype train and buy recklessly, only to regret it later. But that happens rarely.
Played 1 hour on demo for Resident Evil 5. Didn't see any poor performance. Does the poor performance come later?
@Stocksy and Capcom up in a tree...
@Demon-Serph didn't see a single drop even though it drops nearly 30 frames every second? As he says in the video many people aren't that bothered as long as its relatively consistent.
These are by no means unplayable and a 30fps cap would really help them both out, particularly 5. I have these to play elsewhere, same as the rest of the series so I won't be buying them again anyway, not to mention the ludicrous pricing of these games on the Switch in the first place
@carlos82 In 1 hour I did not see any poor performance. This 30 frames drop is pure nonsense. Whiny little boys and girls on the internet whining for everything because that's their only way of amusement. Period.
@Cosats it's a fact and is clear in the video, you can make things up as much as you want to but the evidence is there clear as day, if a game is targeting 60 and only hitting around 30 its obvious how many frames it's missing its target by.
Now as to how much people playing will notice or be bothered is subjective and the fact that 5 hovers around 30fps fairly consistently in that area means it looks relatively smooth, apart from the inconsistent frame time. Other less demanding areas of the game may have the potential to fluctuate wildly between 30fps and however close it may genuinely get to 60fps. Nobody is saying the game is unplayable but they should have done a much better job
A real shame. I’ve never actually played them before this puts me off
@BenAV can't answer the question, but seriously I agree with you. Prior to owning the Switch I hadn't tried gyro assisted aiming, but now I have experienced it on Zelda and even moreso in the Revelations games, I wish they would do them for every game. It's genuinely faster and easier to aim up decent headshots.
There was a time, back in the day, when PlayStation had many more games on their console than Nintendo had on the N64 or Cube. Nintendo magazines defended this by saying that 80% of Nintendo games were good and only 20% were poor, but 80% of PlayStation games were poor and 20% good.
The Switch has become somewhat of a dumping ground, to make a quick buck. And while we have a quality console the games index needs a lot of work.
I spent 15 mins in the RE5 demo and was like nope, it’s terrible. It doesn’t help that I played it on PC originally, but the Switch version is terrible and the price is insane for such an old game...
@zool That is so true! The amount of rubbish in the E Shop is insane, it’s basically the Android store...
@Stocksy you gettin a free copy of RE5 with that shilling?
I want new experiences not games i played years ago
At £30 I will avoid these.
You can get 33% off if you own 0,1,4 but that's still not enough.
Capcom started so well with £15 titles and then jumped the price up to £30 for more recent releases.....without any extra offering. Poor show.
It's clear capcom have given up on the switch, with no new titles and only old ports.
Still waiting for Crapcom to patch it Giro Aiming for Resi 4
Is it possible these guys are just a bit too picky? I played RE5 on PS3 single player and split screen. There was a noticeable difference between the two, but I still thought they were fine. Easily playable. How fun the game is matters a lot more than frame-rate to me.
Wii U was a more powerful console than the 360 and the Switch is a lot more powerful than the Wii U. It is just lazy porting by Capcom as usual.
The removal of blur is subjective. That DF guy loves his blur but I think its removal can only be a good thing.
I truly wonder how many of the issues people would even notice if Digital Foundry didn't tell them they were there (not just these games, but any game DF does this with).
I wasn't planning on downloading these demos myself since I was already planning on getting them anyway but I'm hearing contradicting stories about them running poorly and running well so now I don't know what to believe. Gonna have to download the demos anyway and give them my own judgement.
I'm still mad at Capcom for outsourcing Street Fighter and Mega Man collections, when Capcom does their own work it's usually excellent, look how well-made Ultra Street Fighter 2 was.
I do not think you a right about this. If Switch were as similar to xbox360 as you suggest, then it could not run current gen games as Doom or Wolfenstein 2.
Sure, Xbox One s and PS4 is more powerful than Switch, but not really by that much.
A lazy port by Capcom doesn't change that, and that Switch is using mobile architecture doesn't mean anything.
The Nvidia CPU/GPU is more powerful for gaming than what you find en most mobile phones anyway. And it's certainly much more powerful than what running inside the old Xbox360 from 2005!
"doesn't hold up to the Xbox 360 version"
"The frame rate can dip below 20fps, and on average hangs below 30fps"
The frame rate is not my main goal when I'm deciding to buy a game or not, but making it stable is important. If the game on average hangs below 30, than there's something wrong in development. But there are some people saying the demos run flawlessly. It's confusing. The video seems to be clear.
Anyway, I'm not supporting what Capcom is doing to Switch owners. As much as I want to play RE games handheld, I just won't pay such prices for these old games (including all RE main series games they've released on Switch. I bought Revelations for a good price).
Huh, I felt there was something amiss with the re5 demo, but couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know. The demo ran alright otherwise, albeit a bit slow from time to time.
The re6 demo, however, hooo-boy, I only played the introduction with Leon up until you get the campaign selection, but any larger areas chug down to ca. 20 fps.
It's so frustrating when they use the highest resolution possible and can't even hit 30fps consistently. At least give us the choice to lower resolution and graphical effects so we can play at a locked 30 or even 60fps. Smoothness matters most!
I get it. Nintendo fans want to put all the blame on Capcom. But it's Nintendo hardware that's also the issue. Sure maybe panic button or Nintendo themselves could have ported it better. But Nintendo's own games aren't exactly running perfectly either these days. These games run perfectly fine on the base version of ps4 and or xbo. I'm sure capcom as poor as a developer they are would have been able to get the game to run better if the switch hardware was better.
@60frames-please I would have been happy with a locked 30 at 1080p mode and a 60fps at 720mode.
Respect to Capcom for releasing RE: Revelations on original 3DS, maybe the best looking 3d party game on the console. Bought right joystick stick just for it. Made the game so much better. Now these arent great RE games..Too much action. Btw Revelations 2 run even worst on PS Vita
@dres Remember that both Doom and Wolfenstein 2 run at a much lower resolution and frame rate and the textures, effects and geometry are simplified so Switch's RAM, GPU and CPU can handle the game. Like that, it could run on Xbox 360 too.
@sixrings Right. Both Yoshi's Crafted World and Link's Awakening have unstable performance and they were built for Switch.
How far can you play in the demos?
I don't get what happened in Nintendos relation to Capcom, they're using Switch to dump garbage beside the decent Monster Hunter XX-remaster. They could atleast have added a performance mode in the games, its not like it's that important to see all the low-resolution shadows and assets in full 1080p anyways, Id prefer something like 854p and stable fps.
@zool Yeah when Sony had the consoles of shovelwares they were the good guys. Now that Nintendo have the shovelwares consoles Nintendo are the bad guys. Funny how narrative evolves depending on the size and power of a company. Sony was always a control freak megacorp. It's impossible to criticize them without facing serious trouble. Guys like Jason Rubin or Shinji Mikami learnt this the hard way. So Nintendo who is very small has to face constant smear campaigns. Still impressive they're surviving this far. Maybe they're doing something good after all.
Played the RE6 demo, noticed that there was some lips desyncing in the beginning, could notice the framedrops during gameplay too, but it's... playable, the bare minimum
Man I didn't know why people bash RE6, but, there's so many QTEs and things exploding, it's over the top in a cartoony way, and there's so much interruptions to the gameplay
Buut really got interested in the Leon campaign (the demo goes to the Chris one after the intro)
We can just agree to disagree then. I am certain that Doom wouldn't run on a Xbox 360. Not even on low performance settings like on Switch.
Switch is a much more powerful console than Xbox 360. Mobile architecture or not.
The RE5 and RE6 ports are probably lazy downgrades from the Xbox one and PS4 versions, witch could explain the performance issues on Switch. Had the developer made a proper effort to port these games, there wouldn't have been any issues at all. The Switch hardware should handle these old games with ease, if ported right.
@BlueOcean uhh the Switch has 4gb of RAM vs xbox 360 512mb, also it's like 1 teraflop vs 240 gigaflops from the x360
In comparison, the xbone has 1.3 teraflops
Maybe there's some other factors, but RE Revelations 2 is newer, looks better, and runs better anyway
Played the demos. I didn’t really notice any majorly unplayable frame rates. It looked just fine on my lite to me, and well, I didn’t have another version of the game right there to find all the missing effects.
They don’t seem to have motion controls though, which makes it a bit hard to play with the little joysticks.
Am I the only one who enjoyed the RE 5 demo? I think it looks great, and frame rate is stable. You notice more drops when you’re playing on split screen, but it’s a really fun way to play the game, so It doesn’t affect anything really.
@Sean161 'Shut up and play moaning arses'
I've not heard of that game – is it good?
Does anyone know why there is no Resident Evil 2 on eShop? Was it never remastered, or was it a terrible game?
Your conclusion is as lazy as these ports.
Sure, the Switch hardware is not as strong as Xbox One or PS4, and some current gen games run poorly on it. Even some new Nintendo games have performance issues.
But all this has nothing to do with lazy ports of last gen games. The Switch is still much more powerful than the Xbox 360, and should handle these games fine if ported properly.
But perhaps these games were lazy ports on PS4 and X1 to begin with? Here it didn't matter that much because of the power of these consoles, that could compensate for the bad work. But when ported on to Switch the lazy port work becomes clear.
If Capcom want to sell us these old games again for £30, then at least we as customers should expect some great ports, and not lazy work as this turned out to be. Because the Switch is more than powerful enough to handle them fine, if done right.
This has absolutely nothing to do with poor performance of current gen games on Switch.
@dres it's always everyone else's fault. Never Nintendo. I get it.
Resident Evil 2 and 3 were never remastered, like RE1. But they just released a great remake of RE2 on PS4 and X1.
It's a all new game though, and probably to demanding to run on the Switch probably
@dres @sixrings @Alucard83 'But perhaps these games were lazy ports on PS4 and Xbox one to begin with? Here it didn't matter that much because of the power of these consoles, but when ported on to Switch the lazy work becomes clear.'
That explains a lot actually. I think a lot of dev's are hiding sloppy work behind increasingly powerful hardware. It's such a shame when in the past there was a year by year pride in getting to know each hardware release better and better.
Games like games like Pilotwings and Yoshi's Island were examples of a masterful use of the SNES hardware – and the game looked amazing as a result. They didn't do some nonsense like reduce/sacrifice the native resolution so they could push even more fancy parallax scrolling, mode 7 or other cherries on top – they just learnt the system's limits, worked within them (not against them), and learnt what what would create timeless visuals that were clear and sharp.
I'd like to see more companies stop hiding their games behind heavy blurring – I'd much rather a clear drop in details and effects, if the result was that game looked like it had actually been adapted for the Switches native resolutions and remain crystal sharp. Blurry/heavily filtered games and lazy black borders (such as in Ultra SF II) are my main pet peeves.
If we can have games near launch that look as flawless as 'Mario Kart 8 Deluxe' then that should be the model to strive for. Even the great Panic Button need to stop relying on blurring and just reduce visual fidelity to a level the Switch can handle. I know everyone is praising them – but I actually think they too, and most devs are handling porting in an artificial way. Doom 2006 can't look like it does on PS4 - but it can still look great within the Switches limitations, and currently I'm of the unpopular opinion that, yes it runs well, but looks like moving dog food – after digestion. Look at Doom on GBA - it played great and looked as good as it could on that system - a job well done for the time! All games can look great on Switch I believe, but we need to stop being so concerned with high fidelity effects and high detail texturing. Switch games can look bloody amazing without all the extra bells and whistles – and MK8D proves that. I mean that game looks too good to exist in this time-space!
I've played the demos for both games now and they both play just fine. I've only noticed a couple of hiccups here and there but nothing that really hindered playing. People are overreacting. The ports could have been better but it's not like they're unplayable or anything.
I haven't played much of RE5 on other systems,
but I didn't have any issues with the Switch demos performance or graphics. In fact it looks really good.
Trying RE6 next.
And these two games really work in 2p co-op splitscreen? Atm I have no one over here to test it, but that's big.
A lot of comments accusing Capcom of being lazy, but how many of you are experts in game development? Porting isn't just a simple matter of copying and pasting, and Capcom's aren't the only games ported from PS3/Xbox360 that have problems; look at Blades of Time. Hell, even Saints Row: The Third has performance issues, albeit mild.
I'm not a huge Capcom defender, as I detest their (along with many other comapies') methods involving add-on content, but maybe... Just maybe developing games for the Switch is not as easy as many of you seem to think it is. Could Capcom just be being lazy? Of course, but maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions so much.
Personally, I'd like to see some of the Tomb Raider games on Switch, but I'm beginning to see why that ain't happening.
I played an hour of the RE 6 demo and I have not noticed any technical issues. Seems like it plays just fine.
@blackknight77 must be a conspiracy from the evil empire microsoft
played from the beginning to the end of the RE5 demo and I did not notice any drop or problem whatsoever
@BlueOcean crafted world is pretty much locked at 60 from all the playtime I've put into it
Tried both demos and liked both. Didn't really noticed the framerate issues. Gonna buy it when both cost 30€ together. Have too much to play right now ( Monster Land IV on Mega Drive Mini and Monster World on Switch)
@NullPointerExcep I remember a website stating that Switch specifications are lower because they are down-clocked compared to the original chip. Comparing games, current-gen games are basically downgraded (textures, geometry, resolution, effects) so they can run on Switch. And even then frame rate is often halved and even then it can't keep up and falls below 30. The massive resolution downgrade alone makes games run on much less powerful devices (including PCs and tablets) and the frame rate being reduced drastically also helps running a game on such devices. It's impossible for Switch to run a game that fully utilizes Xbox One S and PS4 hardware without massive downgrades.
Weird. I thought it looked great. Can’t wait to get my copy at the end of the month.
@60frames-please Docked or handheld?
@BlueOcean Both. My experience is that it is almost locked at 60 in both docked and handheld. I think Digital Foundry has a great video about Crafted World.
@60frames-please I think it's 60fps as well. But so was wooly world but that had a higher resolution with it.
@SKTTR split screen is great!
And the irony is that it's partially down to Capcom that the Switch got the extra RAM on board so they can get the RE Engine running on it. All the while they have failed to bring 7 & REMake 2 to the Switch and got demos of a half-assed 7 year old PS3 port. Shame.
@60frames-please Then they patched it.
In between, I upvote 90% of your comments if I read them.
This is just another reason why demo’s need to return. I miss the days of the Xbox 360, when the platform holder (Microsoft) mandated demos.
💩com strikes again
@BlueOcean I agree switch is closer to 360 than Xbox one
I don't tolerate excuses for bad ports to Switch anymore. It's been well proven that the Switch can handle extremely demanding games when they are properly optimized. I'll concede that it's likely a lot of work to get it done. But it CAN be done, it's been proven time after time.
I mean, I thought 6 looked pretty good on my lite. Never played 5 or 6, so pretty excited to play them. Also, why are we being so critical of a free demo, which is not indicative of the final product. Almost 90% of the file size is missing so I'm gonna stay positive. Way less effort goes into a demo for a game.
Love the resident evil games but Capcom's ability to disappoint is exceeded only by Nintendo's (and then only because Ninty's highs are so much higher)
Dont know what demos you guys played but demos looked and played well
@Darkyoshi98 which is false. i played the demos on switch lite and i uninstalled because the framerate wasn't good.
@Sean161 yeah sure, RE6 running under 30fps a good chunk of the gameplay is a "fantastic port". Not everyone has standards so low they accept last generation releases poorly optimized on newer hardware.
True, they barely put in the effort, and then have the nerve to charge an absurd price for the game just because it’s on Switch.
I guess that saves me some cash then.
Maybe I have a different demo? I have no issues with RE6 on Switch. Yes, the loading times are longer, but framedrops? No.
I never played Part 6, because the reviews were so bad, but now I will buy it for sure to play it Coop. Just the price is a downer. But for what am I working for?
@Kang81 worst part is that there are actual people defending the port and the price.
I loved RE 5, I played the heck out of it on the 360. Unfortunately, I’ve played it so much I really have no desire to ever play it again. Actually, it’s fortunate for me now that I think of it because then I don’t have to settle for an overpriced and underperforming Switch port.
@LordVal you don't have a different demo. you just can't tell the difference between 24 and 30fps which is mindblowing because there is an obvious difference even for console players.
Yeah, and I don’t get it. I could kinda see the point if it was a physical copy, but it’s digital, so there is no need to charge more for the Switch version than the other platforms. Even more so when it is an inferior version than the originals.
I don’t care what company it is or how much I loved a game. A badly priced and performing port is just that, and I won’t support it because they’ll just keep putting out subpar ports that way.
@Kang81 i buy a lot of third party games on switch but i only buy the ones that are ported competently. just two weeks ago i ordered witcher 3 and dragon quest XI. two fantastic ports that a lot of effort went into.
Exactly. I’ll gladly support games that take the time and effort to port something right. I just bought Darksiders 2 yet again. I love the franchise, but never did finish the sequel because it was constantly backlogged.
Im also getting the Witcher 3, because it’s obvious they cared. I’ll admit not everything from Capcom is poorly done. I did purchase Dragons Dogma for Switch as it was another backlogged game of mine. I don’t think I’ll really ever turn on my 360/PS3 at this point because I’ve too many I played games from this gen alaone.
@LOZ_Master95 then I'm just blessed with my eyes? I'm still not happy with the price tag, but the demo is fun and I can't wait for the next weekend and playing it with a friend.
@dres ‘lesser experienced studios...’ You massively underestimate the technical skill many of these port studios have.They’re often lead by ex AAA studio programmers.
@sixrings Errr the base hardwares for these games were PS3 and 360, so your comment makes no sense at all.
Just played through the RE6 demo. Didn’t notice any major issues. Didn’t notice any reasons why it’s so disliked either. Thought it was cool!
Never finished RE5. Sucks to hear they'd release a performance laden demo for possible buyers to indulge in. You'd think Capcom would work the kinks out of an old port before advertising it🤔 I hope that isn't the finished product.
@the_beaver I have several comments on here so which one are you referring to. But the summary is that the games frame rates are all over the place and I have no idea why people would continue to buy third party games on this system unless they have no other options.
Checked both demos and they both are pretty playable.
The only complain about RE5 is the clumsy controls (I don't remember it to be an issue in RE4 back on GameCube).
RE6 plays more modern.
But not going to pay the full price for them considering how cheap they are in Steam or PsStore
I have to admit, I will still buy Resident Evil 5. While the 6th one is supposed to be crap, I really crave more of the magic that was the fourth part on Gamecube so many years ago.
@LOZ_Master95 It's not a good port - but I still really want to play Resident Evil 5 without having to buy a different device. I grew up with framerates way more terrible, I can handle 25 to 30 fps.
I just don't see what benefit that 'Digital Foundry' brings to the gaming industry, in fact I think it would be better without them.
Edit : just looked at their website, $5 a month to watch gaming videos!!!!! Twitch / youtube?
@Sean161 jokes on you: i already own a gaming pc
@retro_player_22 "Dragon's Dogma, Onimusha, and Resident Evil Revelations 2.."
those are easy to run games - and are really light - RE5 and 6 especially arent easy to run on switch hardware - they just port it over - it only runs well on other platforms because of the better CPU/GPU.
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