Nintendo has already said the next DLC fighter Terry Bogard will be joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this November.
While there's no exact release date just yet for the star of the Fatal Fury series, the latest Sword-themed spirit event – starting this Friday – has an updated list of trademarks and one of them is for SNK Corporation. The previous events supposedly did not feature this trademark.
This discovery was made by the Twitter user @NintenZ and now has led to speculation that Terry might be released at the beginning of November. The last time Nintendo reminded us the SNK icon would be coming to Ultimate was earlier this month.

If this is evidence of Terry arriving sooner, rather than later next month, it wouldn't be the first time the character has been caught out ahead of schedule. Prior to his official Direct reveal, the SNK trademark was spotted underneath Challenger Pack 4 on Nintendo's UK website.
What do you think? Could Terry be joining the battle a few days from now? Leave a comment down below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 46
We'll see if Ninty tweets out an announcement of Sakurai's Terry gameplay demonstration tomorrow.
I have to say, I like how impersonal and friendly his new method is. Just him sitting back, describing the character and showing off their moveset in real time.
Eh, it’ll get me playing for a few hours anyway. Honestly haven’t touched my Switch in weeks, I’m finally at KH3 for the first time after replaying the whole series.
@PBandSmelly It's probably its own special limited-permissions document available for copy-pasting at this point.
Hopefully that means the next character reveal isn't far away
Until Sakurai releases a vid on Terry, a Friday release is a rumor.
I hope his moves are good.
I always preferred Big Bear or Kim in Fatal Fury, but it's nice the series is getting some rep.
It’s ok. Come on come on
Yay.....yes, that was sarcasm.
Can’t wait for Terry. I will main him.
Just tell me fighter #5 is Shantae!
(It's probably Lloyd.)
I mean Friday is November 1st ....... We were told that he was coming out on November. So unless he is Shadow dropped tomorrow (31st).... Anytime in November is what I expect 1-30
Next direct: terry arives AFTER this direct and the crowd goes wild hahah.
If we can't play as the Fatal Cuite version, I'm not interested.
I am happy with all the dlc characters. But I want more heavy weight ones.
King boo or gooigi would be neato.
@Torakaka didn't Banjo have his video in the same date he was released?
@Sabrewing "impersonal" means "not personal"
C'mon! Get serious!
I'm having friends over for 8 player Smash on my 70 inch TV on Friday. Hope Terry is ready by then.
@StableInvadeel Yes, but we don't actually know WHEN Terry comes out, it could be Friday or it could be the day after Thanksgiving for all we know.
I'm hoping that he'll be released early next week. Maybe in a Thursday since that's usually when Nintendo releases a plethora of Nintendo games on an updated schedule. I won't be able to pick him up until I have that Fighters Pass that includes an exclusive Rex outfit.
@Torakaka Didn't we get Banjo's release date that same day though...?
Man, I had no idea who this guy was before the announcement. Crossing my fingers for Rayman!
@Heavyarms55 Would be an interesting alt colour/variant for him. If not, I'll just play some SNK Heroines.
@Devann Sooo... "unbiased"? "Unprejudiced"? What would you prefer? I'm saying I like he's just acting like an average Joe having fun in them.
I hope they made a true reveal trailer for him this time if that is true, the one in the Nintendo Direct was just a teaser, they didn't show what he could do or what his final smash will be yet.
hope they put all the Neo Geo games on sale to celebrate
Terry will probably make me return to Ultimate. OKAY!
I imagine that's the standard copyright for Smash Bros. Ultimate now rather than a subtle hint Terry is coming next month. But of course it's possible.
@DavidMac what a dream ahn??? tell me you live in Paris and invite me! hahahaha
@w00dm4n They actually put some of them on sale a couple of weeks back, and the sale ended October 30th.
I don't know if the sale was available in North America, but at least in Europe it was.
@rex_rex It's pretty great for parties, it was my "I'm going to actually be selfish for once," purchase. It also helped that it was on an insane deal from Best Buy. The model normally would have been a $3000 TV when it was brand new. But somehow there was still some of last year's model in Best Buy's system and they discounted it and then also put it on sale for like $500 off. So I ended up getting it for $1000 Canadian (plus taxes and shipping).
The crazy thing is that in Canada, Best Buy doesn't even normally sell Visio TVs, but I'd been leaning toward getting one since they had announced HomeKit support in their last few years worth of TVs. Of course that does mean that if someone gets mad during Smash they can shout, "Hey Siri turn off the TV" and my HomePod will turn off the TV.
@DavidMac cool man!! once in a while we have to be "selfish" and give ourselves what makes us happy! I've heard about this "turn off the tv" LOL!
look,what is/are your mains?
wanna give me your ID? I luv smash! truth that I've been struggling with wargroove (such a damn hard game OMG) and that my backlog does not get smaller... but it's always nice to play without the stress to arrive at ELITE smash (for only 2 victories I would put my feet there.. :~(
btw, cool your pic! I should start otcopath..
@rex_rex I don't play online much. I get destroyed when I do online haha. That said Octopath is fantastic!
To be honest, Terry isn't a huge deal for me. I am glad he's getting in SNK representation is a huge deal, I only main Link and Hero so it takes a lot for me to move outside of them.
Still praying for my boy Geno
@Sabrewing impersonal? I actually think the opposite, his demonstrations seem to show Sakurai in a really sweet and dorky light and I think he comes off as really personable and quite funny. Definitely better than when he just presents things in a direct, I always get the feeling he feels awkward in those.
@Otoemetry You could tell that he was lightening up in the Banjo Kazooie showcase. He was just cutting loose from what I could tell and it was a good change of pace. From what I remember hearing he wrote all if not most of the jokes between pit and palutena in kid icarus uprising
i am so hyped about this character. Terry VS Ryu awesome match up.
Cant wait to see if the next DLC characters and new season can even top this one.
Or Reyn from Xenoblade chronicles
Who's Geno?
@Big-Pepsi Bro...take it back!
Yo Bro, Idk what you're talking about bro!
Let the Direct leaks begin.
fighter 5 will be the 3rd form of grookey feb 2020 release
@RinoDino i bought KOF 94 last week and Waku Waku 7 was a day 1 purchase.
Between my phone,xbox,playstation and switch i have these neogeo games all over the place.
I wish they did a $60 collection of all these games. Some haven't aged well.
Sooner than expected ? Because you expected him to come later ? Cmon ... Of course he's coming soon, they still have to release one last fighter for the year, probably in January, maybe even February
It's the end of Friday so this was all a blatant rumor. Maybe next week.
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