We've made it to the end of yet another week, this time full of new Switch updates and more Switch Lite drift talk, so now it's time to put all that behind us and relax with our favourite games. The Nintendo Life team have gathered to chat about our gaming plans for the next couple of days, and we'd love for you to join us via the poll and comments sections below. Enjoy!
Zion Grassl, video producer
This weekend I’m headed off on vacation to the land of the Golden Gate Bridge, so I’ll have plenty of time to play games on my flights there and back! I also just picked up a Switch Lite and stocked it up with a ton of indie titles to take advantage of that sweet D-Pad.

I just finished up the remake of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, so now I’m torn between venturing further up the mountain that is Celeste, or starting something brand new. I’ve picked up quite a few games thanks to all the recent sales (Minit, Transistor, Untitled Goose Game, and many, many more) but I’m also kind of itching to roll around a few towns with my fresh Prince in Katamari Damacy! Just like picking a show on Netflix, the possibilities are near endless and I feel slightly overwhelmed!
Gavin Lane, staff writer
This weekend I’ll be ticking along with the same stuff from the last couple of weekends – RiME, Astral Chain and Untitled Goose Game – but I’ve also downloaded Sayonara Wild Hearts and I’m eager to crack into that (assuming I can get some alone time to slip on my headphones). I’ve heard it’s short and sweet – the perfect game to make me feel like I’m making a dent in the ol’ backlog. Have a good one, folks.
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This weekend will, of course, be filled with more Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Untitled Goose Game (yes, I waited until it was on sale, because September broke my wallet), Ni no Kuni, and probably a few others thrown in the mix. My significant other has never been much into gaming - beyond some select sports titles - but I finally got him hooked on the Link’s Awakening remake! Seeing my friends & family enjoy some of my favorite games for the first time is almost as fun as playing them myself, so I’ll likely spend most of the weekend watching him play - which is honestly a blast.
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
Another weekend means another chance to play some Zelda: Link's Awakening. Yep, just like everyone else.
I've been really enjoying my time with it so far, although I actually got stuck for the first time just before saving the last time I played. The wonderful Stephanie has been cooking up a full walkthrough, so I'll be able to grab some help if I need it, but I've been desperately trying to reach the end without consulting a guide. Even Old Man Ulrira isn't being much help at the minute. Wish me luck!
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
With both The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening and my upcoming album done, this weekend will be fully committed to advancing further in Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina and GRID Autosport. Another strong week for Switch retail and digital releases also furthers this unstoppable party, from cyberpunk Uber driving in Neo Cab, big prizes in Galaxy Champions TV and even live DJ performances in Hexagroove. Sorry, neighbours!
My game of the week is in fact not one but 42 of them. You guessed it: The Megadrive Mini has finally blast-processed its way to the exotic lands of Europe and I shall be doing some serious 16-bit sessions of all games (especially Darius).
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
This weekend is all about Ghostbusters for me. I never got around to playing the videogame when it originally released but I’m all over the remaster, might even introduce my kids to the movie for the first time and just generally get a whole Ghostbustin’ vibe happening in the house, 1980s style.
I’ve also just grabbed Starlink: Battle for Atlas in a sale and am really enjoying it; was expecting to be a little underwhelmed but so far the open world nature of the planets is really grabbing me and it controls really nicely too. Also, bonus points for beautifully implemented Star Fox action. Now, if only my wife would stop looking at me funny for sitting on the couch with a toy spaceship attached to my Joy-Con.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (319 votes)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- Celeste
- Minit0.3%
- Transistor
- Untitled Goose Game
- Katamari Damacy REROLL0.3%
- RiME0.3%
- Astral Chain
- Sayonara Wild Hearts
- Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- Daemon X Machina
- GRID Autosport
- Neo Cab0.3%
- Galaxy Champions TV0.3%
- Hexagroove: Tactical DJ
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
- Starlink: Battle for Atlas
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 136
This week I will be mostly playing
Kirby: Power Paintbrush
BotW Seed Hunting
Dr Mario World
Also tempted to crack out NES Remix 2’s Super Luigi Bros, since it’s the Month Of Luigi.
Jedi Outcast
Im busy with marvel ultimate alliance 3
With a bit of smash in the mix.
As always i wish everyone the best weekend love it, and dont forget GAME ON!!
Dragon Quest XI. That is pretty much it. To say this game is value for money is an understatement...I haven't been this tied to a game since Breath of the Wild.
Was hoping to play AI: The Somnium Files but at this point I think my package has been lost into the ether at this point. Started up Dragon Quest XI instead which has been pretty fun so far and been doing some Slay the Spire runs.
I'm actually checking out the Project Resistance closed beta this weekend and then some more Doom 3 afterwards
Taken it out on some Nazis in sniper elite 3, then will continue with a long playthrough on DQXIS... Hangout with family later today for some more fun.
Anyone try Northgard yet? Going to take a much needed break from binging Dragon Quest XI.
Full Throttle (ah, the memories!), Hollow Knight and Dragon Quest 11, which is fun but has a completely out of sinc, annoying soundtrack.
Dragon Quest XIS
Ni no Kuni
and hopefully a mission or two of Valkyria Chronicles 4
I've just started botw after having it for over a year. 😂The time has come and am liking it a lot.
I'm gonna begin astral chain this weekend so that should be fun, also some horizon chase turbo the game is really good I'm enjoying it.
Getting to grips with Crash Team Racing mainly.
I’m also playing Forager but turns out I’ve triggered a bug which stops me from getting about 3 achievements. Kind of annoyed at that since it was patched out of the PC release.
Find it really bizarre the Poll excluded Dragon Quest XI S... Can't stop playing this awesome game
I finally finished my first playthrough of Persona 5, so I'll be returning to the world of Nintendo once again to play Metroid Prime 3 once I have the time.
It's funny, when I started P5 I felt somewhat tepid in regards to finishing it since it kind of felt like just another Persona game despite the interesting thematic hook. Now that I'm done, I realize that my initial impression wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as the game made me realize why I loved this series to begin with.
Still fire emblem three houses, still haven't finished all the routes.
Sniper elite 2 on switch.
God of war ( thanks to ps now) on ps4
1. Link's Awakening
2. WoW Classic
After finally beating SMT Strange Journey l had a long list of backlog games I need to give attention (feeling guilty about Astral Chain and Octopath that have both been dipped into).
But with everyone gushing about Dragon Quest XI I couldn’t resist temptation and I’ve picked that up. Only about 5 hours in but it’s worth all the praise so far. I’m new to the series.
I picked up a few games from the sale, probably should do something with those.
@DockEllisD I'm about 42 hours in and realised a few hours back that things weren't as cut and dried as they seemed. Trying not to say too much as I don't want to spoil it for others...
Finishing up links awakening.
Looking forward to playing this once they patch the controls. I can’t get the hang of them as they are.
@ShaiHulud @ShaiHulud
I agree with the soundtrack lol. Have turned the music off in mine lol
I’ll be playing Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
I chose Ni No Kuni over DQ11 so I’m working my way through that. I’ll prob skip DQ now as the Witcher 3 comes out soon.
I tried Skyrim but couldn’t get into it due to having no idea what to do and being overwhelmed with options - does The Witcher 3 hold your hand a little more?
I've been splitting my time between Grid Autosport and Fishing Universe Simulator. Planning on downloading Car Mechanic Pocket Edition. Things I love about Grid are the AI aggression and the fact that they do suffer from mishap's. It's so very refreshing to not race against perfect drones. Fishing Universe is relaxing but also hard, trying to catch a particular species or minimum size.
Enjoying Stardew Valley finally, waited so long for a sale. Spent so many hours on it already and realise it was easily worth full price.
A bit of Grid and, obviously, DQXIS (which will be present for looots of weekends)
Definitely Some Genesis mini
Dirt 4
Virtua Racing
Grid Autosport
Horizon chase turbo
And there’s 3 or 4 interesting Switch games on sale for 99 cents I’m gonna mess with! 😊
Yooka Kaylee and Destiny 2
Finally going to play Bastion! Better late than never eh?
Finishing Links Awakening and then back to Astral Chain to finish that. If there’s time I think I’ll start the DQ XI demo.
I'll continue with Dragon Quest XI, even Link's Awakening is waiting. And maybe some lightsaber Jedi Outcast action too.
Assassins Creed Odyssey..nearly 200 hours and counting.I LOVE this game but seriously does it ever end?There are other games I want to play.lol
Zelda Links Awakening..absolutely loving this game still.It helps I never played the original version but I got to say I prefer Zelda games like these than the open world type.
May have time to play something else,possibly some Octopath Traveller which I haven't touched since Awakening..
Enjoy your weekend all.
It's an amazing game! Love it!
Controls never bothered me though, although I played on the pc back in the day.
But, playing with joycons in handheld is hell for me. So, I went and bought daemon x machina ones today. And it's awesome! They really nailed it with these split pad pro things! Highly recommended. Crouching in this game is bad, because it uses your left joycon press. But, after assigning it to the back button of the daemon x machins ones, it just plays so much better.
Continuing my castle capers in Bloodstained, attempts at driving in Grid and the mystery journey through the world where perhaps only bacteria don't have puzzles for you (I'm saying it as a compliment, though). Also trying out the recent purchases from the surreal minimalist Bad Dream Coma and quietly charming RiME (yet another game whose technical issues the fandom significantly exaggerated) to the dark XMorphesque Hard West and the wacky Stick It to the Man (grabbed the long wishlisted Flipping Death as well, but it's a heavier download and I used today's brief time at home on WiFi-ing Lego City Undercover instead - looking forward to a taste of that one, too!). Oh, and also unexpectedly finished Kid Tripp. Only 20 stages after all, but that doesn't sound short when you spend so much time trying to get through each. And the achievements include a dare to beat the game with one life?
On the other fronts, planning to check out the recently PSPlussed TLoU one of these days, but the power grid's hijinks in the area keep leaving my PS4 turned off by every time I try connecting. Oh well.
Even though the game is great and I am enjoying it a lot, I would still recommend Jedi Academy more, because it allows you to use a lightsaber right away, plus it will have a multiplayer, which, even though I never played before(bad connection back in the day in my part of the world), will probably be amazing once everybody whips their lightsabers out.
@SterlingEyes Both games are pretty overwhelming to be honest.I felt the same way with Skyrim back on the Xbox 360.You start the main quest,get sidetracked by a sidemission,go off to do that and then get side tracked by ANOTHER side mission.I ended up playing 104 hours on it.The Witcher I think is similar but if you just stick to the main quests you should be ok.Although some side missions actually make a difference in the main one overall so it's worth seeking them out.
I'm playing Dragon Quest 11 S, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem Three Houses on my Switch.
I am also playing Destiny 2 on Steam, since it became F2P.
Playing the demo of Max and the curse brotherhood. Seems like a good platformer so far.
AI: The Somnium Files.
Quake 2 on the PC for me, I've connected it to my TV... It's been a few years since I played it properly. One of the best FPS ever made still for me....
I want to finish links awakening and astral chain so I can start ghostbusters and ori but I dont have any self discipline so will probably be playing all of them by the end of the weekend....
Dragon Quest XI and Link's Awakening.
I ended up giving up on Ni No Kuni for the time being (it’s a great game, but it can get a bit repetitive if you’re bingeing 40 hours of it over 10 days while off sick), and started DQ XI S instead, and boy oh boy, I’m not regretting it. I really enjoyed the demo (I got around 9 hours of play out of it before I reached the end), and the full game is not disappointing. Around 13 hours in now, and having a blast; I can see myself playing this until Luigi’s Mansion comes out at the end of the month.
Randomly beat Ludwig the Holy Blade first time after going back to Bloodborne after a year so now stuck on Lawrence. Will continue with the KH games after beating 1 again, being stuck on Leon in CoM and plowing through Birth By Sleep.
Started Sundred the other day after getting it on sale. Then my wife picked up Ghostbusters as a surprise. So it's a toss up between those.
Ori and Dragon Quest, of course! Both brilliant!
I'm shocked they aren't even in the list... Totally shocked.
Making my way through my 2nd play through of fire emblem. Probably going to take a break from the game once it's done.
Also playing: Astral Chain, Fight N Rage, Secret of Mana.
And I may pick up Galaxy Champions because I've been itching for some Smash TV.
Astral chain, and the new monster Hunter world expansion
@Woosh193 Yes, I tried playing DQ with the music off too, but that felt a bit lifeless. I've set it to a low volume now, which works a tad better.
@h15c0r3r it appears the issue may be with you and not the screen haha
Why is Ori and the Blind Forest not on this list?
Well my cartridge reader is busted and I had to stop my play through of DQ XI... Absolutely loving it so far. Meanwhile I am playing ori but mostly DQ VIII
My hayfever's acting up, so I can barely keep my eyes open to play any games this weekend. 🤧
Also why isn't Dragon Quest an option?
Daemon X. Lots of Daemon X. The equipment build aspect is very rich, and I’ve gotten a good handle on loadout builds.
I've played ARMs and Let's Go Eevee with my kids already this morning. Maybe if I get the chance I'll finish off Link's Awakening.
Currently planning to play Paladins. Been a bit on a Paladins kick for the past couple of days playing on my Switch and PC (kind of cool how my progress is on both platforms), so I plan to play that. Not sure on other games yet, I do want to try to squeeze in something else.
I'm sure it has been said but I guess I missed it. @ryancraddock exactly how long is this new Zelda game? Is it big enough for the asking price? We all agree that checks all the other boxes. Community, your thoughts are welcome too. Thanks all.
Dragon quest isn't an option because the list is all the games mentioned in the write up at the start, i think.
Doom II, untitled goose game and astral chain for me. Maybe some doax 3 but it means swapping cartridges!
I'm going for :
And some Monster Hunter goodness.
@Francema I got about 17-18 hours out of Link’s Awakening. I’ve never played the original ( played other Zelda titles so familiar with general layout). I think I was missing 9 seashells and I didn’t play much of Dampe’s dungeon builder but it was well executed. Overall I was not upset about the value of the game.
Astral Chain and Blazing Chrome mainly for me. I'll probably dip back into Breath of the Wild to continue my progress in the DLC.
I'm really tempted to pick up Link's Awakening too, but as Xmas is rapidly approaching I'm thinking of asking for it from the family. There's something incredibly comforting and nostalgic about tackling a new Zelda game over the festive period. Instead, I might replay Minit or double-dip on Hyper Light Drifter to fill this particular gap in my gaming world.
I will be continuing Ori- Still early on in the game but it is stunning. I’ve still got a few challenges in Goose game ( I cannot get the old man’s hat! ) I’ve put Celeste on pause because of all the recent games I’ve been playing but I still hear it calling my name... Must die 500 more times for strawberries...
I’m trying to tie up some loose ends before Witcher.
Sega Genesis Mini- Earthworm Jim, Strider, Monster World 4, Streets of Rage 2 and the Mickey Mouse games.
PS4- Samurai Shodown and Fist of the North Star.
Switch- Fire Emblem Three Houses
Finished Dragon Quest VIII and Link’s Awakening yesterday. Just need to wrap up the Blue Lions leg of Three Houses and then I think I’m ready to dive into Dragon Quest XI. I can’t wait!
How is slay the spire threating you?
Weird for a major release like DQXI S to not be on the list.
Anyway, I'm playing that. Stayed up until four in the morning playing it, in fact!
ACNL dailies/weeklies, and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Not sure what multiplayer will bring yet as there are too many good options right now - looks like it'll be Mario Tennis Aces' co-op event, Minecraft, and/or some Mario Maker 2. Co-op buddy can't decide yet and I'm down for all of them. XD
Have a nice weekend, everyone, and happy gaming!
@DenDen A lot of fun, very addictive. Over 60 hours in it now.
Astral Chain, Link’s Awakening, Dragon’s Dogma, Heave Ho, The Room, Rayman, Axiom Verge, Celeste...............
At some point I’m going to have to relax with some chores!
FE- Three Houses. How long is this game?!!
Astral Chain - i think i might be starting to understand the combat.
Mario Maker 2 - i recently uploaded my 2nd level. “Overthrow the Ice Cartel!”
I’ll be playing What the Golf. Such an amazing game! So fun.
Like PJ, it's all about Ghostbusters for me as well. Didn't play the original so it's a brand new experience. I'm also making more progress in Ori and the Blind Forest. I picked up 2 more games in a recent sale that will he played if i happen to finish the first two games i mentioned. Guacamelee 2 and Ghoulboy!
Edit: I finished links awakening earlier this week.
AC: Odyssey + DLC. So...that's gonna take a while. AC: Origins + DLC took me almost 200 hours to finish. These games are so relaxing.
On the side I'll be playing some Mario Maker 2. Every time you start this game there is new content. I love how prolific and creative the community is with new levels.
I finished my first run through of LA, now it’s time for completionist run to see what I missed. And I wanna focus on Dampe’s dungeon creator.
I just picked up Sinking City, which I’ve been itching to try for some time, and I need to get back to Astral Chain, which I kinda abandoned after LA dropped.
Daemon X Machina is very good! I am crafting weapons and armor, and also playing online !!
Batman: The Telltale Series (Switch) - Starting Episode 3, looking forward to it after everything that happened in Episode 2.
Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition - Still working on my desert oasis with my kids.
Zoo Tycoon Friends (Windows Store) - Got me some zebras!
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team (Windows Phone) - Getting past the broken controls this phone game is a better game then FIFA 20...
I picked up Warriors Orochi 4 for $2 yesterday so I’ve been tearing into that. I’ve always loved these games. And I’ll play some Minecraft as usual.
Btw, where has Anti-Matter been? I always look forward to his game selections for the weekend
Too busy with Dragon Quest XI atm
@Zeta-Genome Good question! His absence is noticeable. Probably making his way through Doom as we type. 😉
Wind Waker HD for me, just finished the Earth Temple, it's nice to play a proper temple after Breath of the Wilds bite sized shrines.
Also have my Mega Drive (or Genesis) Mini, am sad it didn't come with a plug, the SNES Mini did that too . Looking forward to playing Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion among many other great games.
Astral Chain mostly and dungeon creator in LA. Got some small Eshop games as well, so it looks like too many games again.
I'm still playing Chrono Trigger and am playing through Metroid 1 on the NES app for Nintendo Switch Online. Maybe I'll play other games as well, but those 2 for sure.
@nessisonett A lot of people claim Orphan of Kos to be the most difficult boss, but for me it is either Lawrence (Fire!) or Ludwig because of that move where he jumps on the ceiling and it’s instakill if you miss the timing.
Good luck brave Hunter.
Blasphemous ...it’s got me hooked!
@Balta666 that’s what I was thinking 😂
@Francema I’ve never played it before, I’m currently about 15hours in and really enjoying it, but I think I’m very close to finishing it now.
More SNES games on Switch with the SNES controller, Pokemon Go on phone, and Fallout New Vegas on Xbox One.
@wazlon yep I really liked Earth Temple, definitely one of my favourite dungeons in Wind Waker. I get a feeling dungeons will be back in the BOTW sequel.
I've started my "side job" this weekend, which involves scaring the living daylights out of paying guests; you've guessed it, I work in an operating haunted house during the weekends of October! The only downside is that this means way less free time until next month.
This weekend I intend to play more of both Metroid: Samus Returns (haven't touched it much this past week) and my main game at the moment, Mega Man Battle Network 2. The latter has the occasional typo like other games in the series, but that does little to blunt this spelling and grammar stickler. XD
As usual, I'll also play some Pokemon Go during my Sunday walk tomorrow.
Have a fun, safe, and blessed weekend!
Mobile:. Call of Duty Mobile
Switch: Sargon Quest XI
Xbox One:. Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Nothing on PS4 since my son is playing through The Last of Us.
@WiltonRoots Earth Temple was really cool, onto the Wind Temple next. Yeah I'm sure Nintendo will bring back dungeons in BOTW sequel, they just have to. I'm hoping the story will have a bit more focus too like other Zelda games.
MLB The Show 19. Downloaded it on PSPlus, and i’m pretty addicted to it. I’m also trying to finish up Link’s Awakening.
Yeah saw that still fun?
Still working on cases in Astral Chain, also a load of XB1 stuff.
@NotTelevision Cheers! I picked up all the umbilicals so once I do the DLC it’s just the super duper final boss.
@DenDen Yup, still really enjoying it.
@WiltonRoots This game is incredible. I just took a break. I was playing for almost 4 hours. Yah, I'll be back on soon enough...like 5 minutes.
After 35 hours+; I finished Link Awakening Wednesday. So this week-end I will continue the Wii game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; but playing it on the WiiU.
Switch: Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
Wii: Sonic Colours, House of the Dead Overkill & Ghost Squad
GameCube: Billy Hatcher & Crazy Taxi
I'm working on finishing up Dragon Quest Builders 2, so I can then continue DQ XI S from where the demo left off. I have a lot to accomplish before Pokemon comes out next month.
Dragon Quest XI S! I adore that game.
Also Dragon Quest XI s for me. The game is so big and so much to do.
@Francema I haven't finished it myself yet so can't give you a set time from my own playthrough, but I've really enjoyed it and already feel like it's worth the asking price.
Having said that, I'd personally value slightly shorter but really well made games over ones that give you lots of hours' worth of content, so it obviously all comes down to your personal tastes 🙂
1. Dishonored 2 (just popped up on PC Game Pass)
2. Fifa, Destiny 2 Or Monster Hunter World (depending who is online)
Cold here already, so not playing on the GO. But might try and finish off Valky 4 DLC on Switch.
Wow not much love from the Nintendo Life staff for Dragon Quest. You guys are missong out! One of the greatest Rpgs of all time IMO
Been finishing up CUPHEAD (DIE KING DICE!!!) and will probably download BLAZING CHROME while it is on sale. Am loving the 2D shooter renaissance. (Where the heck is HUNTDOWN!?)
I have recently started playing Yooka-Laylee and I am enjoying it more than the first time (note to those who want to play the second game: you don't have to play the first one to try YL and The Impossible Lair). Also some Yoshi's Island but taking it slowly (playing like 20 min) enjoy the game. Can't wait for Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair!
It's a Mega Drive Mini weekend for me, specifically Ghouls 'n Ghosts, my favourite Mega Drive game of all time.
@WhiteTrashGuy, I recently repurchased Ghost Squad and Overkill after making the mistake of selling them originally. I’ve had an absolute blast playing them again recently
1 Dragon Quest XI S
2 Ori and the Blind Forest
3 Ni No Kuni
4 Divinity Original Sin 2
5 Astral Chain
6 Daemon X Machina
7 Sniper Elite III
8 Darksiders 2
I'm up to my neck in top tier Switch releases right now. This isnt even all of them- I've had to cut out quite a few because I JUST. CAN'T. KEEP. UP.
Btw, I find it criminal that DQXIS wasnt on this week's poll. And Ori. And Divinity Original Sin 2. Three of the absolute greatest Switch releases of the generation... and N-Life apparently doesnt think anyone is playing them and thus shouldn't even be mentioned in the poll. For shame!
Dragon Quest XI. Playing the switch version makes it worth the wait
Dragon Quest XI all weekend!
Jedi knight II, karate champ, doom 1993, super Mario world and smash.
I finally have gotten around to Super Mario Maker 2, so I'm doing it's story mode. Starlink: Battle for Atlas I'm kicking off, and continuing to run Trials of Mana from Collection of Mana. I may also kick off Mario Kart World Tour.
Well, I may not be playing anything this weekend, but I did pick up Blazing Chrome for Nintendo switch earlier this morning since it was on sale. That is going to be an excellent coop game for my brother and I.
I'm traveling again, so I'm back to the 3DS. I think Project X Zone 2 and Culdcept Revolt have gotten the most play. I also just picked up Tenkei Knights... It's not very good, but it is nice to have a mindless action game among all the RPG and strategy games that make up most of my 3DS collection. I'm in Tokyo, and while it's shocking how few 3DS's I see in the wild, I am still getting a few street pass tags.
The only game I've been playing since I bought it... Fire Emblem Three Houses. I'm on my 2nd play through and I'm A LOVING IT
Been pumped up all week by all things Pokémon so I'm going off to ranch and reap the lands of Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola for my Pokémon Bank by hitting up Pokémon Platinum, White, Y, and Moon. Anyone want to add my FC for the Friend Safaris or online matches go for it😊🎮
Zaccaria Pinball and Rocket League
Finally finished Doom 3. Great game! Actually put in 25 hours in the campaign. Maybe I'm slow, but it was a blast. Starting the DQXI demo. Will probably buy that after I complete it. Definitely want Ghostbusters. Might wait for a sale.
Super Mario Odyssey, & Sonic Mania.
I love whipping my lightsaber out
Let's stick to games
Link's awakening and DQXI.
@MartyFlan Thanks... Same thing here. Never played the original and since this is an exact type of remake, in wondering how long could an old Gameboy game be.
DQXIS this game is awesome 😃
@Mamabear Thank you man. Great input.
@ryancraddock Thanks a lot! I agree with you. Will clean up disk space by finishing some short fun games I own and then move to this cuteness!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - Vampires Curse. Ive unlocked Punisher and Moon Knight but struggling to get Blade as my time just seems to keep running out.
Been playing xenoblade chronicles 2 and enjoying it, but decided to take a short break and try civ 6 which i picked up a couple of months ago. Working through the tutorial, hasn't really gripped me yet but hopefully it will.
Tried the Ori and the Blind Forest demo this weekend. Fantastic opening chapter - kind of a downer, but sucked me in completely. I might have to buy that one.
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