Although Nintendo has just made the SNES app available for Switch Online subscribers, it has also released a new update for the NES app. Version 4.0.0 allows you to hide the pesky bar at the bottom of the screen which displays the game controls.

In the game selection menu, you can now also change the order of your titles. As you can see below, you can sort by your preferred order, the title, the release date, the time last played or the total time played. It's worth pointing out that the new SNES app allows you to do this as well. Here's what this option looks like in the game selection menu:

Will you be spending much time in the NES app now that the SNES app is available? Tell us down below.
Comments 69
I have never played most of the SNES games so that will take me a while... Most NES games are unplayable now so I'm excited to forget this app exists
FINALLY. I hated that stupid black bar at the bottom of the screen.
Still playing Vice Project Doom on the NES Online! 😁
@thesilverbrick Should have been an option from the start.
I noticed that on the SNES app and I was hoping they will do the same with the NES one. And here it is!
I am glad they did it. I hated all the cluttered text in the screen
Oh man!!!!! The screen looks so much nicer now!!! Thats was one of my biggest complaints!!!! So happy to see them gone!!!! This makes me want to play these games much more often now!!!!!!!
That's great but I still wish they had retro/crt filters like the SNES mini. I'm still gonna keep playing them there until then
Oh man, sorting option finally! Now if we could only hide all those SP games, or put them into some kind of sub-menu under the main game.
Why did this take a year to do? Like, I'm glad it's fixed now but this has been a common complaint since day one, and it took till version 4.0 to do?
So freaking stoked!!
@Klunk23 because it's Nintendo. They still have to remove the stupid p1 logo from the corner. This will probably take another year or two.
I hope for background/wallpaper pics next
Too many improvements ! Too quickly ! Did they hire a developper,?finally?
Folders for the next week ?
Ive only played Mario Kart on Snes. Finally get the chance to play the classics. Sweet!
@Klunk23 because all those stability issues had to be resolved first, otherwise you couldn't play your Retro games without your Switch falling over.
It's good that you can sort your games in different ways, but I find it irritating that The Legend of Zelda gets sorted after T in the NES app, so I keep my manual alphabetical order where it's after L. And in the SNES app it seems to be sorted after Z. I understand why Zelda II is*, as it doesn't include "The Legend of...", but A Link to the Past?
*Though I sort it after L just to keep it chronological.
@RedBlueCarrots Unplayable by you.
@NImH Honestly was very impressed with this game! Damn cool!
@Klunk23 Nobody remembers how long DS and Wii online took lol
Wow Mario is also much bigger after the update
An improvement that should never have been required in the first place.
I also can’t believe Nintendo had the gall to ‘announce’ SNES games on the Switch. Getting sick of their ridiculous stinginess.
I remember owning a NES when the SNES came out. Aside from Mario Bros 3, everyone moved on to the SNES. SNES games still stand the test of time and improved in every way on their NES counterparts, which sadly suffer by comparison (enjoyable as they are). Not just talking about graphics, but gameplay too.
Seriously, why the f didn’t anyone at Nintendo realize how stupid it would be to have all that text on screen BEFORE the NES app launched? It’s just a major head-scratcher.
Now if they can deign to give us button mapping, I will be much happier about playing these games on this system.
I can't believe it took so long for them to do this.
@LexKitteh Game screen options including CRT filter also appear in the Settings menu!
I need act raiser and more RPGs!!
The SNES app is great but nothing compares to playing these games on a USA Super Nintendo console without those horrible borders. I'm glad it's out but I still play these games as God intended!
This is great news! I can't tell you how many times I died because I kept getting distracted by those annoying letters at the bottom. I had to hide them with a long black strip of paper I carefully crafted but that kept slipping off and that in itself would distract me and cause me to lose a life or crash or something. But now this has been introduced I can finally sleep better at night without worrying about floating ZL and ZR images with somber music and dark undertones, distant distorted laughings and Mario crying out from some bottomless pit "Why Nintendo, a-whyyyy".
@USWITCH64 The SNES Classic in Europe is NTSC or do you mean the Switch app?
@USWITCH64 God definitely did not intend the ugly USA square box snes.
@jobvd I like the shape of the USA console but I agree the super Famicom looks better, have a few of those too.
@LavaTwilight yes. That's why you kept dying. Right.
Finally! So happy to hide those controls!!
I guess that i won't touch the nes app for a long time, now that i have so many perfect options from the snes era.
Its always bugged me how the mario games are all so far apart
@LexKitteh They do, no?
@Divinebovine you were always able to manually sort them
@Pazuzu666 Don't you know eloquently crafted sarcasm when you read it? You ungrateful gargoyle! I put you through college, and THIS is how you repay me?
But... how will I remember what Select and Start do?!
Still annoyed there's no button remapping support whatsoever for NES games.
I was hoping they'd update the app with that feature, I just didn't think they'd do it so quick.
Well, I'm still playing some of these from time to time... Just yesterday (before the SNES app became available) I was playing through the old Ninja Gaiden. Still a classic and eminently playable, epsecially if you like challenging games (although the rewind feature and save states can now make it far easier if it's too challenging).
A lot of old NES games are still classics IMO, and some are still more fun than many titles being released today. The selection available now still needs more RPGs though (come on, Nintendo, I know there could be licensing issues, but try to put the old Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior games and Final Fantasy on there....)
If they remove the bar then the display area should increase. They can keep the 4:3 ratio fixed so that's not a limitation.
@Realnoize Considering DQ 1-3 are getting an actual Switch release (in Japan) I doubt that's going to happen.
I wasn't aware. Thanks for the info! Hope this gets a release over here! Although, I kind of hate it that retro games on the Switch are all scattered across different apps. I like when all games from a single platform are tied togheter under the same app. Like, there won't be any Megaman or Castlevania or Contra on these NES and SNES apps because those are sold separatly as collections....
how about a wider screen? if emulator devs can accomplish this without ruining the image quality, so can Nintendo
I'm glad they bothered to add the new SNES features to the NES app.
Good grief that update took far too long
Finally, now it would also be nice if we could hide the pattern in the black bars on the right and left so it was JUST black, but I'll certainly take what I can get
NES games unplayable? I played some yesterday and they were as perfect as they ever were. Might be your system?
@thesilverbrick me too. Now I need button-mapping. I want y to be b and b to be a. Then I could really enjoy NES games on Switch 😁
So how do we actually get rid of it? I'm up to date on both versions, but they're still there, words and all.
@spike6958 me too?
@JohnnyC I totally disagree. No Mega Man game on SNES is as good as Mega Man 2. And Tecmo Super Bowl plays far better on NES than on SNES. Now, Tecmo Super NBA Basketball is a tossup. And Battletoads is equally as good on NES as it is on SNES.
Still can't map B and A to X and B. Le sigh.
@Fandabidozi don't think that was what the poster meant
@spike6958 you have to go into settings within each app and uncheck the tick box that says 'show controls ' under where you choose the screen size
@Bustacap haha whoooops
@klingki 👋what is the name of the game in your avatar?
@theberrage It's called Roof Rage. Will eventually be coming to Switch, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for it.
For those asking for button mapping, I think that's just Nintendo giving a little nudge to buy their classic controllers. As long as they're selling them I doubt we'll get button mapping. Bright side is they're great controllers and definitely add to the overall experience. They are a little pricey though. I love playing NES games in tabletop with the official NES controller.
Thanks looks cool @klingki
@HexagonSun any game that needs the select button encourages me to get the classic controllers.
I’m on the latest update but don’t have the option to sort titles. What am I doing wrong?!
Lol, yup. I shouldn’t rise to the bait but sometimes I can’t help myself.
I tried to hide the bar in the snes app, but am i doing it wrong? Holding oth buttons triggers the rewind function, pressing it brings up the menu. So how to suspend it?
@LexKitteh they do have CRT filters. It actually has the exact same filters the SNES mini does. They are all in the settings menu.
@NTELLIGENTMAN Not so much a total disagreement as a few notable exceptions. When you put the best of each console side by side (Mario, Zelda, Metroid) the SNES is a clear improvement and many of its games are not only playable today but are among the best of those high-profile series. Few would say the same of a lot of NES games.
Oh, ok fair enough 😌
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