Following a leak earlier today (through the thumbnail of the official YouTube trailer, no less), Warner Bros. has posted the full line up for its DLC Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat 11, confirming the release timing for all characters. None of them are a surprise, having been previously announced (or datamined), but you can see them posing in the above trailer.
Both Shang Tsung and Nightwolf are already available, either separately for $5.99 each or as part of the $39.99 pack of all six characters. The Terminator (Arnie in Terminator: Dark Fate mode) is dropping on 8th October followed by Sindel on 26th November. After the New Year we'll then see Joker (who's apparently gone to a better plastic surgeon than he went to originally) on 28th January before Todd McFarlane's Spawn lands on 17 March. As the trailer states, the pack comes with skin and gear for each character, plus 19 additional skins.

While none of these were unknown, it's fun to see such a motley line up of pop culture icons sharing a 'stage'. We're sure this rendition of Joker is supposed to echo Joaquin Phoenix's take on the iconic character in the upcoming movie, although he's looking a little too clean-cut if you ask us.
Will you be pikking up any or all of these DLK kharakters when they release? How's MK11 holding up at the moment on your favourite handheld hybrid konsole? Share your thoughts below with a komment.
Comments 43
I'm surprised they revealed them all at once. They need to do what smash does: build hype
@J-Plap They were already leaked months ago.
I hope a Komplete edition comes out next year for Switch with the full game and DLC on cart. If not I guess I'll have to get it for the One X.
That Joker looks terrible, as does Spawn. They don't fit that well.
Terminator and spawn, hel yeah!
Great line up! Still waiting for a good sale to pick this up though
Nice to see Arnie in there, though I hope there's a skin for T1 and/or T2 T-800 rather than the new 'probably a flop like the others' movie.
Spawn has been requested since they started doing guest spots, so no surprise but I'm glad he's there...Joker seems a bit out of place though.
Shame there's not more of a theme like there was in MKX's DLC. Predator, Alien, Leatherface and Jason as well as a Carl Weathers from Predator skin for Jax, they all fit into a 'horror' theme.
I'll wait for the Komplete edition some time in the future. I'm still enjoying XL version.
@CharlieGirl the real Joker in fighting games if you ask me.
Okay, well, now I'll have to play as Terminator if someone asks me to play MK11. Not my cup of tea nor forte, but I'll mash some buttons and be entertained, win or lose!
Joker's little brother?
You mean Melvin, from that horribly unfunny Nostalgia Critic bit?
Let me know when I can get all the characters and the whole game for one price.
I don't have time for this nonsense.
I’d rather they were all original MK characters but kind of looking forward to the Terminator, not too fussed for Spawn or Joker.
NIce, gonna watch all those fatality-monages and that's that!
We FoUnD jAy LeNo!
Joker is a great idea, but he looks so bad compared to Dark Night's version !
Joker, Shang Tsung, and Sindel all look goofy. The rest look fine
Sindel looks like a cheap clone of Kronika's daughter, what happen to her long hair that was a stable of her appearances? Nether Realm Studio you guys screw up again.
The Joker looks to be the one from Injustice 2, looking young indeed while moving (and sounding) like the better one from Injustice 1.
Arnie!!! Looks awesome!!!
Joker's going to put smiles on the Kombatants' faces... Whether they want them or not!
Glad that we have a clean, prim and proper Joker again. The dirty, unkempt Injustice 2 looked wrong. Joker is a showman, he must always look his best!
@PBandSmelly Agreed. Or the nightmare that was/is Injustice 2 Joker.
@Patron Goodness gracious it's mortal kombat, not your mom's Mary Kay convention. Let the developers do what they want out of their artistic vision and speak loud by not paying for the character or the game.
Complaining about something "you" want or don't want doesn't mean that people need to cater to you specifically. It's a video game, if you want realistic body proportions in your entertainment you should probably stop playing video games.
I really like the look of The Terminator, might have to pick this game up now. Is it good on the Switch?
I’ve always felt that the guest characters were more of a detraction from the series than anything else. They just never quite fit in.
@carlos82 Over 70 hours here, playing the Switch version, and it's great.
@SmileMan64 about 2 mins after I posted that i ordered it from shopto for £25 😁. Can't wait
@J-Plap The MK community is very different from the Smash one. Many fans have been complaining about the lack of news regarding the KP, specially when it had been leaked anyway early on. We all just needed dates.
I love MK11 and I have put a ton of hours into it on Switch.
However, the DLC characters aren't doing anything for me.
The non-MK characters are kinda neat, but I'd rather they would have added more MK characters as a pack and then did a separate guests pack.
As of now, I'm skipping on all them.
@Patron Swing and a miss.
Whether meant seriously or as satire, it misses BOTH marks.
Pretty sure that this Terminator depiction is not cannon. The beard is from Dark Fate, but the scar/damage is from Genysis.
....So no Bayonetta?
To be honest the game died for me after this horrible launch and even now its still far from perfect. All this microtransaction and grind stuff absolutely downgrades the game. I rather play MK9 or X. I do like the DLC characters but here we go again... Why is such DLC crap necessary and then so overpriced? No thanks Warner Bros... Also, why isnt there Mileena?! Shame she isnt in the game. I bet I know why, not enough clothes eh? Meh... Unbelievable they destroyed one of my favorite game franchises. Will be the last I preordered.
@Kriven Ash Williams was teased in the Shang Tsung trailer. He is definitely coming at some point, his file and dialogue were datamined with the others. I think they pushed him back (to Kombat Pack 2) and he got replaced by Joker (hype for the Joker movie I guess). lol Ash was the main reason I bought the Kombat Pack, ah well haha. Can't wait to see Ash and Arnie pre-fight banter, been hangin out for that since the leaks.
@Patron Wait? Are you trying to say that there aren't women that look or dress like that? Obviously people don't float and have magic powers and all that, but I know for sure I have met people that look that way. Let me be clear that I am not asking to be disrespectful. It's obvious that this is something that concerns you. I am just curious as to why you fell that way.
@carlos82 Awesome. I hope you enjoy it.
@DTfeartheBEARD Don't they already have one?
@Wavey84 Same here, don't exactly like the addition of Joker and would have replaced it with any Horror Icon: IT, Pinhead, Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Annabelle, The Nun, heck, you could even throw in Candyman and I'd be happy!
@Reigestugatensho No. How would they if most of this DLC isn't even available yet? Lol.
Freddy Krueger was DLC for MK9 and Leather face was DLC for MKX.
@Reigestugatensho Chucky would be awesome!
@DTfeartheBEARD (o)
oh... Oops.
Needs more Spongebob.
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