A SNES-style controller for the Nintendo Switch has been spotted thanks to a new FCC filing, which hints that we could see SNES games added to Nintendo Switch Online service sooner rather than later.
The filing – spotted by Restera user Link83 – shows the rear of the controller, complete with the all-important "HAC" model number, which is used by Nintendo to denote Switch hardware and accessories.
Nintendo has already released NES-style Joy-Con controllers for the Switch in support of the fact that free NES games are released monthly as part of its Nintendo Switch Online subscription service. In fact, NSO launched on September 18th last year – which means a great many subscribers will be coming up to their renewal point. Will Nintendo use SNES games to lure them in for another 12 months?

What SNES games do you hope to see first on NSO? Let us know with a comment.
[source eurogamer.net, via fccid.io, resetera.com]
Comments 182
1st anniversary of the full Online Service?
NSO Direct soon?
About bloody time
This could explain why the NES titles released lately on the Switch Online thingy are so... bad. Like, really bad. So when something better shows up we throw a party
The day SNES games come to NO is the day I buy a subscription
Only thoughts on this releasing really soon... Does Nintendo really want to put out A Link to the Past for "free" when they're just about to drop Link's awakening? If they drop SNES online without A Link to the Past I'll be pissed (yet super happy).
Well we all knew it was coming. I was expecting it to be a year after the NES and Famicom games (So about right).
I just hope they don't build the SNES controllers using the Switch rails to charge them, I've got both the NES and Famicom pads (which I love) but they can only be charged on a Switch. No other Joycon dock can charge them.
Bring on that September Nintendo Direct!!
Hooray? Guess we'll be waiting another year for GBA games, if they ever even arrive.
@frabbit 2 games per month, expect it to be a while after launch.
@frabbit Yes.
Link’s Awakening added dungeon creator and updated graphics.
Link to the past would add save states and rewind?
I just want the GB line so more people can experience Drill Dozer and Mole Mania.
Good (implied) news about the games but the SNES style 8bitdo controller with all the Switch inputs is close enough for me. Not buying a pad if it's no good for other games.
I don't think the SNES controller had buttons that would work for ZL/ZR, right? Otherwise I'd imagine it would work with a lot of Switch platformer games. Might still work with Mario Maker. If I can use an SNES controller with Mario Maker and Shovel Knight, I'd buy this in a a heartbeat.
If that happens, I might actually renew my sub.
I hope they come at a more reasonable price than the NES controllers. Sure it will be officially licensed but they will have to beat 8bitdo in functionality vs price.
@frabbit I had actually been thinking this the last couple of weeks. I was just wondering if they would wait till they have another Direct & announce it there or do a standalone thing.
It's all coming together now, the Switch online service debuted on the 19th September, this year on the 20th September the Switch lite launches and what better way to release the SNES games
And then, folders.
@Duncanballs My thoughts were that this would be a new app altogether, separate from the NES one. Either that or they'd have to change the name of that one (also not out of the question obviously).
But genuinely thought it would launch with a pile of games, then add 2 more onto it every month still. For a year, then N64. If they just start releasing 2 per month without an initially larger drop then okay I suppose as long as they're big name titles!
@sleepinglion I fail to see how exactly games like "Clu Clu Land", "Donkey Kong 3" and "Vice: Project Doom" are bad...
They want a splash for the year subscribribers to stay with the online service so I expect this and something else to launch right about time to renew
The FCC filing image doesn't appear to have the joycon rails, which is obviously a good thing. It looks like ZL and ZR are still there, with maybe a USB port in the middle. Here's the image:
@funkyflounder83 A nice big fat direct starring SNES games, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and a Bayonetta trailer... now we're talking.
@frabbit I woudn't mind that and maybe throw iin an official english translation of Mother 3 alongside the usual suspects of course.
Awesome, hope we have a direct soon, seems like it's been forever!
Oh dear on the back it says "Made in China" doesnt that mean it's going to US but at double the cost because of Trump tax?
Given there's still obvious NES games left like Earthbound Beginnings and Urban Champion, I think Nintendo may drip feed SNES games from the start (rather than a large initial batch) while clearing up the rest of the NES games. Say for example something like:
September - Urban Champion, Pinball, Super Mario World, Super Metroid
October - Mach Rider, Startropics 2, Kirby Super Star, Super Mario All Stars
November - Earthbound Beginnings, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, Earthbound, F-Zero
... and so on.
A Link to the Past, Lufia 2 (never gonna happen but still), Illusion of Time (also never gonna happen), Earthbound, Yoshis Island, Secret Of Mana, Final Fantasy 6, Castlevania Dracula X, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Donkeu Kong Country 3, Super Mario All Stars (sooooo bad), Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy 3, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 5....I got a few I'm waiting for 😁
I'll tell ya what. If they introduce a library of SNES games online for 20 quid a year, I don't think anyone has any right to utter a bad word about Nintendo about anything, like ever! That would be such a magnanimous gesture that they couldn't do any wrong in my book!
ugh, it's about time. I would be embarrassed to release the online service without SNES games.
Almost certainly a September release to get people to resubscribe.
And it will be very effective for me. It’s sucked going on two weeks with my Switch in repairs but I’m glad I just got it done.
About damn time is all I have to say. SNES should have been included day one.
It's overdue, and I hope they don't just spend the first 6 months putting out all the obvious stuff - Mario World, Metroid, Zelda etc. the SFC library is huge, they should explore it fully.
It's about damn time that something other than archaic NES stuff arrives on Nintendo Online. At the current rate, we won't be getting any N64 titles until 2023, and don't even get me started on GameCube titles.
SNES The best console EVER!!! followed by The Neo Geo, Megadrive, PC Engine, 16Bit forever:)
@Dodger you might consider the 8bitdo controllers for that. I have an SN30 Pro and it pretty well covers what you're talking about.
Happy but I'd much rather own my snes games than to rent them
Great, now people can (hopefully) stop complaining.
It seems September is gonna be nice!
Nintendo Direct on September 2019 confirmed !
I will renew my NSO subscription on 17 September 2019.
Nice. Hope they'll communicate with 8BitDo adapters. I'd love the option to use first-party pads with my Super NT.
I seriously hope so! I had zero interest in playing NES games, but SNES games.... bring it on!
Would love to see some great SNES RPGs!
Chrono Trigger and A Link to the past. Because I have only played them a billion times and it's still not enough. Also I'd play any game not on the SNES Classic mini.
I've got the subscription for free thanks to Amazon and I'm not doing anything with it.
8Bitdo controllers do the job just fine.
Fantastic. I can finally after all these years unhook my Snes mini
@GauBan I had the same issue until I found a Power A charging dock. It works with a Pro Controller and 2 joycons and the Joy-con rails are high enough that the NES controllers don't hang too low. It's relatively inexpensive on Amazon in the US. Hope that helps.
I wonder how long it will take when Nintendo officially confirms this for all the haters to switch from "NES is boring, give me SNES games" to "SNES is boring, give me N64 games". I suspect it won't be a long wait.
As one that owns the original SNES, a SNES Classic Edition, and a Super NT, I really don't have a need for SNES games on the Switch. But the controller itself is very tempting. It always has been one of my favorite gamepad designs. So if this has functionality in things like Arcade Archives downloads, classic compilations like the Capcom Mega Man collections, and so on, I'll definitely want one.
@frabbit Yep, that is what I initially thought as well. Each year Nintendo would extend the NSO service with a new console. So SNES this year. N64 next year.
now we can all sigh and whine until they give us n64
@dystome no indication of what this controller will do. The filing only has the back(for the fcc label). So time will tell hopefully it would be something more than a SNES only controller.
One would though that it will be a copy of the original in which case you’re right the 8bitdo would be better for most people. Although it would be a nice thing to have.
@funkyflounder83 that's gba....
Waiting for an anniversary just to release games for a specific console sounds like a bad business practice.
Omg! The Switch is already one of my most favorite consoles. Add a load games from my most beloved console ever and it's the best console EVER! Maybe some news at gamescom?
If there's a controller, were are the games? Shouldn't they be released about the same time?
I will absolutely renew if they do this. SNES...
First games for SNES online? I'm predicting Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, and Link to the Past.
If it happens, Donkey Kong Country 2
@Xelha I'm pretty sure nintendo just stopped caring about the gamecube. Which is a shame since it had the best library of nintendo games to date.
I bet they launch it right when the lite comes out and the day after genesis mini in North america....lol console wars never die??
Please say it's happening.
I still don’t like that I can’t download and own the NES library on switch. As a retro collector it would be nice to know these NES titles are still accessible on my Switch 20 years from now and not dependent on the Switch online service still being present.
Just give me Super Mario RPG in portable form to play. Never been released that way.
@jswhitfield8 Ah yes, I see it now. I wonder how this will impact the L and R buttons then?
I wouldn’t call it confirmed. Remember that trademark filing for N64 controller 2 years ago? Yeah....
@Don this is an fcc filing, not a patent or trademark
@Don I certainly wouldn't call this "confirmed" either, but there's a pretty big difference between a trademark filing and an FCC filing
I reckon if we get a direct soon this could get announced then, I also think a September launch though as most peoples subscriptions will be up for renewal by then including mine. So let's hope this happens. N64 mini classic for Christmas anyone?
@Atariboy You're probably right, and I don't like whiners either, nor do I like to complain myself, but in all fairness, if you see the other two parties handing out last and current gen games for free with their subscriptions, then I do think the people actually have a fair point where this is concerned.
The other online subscriptions may be more than twice as expensive than Nintendo's, but what you get in return, is about a ten to twenty-fold of what you get with Nintendo-Online, so Nintendo is really selling their fans short, especially with a back catalog as rich as theirs.
We already know it is coming, they data mined SNES from the official OS last year. This is just more evidence for it which is nice!
@frabbit You do know that Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past are not the same game, yeah? Also, NSO isn't free.
@DividesBy_0 cheers, I've tried one like that in the past that a friend had but the Joycon rails were still to low.
This could be a redesign that works.
@Crono1973 a completely meritless comment. Nice one. Quite difficult to do!
That reminds me. I need to get the nes controllers.
They should just do the best games of every old platform first, then expand each to more obscure games >.>
At least SNES has some real games that don't feel like cheap arcade games though.
Games I'd like ported to Switch:
My Snes games wishlist for 1st anniversary : Mario64, fzero 64, conquer, Golden eye, diddy Kong, Mario kart 64 , banjo kazooi, ocarina of time. Etc 😍😉😄
@xmrmeow Super Mario Bros 2 is already on switch online. Both of them I believe. Did you mean a different game?
@Thierfeu I might be missing a joke here, so at the risk of looking foolish, I shall mention that all those are N64 games, not SNES games.
Looking further into the FCC filing : https://fccid.io/BKEHAC042
The external photos will not be available until 6 Feb 2020 (using the Japan style of dating yyyy-mm-dd) but have been submitted, so we still have a wait
They also have the FCC filing of the Switch Lite https://fccid.io/BKEHDH001
@Mach_Rider Heavy hitters they are not. And when you're only getting two in a month, they could be trying harder
@Barbara001 I approve of this list.
This is good. It might should've happened sooner to incentivize subscriptions.
@Bunkerneath Actually that's 6 February, 2020
Good. Now there will be more kids here crying about how these games are too old and too hard.
@AnnoyingFrenzy Very funny
@frabbit The bigger problem is that they are charging $60 for the Link’s Awakening remaster. It is essentially a 3DS title and should be $40 (like Samus Returns).
I will die on this hill!
Dude it’s finally happening. I swear to god we better get chrono trigger this go round. Otherwise, I can pretty much guess the other releases as it’ll be standard Nintendo SNES fare but that’s just fantastic. I’m really happy about this.
Super metroid!
Give me ARMS 2 and I'll buy another year of your intro-naught, Nintendo. Give me SNES games and I'll... definitely consider it, but then remember that I have a billion other games I'd like to get through first (including several SNES games on my 3DS WHICH I STILL USE but that I never got around to). But I'll consider it, I promise.
I bought a SNES classic so no, I'm not re-subscribing.
@frabbit that's why the choose to remake Links Awakening instead of Link to the Past.
And probably Link to the Past is not going to be available from day one on the service anyway.
'Please understand - these SNES classics will be exclusive to the 'New' Switch hardware and only available to those who purchase the 'Premium +' Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Cloud saves will not be supported. The good news is that some titles will support the Nintendo Switch Online app which will allow you to send Dr. Shrunk style emoticons to other players around the world. Hope you will look forward to playing these classic games in the fall of 2023' bows
Can we please just have folders, more background colors and a web browser.
Exciting news! My backlog of games will probably keep me from enjoying the SNES games that do come, but I surely will be tuned in to any official announcement on this.
Hopefully, they'll open up the SNES section of Switch Online with a selection of 12-20 games right away, similar to how they rolled out the original NES games. That would make the 2-3 games a month drip-feed seem less painful (at least for the first few months).
@Dodger The SNES controller had shoulder buttons, but I only think it was one on both sides, not two.
After SNES Classic Mini with superb emulation, two controllers included and no subscription required, Nintendo Online doesn't look that great anymore.
@AnnoyingFrenzy (American myself here)
We're the only country that uses the Month - Day - Year format. Don't correct people who use Day - Month - Year because they're honestly correct.
Yeah I'm pretty much at a point where I don't believe it's coming until it's announced. They will need to have some unique titles on there since I have a SNES classic for it to draw to much interest.
@DFaceG_Rebooted He had the wrong date (He initially said it was June 2 instead of February 6), so I corrected him. Besides, the date was written in Year-Month-Day which is traditional Japan style. He edited his post afterward to show the correct date.
@frabbit A few questions: 1.) How exactly does being part of a paid subscription qualify as being "free"? 2.) How exactly is an emulated version of a completely different game remotely comparible to LA's remake? 3.) Who says ALttP will even be in the lineup right away?
@DFaceG_Rebooted Also, if I may add, there is no "correct way" to show the date as long as the date itself correct. While the predominant way is to show it through the D/M/Y format, there are many countries outside the U.S that don't do this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country
@Barbara001 Zo moeilijk is het anders niet om al je favo games aan je Snes Mini toe te voegen
If there is a SNES online they had better release it with at least 50 games day one to make up for having NSO
@sleepinglion I'm not an advocate for the online service or defending it in any way at all as it is utter rubbish, but we just got Vice Project Doom which is one of the finest titles on the NES and a rare one.
1.) I paid 6 pound for a year subscription. Played 50 hours of Tetris. I’ve had my money’s worth of online and then some. Anything else now is “free” content as far as I’m concerned. Why do they call it free DLC? - “I already paid for the game, how is it free?” Well, because you just got something new and didn’t have to pay anything extra for it. That’s assuming they don’t hike the price of online up, which is within their remit to do of course but outside the scope of this response. Your question doesn’t make sense anyway, - assuming you did understand the use of the quotation marks to mean it’s not really free but as good as free in my book. I don’t speak for everyone but since it’s my comment you were replying to it would be safe for you to assume that I do speak for myself.
2.) Calling it an emulated version implies it’s a lesser version than the original which of course isn’t true. It will more than likely have new save states available and the rewind feature. So what you’ll get is an enhanced version of A Link to the Past. And they’re comparable in the same way any top down Zelda title is comparable to another. If you think graphics make the game then you’re on the wrong console.
3.) No one, and that’s part of the discussion I had if you read my other comments before jumping in for an angry little rant.
Sweet. 12 months from now you could be playing thirty games that you can already play on your SNES mini but only with crappy online servers and shoddy emulation. Oh wait but you also get to buy another controller for it.
Please. I want SNES games. And N64 games. And GameCube games.
@YANDMAN I didn't know and will check it out!
I smell a Nintendo Direct within the next month or two....
Better be true or I'm not renewing mine.
Please do give me Super Mario World on my Switch. Just don't forget StarTropics 2 and Yoshi's Cookie before you go all-in on SNES games.
I didn't buy the NES controllers because I felt sure they'd release the many buttoned SNES controllers within a year or two. I'll buy these instantly, and I really hope they work with Tetris, shooters, 2D metrodvanias, NES games, etc. Please translate Super Famicom Wars for English speakers! I want to play that so badly on my Switch! I also can't wait to play Super Turrican, UN Squadron, Chrono Trigger, FF VI, Super Bomberman, Axelay, Super tennis, Yoshi's Island, Kirby Super Star, Pilotwings 60fps (it's the only Pilotwings that runs that smoothly), etc on my Switch!!!
Sorry to be THAT guy, but......big deal? If you want SNES games on the go, dust off your 3DS, which has games available that will never hit the Switch online service (Super Castlevania, Dracula X, Mega Man X 1-3, Contra III). You also have the option of the SNES Classic, the Wii U VC, etc. SNES games on Switch isn’t really all that major. Now, if they offered N64 or GC games, THAT would be something!
You’re basically begging for something that is readily available.
@Grumblevolcano I'd be fine with that. There are still some NES games I want to see. There are even a few more third-party games that might appear.
Yea I guess I'll just believe it when I see it. Snes games were datamined When? Back in January and still not unveiled? Would they make me renew my sub? Probably. But realistically I may just renew it for Mario maker 2
hopefully all versions of the SNES controller will be available. (north amaican version, European version, and the super famicon version..)
They should let us buy game packs of SNES games for those that don’t or can’t use online services. I don’t want to depend on online connection to play games!
@AnnoyingFrenzy O snap, didn't know that lol. I'll have to replay it...
@The_Legged_One announce N64!
Now watch as it takes them a couple of years.
@GrailUK nothing will ever be good enough for this lot...it’ll be the wrong SNES games for starters... 😀
@Dodger The 8bitdo SN30 (classic SNES) does work with Mario Maker, but without ZR/ZL buttons, you have to start the game with a different controller first. It also works with any platformer that doesn’t require joysticks to control. Only problem is you can’t get the classic versions from 8bitdo anymore. I can’t even find them online, and I’ve been looking for the colorful European/Japanese version to go with the purple US version I already own. I’ve long suspected a patent conflict with Nintendo plannning on releasing their own, eventually. Looks like that’s confirmed now. I only hope it’s not sold in an expensive 2 pack, they’re not charged on Switch rails, and that they don’t only work on Nintendo online classic games. It would also be nice if they could work on the SNES classic. 8bitdo works on SNES classic with an adapter.
@BoilerBroJoe who is voting down that comment??? Who doesn’t want more games from more systems?? 5+ people.
Shake my head at people here
You can forget about SoM.. with Collection of Mana just being released. Maybe SE will work along with adding a few other of their classics.. but SE keep pumping out remasters/remakes.
I also don't think Capcom will add anything, with the Street Fighter and Mega Man collections already available. But still, a load of first party SNES will be awesome to have portably.
It might be more tempting if those SNES games will be playable online with multiplayer. Time will tell!
@Omedru I might be interested in playing Super Mario Kart online.
A link to the Past! Again
My sub is up for renewal soon so I'll wait and see if this is true before renewing it.
My prediction on the first few months of games: Super Mario World (duh), Super Metroid, A Link to the Past, Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, Earthbound. It they can swing it, I'd love to also see things like Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy 3 (aka 6), Street Fighter II Turbo, Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3, etc. eventually.
Been waiting for this. There are so many classics on SNES. With the NES and SNES games on there, it would make NSO a really good deal overall. You have to launch with Mario World, but more obscure action games would be welcome as well.
Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong country (all 3), Link to the Past, Super Mario World, and Super Mario RPG.
It would sure be cool if they did, and I would definitely get myself one of those SNES controllers, it's a classic and much better than the NES controller.
This may be a little off-topic, but I'd personally like the option of purchasing a game if I like it enough. I don't want to fire up the nine service one day and find that my favourite games aren't there any more.
A pipe dream would be to make a selection of games to bundle into a custom physical card. It's not that difficult, to be honest.
@Shinobi1Kenoby Even then you're not guaranteed to be able to redownload those games 20 years down the line if something happens to your Switch or downloaded coppies... Unfortunately at that point... Or even 10 years from now, you'd be better off modding a Switch and dropping roms into it.
Personally I'm glad to lease the games for $35 a year to get the family plan so me, my brothers, and a few friends can enjoy the games as we get them...
I'd rather want GameBoy games on the Switch.
No thanks. I've got an SNES 8bitdo on the way. It'll let me play other games too.
Hopefully it is not an excuse to increase the yearly subscription from e.g. 19.99 to 29.99.
Iron out the lag (Dr Mario any one?) and just give us access to a respectable library of NES and SNES games from to start. Or make it in a way everyone can choose 10 titles to play every month from the full catalogue. Nice personal touch to every Switch.
PS: When is the update for lag free mario maker 2 online multiplayer with friends being released?
I bought an 8bitdo SF30 Pro in anticipation of this, too bad the dpad sucks, may need to buy the official Nintendo ones. Man, I have way too many controllers for switch.
I'm not that bothered about NES or SNES releases for the Switch as I already own a ton of them across the Wii/Wii U/3DS. N64 releases would be more interesting as they were more sparse on the VC, or best of all NGC games as they are only playable on my old Wii.
Unless it plugs directly into my SNES with a dongle that they provide, I don't care for it. I'm not into the annual rental service.
@Tempestryke So will the Nintendo one. And you can still use the 8bitdo version, nothing will change that. However it would be nice to have an official Nintendo SNES controller for the Switch.
@Deege would never be interested in the Rom..
Equally, my NES and everything are fine and playing games well over 20 years old. You look after your hardware, it’ll be fine. Hence the retro collecting.
Sounds logical to pull that trick to get more subscribers and to make sure that those that already subscribe will continue to do so. NES games is not enough to carry the momentum anymore...
@Shinobi1Kenoby Well yeah. I still have physical NES, SNES, amd N64 games that work just fine too. I thought we were just talking about digital downloads... When you buy a digital copy of an NES or SNES game you're just paying for a rom anyway.
Or if you have a SNES Classic, get one of these and use the Controller from that
SNES games, as well as NES games, should have been available from the start on the NSO service. Nintendo could have by now been ready to put N64 and Gameboy titles on the service this year.
SNES titles is what i'm waiting on now.
I'm still awaiting official confirmation before I get too excited, but if this is true, I told everybody we're complaining for nothing. There's no logical reason why at some point they would not progress to Super Nintendo games. At the same time, I don't see NES game stopping for those of us who still look forward to those.
Bought the NES controllers when they came out and blew people away who had just gotten an NES classic. Now the same for the SNES classic, I'm in. Would be nice if there was a bonus game or something for buying the controllers this time.
It's a good job you were nothing to do with release of the online service then,I guess you would have been embarassed if it did not have every retro system and was totally free.
@Tstar ja ik speel ze ook op mijn telefoon, maar toch lijkt het me zo leuk op de switch! Ik ben ook zo'n gek die 6 versies van rayman 2 koopt, gewoon om het op verschillende platformen te spelen 😝
@Omedru yeah I guess you're right, well if they don't I'll buy the mana collection, but first wait and see! And I hope the new bond between SE and Nintendo means at least a few classic FF games will be added!
@johnvboy you had* but no for a service we had for free that we just had to randomly start paying for. In addition, Reggie said it would be robust. Having nes games that have aged poorly, is that opposite of robust.
So yes it is embarrassing for them not to of had snes games at launch.
@sanderev I was under the impression that the official NES one was only for NES games on the Switch.
Nobody is forcing you to subscribe fella.
@johnvboy glad you have such expert deduction skills big guy! I'm a pretty big online gamer so yes I have to pay for it for that alone. If you're trying to argue that the online is a quality service allow me to direct you to the like to dislike ratio on the reveal trailer for Nintendo online
How do you know I am big sweetie?,I am just saying that the service is good value for what it is,and of course they will add more retro systems,but why add them all at once?.
@johnvboy touche. And because now instead of having bad free online now we have bad paid online. In addition, I could pay for PlayStation plus for a month get the borderlands collection. With decent internet, and it would already be worth more than a year of Nintendo online. Not having snes severally hurts the value of this service. Especially since snes games still hold up today, unlike 90% of nes games.
@Tempestryke Alex did a video on it when the NES controllers were released:
Basically they work like a "normal" Switch Pro Controller. (But with less buttons)
By he same token you could suggest the absence of N64,Gamecube and Wii games are also hurting the system,but for the price I still think it's pretty good value.
@Barbara001 haha ja dat is wel een beeeetje loco
Snap het wel met je Switch, ik heb ook liever alles daarop. En bediend ook makkelijker dan de SNES mini.
@sleepinglion they haven't been bad at all. They are all great games
@The_Legged_One Nah next we gotta complain about N64 games
@johnvboy Yeah sure, lets throw those games in there too. Since for $25 bucks I could get three months of playstation plus and get some good AAA games. This month is Wipeout and Sniper elite, last month was detroit become human and Horizon: Chase Turbo, then in June we had Sonic Mania and Borderlands. Literally for $5 more for a three month period has completely destroyed the quality of the nes library for a year. And guess what? The online is actually decent on the PS4
To argue the value of Nintendo online is futile. The service is awful, cloud saves are a standard now a days, NES games have aged horribly, the online service was free but now it's not and it isn't any better. I would be more okay if the online wasn't bad and I could easily communicate with friends. I mean a phone app? I'll just use discord.
It's only futile to argue because you personally do not agree,the online services subscriptions show a lot of people have no issue with the service,of course the internet forum posting/YouTube minorities will never see this,as it's always a case of "I do not like the service personally",so everybody else must agree with me,and also hates it.
@johnvboy there's no opinion in the matter of value. The only reason that people are subscribed to the service (like myself) is cause we want to play online. They forced a core feature of gaming (online functionality) behind a pay wall. Just because people have to buy gas doesn't mean they can't be upset about gas prices. Your logic doesn't apply here. There's 16k likes and 75K dislikes on their online overview trailer. There's blatant and obvious issues.
@johnvboy Also gotta say I'm kind of interested on why you didn't try to make a rebuttal at any of my points that I mentioned. Or try to defend the quality of the service. You completely changed the subject to more of an opinionated approach from a logical/factual point. Interesting...
@Chunkboi79 ,
Because there would be little or no point,you state everybody feels just like yourself,and has had to,or has been forced to pay for Nintendo's online service,this is of course ludicrous to suggest but that's the way it tends to go on internet forums.
And on that point,75k is minor compared to the 35 million or so Switch user base,and to be totally honest I am surprised the down vote was not more,because we are all looking at it from a core gamers point of view.
@johnvboy can you play games like smash bros online without Nintendo's online service?
@johnvboy In addition, that was just Nintendo of Uk's Youtube account. If you want to tally the total dislikes of all the regions be my guest. What I think is hilarious is that you're literally saying that the "silent majority" means everyone is okay with it. You can't speak for the silent majority. News flash YOU CAN'T PLAY GAMES ONLINE WITHOUT NINTENDO'S ONLINE SERVICE. Therefore people who want to play their favorite games online (Smash bros and Splatoon 2 for me) you have to pay for the membership. No ifs, ands, or buts. So don't sit there and tell me I don't have to pay for it, when in fact I do to play online.
However, you literally haven't made a case for the online service at all outside of, "I like the service so it's good." So obviously this debate is over since all you keep doing is reflecting instead of actually making a case for the online service.
Which is why you and others can't claim to speak for everybody,Nintendo stated clearly that you would have to subscribe to continue to play online,a service that for many years was totally free,you make it sound as if they somehow lied.
I love the way you judge everything by dislikes on a YouTube channel,the videos on there don't get that many views in the overall scheme of things,hell the channel only has 5.4 million subscribers when there are 35 million Switch owners.
Like I have always said $1.66 per month for online gaming,cloud saves and around 60 or so retro Nes games is good value imho.
@johnvboy It's about damn time you actually supported your argument. Sure is it expensive, by all means, no it's not. However, it's a weak service compared to the other systems. Very. Weak. The service has received massive press and largely negative reception outside of the Youtube likes and dislikes. When there's smoke there's fire.
The general consensus is that it is universally disliked, there's no arguing it. That is something that can be proven. However, you can't prove the silent majority is happy about it. Nobody is going to be able to contact all switch owners and ask if they are happy. That's why census's are there, you interview 1000 people out of 10,000 and base your information off that. That's why they call it the general consensus.
However, you're forgetting why a large chunk of people are upset. The online isn't any better since we started paying. I also never said that Nintendo was lying, so don't put words in my mouth. The switch is a multiplayer heavy platform, so of course people are going to pay for the service to go online. That doesn't mean they are happy about the service. Also you're forgeting that only 10 million, according to eurogamer, are apart of the online service. That's a third of all switch sales.
In addition, you think it's funny I base my facts on a like to dislike ratio? I think it's funny you think that this "silent majority" this fairy tale plane is just satisfied with it because people have paid for it. When in reality the only press/reception it's ever gotten is negative. Do you honestly believe that Nintendo would have reached 10m on their subscriber count if it wasn't for having to pay to play online? I sure wouldn't. Like I said anyone that games online is going to pay for it, because they have to. Not because they want to.
Calm down fella it's only a harmless discussion that I don't happen to agree with you on,I do not have to support anything as the mass majority of Switch owners feelings are not known,we do know however around 10 million have subscribed to the service.
Also your "general consensus" comment also troubles me,simply because you have no basis in fact to back it up,all you have is people on online forums who feel like yourselves,and it's a well known fact that people who complain about things are far more vocal that people that are happy,that's just the way human nature works my friend.
@johnvboy well when there's smoke there's fire. People wouldn't be in an uproar over it if it was a good system. In that same token, Super Smash Bros was universally praised and it's gets constant praise in "online forums." Really puts things into perspective hmm....
I have never stated the online service is perfect,but I do believe it's value for money imho.
But on the point of everybody hating it,i just do not agree with you because there is little or no evidence to support it,but as I said no reason to fall out over it,I would love the service to ditch NES,and SNES games as I have played them to death,and give us N64 and Gamecube games.
Yawn. When we get GCN games (or at least N64 games) call me. Until then zzzzzzzzzzz
Why bother if Nintendo will just release the same 10 or 20 games from SNES classic that we already played over and over and over within the past decade on Wii, 3DS and WiiU?
I know it's cool and all but, c'mon. At this point we should be getting a big library of snes games and not begging for Link to the Past to be available again.
A/b freaking time Nintendo. Welcome to the land of the living 😁
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