The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is a large game in several ways. Before its announcement during Nintendo's E3 2019 Direct, many doubted its huge world could be squeezed onto Switch's mobile chipset, but it seems that Saber Interactive has (hopefully) found a way.
Beyond the technical aspects of getting the game running on Switch, the filesize of the game was also a worry for gamers hoping to avoid filling up their micro SD with just one game. The Switch is getting the Complete Edition, including every last drop of DLC and content the game has ever received, and all those assets add up.
The game's Twitter channel confirmed that the Switch port is approximately 32GB in size and CD Projekt has also confirmed that it's shelling out for the 32GB game card, meaning the entirety of Witcher III will come on the cart. We've seen some questionable practices from companies unwilling to swallow the manufacturing costs and sending out physical versions that also require a hefty download (we're looking at you Capcom), or simply producing a box with a code inside, so it's to CD Projekt's credit that every part of this huge game will come on the cartridge.
Also included in the boxed version, however, are some other goodies. It seems the physical cart will come with a compendium catching Switch gamers up on the intricacies of the Witcher Universe, plus a map and stickers:
It's great to see CD Project going the extra mile for physical gamers. Will you be going physical for Switcher III? How do you think this massive game will run on the console? Share your thoughts below.
Comments 112
I don’t actually have any interest in this title, but good on the developer for doing this the right way. Almost makes me want to buy the game to support upstanding practices like this.
Take notes other AAA devs
There will be a day one patch you watch lol. There almost always is but it should be small.
This is how you do it.
I already own it on PS4 but it's a nice package and the right way to do it.
Great news. Hopefully this will set an example to others if it does well, this suddenly becomes day 1 full price physical preorder for me, rather than waiting for an eshop sale.
That's great. Now if it just runs solidly I will get it for sure.
It will be the first 32 GB game cart in the West.
Great move CD Projekt, but I won't buy it. I already bought the Game of the Year Edition for PS4 and it bored me to tears. Now bring Cyberpunk and Keenu Reeve to the Switch too.
Good on them, just hope other people take note, doubtful, can but hope
Wow, a couple of weeks ago nobody was even sure TW3 would run on the Switch. Now it's looking like a textbook case on how to port games properly.
Obviously there are going to be huge sacrifices in graphic and sound quality (there are ALWAYS sacrifices in the sound department) but I am buying this baby day one unless we suddenly hear that it's a completely broken mess. Which I seriously doubt will happen at this point.
Wow! I’m going to read about this game and see if interests me now, because it’s great that a publisher wants folks to play the whole game without buying more storage for the ‘privilege’ to download most of it.
Thank you! SOLD
Now i'm surely getting it physical.
As for the ones that were saying the Switch couldn't run the game, i say that the switch can run any game in the market, all it takes is a little bit of effort and optimization.
The fact that Nintendo are getting games like this on Switch this time round is impressive. Something the Wii and Wii u lacked. Even if they don't look great compared to the other consoles it's still great that Switch players get to enjoy them on the go.
So either it's very expensive or this could be done all the time, other companies!
Bravo CD Projekt, Bravo!
I could never get into it due to its size but if the port is solid, I am happy to support because playing open world RPG's on the move is just the only way I get through these games.
Now if only they'd called Panic Button! about the optimization...
Good effort! I don't even mind some updates coming later as long as the whole game exists in playable form on the card.
I do hope they haven't made too many performance/visual compromises just to keep it under 32GB though. Where are those 64GB cards Nintendo?
In other news Sypro needs a download.... hahaha classic 😂😂😂
Where are the new 64gb carts Nintendo Promised us would be released this year? Back on topic though, i can't praise CD Projekt Red enough for being willing to actually use one of the bigger GB carts. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! AND THANK YOU!!!
I've already purchased it for PS4 and Steam... hopefully I might actually finish the game on Switch!
Either the prices are starting to fall, or they know it’s gonna sell well. Either way, this is great and hopefully we’re at a point where we’ll see more developers do this. I’m very curious about Doom Eternal now.
@thesilverbrick I was thinking the same thing. I played it briefly on PS4 and let it lapse in favor of other games; couldn't really get into it, but I have loads of respect for the game and the efforts of the devs. I feel I want to buy it, do my part to show other developers that this is how games should be done on Switch.
Day 1! Just tell me the release date!!!
This news makes me very happy. It's also worth noting CD Projekt Red is really pro-consumer. Good example, their PC game store, GOG, sells nothing but DRM-free games (yes, CD Projekt owns GOG).
To me, seeing them fit a whole game onto a Switch cart is another example of this.
That's actually pretty insane! Good work!
day one buy it is then!
@Sunsy This is true. GOG is the best platform for PC gaming.
CD Projekt Red... What a class act.
Impressive! They care about the space limitations.
Been saying it since launch. As prices drop the cartridge capacity issues will slowly disappear. 32GB will start appearing, then become common, then 64GB will start appearing.
Decent alternative for folks who don't own a powerful PC or any other console, still not the best way to play The Witcher III, or any 3rd party game not exclusive to the switch. I insist, Nintendo consoles are just for Nintendo games, if you own a PS4 or XBOX One then do yourself a favor and buy them off from those systems. I can already see how compressed and downscaled it'll look and run.
Fantastic. I’m sick of getting half a game on cartridge
I have this on my PC. Nothing better than everything maxed out. It's a beautiful game. I will purchase it for Switch. Never actually beat it🤪
Want to play Witcher 3 away from a TV screen?
Sure it's 540p in portable mode, but that's enough for most Switch owners.
Switch owners still get hyped of designing their own Super Mario stages from Super Mario games that were originally released in 240p. All proof that fun and great content trump better graphics - most of the time.
Wanna get a preview of what this game looks like on Switch?
Finally a 32Gb cart for a big game! Having English as the only default language in the cart would save space; thus allowing a language pack download makes sense.; just like Skyrim and other games.
This news apparently confirms my purchase. Well done CDPR.
Now let's hope it sells by the bucket loads to show other companies what the deal is.
Cool, never finished it on PS4.
Think I just might buy it for my Switch, much higher chance of finishing it when I can play it at work as well.
I own a gaming PC, and all other consoles. Will still buy it on Switch. To me, the Switch is considered a portable system with a dock and TV out. Most of my playtime is on the go, so it's not really in competition, at least not directly, with the others, even if featuring the same games, like in this case.
Sure, it's going to look nicer on other platforms, especially on PC when maxed out, but it'll only be rougher around the graphical edges on the Switch. At its core, it's the exact same game. All those nice graphics on PC and other formats are very nice, of course, but they're like the icing on the cake. I'm buying this for the cake part. Icing is nice, but not required.
A game is about content and how it plays. Graphical effects, resolution, HD textures, these are all packaging. They're all the sugar coating on top.
They’ve got to make up for the fact you’re going to be playing a game in 500p that probably chugs along and TOPS at 30 fps
I completely agree! Gameplay and having fun should always be the top priorities.
@Realnoize a stable frame rate ISNT sugar coating. Thats probably going to be an issue here. And no, In 2019 resolution isn’t extra on top
LMAO!!! I preordered Spyro, and it’s 60$ and I’m mostly sure I have to download ⅔ of the experience.
This Witcher 3 deal is kind of blowing my mind
They really should be commended for this. No download codes for DLC or anything. All on the cart. Capcom...see how’s it’s done, lol? That being said, they are charging a full $59.99 where as most other ports are closer to $40. So I’m sure they are passing some of the cost of a bigger cart onto the customer but we did say we’d pay that for no internet connection needed.
This is one game I'll be getting physically. VERY impressed with this decision, considering how expensive the 32GB cards likely are.
@Anti-Guy unfortunately I cannot take the other versions with me... This will most likely be the best version
And i will support cd project red for it.
Getting a game like this onto the switch is amazing enough, shrinking it down to aprox 32 gb is even more amazing.
+no download? Man i hope the game runs solid 30fps, day one buy
@Supadav03 which ports of current gen are 40$? I wouldn't expect any less than full price for a game like this (same with doom, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, etc)
This is the right way to do it.
I tried Witcher 2 back in the day and did not click with me (never pass from a couple of hours) and because of that I grew to the idea that I don't like western RPGs, but last year I bit the bullet and got Skyrim (and let's say I put 125h into it...) so I will give this one a chance (if the performance is good enough (my favourite game on switch that I put 250h+ is considered by a few as a terrible performing game aka XC2)
Yes!! Physical is the way to go!
@Balta666 nope, you’re right. Forgot that $40 was mostly PS3/360
This is how it should be done. Take notice Capcom and other lazy publishers, who only care about maximizing profits.
This is how distribution of physical games should be done on the Switch. Hopefully it will pay off.
I will support this, although I didn't plan to buy the game on Switch. Have it already on PS4, but now I will get it.
Nintendo should really force publishers to release big games like this. The Switch was born to have full games on cartridges like this, with no need for extra downloads beside small patches. It's really a shame that so many publishers are ruining it all.
You guys are all commending then before it’s even out. They’re taking a game that sold like gangbusters and eating the cost first off, because they’ve made money by the boat load. Second off, you’ve got a game with like ps2 level resolution. It’s 2019. Idc if it’s handheld, the resolution is comparable to PlayStation vita
I've already gone through the game twice on PS4, but I couldn't recommend it enough. This is easily the best game of this console generation. The story is great, the characters are great, the gameplay is great and the customization is great. Oh and Gwent is a fun card game.
As with many open games, it can be repetitive, but it is still more varied than most. And some of the sidequests are so engaging and fun.
I’m very confused. It was 90GB+ for me on Steam so they must be doing one hell of a compression job. The whole 540p and 720p thing helps of course. It’s still one of the best games this generation so it’s good more get to enjoy it, even in potato mode.
@Sunsy I’ve never played any game of theirs but I’ve heard this kind of things about them; it seems like they really are the most pro-consumer dev in the world.
They seem to not be able to get anything wrong!
@Spoony_Tech I have no issues with patches, even on day one, as long as they’re not required to make the game function.
They don't need all those 4k assets on Switch. We have seen this reduction of game size a lot on Switch with other big games.
Not many games are bigger than 32GB, so they could all fit on those big cartridges. But sadly not many publishers uses this option.
Also. Publishers know that the Switch doesn't have that much storage capacity, so they are probably doing a lot of effort to keep the file size down. Also for digital distribution. Getting more capacity on Switch is expensive for customers.
On PC and PS4 there is so much more space, so they are probably lazy when it comes to game size optimizations. It's certainly not an priority for them on PC or PS4. On Switch it is.
This news makes it a day one buy for me. Never played it before but always assumed it was great. They deserve success if they're going to shell out where so many games have cheaper out. I'm excited to support this.
This is what every triple A games on the Switch should had done.
Nice I look forward to picking this up.
Framerate appreciation is relative. For a racing game, it needs to be super stable and smooth. Same for fighting games and most shooters as well (online and off). For a game like the Witcher? Fine if it is, doesn't mind if it dips slightly from time to time. In this case, it IS sugar coating. As long as it runs well enough to be perfectly playable. Do I want higher FPS? Sure. Do I need it? For that game, no.
It's all relative. Even resolution. I mean, sure, you'll see it in 720p on the big TV, but on the portable screen, 540p is fine (which was the same resolution as the PS Vita). Even on a TV, depending on size, and at what distance you sit from it, it may not be that big of a deal. It's all relative.
What I care about above anything else : Is the game fun?
I'm very pleased with this release.
The Witcher 3, on a freaking handheld. All on cart at that. I'll be buying physically and digitally
Hey, It's just like me trying to squeeze all my court summons into one day!
@Realnoize I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you. Combat is a big part of the Witcher 3. The game needs to run smoothly. If it’s smoothly at 30 FPS that’s fine with me but it needs to be smooth. And again, I don’t think resolution is just topping. 4K is topping. In 2019 720p isn’t acceptable. Certainly, my switch shouldn’t be running a game at the ps vita resolution. I love my switch but it’s doomed the same way a lot of Nintendo consoles are. As soon as ps5 and Scarlett are out all we will get are indie titles and Nintendo first party stuff
Just One of those games. As soon as you hear it mentioned, you think of all the cool things you did and saw in it.
Great they giving it such nice attention. That pack looks great!
I think the same. People don't get it. Look, I had for some time a GPD Win, which is a DS-shaped tiny Windows PC with game controls tacked on. Specs are laughable if you compare to anything else out there. BUT, this thing allowed me to play TONS of older titles like Borderlands, Mass Effect, LEGO games, Skyrim, and many more. Sure, resolution was mostly set to 540p or 720p and details were minimuim to low, but on a 5 to 6" screen, it doesn't really make a difference. AND playing full-blown PC games on the go on a tiny handheld is IMPRESSIVE.
Sure, I find those PC games beautiful when ran at max details on a gaming laptop or desktop, but given the power consumption and cost of the device, I EXPECT THEM TO BE. So on that aspect, it doesn't impresses me that much. I mean, people are really comparing a $2000 PC experience to a $300 console? And hold them to the same standard? Truth is, I prefer turning things around and see the return on investment being exponentially diminished the more you pay.
For games like these to run on battery-powered devices for a couple of hours is no small feat. Sure, if you see the Switch as a "home console", it seem underpowered to you, but seen as a portable system, it's the most powerful portable system that ever was. That impresses me.
Like, all those things people do with Raspberry Pi boards out there. This is impressive.
Doing nice 3D graphics on a GFX card costing $600 alone (or more) isn't impressive. It's expected.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I know that when I played it on my PC, I turned off a lot of effects (like the hair) and that damned "witch sense" effect; it actually gave me motion sickness after awhile.
@sandman89 unfortunately this will be the only devs who will take advantage of this, i can't say the same for other devs/publishers.
defiantly buying this one
The game is wallowing in my PS4 backlog, but due to this show of respect to switch owners I'll pick it up day one. Whilst the industry seems intent on treating its customers like worthless cash cows it's nice to see some developers and publishers have a bit of pride (and accomplishment) left. Maybe there is some hope after all.
As someone who prefers downloading games over physical releases, the good faith shown here and the extra goodies make this a real temptation for a physical buy for me.
Already have it but im buyin it again for switch, cant wait. Thank you CDPR
@jly1987 No one is forcing you to get it, why are you moaning so much about it
Not surprising that CDPR would use the 32GB card, they're pretty cool like that. Their standard editions always feel like limited editions with the extra goodies they include free of cost.
Capcom will most likely continue to cheap out. They will cut every financial corner they can because they can...
This is the kind of third party support we all want. I really hope it sells a lot, so they compensate the effort and other companies join the ride with their AAA titles!
@Fazermint because if switch fans were context with garbage we might receive better. They’re putting out a game with PSvita resolution, that is likely going to run like garbage and people are praising them because they are putting it on the cartridge. If this was EA doing this people would be talking crap, but since it’s not people are praising what’s going to be a horrible port just because it’s witcher on the go
@jly1987 But the things you say are exaggerated and dumb
This is a shining example of how to port a game properly to the Switch. Suddenly the other AAA publishers like Square Enix and EA appear shamefully complacent. I was always curious about this game, but now this has turned into a must-buy.
@Fazermint nothing dumb about it. People here fanboy too much. That resolution is unacceptable in 2019. Support garbage and garbage is what you’ll get
@Ulysses you haven’t even seen a review of the port yet. Wait until it’s or before you say it’s a shining example, strictly because of the size of the card they are using
Hey look! It CAN be done!
Boy, if only Mortal Kombat 11 got to have my money.
Time to list what else is on a 32gb cart ? Anyone?
Witcher 3........
Witcher 3 and Dragon Quest Heroes 1 + 2 released in Japan. But that are the only two games on 32 GB cartridges. It's a shame.
@Balta666 I tried the Witcher 2 a few years ago, and could only stand it for a couple of hours, but I put dozens of hours into the Witcher 3. I can’t wait to put a couple of hundred hours into it on the Switch.
Meanwhile Capcom cant be bothered.....
@jly1987 They put THE ENTIRE Witcher 3 on a $300 tablet. Are you looking for 4k textures and 60fps on a handheld?? Its HD docked. That's not "PS2 level" resolution. If you dont want to play it on Switch fine but please stop with your whining that it exists and some people want to play it.
@Bizzyb that’s my exact point. People are so starved for AAA experiences that other consoles are getting that they will take a garbage port of a game and be glad “because it’s portable”. Nintendo didn’t sell you a tablet. They sold you a console you can take with you. Until people stop getting excited for garbage you’re going to get garbage. How about make a witcher title FOR switch, instead of a bad port of a good game
@LuciferOnReddit or maybe they respect their title enough to not put a port with 500 resolution out there. Resident evil 2 is a beautiful experience. If you want to play it buy something that runs it
@Bizzyb I’ll play good games on switch that run good on it. Plenty of those and plenty more to come. I’m not going to praise a company just for getting something out there because they know people will buy it. If I want to play the witcher I’m going to play it where it doesn’t run like a game made on last gens handheld
One must buy game for me every month
June - Super Mario Maker 2
July - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
August - Astral Chain
September - Link's Awakening
October - Luigi's Mansion 3
November - Pokémon Shield
December was still open, but I guess The Witcher 3 will fill that void nicely. 32GB Cart for a great game gets my full support!!! Let's see how Dragon Quest XI fares, it's suppsosedly 30 GB for the Japanese version without translations.
I bet it will get quality of life patches later on that will make the game look and play better.
Don't give up on it based on first impressions.
Look at Doom and Wolfenstein 2 as examples. It was worse during launch, but got a lot better after some patches.
Hey Activision, you should do this and not be cheapskates
This is a big example to all the other devs making lame excuses.
CD Project Red also started the trend of giving large, quality post-launch dlc expansion content for free, when every other company was abusing the dlc selling system.
Cool, good move. Impressive work.
I appreciate that so much I might rebuy it.
W3 is a good game but I actually found it a little overrated. I don’t want to buy it again but I do feel I should support practices like this and the devs who seem to cater to gamers rather than shareholders...
That's great news, and that's how it should always be. I heard its a massive game, so all the developers with "smaller" games that require a additional download should be ashamed of themselves!
This kind of commitment and development will yield yet another purchase from me. Now Arkham Knight and others are completely possible. Aaaand waiting....
So, this port is going to make them even more money?
Cries in Andrzej Sapkowski
I have this on my maxed out PC and I'm still getting this! Just an amazing feat technically seems to be brewing with this release.
@Henmii seriously, they really should have their heads in the dirt lol
@nintendolie NBA 2k19 came in a 32gb cartridge.
I'll get it on physical, it's probably the best standard physical edition game of the Switch, it has some very cool stuff!
This makes me hate the way Capcom has treated their physical releases even more, CD Projekt really are all about the gamers, they do alot right.
@Edu23XWiiU Are you crazy? NBA2k19 came in a 8GB cart, you download a 27 GB update to play. It's even stated on the retail cover.
@nintendolie I thought everything was on the card. Well, it seems it was either a 5gb or a 16gb card.
Awesome news. It's physical day one for me.
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