After ongoing rumours and some wild speculation, today's Nintendo Direct E3 2019 showcase has finally confirmed Geralt of Rivia is coming to the Nintendo Switch. Yes, that's right – at some point later this year, Nintendo Switch owners will be treated to CD Projekt Red's open-world RPG masterpiece, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition. This version of the game is being ported by Saber Interactive.
Being the complete version, you can expect this game to include the main campaign as well as the two expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. You'll also get every piece of downloadable content. Take a look at the brief clip in the tweet above.
Will you be joining Geralt, Ciri, Triss and Yen on this absolutely epic adventure? Tell us in the comments below.
Comments 135
Stoked for this one. I've heard great things and have always wanted to play it.
I don't know about anyone else, but I was quite pleased with the Direct! 8D
CDPR is winning E3, so far...first Keanu, and now this!
Whats it like? Ive never played a witcher game but love things like Bayonetta and Zelda (Not a fan of FPS).
While it was spoiled it was nice to have it comfirmed
Awesome. Can’t wait to play this
Just put it all on the cart and I will give you 100$!
That was actually kinda surprising. I know there were the rumours but I didn't really buy into them at all.
@spurryitboi whether not people own just Nintendo or choose to, super excited for the ultimate version to be playable handheld for the first time ever.
YES! Looking forward to this.
This is amazing but I hope the tests digital foundry did aren't the benchmarks we can expect from Switch
See? See other companies? You CAN get stuff to run on Switch if you try.
No telling how many 100’s of hours I will put into this one . Stoked !
Well, I'll play it for the first time once it's arrived. Looking forward to it, heard tons of great things about it. But it'd better not be too expensive, that E3 Direct had too many games screaming for my attention.
Very Nice... CD Projekt is having a great E3.
Well I cant stress this out enough, but as someone who neither played any Witcher-Game nor Skyrim before, I am so happy that I can enjoy all of this on the Switch (150 hrs in Skyrim and counting^^)
Yay... it's official... I will soon be utterly bankrupt with NO way back whatsoever. Jeeeeeeeesus... seriously, Nintendo + 3rd parties... this is the best Direct EVER!!!
I never got round to playing this on PS4 so I'll get it here. Very hype
I'll buy this. I never got a chance to play this on my PS4 despite wanting to. This is a no-brainer.
This is going to be really bad. Looking forward to Digital Foundry's analysis.
Aaaaaagh! I can’t believe it!
Lmao this game is fantastic but it’s got like a 50gb file size! That’s too much hopefully they are able to shrink it down a bit
@spurryitboi this is a great way to put it. I anticipate it will not perform well, either from a technical standpoint or a sales standpoint.
Nice, gonna get this one, didn't play it yet.
Though, let's be honest here, while the important character models looks good, everything else has been visibly downgraded, especially clear in that closeup with the tree and the bird.
Still, should be fun.
This is simply insane 😯😄
Wow! Just...WOW! Insane.
That is great news for Nintendo fans. I will stick with the pc version but I am happy for people who only own the switch will get to finally play this amazing game.
@Kalmaro "See? See other companies? You CAN get stuff to run on Switch if you try."
I already own this on PS4 but that was my first thought as well. No more lame excuses. Cyberpunk 2077 still might not run but EA needs to step it up for FIFA.
Sweet..........now all we need is GTA IV. 😏
I always want to play it on PC, but now it's here, very cool
Happy for the people who haven't played this yet. Combat is clunky, but the atmosphere, writing and general world-building is superb.
This makes me very happy, I've wanted to play it since I first laid eyes on it. I've read its DLC packs are so meaty they put some full retail games to shame. Cannot wait!
I'm looking forward to this. I wonder if it will be a December release? Nintendo doesn't have a big first-party title announced for that month yet. September is stacked with Spyro, DQ11, Link's Awakening, Ni No Kuni. Unless they put Luigi's Mansion 3 in December, but that's such a perfect October title.
Edit: Forgot Daemon X Machina for September. That game is going to get buried under the other releases...
Never got to play this on PlayStation - kids around. On Switch? This will work just fine.
Does anybody know if I can play Witcher 3 without having played 1 or 2? I've read the first few books.
Woah woah woah. I have it on good authority that this is literally impossible. Stop spreading lies, Nintendo!
My PC could never handle it. Stoked to finally play the game.
Welp, now we're talking a tangible announcement. Time to get down to the previous games in earnest - and to the books before that.
Mind your language - Octane
We can call it "The Switcher" from now on...
Never really played it only about an hour max... It looks really bad imo but I don't know 🤔🤔🤔
@Viktorlsd Hahahaha that shoud stick.
@Kalmaro As long as it's not soccer that is impossible for the switch to run,lol.
You know, back when I was a teen Witcher fan the best we could have hoped for was the terrible movie/tv series.
And now I see Geralt's ugly mug all over the place.
Finallyyyyy! I want to play this game from 2015, good Nintendo, what a E3!
@Zuljaras That would be neat. Are the 64 gig carts going to be ready in time?
Read article, but didn’t see mention of who is actually porting the game. Is the studio itself or did they outsource it somewhere?
Regardless I will be very interested to see how this ends up running. If it runs well then there truly are few excuses beyond laziness or just general refusal to port other current gen AAA games.
Edit: found out it’s saber interactive
@whanvee Nothing stops that popularity that is soccer
@judaspete I think not BUT Witcher 3 MUST me a lot smaller with the downgrades so it is much smaller than on PS4 and Xbox One.
Complete on cartridge too, I hope!
And if that is the case, an absolute day one buy.
I tried to get into this game, but I couldn't handle the combat and was generally bored. I keep hearing great things about it though, and maybe with so many other games (always) demanding my attention, I just didn't give it enough time. And maybe I'll enjoy it more on a handheld...
@Aurumonado I played it without having played the first two and didn't have any problems following stuff at all.
Can't wait to experience this for the first time!
I wonder who is porting this game? But I look to mess with this game.
@JnFnRu Then you seriously need to research some and check gameplays. It might not be for you. It isn't a pure hack and slash game like Zelda and Bayonetta. This is more like a action rpg with D&D rulesets(kind of)
It's a great game. If you are a handheld gamer, pick it up. If not, get it for cheap on another system. There will be sacrifices porting it to Switch.
E3 has been a bunch of remakes and ports. Hard to get excited about much.
Ahaha, I was so wrong. I didn't think it could run on Switch. Shows what I know.
I guess I'll be playing TW3 when it comes to Switch.
Glad I wore the brown pants today! Def getting this day one, and this’ll be my triple dip. Have it on PS4, got it on XB1 when I had one, and now I’ll have it portable! So awesome!
Wasn't a believer before but now i am!!! The switch is powerful enough to run Witcher 3. EA hope you're watching??? With that fifa 20 trash you're giving us.
@Rpg-lover It will be scaled down for sure. The video didn't show much but it sure wasnt' looking like pc graphics though. Me myself I don't care about it at all though, just happy to get The witcher on the switch
As long as the framerate is reasonably stable at the resolution is above 550p or so, I think it'll look great.
Time to double dip
Truly an amazing game, hearts of stone is my all time favourite dlc, to those who haven't played it, ENJOY!! I'm very tempted to buy again but scared as I put 200 hrs into one play through of base game and dlc and didn't even play gwent!!
I don't know what witchcraft was used to get this game running on Switch, but I can't wait to finally play it.
Well hey! I keep forgetting to play it on pc so I will give it a go after dragonquest.
Awesome love this game on PC. Definitely getting it again on the go.
@JnFnRu it freaking amazing. Nothing like bayo. It's more like a 3rd person skyrim but with a really good story and amazing characters. Even some of the side quests have better storytelling than alot of AAA games (nods to the bloody barren) Its a flippin immense game.
Come to the dark side @ShogunRok 😉
Yessss. I will delving back into this one for sure when I have the time to play such a long quality RPG!
Hope the port is up to the expectation. Otherwise this will be such a letdown. If this is a premium port (Like Doom, Wolfesntein and Warframe) then this is a day one purchase.
Man, if they can make it work, it would be wildly impressive. I might double dip if they do, it's a great game.
This really is amazing news!Hearing the rumours I really didant think this could run on Switch having played it on the Ps4 but here it is.I'm happy for all the people that have yet to play it.I have put over a hundred hours into the game and not even touched the dlc yet!
Wow, I really like the look of this. Hopefully it is on a cart otherwise I am out.
@judaspete @Zuljaras The base game was 22GB on PC iirc. The DLC is fairly big compared to traditional DLCs. But it should fit on a 32GB card. CDPR loves physical media (look at the extra stuff that comes with the standard edition of TW3 on PS4/Xbox and Cyberpunk 2077), so I'm sure they want this to be one a single card as well.
@Octane Yes I saw! Just in case I sent them an email and we will see if they respond
From a tech point of view this is going to be fascinating.
And if the port is good it will be a big success.
@Kalmaro You don't know how well it runs yet.
cool, but bit affraid of the performance...
Well, I guess I'm buying it for a third time. We'll have to see how it runs.
For anyone that hasn't played this before, this game is 100% worth the full price tag. Don't even hesitate to jump on it. The DLCs are full on games by themselves
As long as they don't look like Mario 64 trees, I'm willing to give the game a shot.
I bought this as my ps4 purchase game on launch and loved it, stuck 150 hrs into it. Anyone who thinks down rezzing the graphics is going to spoil it are crazy. I bought it day 1 and my horse was running about with only it's neck showing above ground level and some of the cut scene errors were hilarious. People need to chill. It's not going to look like undertale FFS
Don't believe people. Remember all the times it was told I cannot run on switch lol
@Crono1973 The fact it runs at all is something.
YES! So pumped! I've had this on my Steam wishlist forever! Can't wait to finally play it on Switch!
But games like Resident Evil 7 or RE2 Remake are absolutely impossible to bring to the Switch.😑
Day 1. Loved it on PS4 and I am so down to playing it again on my commute to work. I will actually do the side quests now.
Not sure I can handle the pretty extreme downgrade, but Witcher 3 is one of the best games I've ever played and Switch only owners are in for a TREAT.
Awesome more m rated open worlds are coming inbound.
Rumors were true!
Will be very interesting to see how this is pulled off....
@Peach64 yes it will be. got I7 and 1070gtx and getting a steady 60fps at high/very high setting. Can't imagine Switch at high setting. I guess best low/med settings with lower resolution. Well it's still an option to play on switch on the go
I'll be quadruple dipping at some point if it's all on the cart.
I have the GOTY edition on Steam, PS4 and XB1X.
I've only actually played a few hours so far, but just by reputation it's the multi-plat game of the generation, and I love open-world games and stuff set in more medieval times.
I need to look more at this as I don't know much about it at all, but so many people saying it's great, that definitely going to do some research.
I still want to know how it looks graphic wise
This is great news for those who only own a Switch or I suppose those who have a need to play on the go.
You are absolutely wrong and an idiot! Here:
@spurryitboi ha ha me too! This was almost a system seller for me but I kept my fingers crossed can’t wait to play this!!
@azoreseuropa did you actually watch the video you linked?
If it's a good port, I'll totally buy it day one! Man, this is going to be a mammoth undertaking for whoever is handling the port, though!
It's crazy that this is even working on Switch, even if it does look rather muddy. But I have maybe 600 hours in this game and could see myself buying it on Switch.
If it runs well i am gonna grab it not played it yet as i don't have anything capable until this releases
When it was only on other consoles it was hailed as “game of the generation”.
Curious to see how that’ll get downplayed now.
Confirmed 540p handheld, 720p, with dynamic resolution enabled, on screen.
Can't wait!!
This was exactly my point from a week ago. The game matters. It doesn't matter for a game like this if it doesn't look as good as another platform. We get to play the GAME.
Never played this and can't wait. Finished Dark Souls, on XC2 now, and Witcher will probably be next.
@BeefSanta Same, I didn't mind ask the scaled back graphics on Skyrim either.
This is one rumor I really expected to be false. Looking forward to hearing how well it runs.
So the rumors were right, wow, I didn’t expect this one.
@JaxonH But but but....the foliage! (even though the foliage makes zero difference to the gameplay). This game has never caught my eye but I hope it turns out well for the people who want it.
Day one. Love this game. Great Direct all round, this being the highlight.
This would mean another System Update to jump start the GPU in performance.
@JnFnRu The Witcher 3 is like being a character in the deepest and most engrossing drama you could ever watch. The quests are provocative, you have a great deal of freedom, and the characters and stories are way more realistic than most games. Some quests for me are truly unforgettable, but I won't spoil them for you. Combat is pretty good, but the stories you get to experience is the real strength. It is an incredibly highly-rated game because there really isn't anything else like it. The only way to not like it is if you need constant mindless action. I started playing again a few days ago and I am still as blown away as when I first started playing it.
@JaxonH It's still used in a game montage as a demo for 4K TVs to show how great 4K can look. I saw it the other day and thought it odd to see TW3 being used in an advertisement.
@Aurumonado Yes, you can. There are some references, but it doesn't get in the way. I have all three Witcher games but I couldn't stand the first two for a few reasons.
Wouldn't it be funny if Panic Button was doing ALL of the huge ports of games to the Switch and became a super studio to rival the likes of EA and Ubisoft? 🤣 I keep thinking of it like having a lv40 starter at the first gym because you keep finding strong stuff in the wild. This is also probably going to be my game plan for Sword and Shield. A bunch of roided out, disobedient pokemon.
This is so cool, the Switch footage shown looks fine. It's downgraded, but is that a surprise? And who cares, this is a game that very few people thought would even be possible on Switch in the first place, and this version is portable too!
I just read CD Project is releasing the full game on cart with DLC. And runs in 540p handheld and 720p docked with dynamic something whatever that means. Holy moly. The entire game is arriving on a 32 or 64gb cart. This is crazy!
@Cyberbotv2 Serious? CD Projekt Red are freaking heroes through and through. They actually treat their customers with gratitude.
@Mommar : yup, I just read their press release and saw its confirmed as a 32GB card. They respect their audience. They can have all my money.
This is awesome! God, I hope that this runs well! It’s been proven that Switch is capable in the right hands! This game is too important for them to botch, I would presume!
Now, we need the Bioshock Collection, Return to Arkham, and Dark Souls III!
Lots of people were saying that it was impossible for this game to run on the Switch. I thought it was (along with most games) but I thought that the biggest obstacle was the size of the game. That they are fitting it all on one cart is the most impressive part.
thought that would be impossible. Even PS4 struggled to run Witcher 3....wonder what sacrifices have to be made. Still happy. Hope its as good experience as PS4
@spurryitboi who ever wants this on switch this is going to run at 3 fps or something like ark.
insuting that people want to downgrade this game.
@Cyberbotv2 could you please share the link ?
@Cyberbotv2 well they do not say it will be all on the cart but I found some other articles that say that. Also I do not see the download required sticker on the promo art in the acticle you posted
Wow...yup...confirmed on their twitter page announcing the game...single 32gb cart...full game, 2 expansions, and 16 pieces of DLC. Game running at 540p in handheld, 720p docked, dynamic reslution turned on (so sounding kind of what like Panic Button did to get Doom and Wolfenstein running on Switch). This sounds like a pretty incredible accomplishment. I have it on PS4...got it as a free game when I bought my PS4 refurbished at Gamestop a few years ago...but never really got too far into it. Can't wait to get it on Switch and give it another go...on the go...anywhere and everywhere. Man...I so love this system!!!
played it 1st on ps4 then on xbox one x. People with a switch are going to be very disappointed with the grahics. But if that's not your thing, and haven't played it yet, Have fun.
64.GB Carts is supposed to come for Switch this year for devs.
32.GB Limit is why certain games can't be ported to Switch.
“It’s not going to look as good on the Switch!!!! Reeeee!!!!!!”
In other news, water is wet, the pope is a catholic and you know the rest.
I just got email back from ProjektRed about the Witcher 3 and it is not good.
The game is roughly 32GB of data and includes both Expansions and DLC, some things will have to be downloaded for it to run.
Pawel "
I will get the game on other console
@spurryitboi @TAndvig @Kidfunkadelic83 @Krazzar Thank you guys very much for taking the time out to reply to me
Updating here as well.
Mail from ProjektRed:
""And that's true, you'll have everything there, but in some regions you'll have to download the language packs for some languages. So in short you can still launch the game from the cartridge.""
@JnFnRu your welcome, anytime 👍
Aint that awesome
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