After ongoing requests from the community, Nintendo has today dropped Tetris 99 DLC that allows players to enjoy two new modes – both of which can be played offline.
The Big Block DLC is a one-time purchase of $9.99. It includes CPU Battle, allowing you to play Tetris 99 offline against 98 bots and a Marathon Mode, where you challenge yourself to clear as many lines as you can and score big. Information about additional upcoming game modes will be revealed at a later date.

As both of the above-mentioned modes are offline, this means any user can play the game without the need for a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Of course, you'll still need to fork out some coin if you want to play against others online.
In addition to this, the third Maximus Cup / Grand Prix has just kicked off. Once again, this free event awards various points for each match played – even if you don't win. The higher you place each match, the more points you earn (1st: 100, 2nd: 50, 3rd: 30, 4-10: 20, 11-30: 10, 31-50: 5, 51-80: 2). If you manage to cumulatively earn 100 points during this event, you'll unlock a special in-game theme inspired by Tetris on Game Boy. This event takes place from today until 19th May, so you'll need to be quick – feel free to consult our guide if you're struggling to get that elusive Battle Royale victory.

Will you be buying this DLC? Are you looking forward to unlocking a special Game Boy theme in the Maximus Cup? Tell us below.
Comments 118
For how good it is, I will gladly pay a tenner.
Whatever to the DLC. I've got plenty of other Tetris games to fill in that offline mode void. Boots up Puyo Puyo Tetris on Switch
As for the Classic theme, I still have Tetris Game Boy on my 3DS (before it got taken off), so I'm good.
Bye bye money
I hope this isn't going to be the standard for NOL. Here's a free game for you Loyal NOL subscribers. But Oh yea if you want to enjoy it offline that will be $10???? This too should be free for NOL subscribers. This makes me fill like yea i got the razor for free but i'm paying for the blades.
Good, this needed to be done, such a game needed offline modes to play offline even if needing to pay for it, etc....
@WhiteTrashGuy Curses, I stop stalking this website for a few minutes and look what happens! shakes fist
This is perfectly reasonable, the appeal of Tetris 99 is playing it against 99 other real opponents. For offline/local multiplayer Tetris I stick to Puyo Puyo Tetris. $10 isn't bad for offline components, especially if $30 for PPT (might be cheaper now, don't quote me on this) is too steep for some people.
It makes total sense and for it being a $10 season pass, I'm pretty excited for the new features coming. Also appreciate the new incentive to go score points outside of trying to get some EShop money.
I wouldn't buy the DLC, but I'm at least glad they're offering offline content.
@ReaderRagfish My exact thoughts. When I first heard about this, I honestly was thinking $5 or less. The actual price surprised me. I know this is essentially a free game, but 10 bucks for an CPU version of the main mode and a marathon mode? Ehhhhhh.
@Malcrash Wait, is this $10 going to cover all future content? Because if that's the case, I'll totally invest.
I’ll definitely try to get that theme
Seems like something they should add for free??
@Spoony_Tech since when does the Tetris company just give away free games
I really want that Gameboy theme. Also I dont really get complaining about the $10 they could've easily charged $20 for Tetris99 when it launched
@Morpheel More like game modes. We are already paying for the sub so why are we paying for a mode that eliminates human players? I can see those having to pay that dont have the sub.
@Spoony_Tech as far as I know, you don’t need to pay anything to download the game.
It just happens that the only mode available for free is online.
4 player off line mode and they can take my monies
@Superzone13 description says price also includes big block dlc2 to release later this year with more modes
@Gravitron, it’s a bit silly. People get a game for free as a way to push the online service, ask for a feature, developer spends more time and money on said feature, asks for paltry sum of money for it, everyone gets upset.
So, if you unlock the classic Tetris theme, do you get to have it permanently? Or just until the event ends?
@Ralizah oh it better be a permanent option and avaliable in the other modes.
finally, I have a good reason to download this game again!
@PBandSmelly are you having a stroke? Calm down buddy
Does the score based mode at least have leaderboards? 10 seems a little high for this to be honest
@Ralizah there's a new theme menu in the game, so yay I guess it will be a permanent unlock.
I don't have a problem with the $9.99 DLC. What I do have a problem with, is the method used to unlock the Gameboy theme. I'm not the greatest at Tetris, and usually last until 65-80ish bracket.
So I have to play this back to back 50 times in order to unlock the theme? Why not include it for free with the $9.99 DLC, or at least let us outright buy it with 100 of our pre-existing gold coins in our My Nintendo accounts?
@90sRetroGaming I'm with you on that one. That is something a vast majority of players want. A lot if us first played Tetris on gameboy clearly a lot of people want it. To lock it behind a tournament wall is a little off base
$10 to unlock playing with CPUs and a marathon mode?
This should've been free.
@Morpheel Good catch. It's definitely worth earning at least up to 100 points in the next competition, then.
I'm pretty sure that the people behind this decision were smoking meth or something. Why would anyone pay to play against the CPU? I would rather spend the $10 on a good indie that's on sale. It's so gracious of Nintendo to listen to the "community". sarcasm
@PBandSmelly lmao, we lost you
You're paying for Nintendo Switch Online to play games online so yeah, it's logical that you have to pay separate to play the game offline.
Same goes actually for a lot of free to play multiplayer games that also offer a single player / offline mode. For example Fortnite.
And sure you can say "but I already have Puyo Puyo Tetris!". Great! Then play that, nobody is stopping you! You don't have to buy the offline mode. I also have Puyo Puyo Tetris and I really like it, but not to play a simple game of Tetris where every single line clear is announced by the characters and can't be turned off. So yeah, I paid those 10 euros to play offline.
I literally though this was amazing until i realised you had to pay for it, the Gameboy version should also be included. Nintendo needed this app to launch their online and i'm sure a lot of people myself included got onboard when this launched, but now coming out with a DLC paywall is
So Tetris 99 is free...but if you pay £10 it just becomes Tetris?
....that's somehow more and less at the same time.
I hope we can unlock the NES theme at some point. That is my favorite Tetris by far.
I'm a sucker for tetris and I'll probably give them my money at some point but this is bs. These modes should've been in the game from the get go and free for those who pay the online subscription.
Looking forward to unlocking that theme.
I got Tetris on the 3DS, but I might try to unlock the skin anyway. How hard is it to get a hundred points?
I'd be wary of buying DLC for a free title that is only accessible whilst you have a Nintendo Online subscription.
Would rather have this than Puyo. I tried the demo and found the extra stuff (all the characters, etc) incredibly irritating.
I've got Tetris Effect for my solo Tetris needs and I dont see this coming anywhere close to that oh and it has an amazing GameBoy theme already
I see what they did here. Well, if it gets on sale some day I might buy it. Or if it's considerably cheaper on other eShops.
But anyway, it's nice to finally have offline modes, this way the game hasn't any due date.
It's pretty stupid to charge money to NSO subscribers for the barebones offline modes (the main package is barebones as it is).
Though I have been yearning for a standard downloadable version of Tetris on Switch, though that $10 will probably translate to AU$15, making it a tougher pill to swallow.
I will approach this from a different direction. It’s an interesting way to give non-Nintendo online users a way to try Tetris 99 for a flat fee. They get original Tetris plus Tetris99 via bots. I am sure the bots are inferior to real people, and the hope is some with go online because they like it. Otherwise Nintendo made a sale on a $5 game boy game.
In other words, Nintendo Switch Online users aren’t the primary target. Myself, I will buy it because I don’t care about Puyo Puyo. Now they just need to throw Dr. Mario in there.
Hey guys, this might be kinda obvious but I just wanted to clarify. Will you still need Switch Online to play with only the offline modes? Thanks in advance.
@RupeeClock @NintendoFan4Ever
As I understand it if you buy the DLC you can use it without the Online subscription. Only the online mode requires it.
@FarkyValentine Just tried it, no leaderboards unfortunately
@countzero Yep. You don't need a subscription to download the game from the store. You can play the game locally without online.
I played 1000 matches and have now deleted it, I won't re-download it unless they add multiplayer offline couch co-op, I don't really care about playing anonymous people online anymore, I would like to play against real people in the same room
@NintendoFan4Ever : No. Without a NSO subscription, you can still download and open the software, but once you initiate a round of Tetris 99, it will check whether you have a valid subscription.
The offline modes will not check to see whether or not you have a subscription.
I think $10 is a little steep for a few simple modes tbh, if I wanna play Marathon, I’ll just play it on Puyo Puyo Tetris, Tetris Effect or Tetris DS lol Got plenty of Tetris games to play marathon on and the only reason I play Tetris 99 is for the Battle Royale mode which is what it’s all about
@StephenYap3 Agreed. Puyo Puyo Tetris definitely scratches that itch for me. Of course, if you don't have Puyo Puyo Tetris, you could pay $10 for this and $10 for Puyo Puyo Champions...
I couldn’t compete with other people so this is good news to me. Bout time. Maybe now I can hone my skills a little before embarrassing myself to the rest of the world in Tetris 😂
One other thought on all of this. Most were not upset when Splatoon 2 or Smash Bros came out and NSO was required to access the online mode, so why are you upset with Tetris 99? Is it just because the release process was backwards (online mode first, paid offline version released later)?
I ask because I am actually curious why this has everyone so upset?
I will pay for it just because of how many hours I've put in Tetris 99.
Too bad it doesn't have 1v1 Tetris. The only other option is Puyo Puyo Tetris, but online is mostly dead and I hate getting paired with Puyo players
@Darknyht I feel like you must have missed the endless complaints about NSO being required for Splatoon 2 etc, and/or being poor value.
@chardir No, just think those arguments are almost as baseless and silly especially as the service is slowly growing. $20/yr ($1.67/mo) is a bargain for cloud backups, online matchmaking hosting, chat service (although I do understand the complaints of implementation choices), and subscription retro game service that isn't too bad. The competition offers $60/yr for similar benefits (although they more or less force everyone to participate to access online).
I look at Switch Online like I look at Amazon Prime. I pay for Prime to get free shipping, but I get all these other value-adds as bonuses. Yeah, they aren't as great as Netflix, Kindle Unlimited, Spotify or dedicated offerings; but I also didn't pay anything extra to access them.
Likewise, I purchased NSO for cloud backups (I lost a HDD on my Wii U and would have killed to prevent my saves from being lost). Everything else is just a value add to the service I am using. It's really hard to be upset because I am getting something in addition to something I actually wanted.
Nintendo is essentially offering an alternative version of Tetris 99 that lacks online for those that are interested. Why should I be upset that I am not getting it free when even the original Tetris 99 was more or less released as a free bonus perk?
Everybody freaking out about the DLC decision but seems pretty basic and expected to me. Just don't buy it, I know I wont.
MY concern is the fact that the Maximus Cup info shared so far says nothing about Top 999 getting Nintendo Points. Its probably still in place, but I wanna be sure I get my easy $10 lol
@Darknyht I'm not particularly fussed about the whole argument, I was just amused that your comment said people didn't complain about NSO, when really it's probably the most complained about thing since the Switch arrived
@BacklogBlues I agree! I'm also scratching my head because 4 people actually gave your comment the thumbs down at the time of me posting this. That's incredible that people think getting the DLC that is adding two modes for free is a bad thing.
I can live without the PC simulation mode but the endless mode should be included for free....I've been saying this since the game was released. Oh yeah, and to those who keep saying stuff like, "why should the Tetris Company give stuff away for free".....they didn't! I'm sure Nintendo payed to have Tetris 99 available to subscribers; and subscribers pay a fee monthly or annually so they can add two simple modes where the gameplay doesn't really change.
@Spoony_Tech As a gift to the NSO subscribers, yes.
@dkxcalibur anyone can download the game, not just subscribers.
To add these modes as mere free updates would involve:
1) free Tetris for anyone with a switch.
2) online checks for offline modes.
The online mode is still a free incentive for subscription owners, nothing changed there you don’t need to pay any extra. The dlc simply makes it a regular release of Tetris for everyone who wants it.
@Morpheel You actually bring up a good point requiring online checks for offline modes. It's awkward for sure, but Nintendo already does this with their NES games.
Honestly, I'm usually okay when a company charges for DLC but some reason this one rubs me the wrong way. I don't know if it's because the modes don't really offer different gameplay. I don't know! Maybe it would be like Nintendo charging players $10 for the team modes in Splatoon 2.
@dkxcalibur @PBandSmelly you pay for Online service (to play Mario Kart, Aces, Splatoon, etc online) as any other console, just much cheaper. Tetris 99, Nes games, etc.. are all extras to draw more user into the service. Why would you give a free offline mode? You would canibilize Puyo Puyo tetris for example. Its not good business.
@dkxcalibur someone I read on Twitter also brought up the idea that this means the game will outlive its servers, so I guess that's nice too.
Wonder if they'll eventually release some Tetris DS-type gameplay?
@chardir Sorry, that wasn't directed at you specifically but I may of been having a get off my lawn moment.
I guess I will leave it at that people will never cease to prove in new and fascinating ways that the default setting for humanity is "selfish", and "enough to be happy" is always just a little bit more than you currently have.
As Tetris 99 is the one thing most people agree is the best thing about NO this is huge mistake charging NO users for.
The ad makes itself, pay 10 for these offline modes or for just 10 dollars more get NO for a year and all modes in Tetris 99.
I don't think the asking price is ridiculous or anything just a huge marketing opportunity missed.
@Zequio I get the business aspect of the decision….but it doesn't mean that me, the consumer, must like it. When I signed up for the yearly subscription, I remember seeing that extras or special deals were going to be included. We really haven't seen any "extras or special deals" outside of Tetris and the overpriced classic controllers. The classic NES games shouldn't be included in this. They were known to be included with the subscription. This is how Nintendo chose to compete against Plus and Live's free monthly games.
Like I posted to a reply, I get it. It just doesn't feel right to me though. It's like if Nintendo charged for team mode in Splatoon 2 but all the other online modes were free.
Also, I guess I don't need to up my subscription when mine runs out. I do have the freedom to do this. I guess I'm already questioning if I need Nintendo Online another year.
@dkxcalibur i get it, and of course we all like more things for less money.
I want SNES games, more exclusive content, etc, etc to be added as we all. Right now I really stop caring much about the service (donkey kong jr? Clu clu land? Lol)... But really, is just 20 something dollars a year... I have payed 60$ more than once for games I dont ever play.
I would probably have payed 20$ for tetris 99....
Maybe I dont care much for this DLC, because, really, Tetris 99 is all about multiplayer. There are much better options for offline play.
It feels like the last Maximus Cup just ended. All the same, I'm excited for it, especially the Game Boy theme.
How about NES Tetris for free?
Tetris 99 is miserable.
I see why people are upset or think it is too pricey. but it is still licensed by The Tetris Company. Nintendo doesn’t own the rights to Tetris.
@Trajan An NES title that would be welcome to the NSO lineup!
@Darknyht Great perspective!
Plus it is described as a one time purchase. So more DLC could release and won’t be charged extra.
It is probably just the language used that is off putting. Calling it DLC vs calling it a separate version of the game.
Now we ALL can get a VICTORY ROYALE!
@rosemo Well, even if you buy both Tetris 99 and Puyo Puyo Champions, you'd still be missing out on other fun features Puyo Puyo Tetris has such as Story Mode (though that's debatable) and Local VS Mode, the latter which also includes other fun modes such as Party, Big Bang, Spring, and Ultra.
Puyo Puyo Tetris is basically the full plate lunch while Tetris 99 and Puyo Puyo Champions are basically tastes of their fullest potentials.
Offline mode!!!

finally I get to pay for this masterpiece of a bonus for the overpriced online membership! thanks nintendo!
Doing poorly 50 times during a week end is pinpoint my skill !
Gb theme, here we go !!
Meh. It was a fun game for a while, seeing as it was a free game meant to make the online service feel a bit more worthwhile. Paying for dlc for a game i wouldn't play if it wasn't free, that's a no from me dawg.
I looked at this last night, only one game mode is actually available with the other to be released later? so you don't even get both modes for your ten bucks. A literal LOL
@Galenmereth I may be wrong, but this is from the Tetris 99 website: “Get additional modes for Tetris® 99 as they are released with the one-time purchase of this DLC.“
@YANDMAN There will eventually be a second DLC update, but the first part of the DLC is T99 w/98 bots and a marathon mode.
You have to pay in order to play a free game offline? Yeah, no thanks.
I'll be playing next week for the Game Boy theme, but I'm skipping the DLC for now.
Gimme dat Gameboy theme.
Sweet I am terrible at Tetris so the battle royale version was a no go. I’ll get the standalone purchase.
That GB skin is sweet, but looking at the scoring breakdown; I’ll need to play Tetris 99 99+ times to have a shot at it.
@bimmy-lee well, you'd just need to place between 50 and 80 50 times! 😬
@Morpheel - Yeah, I was selling myself a little short. I do really love the manic nature of this game though. I once had a 91 place disparity between two consecutive matches.
@Spudtendo You’re basically paying the same amount of money unless you purchased a 3/1 month subscription(why would you do this). So, it’s the same amount. But go Tetris 99 because 99>4(8?) players.
Now how about TGM rules, Arika?
@Zequio The key word is right there in your last sentence though, 'option'.. I have subscription as well but not everyone wants one, so it's there for them, or for those that might want to play in the future when they decide to no longer keep updating their subscription
The complaining seems stupid, they could just ignore it, instead of complaining.. Better to have the option then no option at all
I’d be more tempted if the offline DLC included a local 2-4 player mode, a la Tetris Party / PPT
Does anybody know which eShop has the lowest price for the DLC? There aren't websites for this as far as I know.
I did it!

An offline Multiplayer mode is also coming. But it seems like, for many people it's easier to b**** and whine about something, before using some comprehensive reading skills.
I bought it because I spent more than 30 hours in Tetris 99 and you will get the second DLC, hopefully with 1v1 Tetris online.
I never saw so much whining about €10.
I did it! Hurrah! Took me ages!
DMG Mode should of been included, i don't have time to play this all weekend.
@Ralizah Permanently. Once you unlock it you can select it from a Customization menu at the bottom
@HumanDog Wait until the government starts charging everybody 10 for waking up each day.
From the article: "The higher you place each match, the more points you earn (1st: 100, 2nd: 50, 3rd: 30, 4-10: 20, 11-30: 10, 31-50: 5, 51-80: 2)."
Looks like the points were changed a bit, checking in-game it lists them as 31-50: 7, 51-90: 4, 91-99: 1.
All the complaints about the DLC costing money; I understand the sentiment, and also would rather not have to pay it. But seriously, you need to actually look at the numbers.
The Nintendo Online Service has a ridiculously low price point of $20 a year (that's less than $1.67 per month). At such a price point, they need a ridiculously large subscriber base to have revenue worth consideration.
And the Online Service isn't just paying for Tetris 99. Philosophies on things aside, there are other things it pays for: Online play (while the play itself may be p2p, you still have to connect to server to find people and run matchmaking and all that jazz), cloud saves, the NES Library thing, and Tetris 99 with things in the pipeline like the Mario Maker 2 community framework. All of those cost money to varying degrees. And keep in mind a good chunk is going to be taken out from taxes and such.
So how many people, do you think, worked on Tetris 99 and for how long, do you suppose? 5 people over one year? Two years? Ten people? Whatever the answer, you know it wasn't pro bono. If you didn't pay for it, Nintendo did. And that money will have been taken from the Online Service budget; a budget that is super low because of a super low price point.
So if the Nintendo Online Service seems skimpy and underwhelming, that's because it is. This really is a wcenario of "you only get what you pay for". At least until a HUGE base of subscribers get onboard. ((That's not a promise for change, because why add to a service if everyone is already paying for it. But for sure they can't do more with it unless it is expected to generate revenues to cover the expenss.))
Can I unlock the GB Theme even if I don't have the DLC?
Got my first Tetris Maximus today. So it only took me 3 games to unlock the theme. 😄
Wow I never knew people love tetris this much..
Dlc: more like buying the whole game but battle royale
Am I looking forward to unlocking the Game Boy theme? I already unlocked it, played Tetris 99 after lunch. Love the theme, brings back Game Boy memories.
@YANDMAN I pay way more in taxes. Don't care.
And this is a one time $10... that is totally optional.
Worth playing for the new theme, though a standalone Tetris mode, Classic, without all the 99 battling, would be most welcome
Is there any reason to accumulate more than 100 points this time? I've already passed 200. Last time, the more points you earned, the more chances you had at free gold points. This time it seems it's just 100 points for the GameBoy theme and everything after that is meaningless.
Yikes whoever thought that red background behind GameBoy color was a good idea should get fired or checked for color blindness.
@Burning_Spear I'm beginning to think you're right. I went in assuming there was still a prize to reach for past the GB theme, but I can't find anything out there that confirms it. Waste of time!
@HumanDog Yeah no the wake-up tax is going to be every day.
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