Publisher PQube has revealed the release date for its upcoming action-adventure RPG title, Aggelos. You'll be able to get your retro-loving hands on it from 25th April.
We first heard about this one last summer, when it was revealed that the game was inspired by non-linear Japanese retro adventures such as Wonder Boy In Monster World. PQube has described it as a "dream-come-true for Metroidvania fans" - a rather bold claim indeed.
Still, it has gathered "very positive" user reviews on Steam since its launch last June so it could definitely be a Switch release worth keeping an eye on and, speaking of Steam, the game's store page provides with a handy feature list to explore:
A vast kingdom to explore: Venture through forests, seas, cave systems and ancient temples as you seek to uncover the magical elements needed to save the world from total annihilation.
A classical non-linear adventure: Explore a sprawling world that gradually reveals itself, Metroidvania-style, as you gain new abilities and equipment.
Deadly encounters: Thwart towering bosses and their tricky minions as you take on perilous mainline quests and optional odd-jobs for the people of Lumen.
Tactical depth: Unlock magical abilities and high-level attacks, expertly chaining these immense powers together to clear screens of enemies in seconds.
Stunning sprite art: Forget out-of-place modern art: Aggelos boasts superlative character designs and animations while remaining proudly, and faithfully, 16-bit through and through.
Memorable chiptunes: Lose yourself to a retro-inspired soundtrack that floods the Kingdom of Lumen with life.
As noted above, this one arrives on Switch next month on 25th April, although no pricing information has been shared just yet.
What do you think? Does it look like it could be a dream come true to you? Tell us below.
Comments 45
Looking very legit. If the price is right, It's day one.
Looks cool but I hope the soundtrack in game is better than what was used in the video.
I wonder. The gameplay looks good and graphically it seems fine but the music they used for the trailer doesn't really inspire confidence.
Inspired by? Looking quick at the thumbnail I thought it was a Wonder Boy game at first.
Wow that gameplay looks amazing! Almost like the messenger with tight controls and quick response times needed
Looks like a decent Wonder Boy-esque game. Although, given how many of these sorts of games populate the eshop in the first place, I have no idea when I'll manage to get to it.
Looks unique, I’ll wait for a review.
Great game. Played it on PC. Defo gonna get it for Switch.
These are the retro releases that I love! It looks like several of my favorite NES games (Clash at Demonhead, Wizards and Warriors/Ironsword, Battle of Olympus) thrown into a blender!
If only the developers of pixelblob games would take note.
Is it me or that dragon kinda looks like a Blastoise?
Bad name but good looking game, hopefully is priced below 20
That trailer stroke the right cords...
Looking forward
Looks pretty good. Definitely going to consider this one.
Pitty though the sound is 8bit. I guess for fans it's a must, but I can't listen to those much anymore. Would've loved better background and quality music to remember the game....
This looks really good.
I certainly never dreamed of this. It definitely looks good, but when I dream of Metroidvanias, I prefer to push the genre forward through something like Hollow Knight rather than keep it safe with something that looks like a straight Wonder Boy clone. However, it still looks quite decent, I'll be interested to see how it's received.
I'm interested.
It's games like these that make me wait for a Switch port of.
It looks more like a Sega Master system game than 16-bit though.
Game looks fun, definitely may check this out someday.
The dragon looks like a winged, robotic blastoise. But I might give it a whirl.
This looks really cool. I will definitely keep an eye on this one.
Hard to imagine a 'Metroidvania' type game to be unique these days, seems like everyone is making them.
Hey now. Metroidvania, you say? You’ve picqued my interest. Depending on the price I’ll almost definitely be getting this. $15.99 or less and you can have my coin.
Played it on PC, and it's really rather a jolly good game.
Very interested! Love the art style.
Looks promising and cool. Keep the price around 15 and it's a deal. Hope it's not as hard as all those old games tho, I found the wonder boy remake/remaster to be a bit too difficult for my taste.
Probably will have a price higher than is worthy and I will not buy because it.
Looks good, theres a lot of Metroidvaniaa on switch
I dunno, I mean as much as I love backtracking and aimless wandering it would be nice to get the occasional focused, linear game. When I have to cross some area for the fifteenth time and I die because I'm trying to speed run it out of boredom is usually when I stop playing most metroidvanias. That or the tenth time I have to Google where to go next.
I feel the need to second @nagash's words: "That trailer stroke the right cords...
Looking forward"
The underwater image looks like it is straight out of a Wonder Boy game.
@RevengeFan I was thinking the same thing, but it's a 'plus' in my book.
@Fake-E-Lee if it's 14.99 on Steam, let's talk about 19.99 on Switch, which is not bad if the game has enough content
Chronicles of Teddy from this developer was a very nice game.
This looks great. Sidenote: PQube is such a horrible name. Might as well just go ahead and change it to QPube.
I put about 9 hours into the Steam version and really enjoyed it. My god at trying to do later parts with an analog stick (no dpad by default and no matter how hard I tried reconfigure Steam controllers, it wouldn't work). I like to think of the game as the alternate alternate Majoras Mask to 1991's Wonder Boy in Monster World.
I'll wait for a possible physical version.
I feel like with today's tech, it's actually easier to make a more modern looking game than it is to push pixels this way. At least that's been my limited game asset-creating experience. I say all that to say this retro as a deliberate choice thing is getting kind of old. The gameplay looks fine, but...I dunno.
Thing is, is that this game was going for the early MegaDrive look and it succeeded beautifully. It felt like 1992 for me again
This game screams Wonderboy. I'm getting it.
It looks like an 8-bit and 16-bit mix. Neither, and both.
Loving that dreadful/nostalgic EGA-ish palette.
I thought it was Wonderboy In Monster Land and I have no problem with that. This looks like enjoyable, simple platformer fun.
@Fake-E-Lee Seems like a reasonable price. Metroidvanias have been popping up in the recent years but more than half of them haven't been all that great. I'm a bit sceptical whwn it come to the genre. Also 16bit JRPG's these days are more miss than a hit.
I saw some impressive action in that clip that I like. I'll keep an eye out, but it looks like another one for the backlog.
Very cool looking, but dang, there are so many 2-D "Metroidvania" inspired games on here. I just want my "A hat in time" port!
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