The news that Resident Evil HD Remaster, Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil 4 are all coming to Switch was met with a positive response recently, even if Capcom has made the whole purchasing approach totally and utterly confusing. While North American players can get the HD Remaster and Zero in a lovely box, Resident Evil 4 is download-only, and European Switch owners only have digital options. Still, these are three fine video games irrespective of how they are delivered, and to be able to play them on Switch is great.
However, it would seem that Capcom is very much in favour of the infamous 'Switch Tax' as it has priced all three games at £29.99 each in the UK, and $29.99 each in North America. So if you want the trio, you're looking at an investment of £90 / $90 – compared to the £40 currently being asked for a triple-pack of the same three games on PS4 and Xbox One in the UK (the games are also available individually on those consoles for around £16).
That's one heck of a price hike, and quite hard to swallow when you consider these are digital games and not physical releases. Sure, the Switch versions will offer portable play which is a bonus, but outside of that, they're the same games that PS4 and Xbox One owners have been playing for ages – so why do they cost so much more?
Will this price point impact your purchasing choice? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 188
Big ol' sad face.
Welp... I was thinking about getting all three, but at those prices, I’m just gonna get 4. I played the other two on Gamecube and didn’t particularly like them. I was thinking about giving them another shot, but not at 30 bucks a piece.
It’s kind of disgusting, the price hike. But I haven’t played them since GameCube so what am I to do? If I had caved and bought them on PS4, say... no way would I double dip for that price even for nostalgia sake. Ouch
I was gonna get these but I can’t support this kind of price hike so I’m out until it’s drastically reduced in a sale probably years down the line. I’ve got these on other formats so I won’t be hurting. Capcom needs to stop with these kinds of practices.
I will wait for a sale - those prices are ridiculous
I'll get the physical cartridge for RE 0/1 I'll have a 20% off discount via GCU through Best Buy but until RE4 comes down in price since it's digital only I'm content with playing it on my Wii or GameCube.
Revelations 1 & 2 go on sale all the time. I can wait for these to go on sale, too.
Simple, just don't buy them! Then Capcom can pretend there is another reason why their games don't sell on Nintendo platforms and go away.
Didn't Nintendo even consult with Capcom on the production specs of Switch!? And they've repaid them with very little support and decisions like this.
$120 (Australian) for all three is too expensive for me but what's even more off-putting is that it'd take up 40GB of storage space to download all three. I think I'm just going to pass on them all without physical releases. I'm not that desperate to have them on my Switch.
Skipping this game till a 50% sale , knowing capcom they have them usually twice a year
Wait what? So Okami HD and Onimusha get price parity, Resi Revelations 1 and 2 are cheaper that their launch prices on other platforms, but much older remakes are double the price of other platforms launch prices!!! WTF capcom?
I'll pass. Those prices are too high in my opinion.
Goodness, I've paid about £20 for all three of them on the PS store (and about €140 for the original ones on the Gamecube ). You can only buy the same game so many times so I'm skipping these.
......and they've lost a ton of money.
Onmimusha was £18. These should be the same price.
Well, guess I'm not getting these games.
Oof that's tough. I love Resident Evil 4 but I suppose I'm not in that much of a hurry to replay it.
When these games go on sale they'll still be more expensive than the regular price on other consoles.
I'll wait for them to go down I'm not paying that price for digital games!
...cuz they know we' them? I mean, I don't care. I WAN T RE4 on my Switch, so if I have to pay $30... fine. It's not $60. If you want all 3... then that's your wallet/purse.
Ridiculous price gouging. I'll wait for steep sales, if that's how they're playing it.
If no one buys it they will reduce the price but people cannot stick to their guns.
each of these games is $20 on PSN (just looked). No way in hell am I paying $10 more for a digital-only release. Capcom can keep 'em
Was thinking of getting these but at this price, no thanks. I'll wait for a price drop. I already have them on gamecube and Wii anyway.
I'm still buying them! I bought FF9 for Switch at $20, which initially seemed high, but has been worth every penny. These RE prices do seem high, but it doesn't take away from how much I'll enjoy playing them on the go and on the TV.
£30 each??? nope! I'm out till they go on sale at a reasonable price.
These will be $20-$30 during a winter sale.
I have m on gamecube and wii already. It would have been a double dip, but not at these price points.
Wait £30 each!? That's ridiculous! I wanted these so bad despite having an Xbox as I love playing mercenaries and raid modes and such on the go (as well as the campaigns) but that's awful pricing
Yeap this is the main reason why I don't support Capcom this gen, old games that could work on any system with laughable DLC, a complete refusable to satisfied consumer, making pretty much everything digital and fake, bad business practice, and greedy price structure. Until you could be real again Capcom I ain't supporting your games this gen, the only 4 games I had on Switch from Capcom is Mega Man 11, Ultra SFII, the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and that one Onimusha game which I only bought cause I missed it on the Xbox.
Oh Capcom why? I mean the price is stupid but what has put me off more than anything is digital only in Europe
Easy pass. There are many newer titles worth $30 (let alone 90) to support over another uninspired reissue.
Looks like I'll just play RE4 and REmake on PS4 if I want to play them. I'm not paying double the price just because it is on Switch.
These April fools jokes are killing me... Looks at date...
How about noooooo Capcom.
@retro_player_22 What did you think of Onimusha? I love the original RE games, and that type of game in general. I also played the hell out of the first Dino Crisis and Silent Hill. I never played Onimusha though and I've been thinking about trying it out. Haven't been able to decide though.
Why can't games be ported and optimised for Switch at the launch price of second hand three year old games ???
That is frankly ridiculous. For a while there I was buying games on the Switch that were available for half the price (or less) on PS4, just because I was absolutely in love with the portable element. The advantages of the portable factor are real, but not enough to justify this for me. Shocking.
The twin pack at £30 and re4 by itself at £30 all physical and we can talk.... Capcom know my number... they can ring when they are ready to do sensible business
Probably not getting any then.
This has got to stop.
I have all three on Gamecube, so it doesn’t affect me much... I do hope I can catch them in a good sale though
"While North American players can get the HD Remaster and Zero in a lovely box..."
Again, 0 is apparently the only game on a cart (according to Japan listings, and there's no reason why Capcom would throw NA a bone here) — RE 1 is a download voucher. 0, the worst game here, is the only one you can get physically, even in NA. I don't know how much worse Capcom could have done here...
The Switch tax may make sense for physical releases, but digital? Well, they lost me on that one.
$40 each on the Canadian eShop. Nope. I'll be waiting for a sale.
This is ridiculous. They would have all been day 1 purchases for me but there's no way I'm forking out 90 quid for decade old games I already own and neither should anyone else. There's no reason for this price point outside of pure greed, sort it out Capcom! There's far too much good competition on the eshop to be wasting money on these.
Why is people saying Switch Tax?? Capcom are the one who put these prices on Switch, not Nintendo. I'm only getting 4, day one.
$30 a pop? I figured that after the $20 price tag for Okami, RE revelations 1&2, it would be the same for each of these. Guess I need to wait for some sales on these.
Capcom don't understand Nintendo fans. They forgot to put DX in the name, it would sell millions of copies.
£30 for RE4?
No chance Lance.
Sort it out Capcom...everyone please boycott this even if you are one of those super fan boys who HAS to buy day one. It sets a bad example to these companies trying to milk their fan base.
Put it at £17.99 and I bet sales would be huge - and even that is a top end price imo
Hard pass.....overpriced and digital only for number 4. were doing so well on Switch.
They should do a bundle, three on one disx
Capcom, the Japanese EA
@AlexOlney this is a sad state of affairs. That’ll be even more in Canada. I was very excited to play 4 and RE REmake on my Switch but I won’t do it for that price. Both are on my Xbox and with how many quality games are floating around it’s hard to justify $70 for two old games.
These games were $20 each when they released them on xbone and ps4. I got lucky when xbox had the bundle glitch with re0,1,4,5,6, and revelations 2 for $21
Here I am ponying up to allocate funds from both March paydays to one game if need be, and NL is trying to spook me with prices for three separate ones? laughs in Koei
Seen them on eShop already - the prices are more than satisfactory for the amount of impressions and gameplay hours I expect, and more than manageable for once-in-months purchases. Even disregarding the other parts of my backlog, I naturally won't be in a hurry for RE4 until I'm through with REmake as well as 2 and 3 (both conveniently on Vita); still not sure whether to play RE0 in order of release or in-universe chronology.
And overall, folks, this "Switch tax" meme is getting old. Not every publisher will be motivated to invest in a port if they're forced to permanently discount it out the gate just because some audiences don't see anything ridiculous in applying the notion of expiry dates to interactive fiction. If the release price on the platform fails to compete for your spending preferences or abilities, either buy it somewhere it's "cheap and in 4K" or let it stew in your wishlist for a while - sales weren't invented yesterday either, y'know.
Yep. $40. For a game that sells for $20 everywhere else.
But we all know too well that tons of Switch owners won't care, and will still buy it at that price, continuing the fine tradition of showing companies that Switch owners don't care about paying more for their games, which will continue to encourage companies like Capcom to charge a higher price for their games.
But hey, according to some people here, the "Switch Tax" doesn't exists. lol!
Not a $60 rehash so for the Nintendo (insanity) tax they 50% off.
Keep rewarding publishers (including nintendo) for dumping old software at crazy prices on Switch.
I Rather just pay double for a new game on my PS4/PC. Hell, Devil May Cry 5 is $39 on PC.
I don't think there has been a single time when I've visited the eShop and Revelations 1+2 haven't been on sale. Will just wait for then to avoid Capcom's ridiculous pricing
I bought both RE4 and RE Remake today. Yes, way to exp, they should cost about half. Well, the games are too good not to have handheld. Strange big file sizes as well, hope it means very short loading times.
Whelpp what a surprise
That blows. I have remake and 4 on the gamecube still. I HAD zero but something tells me I let my buddy borrow it and I borrowed his re4 years ago lol. Since 0 is the only one i don't have in my physical possession ill only get That for now. Such a shame though since i wanted all 3 and was hoping for no more than $60 for all 3.
So £30 for RE4 or £40 for the brand new Devil May Cry 5 next week 🤔
...F-ning Capcom. Well...I guess they think portability is worth that much and that we are dumb too.
I'll just stick with my Wii versions thank you, they should be near half that price..
I'm probably good for my RE fix anyway as I've still not finished RE2 Remake.
dont worry folks price drops are common with resident evil games so just wait for one
Yeah, shove it Capcom.
Well, Nintendo did the same thing with Donkey Kong, Mario, and Captain Toad on Switch, so Capcom must think it'll work.
RE4 day 1 of price drop!
This is just absurd, especially considering that there is essentially no reason for this. Generally the Switch tax comes from the increased expense of using cartridges, but these games are digital only. There is no excuse for this scummy absurdity in pricing for decade-old games. Shame on you, Capcom!
Anyway.. What are the file sizes for each? I don't think i saw it in the article
Not into the horror genre so I would of passed either way.
The best option is just to wait for when Capcom have it on sale. With enough time it may end up dropping to $15 or less for each.
You better get in here @ThanosReXXX people be goin' off 'bout that there "Switch tax" again. It's even in the subtitle, which I thought was funny as I was pretty sure the overall belief of NL was that there was no such thing as a Switch tax, it was just a myth. But I could very well be wrong about that last part.
While it isn't great that we have to pay more for switch games from what I understand is it all comes down to the cost of the cart and Nintendo forcing companies to charge the same for Digital games as they do for physical games. I went straight digital with the switch because of its portable nature I didn't want to have to fiddle around with game cards. Like any good tablet I wanna whip it out and go. Personally I wouldnt be surprised if more and more people went digital only over the next few years, PC has been this way for a very long time now. Companies like gamestop are floundering because more and more customers are going this route, just look at their 1 year stock performance chart, scary stuff.
No problem. We all know Capcom games always go on sale.
Unscrupulous bananas
They can sod off with that crap, crapcom don't deserve my money for ancient games
Its official. Capcom doesn't want my money.
@rjejr Haha, thanks but no thanks. Not stepping into this one.
But if there's anything I could or would want to say about it, then I'd say it's more like a "Capcom-for-Switch" tax, seeing as it doesn't even concern cartridges, except for one out of three games, so what Capcom's reason is for making digital downloads more expensive, while they'll probably look quite a bit better on the other platforms, is anyone's guess.
Maybe they are actually looking for a way out, concerning their support for the platform, and this will be a sure fire way of not selling a lot of copies of these three games on the Switch...
Yeah, they'll go on sale. RE Revelations 1 & 2 are constantly getting sales, and I see no reason why these wouldn't as well. It probably won't take long either. By the sound of it, it doesn't seem like people are lining up for these now. I don't blame them.
I'll just wait for the discount.
Them guys in black robes? That's us Switch owners!
Leon with the RPG? That's Capcom...
Thank you, Capcom...
Oh no, games that have never been released on the Switch are more expensive then games that have been released on other platforms before.
Oh no, it's almost like the Switch isn't the same platform.
Oh noooooo!
@ThanosReXXX "looking for a way out"
The conspiracy theorist in me believes that. When RE8 or RE9 come out - I have no idea what they are up to - they'll have a ready made excuse for not porting it to Switch.
I was hoping RE4 would get ported to the Switch and was happy to learn that it was., but this is just gouging. I'll wait for a sale.
"ah! i will buy it at a high price!"
no, no thanks capcom, i will get it on the ps4 for much cheaper thanks and it's laughable that they are digital only for UK too, no shame.
Not happening, the little interest I had is done. The fact they're pulling the buy a game, get a waiver on one and with that pricing is disgusting enough, but for the others to just be rental downloads for that price being no different than the Sony/MS releases — they can pound sand.
I don't buy Capcom games on Switch anymore unless they're correctly (fairly) priced and COMPLETE, no ripoffs, no halfsies.
@rjejr Well, whadaya know? Opposite sides can actually agree...
Personally, I always wonder about the motivation behind business practices such as these, in the videogame industry. It makes little actual sense, far as we know, so even the most positive-minded person would be hard-pressed to not expect some ulterior motive.
Guess we'll find out in a year or so, when Capcom support is either still a thing, or has whittled down to something not even worth mentioning...
@Astrolorange i have resident evil 1 HD on ps4 already and i could get resident evil 4 ON DISC for cheap if i wanted too WTH were they thinking with this one?
Capcom has been excellent pricing games on Switch these past 2 years (Okami HD, Dragons Dogma, Onimusha, RE Revelations 1 and 2, etc). They've done price parity for every single game to date.
So I'm actually kind of surprised. I'll grab RE4, but I can hold off on the Origins Collection til a sale, which alongside my GCU discount should make it more reasonable.
You know if Capcom bailed there would be some superficial whining, but in the end I don't think most people would notice given what they have put out and in the manner they did it. Buyers would be better off without their crap stunts, same with what EA and 2K have done putting out bloated beta level broken games for sale.
This, unfortunately is going to be an increasing trend in digital game pricing. The publisher puts up a high price to begin with, which catches the desperate whales who can't wait. Then they reduce the price to the proper amount after a while to bring in everyone else, tricking them into thinking they're getting a good deal. Eventually they will go to the real sale price to convince the stragglers after a year or two.
For them it's a no brainer with a re-release of an old game. It's not a new game that needs to ride a hype wave and costs them nothing to sit on it for a bit longer, squeezing as much money as possible from their cash cow games. It's the same tactic as black Friday which is really just tricking people to fight over stuff that's priced at the normal price it would be if we just chilled out and made them competitively price stuff to satisfy us, not the other way around.
You have to remember that they can only take the price down over time, so it's better for them to start high then slowly lower the price, catching sales on the way down.
So Capcom didn't bother to optimize/compress the filesizes, no EU physical, the NA physical seems to be zero on cart and REmake as a download...then put a 30 pricetag on them. Let's see how well they'll sell.
Those games are 20 / piece to download for the PS4 and I remember them being half off at least two times within the last 6 months. As much as I would like to play REmake again handheld, I'll pass until they drop to a 10-15 price range. I own the original gamecube versions and I can always play them if I want to. They hold up quite well against the new HD remasters.
Nintendo announces a Game Boy remake of a Zelda game. Everyone - “OMG I’m in tears. I’ll pay $60 for this!”
Capcom announces two RE remakes for $60. Everyone loses their minds because it’s cheaper on other systems and or the digital only versions of two of the games upset them. Maybe it’s the “Switch tax” and maybe they added in some things. You all cry about digital only games and yet are excited about a 1TB micro SD card coming out soon.
And that is why I’ve bought GPD WIN 2.
Was going to get RE4 but at that price they can kiss my bottom... I’d struggle to pay £30 for a retail copy let alone digital.
@DTMOF84 so in your opinion is it fair that the same games are half the price on other systems?
@LunarFlame17 My thoughts exactly. Zero and RE should be a bundle for 30 and 4 should be 20. I don't get the reasons behind the actual prices, especially since they aren't all on cartridges. Take care.
@molliolli182 I have bought RE4 so many times it is crazy, but I too have all of the games on GC. And my GC/Wii still look fine on the tv.
That's considered expensive ? You guys are a bunch of poor poor people. Get to work !
@MaSSiVeRiCaN FYI the physical cartridge only has Zero on it.
@datamonkey life isn’t fair. Like I said maybe they added motion controls or nothing at all. They’re probably over charging because it’s Capcom. But also like I said, everyone is all geeked out about a Zelda remake and want it at no matter the cost. I’d be more willing to pay $60 for the two RE games over that.
Not sure why there are so many people criticising Capcom. At the end of the day, Nintendo is to blame. They set the prices of the cartridges and require price parity between digital and physical games. Why should a publisher like Capcom be expected to cut their profits because of this?
Nintendo need to get their act together and price the cartridges more sensibly if they want more third parties to publish games on the Switch.
Well, since I've played Nintendo systems for quite a while now, I guess I'll replay them on GC or Wii instead of getting the Switch version, which I actually looked forward to. But Capcom wants my money so bad they ain't gonna get any. Not untill it's below €20 PHYSICAL or below €10 digital. These are masterpieces, true, but they've been so since the GC!
The price them artificially high so they can discount them in 6 months time. Just sit tight and pick 'em up when they slash 50% off the base price.
Should be $20 like the Revelations games, Okami, Mega Man Collections and Onimusha.
So far I've seen nothing from Capcom stating only zero is in the cart. If it is it's another pass. It defeats the whole point of a physical release if you pay full price for only half of something.
Even IF they added motion controls to bring us an HD version of RE4 on par with the Wii version, that's a giant nope for me at that price.
There needs to be a boycott on this kind of thing. I love the Switch and I love Nintendo, but this is completely anti-consumer to expect £30 for a remaster. Even if the publishers can decide their pricing, there should be an imposed limit on cost that Nintendo should be setting.
What ever happened to Platinum pricing? A remaster should be £19.99. If it was a remake, built from the ground up, it'd be different.
Simple, no way I'll buy it at the release (if ever) as I prefer physical copies.
No money from me Capcom!
Then I'll take my money elsewhere. Your loss Capcom.
It is a pretty high price point, and I won't be digging in until a price drop. That being said, all three of those games are classics so I almost want to say that it is worth the price. The switch tax does indeed hurt though.
It will not impact my decision to purchase RE4, as I'll buy that at any price, but I will avoid buying REmake and RE0 for now due to the high cost.
In the early switch days people used to justify these prices saying "but I can play portable" while calling those of us who complained about these prices because we had other systems as "haters". Well I'm glad some of you have stopped drinking the Kool aid. I love nintendo but things like these prices, no voice chat are indefensible.
Its not happening at those prices. At all. Ever.
@sixrings Sorry, but I don't see how Nintendo is to blame here. This is a Capcom problem.
Plenty of other publishers have given us digital reissues at reasonable prices.
well easy choice, no buy then. If capcom keeps on pulling an EA on us, I will avoid their games alltogether until they stop with this crap! If other companies like Square Enix can pull off a reasonable prices out of it so can they! especially with the eshop, no such thing as Nintendo tax there
Absolute morons
Hehehehe... those prices. Was planning on getting Zero and RE, now I will get zero, as in none. A shame, as I really like my Switch as a library of retro classics.
I bought the PS4 resident evil origins collection (resident evil 0 and resident evil) brand new on disc €14.99 more than a year ago.
It's €60 on Switch ? For digital copies ? Everything's alright. Morons.
30 clams for each isn’t that much of a problem; admittedly I would have rather have these games for maybe 20 or less but I’m not complaining really.
Looking forward to playing these games again once released!
While I understand people’s frustration with Capcom’s shoddy decision to do this crap, would you really expect anything less of this caliber from them?
They'll be $10 by halloween
@retro_player_22 i mean fou games sounds like your still supporting them...
Not enough cash, stranger.
@MisterDevil Please mind your language!
Anyone following games should realize that these will all be offered at a steep discount fairly quickly. If you need these 15 year old games on day one, feel free to pay the Switch Tax. Otherwise, just wait for them to drop to 15 bucks.
Did I read this correctly that REmake and 0 will come physical?. It'd be nice to GameFly them, especially at that price...
Was extremely disappointed about this when I saw it. $40 AU for me. Is there a chance they will reduce the cost because I can’t imagine spending $120 AU on these three. As much as I love them, I was expecting more like $20-$30.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN exactly what I was thinking. Sad the gca is gone. My sub ends in Nov and cannot be renewed. I will be getting the physical and then get the others on sale which will be not to long considering I don't see it selling all that fast.
@Thorthegreat12 the cost will most likely go down eventually but a sale will happen fist and probably before the end of the year as I don't see it selling that fast. Remind you they originally came out at that price for other systems as well for the same price and have dropped.
@Dirty0814 Yeah, hoping they take the hint fans don’t want it and reduce it. I’d easily buy them if they had at least 30% off the current price.
I don’t mind paying a Premium for Switch versions of games, it’s usually my preferred versions as the portability is worth it. However this is too big a difference. There are limits.
Capcom got great discounts. Great things coming to those that wait. Just need to be a little patient
Well... i have revelations 2 for now, so i can wait for 4 to drop in the sale and enjoy the 2 remake on pc...
Campcom puts their games on sale regularly, I'm sure these will be more reasonably priced by october.
Already have all three on Ps4, not buying them again.😐
Seriously Capcom, what the hell?
You dumb ungrateful kids need to Stop complaining Alright,just be thankful Capcom was nice enough to being these three RE classic games to the switch rather instead of making dumb assumptions,I know the price is high but still if you work,have the money you can give urself that luxury to spend and buy'emh just like the other games on switch you have bought seriously,u people want it all.
So we european customers get again no physical version. I should thank them for reminding me why I boycott them, before buying the RE2 remake.
@Latinogamerchiz0 You have no right to call people kids when you're acting like a snot nosed brat you pissant.
This is a robbery.
no problem, I am still getting it. since I am in north America, I will get physical re collection and digital re 4.
The price in and of itself isn't the issue here. The problem is that Capcom has refused to issue physical copies of these games.
I'm not paying AU$120, plus sacrificing 40GB of memory. Capcom can get stuffed.
I would have bought all three for $60 each.
I love RE and RE4 but not enough to fork out £30 for each one digitally. Probably wait for them to be on sale on the EShop.
This problem started because too many people paid $40 for Ultra Street Fighter 2. From that point on, Capcom realized they had a market for overpriced old ports.
Personally, I'm tired of publishers hanging this sword of Damocles over Nintendo fans with their "buy our overpriced old ports or we won't make any more games on your system, which would have been more overpriced old ports anyway". I'd rather a publisher stop supporting the system than to be treated that way.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play Resident Evil 0, 1, & 4 on Steam, where I bought them for $20 total.
Forget that! Best thing we can do as consumers is refuse to buy, regardless of how much we want them.
These games are worth $30 and more for the value you get out of them. The problem here is .... these originally released for cheaper on other consoles. There's no new features, no gyro controls that I've heard of, nothing. Just an added switch tax. And sadly I was prepared to buy all 3 day 1, now just going to wait for the inevitable capcom sale a month or 2 later.
I won't buy it at a high price. Hehehehe, no thank you.
Hard pass for me. Like all Capcom & Ubisoft games they will eventually go on sale in the eShop for 40-50% off and I will purchase them then.
@Lemmy_the_Koopa LOL!!
Or... these games sell at these prices and Capcom just keeps making more and more expensive ports. 😛
Remember way way back when and everybody was making fun of horse armor, but it's still a thing. A bigger thing than ever.
Here's our favorite blonde YTer to explain it all. 😎
lolz Capcom gonna Cacpom
@bluemage1989 I only support the ones they got right, the ones they cash grab I won't get. Besides the Onimusha game was paid with the gold coins and not my actual money.
@cherryghost41 It's a really unique and epic game, I love it just wish there's a physical copy of it for Switch. I got to play little of it on my original Xbox in their version called Genma Onimusha. Was going to get the PS2 version instead but thought the Xbox one looks better. Fortunately when I went to college, my brother sold away our original Xbox for the Xbox 360 and traded many games to get Blue Dragon so Genma Onimusha got sold away along with it which I'm still mad but oh well at leasy we got this HD remastered version here now.
LMAO. Enjoy your overpriced last gen (and older gen) ports friends. RE4 was 5$ on steam not long ago and i'm pretty sure the graphics and framerate are still going to be better than on switch.
i was willing to buy it on switch but seeing how greedy capcom is with that one, it's a big no from me. I pre ordered dragon dogma because it's cheap for the content it has and the game is physical but i might consider canceling it since they made me salty about the RE games on switch.
Capcom are doing this price hike with Switch only gamers in mind. With the recent success of RE2 remake(well deserved as its fantastic)and with it in no way coming to the Switch, they're hoping to play to those people desperate to get some resident evil action on Switch and will pay more to have that.Especially with 4 as its more comparable to RE2 remake. Just my opinion of course, and I'll be skipping these until they're priced at least to around 40% less than the current mark up. Unless Capcom wise up these games are going to sell terribly
Think everyone feels the same, people will buy them and prove capcom made a good decision , ill wait for sales as thats an absolutle joke.
@Alto you could probably buy a GameCube and all three games for 90 quid. I got 4 for about 7 quid last year.
@LunarFlame17 so one more game than originally intended, that doesn't make any sens.... Ohhhh never mind
Good thing I now have a PS4, eh?
I guess Revelations is always like 80% off in sales so it may be worth just waiting for this to be the same
The Switch tax, that was originally due to the higher card manufacturing costs, but that in reality applies to all games, more noticeably to digital games already available in other platforms (for a much lower price) and with costs more than recovered. Nice.
Lost 3 sales with these prices.. Rip off. Hopefully the sales will be low and they get the message.
No more capcom for me.
Ok, I have a theory....
Capcom only really wants £15 for each of these but they know that due to the poor layout of the eshop people won't find them. This way they can put them at 50% off most of the time and sell them at the £15 price point they actually intend to sell them at and if anyone does buy them for £30 then its a bonus.
Theme Parks operate under a similar scheme where they fully expect most attendees to have a 50% off or 2 for 1 coupon.
@nintendobynature Something around 15 GB each game, which might mean an additional expense to buy a new SD card to have all three depending on your available storage space
I usually analyze what a port or remake offers and then I set my price for it depending on what features it brings: if it's a collection, if there are new modes, enhancements, whatever. In this case, there's nothing new, so it's hard to justify those prices. The "they're excellent games" catch doesn't work here cause other people are paying much less to have the same excellent games (even though not all 3 are excellent in my opinion). My price for each of them is $19.99, so I'm not buying them on launch day. Let's wait.
Interestingly, when other ports came to Switch, there used to be a clash of opinions with some people complaining about prices and other people presenting arguments to justify those prices. This is the first time I see almost unanimous rage here, which is fair!
When you pay 60$ for an old nintendo port of a mediocre game [DKC], or willing to pay 60$ for a GBA remake, then I think Capcom marketing team were right in overpricing their games, especially when all three of them have some nostalgic value.
Hang on - Is RE4 the remaster edition or standard? Thankfully I have RE4 on disc but if I wanted a remastered version - I certainly wouldn't pay £30. The Steam version would get my money for this. If it was cheaper, then maybe this stranger might dive in.
I'll not buy it at a high price.
Stranger, stranger,
Now THAT'S a cashgrab!
Eight year old remaster of a fourteen year old game arrives digitally for 30 quid? They really ARE having a laugh.
Not going near these until sales. Crapcom doesn't deserve to have their greed rewarded. Portable freedom or not.
They have to remake the game for different hardware, whereas PS4, XBone, and PC are all using x86 based processors.
Still have all three for the Wii, although never completed 0 or 1, so maybe this’ll encourage me to go back to those
I have 4 on Gamecube and Wii. Maybe I'll just dust off the Wii U and play it again on that. At $15 a pop, I'd probably get them all, but no way I'm paying $30. As others have said, once they go on sale, I'll get them.
I can't remember the last time I played a Capcom game. I refuse to buy their games on digital or at the price they charge. They can bugger off.
won't get any because 1 price is too high and 2 it's too violent
What is Capcom's issue with releasing Switch Resident Evil games physically in Europe?
@rjejr "Way back when everybody was making fun of horse armor"
Way back as in the Middle Ages, or way back in some obscure MMORPG that I've never played?
Either way, never heard about the horse armor complaint, so I've literally got no idea what you're talking about, and as such, I wouldn't be able to say something sensible about that.
On a side note: dang, haven't watched The Know in ages, but this reminded me that they make really solid and entertaining videos,
so I gotta put them back on my weekly schedule again, thanks.
@ThanosReXXX Horse armor is from single player game ES4blivion which was all the rage before ES5:Skyrim came out made everybody forget about Oblivion, apparent it you.
She mentions it about 6:32, hence the video embed.
@ThanosReXXX Generally regarded as the first bit of cosmetic DLC on Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion on the 360.
@rjejr Ah, okay. I'm almost ashamed to say that I have the Elder Scrolls games on Xbox 360...
In my defense, though, I never really played them all that much.
I just thought I needed to own them, not so much as Xbox 360 must-have titles, but as a part of me wanting to have a very diverse collection of software.
@TheGameTutor Thanks for the additional info. At least I'll now know what the hell it's about, the next time somebody mentions it...
@Octane sorry I got really angry while reading the post... will be careful next time
@MaSSiVeRiCaN That's the only reason I'm even contemplating a purchase, although tbh I really want 4 most of all (But not at that price). I have until mid-April to use my Gamer's Club and I want to get the most out of it.
@Tsusasi yea man exactly, I have until October and I'm going to milk every bit that I can get out of this program.
I mean, to be fair I would have paid 40 dollars if resident evil 4 came out on 3DS years ago. I did just that for MGS3. It seems ok to me. Still think RE1 and 0 should be a bit lower
I'm not worried about what price they release at. Based on past experience with Capcom on the Switch, these titles always drop in price when they realise customers aren't mugs and won't pay that much for old games. And I'm not fussed about digital only either, I only own one physical game out of the 20 I have on my Switch as I'm enjoying the convenience of not having to swap carts to play something else.
They should be ashamed of themselves!
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