Forever Entertainment has announced that it is remaking the first two entries in Sega's Panzer Dragoon series.
The Polish company is working with Sega to remaster Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon Zwei, both of which originally appeared on the Sega Saturn in the '90s.
Here's the official word:
Forever Entertainment together with SEGA Holding Co., Ltd. from Japan will co-create and publish Panzer Dragoon: Remake and Panzer Dragoon II Zwei: Remake. The premiere of the first part is planned before the end of 2019!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is a refreshed version of Panzer Dragoon. The original version of the game had its premiere on the Sega Saturn console in 1995 and was well received by both players and critics. The entire Panzer Dragoon series has been repeatedly remade and released on many platforms. The last re-launch took place in April 2018 on Xbox One, where players can play Panzer Dragoon Orta with a backward compatibility.
The new version of the game will be characterized by completely new graphics compatible with today’s standards and several modifications of the game, making it more attractive to modern players, while remaining faithful to the original in terms of story. The first materials from the game will be presented in the upcoming months!
No platforms have been confirmed at the time of writing, and many fans will be pondering if there are plans to remake the third game, the epic RPG Panzer Dragoon Saga – something that may be impossible without reverse-engineering the code.
Series creator Yukio Futatsugi has stated that the source code has long since been lost, and that while it wouldn't be impossible, it's unlikely that anyone would be able to remake the game without it:
If [they were] able to reverse-engineer [Atlus side-scrolling Saturn RPG] Princess Crown [for PSP], perhaps we might be able to reverse-engineer Panzer Dragoon Saga. Princess Crown is a pretty complex game, as well. But unless someone somewhere adds pressure to remake it, we probably won’t remake the game. I don’t think Sega will ever make it happen.
Still, getting the first two games is something to be happy about. Let's hope they come to Switch.
[source, via]
Comments 75
!!!!! AM I DREAMING!!?!?!?!?!??!?
edit: no but really, this is my favorite game series of all time and i was heartbroken when my Saturn died, and I sold the 3 games. At least I still have the "Welt von Panzer Dragoon" books, and their OST's. OMG. OMG OMG OMG. I could figuratively die.
::cough cough:: Panzer Dragoon Saga!!!!!! (Even though that last part may be true)
Panzer Dragoon zwei is awesome would love to see it on switch hope it is and not just PS4 and Xbox
This is exciting. I don’t really know much about Forever Entertainment, but I’m sure they will do a great job.
Please, SEGA. Panzer Dragoon Saga. Skies of Arcadia.
Do it!
After those then they can also give us Orta as well.
Forever Entertainment has a pretty mediocre track-record, so I don’t have confidence that this will turn out well.
Would love PD: Saga or Crimson Dragon.
Why can't I say something simple without this site telling me I need to say more.
Amazing news. Now if we can get Virtual On and the sequel on Switch, THAT would be excellent!
Forever Entertainment really seem like a bunch of gamers trying to bring back the favs - first fear effect now this, plus they seem to be they seem to love giving the Switch as much love as possible.
They are like Panic Button Jr. Lol
Best news of the month !
Hopefully this also comes to Switch unlike Shenmue remaster.
Not sure on the developer. I think I would prefer these to be part of Sega Ages from M2
Oh my gosh. Someone pinch me!!!! This is gonna be amazing hopefully a switch release is in the works as well!
No confirmation of Switch makes this news seem a little premature.
Hopefully it does come to Switch so I can finally experience these.
This is good to know. It would be even more mind-blowing if this came to Switch.
Seems to me that SEGA has finally turned a corner, and are starting to do things right more often than wrong. Excellent!
@aznable Feel the same. Can't believe this is real. Remake SAGA and we are good to go.
Skies of Arcadia plz
Not sure I trust an outside studio doing a remake when they say they're changing up the gameplay with "several modifications".
If they were just doing a direct remake in HD, I'd be a lot more confident in it.
Nice! I played the first one back in the day. Would definitely like to give it another go, along with the second game. Hopefully it comes to Switch.
Cool! I know some peopel really liked these games. Looks like Sega might actually be making non-sonic games again! I haven't really played any of them, but looks like they might bring back more of their old series. Nights next potentially?
Oh hell yes! Now all I need is this to be confirmed for Switch and for Treasure to do the same treatment for its Sin & Punishment games and I’ll be over the moon.
This is awesome and even though I still own the original's and saga an updated version is welcomed. By the way what is saga going for these days I was lucky to get it on the release date due to so few that where made I almost traded it in after I completed it but the owner of the store I went to didn't want it cause it wasn't popular enough little did he know lol and I also have the Yuji Naka classic Burning Ranger's.
I doubt the xbox versions of orta or crimson will ever get a release on another console I think both where funded by Microsoft,kind of like the deal Nintendo had with platinum games but you never know.
OMG! Now this is news! 2 of the greatest arcade on-rails shooters of all time!
If Nintendo Switch doesn't get those, perhaps it would be best if Nintendo did a patch update for Smash Bros to remove Sonic and other Sega references from it's new game?
This series deserves to be on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One for everyone to enjoy.
Oh no another port......wait.......PANZER DRAGOON!!! YEY!!!
@ReaderRagfish said : "I thought you didn't like ports?"
How many times do I have to explain the same stuff again and again ?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahaha hahahahaa cough cough HAAaahahahahhhhhaaaaahhahaa…
Oh man.
Swear I just read Panzer Dragoon was getting re-made.
…(amazing if they do a good job. Just make it look like the artwork and we are golden!)
I hope the original versions will be included as well. They always looked amazing, but I never had the systems to play them.
Day 1, right into my veins please. Thank the gods!
Awesome! They should remake all the rail shooters then follow up with the Great RPG they made. I loved all of them. Back then when these came out I would have told you Im never playing anything but sega consoles for the rest of my life. I miss them for sure. Yep I was a Nintendo Hater at one time.
This is very exciting news indeed. I hope Panzer Dragoon Orta gets some love too as to me it is the pinnacle of rail shooters and easily one of the best games on the original X-Box. It would be nice to see the trilogy on other consoles and if it does well maybe a Panzer Dragoon Saga remake.
@CupidStunt Orta was awesome! I played it over and over on xbox.
Two of my favorite games... Don't screw it up.
Holy...! That's amazing news!!! I've tried a few times to play the Saturn version over the years, it's just a bit too blocky and blurry for me.
Looking forward to this. Hopefully it comes to the Switch!
About damn time!!
Best Christmas present EVER!!!
RE: Panzer Dragoon Saga, Why would you ever need the source code to an original game to outright remake it?
While this won’t please those who complain endlessly about old games getting rehashed personally I think this is excellent news.
Just got to hope that first, these are good, and second, they sell enough to persuade somebody that remaking Saga is worth it.
Played a bit of Orta recently on XB1X and it’s still great fun.
Now let's get a remake for silpheed and radiant silver gun!
@Windy Yes Microsoft promoted quite a bit of creativity and unique experiences on the original X-Box, how it all went wrong from the 360 onwards. Strangers Wrath, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Project Zero One and Two, Ninja Gaiden, Project Gotham Racing - these were some of my favourite games of all time.
Is this an acceptable port, internet?
Two of my favourite Saturn games. Unique art style, great gameplay and music. Be nice if it made its way over.
Zwei is the best rail shooter, probably shooter in general, of all time, holy shirt.
Very excited. I they better be good remakes though
Between this, streets of rage 4, and the new Aleste game, the industry is starting to tap into some core retro-enthusiast gaming and its good to see finally
Was playing Panzer Dragoon on my saturn the other day. Still love those games, even with the pixely graphics. Can't wait for these. Please don't mess them up. Pretty please.
WHAT!!! No way. That is awesome news. I love Panzer Dragoon. I've always dreamed of remakes for these games. Wow, such great news, that is just fantastic news.
Wow, SEGA's actually doing it! They're listening to fans! Who knew?!
On that note . . . Skies of Arcadia next, please!
Man, I'm impressed with the positive reaction. I was the only dude with a Saturn for miles, and I honestly was super disappointed with Panzer Dragoon Einz and Zwei. I look forward to (hopefully) having my opinion contested.
Hype! Also, why do I need to add more text before commenting?
I would love this on the Switch, but somehow feels it will be better on the Ps4 with PSVR support.
@rdrunner1178 The second was measurably superior to the first, in gameplay, presentation and character development. A masterpiece.
WOWZERS. I mean this still could be horribly messed up, but assuming it isn't this is absolutely amazing.
Having just Googled the dev I am now not feeling quite so hyped. Their highest profile game to date is Fear Effect Sedna which was pretty much universally panned.
Ooh, now this could be very cool indeed--if they do it right.
If they don't release this on switch, this might be what pushes me to buy a PS4.
Pffft, whatever, I still have the original trilogy for my Saturn. On the other hand, holy crap screw that, I will buy like 30 copies of these games if they come to Switch.
For Panzer Dragoon Saga lost source code why can't Sega get one of the game discs and upload the data to a computer. Who hard is that?
Was just talking about this with my fiance last night. Knew that was the case with Saga but didn't realize they lost the code for the first 2. What it almost guaranteedly comes down to is bad blood with SEGA and someone who worked on the game. Japanese are like that and make excuses to sugar coat or hide underlying reasons - which is why you hear differing answers to the same questions in different interviews with the same people, because they can't keep track of the lies they tell to save face... or why Capcom claims Sweet Home is the main influence on Resident Evil because they don't want to credit western developers for carving the path with like Alone in the Dark.
The ISOs are out there. Pretty certain there's a grudge.
@gutsack Interesting, I always think in this day and age if you have game cartridge or game disc all it takes is someone with good hacking skills to extract the data out of storage medium to another.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Nintendo downloaded fan ROMs and used those for their Classic systems lol. Sony's Classic runs on a fan made emulator. I realize Saturn emulation is a different beast entirely but it's not impossible or even remotely difficult for a multi-billion dollar company who made the hardware.
remake the newer panzer dragoon orta while your at it please.
What a news.
I can't wait to see the result in game.
@CupidStunt I was hoping a remake of Jetset Radio would have come out on wii. Would have been awesome but oh well. I was looking through Dreamcast consoles at Ebay last night and was tempted to buy this bundle. But I have so much Baxk log between the Wii and 3ds. I will just stick with them for a while
@Windy Jet Set Radio Future on the original Xbox was amazing. I hope that gets remade. And why no love for Skies of Arcadia which in my opinion is the greatest JRPG ever. Sega really made some great games that generation.
@CupidStunt They sure did. I'm a huge fan of Skies of Arcadia which is my 2nd favorite RPG of all time behind Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii. I miss Sega Consoles. I wish they were still in the console wars.
@PCkid great Avatar and Name! Love the PCEngine!
@Windy I don't think their games have aged as well as Nintendo's, but they were at their peak during the Dreamcast/Gamecube/Xbox/Ps2 era. I just want them making games like Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Skies of Arcadia, Billy Hatcher etc again. Only so much rubbish Sonic games (Mania not included) I can cope with.
@CupidStunt I was just thinking today about Panzer Dragoon Saga which was just awesome, but if I fired that up right now and played through again im sure I would have fun but would be thinking about how crappy those jagged edges look the whole way through.
I send you back your compliment.
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