Sneaking onto the Nintendo Switch this week is Atari Flashback Classics, a collection of 150 Atari favourites all in one handy bundle.
Atari Flashback Classics includes a whole range of titles from the Atari 2600 and Atari 5200 home consoles, as well as some former arcade exclusives. We're talking games like Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command, and Pong to name a few, with in-game achievements, leaderboards, and other social features supported, too. There's even an archive full of classic artwork to round things off nicely.

We've got a feature list and a collection of screenshots for you to check out below.
Key Features Include:
- 150 Classic Atari 2600, 5200 and Arcade Games: Play seminal Atari titles including Asteroids®, Centipede®, Missile Command®, Pong®, Tempest®, Warlords®, and many more.
- Online and Local Multiplayer: Battle for arcade supremacy against friends online or at home.
- Online Leaderboards: Compare your high scores with players from around the world.
- Nintendo Switch Functionality: Designed to take advantage of the Nintendo Switch’s greatest features.
- Brand New User-Interface: New User-Interface designed to re-create the greatest classic arcade experience.
The game is available directly from the North American eShop for $39.99. A European release date is still to be confirmed, so you might have to set up a North American account if you're hoping to get your hands on it immediately.
Do you plan on jumping into this Atari collection? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 120
150 is a big number, for sure
The 150 makes me question the quality of the ports/emulation.
@RyanSilberman And the decent bezel art is very nice. Not too interested myself unless it gets physical (insert musical joke here) and cheaper
Do those 150 games take up more or less than 300kb of storage? With additional 15kb day-one update?
@DABYX It's not really expensive per game at that price, is it?
Anyone know if they can they be played in vertical mode?
@Krull LOL
After playing the Atari collection on Xbox One, I can safely say I can only really appreciate these game running on a crt hooked up via rf. Blown up on a 4K tv just doesn't do these games justice imo
@thiswaynow Oh no not at all! Just personally have some games anyway
150 games sounds great on paper.....but trust me, as somebody who owned both Atari Collections for DS, most of the games have aged HORRIBLY! You’ll find about six games that are still a lot of fun (Yar’s Revenge, Asteroids, Tempest, Bowling), but then you’ll have crap like the Swordquest games, Hangman, Basic Math, etc.. Honestly, it would be nice to get a more comprehensive Atari collection that included games from the 7800, Lynx, and Jaguar (Tempest 2000 anyone?). I understand that licensing gets a bit tricky, post 2600.
Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atlus. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari.Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari. Atari
Find the mistake >-<
@Retr0gamedad : I think it's more to do with the fact that the vast majority (if not all) of the games have very little merit to justify a high price tag.
Frankly, I think it's disingenuous to label these as "classics" when they are merely old. People generally do not want to play games like these anymore (as they have aged horribly and are products of their time) so I am still on the fence as far as importing a physical copy is concerned.
I want it as a collector's item more so than for the games themselves. I doubt I'd play it much at all.
Why they don't do these huge compilations for NES or SNES baffles me.
Yep, grabbing this for sure. Asteroids and Tempest! Woot.
If they botch Pong, then the entire collection needs to go in the garbage by default, for real lol. But overall, I'm eyeing this one. I'm not expecting 4bit to age any better than 8bit, but as a person that was young back then, I can deal with these games so long as they're playable and play as they did back then.
@goggles789 They kinda did... but they did it as mini consoles.
I picked this one up, the emulation is spot on and well worth the $40 price. It’s missing the Activision and Imagic games but it does include some Atari 5200 games.
You also have manual scans, some achievements and a nice clean presentation.
The emulation team behind this is Code Mystics who previously developed the Atari Greatest Hits 1&2 on the DS.
Part of me is geeking hard on the fact that 150 Atari games fit on a Switch card while it is on 3 Blu-Rays on the other consoles.
@Silly_G these games are not just necessarily old some are true classics which paved the way for future games. I get that they are relatively basic in terms of graphics and gameplay but that does not mean they are not classics
Yeah but is E.T. On there?
@NintendoFan4Lyf it’s more about if they get the controls right and a lot of these were meant to be played with a joystick or spin dial so it will likely be hit or miss
Why is this $39.99, when the Sega genesis classics collection is $29.99?
How do the games that use rotary knob play (games like Kaboom) ?
Also, is there any of the Star Wars Games ? (used to love playing Empire Strikes Back)
I need to see the full list of games, but hoping Frostbite, Hunchback, & Punchy is there...... Edit: oh yeah, not forgetting ET
If it doesn't have pitfall it's a pass for me
@Gerald if anything like on PS4, terribly. I owned both collections previously and the many games that required this control method were near unplayable using analogue sticks. It was a real deal breaker for me and I traded them not long after. Shame really as the emulation and presentation felt spot on.
@LetsGoSwitch Atlus. Also, one of the Ataris weren't spaced.
I only would buy it physically, but in this case I want shareable achievements...
@RyanSilberman I think it’s because there was no Volumes 1 and 2 on the Switch. Rather than just release as a Volume 3 (like on the XBox One and PS4), it’s a compilation of all 3 volumes here.
I'm not sure if I would get this since buying it would support the company using the Atari brand. The same Atari that is working on that very questionable Atari VCS.
@deafswin37 Probably not since Pitfall is Activision’s.
@ecco6t9 Vertical mode support?
You forgot a space.
Also, please don't do like-bait comments like what covers fortnite comment sections on youtube please. Nobody lieks that stuff.
But does it have E.T.?
@PhantomJedi @JackTako 8 of the included games do, in fact, support vertical mode! Centipede, Fire Truck, Maze Invaders, Millipede, Monte Carlo, Super Breakout, Super Bug, and Soccer.
Is this just the two Atari collection games for the DS, put together?
@Pazuzu666 thanks for the feedback, I was thinking maybe tilt could be substitution for the rotary dial
@Krull oh funny... i may run out of space!
@DABYX You get a like for that musical joke and a slap in the face because I cannot get that song out of my head now
I guess it doesn't have Wizard of Wor, so I will pass or wait for a price drop.
I wish they could license Star Wars
Damn you EA.
As much as l love the idea of the collection, I can't help but think some of those titles are gimped by not having controls like Tempest had. (That lovely, smooth analog dial...ahh...memories...)
Good for a walk down memory lane, nonetheless.
I just bought an Atari 7800 this week. Been playing Adventure and Beserk since Tuesday- both classics no matter how basic they look.
I got it last night and tried several of the games. The emulation seems to be very good but many of the control schemes (example: 5200 RealSports Baseball) had a ton of actions assigned to the number pad buttons on the original 5200 joypad, so they didn't mesh well with the Pro Controller. Pong was borderline uncontrollable with the Pro Controller (I haven't yet tried the Joycon to see whether its gyro controls enable it to respond more accurately).
It's important to note that many of the games (including more than one Arcade game...examples: Basketball, Football, and Baseball) are two-player ONLY. That's the way those titles were designed originally, but it's still kind of a shame to be unable to enjoy them solo.
The really baffling issue was with the manuals for the 2600 and 5200 games. When you click on them you get the original manual from back in the day, which is awesome from a history and nostalgia standpoint...but not so much when you didn't have anything to show you how that applied to the controller you were actually using.
Lastly, this being an AtGames-published collection, I was a bit disappointed they didn't include any of the Activision or other third-party titles typically included with their Atari 2600 retro consoles. Hopefully Activision will do the honors themselves at some point (it's been WAY too long since Activision Anthology on the PlayStation 2). As for other favorites like Pole Position and Ms. Pac-Man, we'll have to hold out hope for a (more comprehensive than what we've been getting since the PS2 50th Anniversary Museum Collection) Namco compilation.
All in all a decent collection with a lot of titles being represented by multiple versions (example: Centipede with Arcade, 2600, and 5200). The omissions of third-party games really hurt the 2600 and especially the 5200 selection of offerings overall.
Actually it's those two plus a third Atari Hits Volume (which hit the PlayStation Store yesterday) all smashed together into one larger collection.
@ClassSonicSatAm Of course, yes. I just mean in cartridge form.
@goggles789 because the NES and SNES classic exists.
@Pablo17 Wizard of Wor was made by Midway, one of my favorite games on the Atari btw. Speaking of Wizard of Wor, between that, Donkey Kong and Dragnet, I will never get that theme outta my head lol.
@huyi I'm talking cartridge format.
@goggles789 the only way you are going to see cartridge based compilation NES games are the unlicensed ones and i don't think nintendo will be supporting those things anytime soon.
and like i said the NES classic exists so highly unlikely.
For those wondering what games will be on it, (and please forgive me for this wall of text)
1. 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe 2600
2. A Game of Concentration 2600
3. Adventure 2600
4. Adventure II 2600
5. Air Raiders™ 2600
6. Air-Sea Battle 2600
7. Aquaventure 2600
8. Armor Ambush™ 2600
9. Asteroids 2600
10. Asteroids Arcade
11. Asteroids 5200
12. Asteroids Deluxe Arcade
13. Astroblast™ 2600
14. Atari Baseball Arcade
15. Atari Basketball Arcade
16. Atari Football Arcade
17. Atari Soccer Arcade
18. Atari Video Cube 2600
19. Avalanche Arcade
20. Backgammon 2600
21. Basic Math 2600
22. Basketball 2600
23. Black Widow Arcade
24. Blackjack 2600
25. Bowling 2600
26. Brain Games 2600
27. Breakout 2600
28. Canyon Bomber 2600
29. Canyon Bomber Arcade
30. Casino 2600
31. Centipede 2600
32. Centipede Arcade
33. Centipede 5200
34. Championship Soccer 2600
35. Checkers 2600
36. Chess 2600
37. Circus Atari 2600
38. Code Breaker 2600
39. Combat 2600
40. Combat 2 2600
41. Countermeasure 5200
42. Crystal Castles 2600
43. Crystal Castles Arcade
44. Dark Cavern™ (Night Stalker) 2600
45. Demons to Diamonds 2600
46. Desert Falcon 2600
47. Destroyer Arcade
48. Dodge ‘Em 2600
49. Dominos Arcade
50. Double Dunk 2600
51. Fatal Run 2600
52. Final Legacy 5200
53. Fire Truck/Smokey Joe Arcade
54. Flag Capture 2600
55. Football 2600
56. Frog Pond 2600
57. Frogs and Flies 2600
58. Golf 2600
59. Gravitar 2600
60. Gravitar Arcade
61. Hangman 2600
62. Haunted House 2600
63. Holey Moley 2600
64. Home Run 2600
65. Human Cannonball 2600
66. International Soccer™ 2600
67. Liberator Arcade
68. Lunar Lander Arcade
69. Major Havoc Arcade
70. Maze Craze 2600
71. Maze Invaders Arcade
72. Micro-gammon 5200
73. Millipede 5200
74. Millipede 2600
75. Millipede Arcade
76. Miniature Golf 5200
77. Miniature Golf 2600
78. Missile Command 5200
79. Missile Command 2600
80. Missile Command Arcade
81. Monte Carlo Arcade
82. MotoRodeo 2600
83. Night Driver 2600
84. Off the Wall 2600
85. Outlaw 2600
86. Pong Arcade
87. Pool Shark Arcade
88. Quadrun 2600
89. Race 2600
90. Radar Lock 2600
91. Realsports Baseball 5200
92. Realsports Baseball 2600
93. Realsports Basketball 5200
94. Realsports Basketball 2600
95. Realsports Boxing 2600
96. Realsports Football 5200
97. Realsports Football 2600
98. Realsports Soccer 2600
99. Realsports Tennis 5200
100. Realsports Tennis 2600
101. Realsports Volleyball 5200
102. Realsports Volleyball 2600
103. Red Baron Arcade
104. Return to Haunted House 2600
105. Saboteur 2600
106. Save Mary 2600
107. Sea Battle™ 2600
108. Secret Quest 2600
109. Sentinel 2600
110. Sky Diver Arcade
111. Sky Diver 2600
112. Slot Machine 2600
113. Slot Racers 2600
114. Space Attack™ 2600
115. Space Duel Arcade
116. Spacewar 2600
117. Sprint Arcade
118. Sprint Master 2600
119. Star Raiders 5200
120. Star Raiders 2600
121. Star Strike™ 2600
122. Starship 2600
123. Steeplechase 2600
124. Stellar Track 2600
125. Street Racer 2600
126. Stunt Cycle 2600
127. Sub Commander 2600
128. Super Baseball 2600
129. Super Breakout 5200
130. Super Breakout 2600
131. Super Breakout Arcade
132. Super Bug Arcade
133. Super Challenge™ Baseball 2600
134. Super Challenge™ Football 2600
135. Super Football 2600
136. Surround 2600
137. Sword Fight™ 2600
138. Swordquest: Earthworld 2600
139. Swordquest: Fireworld 2600
140. Swordquest: Waterworld 2600
141. Tempest 2600
142. Tempest Arcade
143. Video Olympics 2600
144. Video Pinball 2600
145. Warlords 2600
146. Warlords Arcade
147. Wizard 2600
148. Xari Arena 5200
149. Yars’ Return 2600
150. Yars’ Revenge 2600
@huyi or goggles789 can use ROMs to play his classic games. But the NES Classic and SNES Classic are also good ways to play classic games.
I also enjoyed the Online Service and playing classic NES games on it when they add new ones. I hope in the future the Nintendo Switch Online Service adds SNES games. Man, that would be awesome.
@AshFoxX Thanks chief
No E.T is a deal-breaker for me
@AshFoxX Thanks for the list.
most of the games I used to play are not there. Gutted
@AshFoxX No ET no buy
@goggles789 XD You're joking, right? You want one of the worst video game adaptions on a legendary famous movie to be included in this Atari collection game? I'm not even sure if you're either joking or being a troll.
@DockEllisD great game but that’s Activision but I’m with ya!! Maybe the next Atari Flashback will have the Activision 2600 games!! They added them on the Flashback mini consoles!
Anybody know of a good arcade stick / trackball that works with the switch?
For those who want E.T in this Atari collection, stop and think about it for a second. From what I learned, Atari's E.T. is one of the worst video games ever made. And I can agree with the millions of people who hate Atari's E.T.
Plus, a friend of mine on a Skype chat told me a long time ago that a town buried the obsolete Atari consoles and its games, E.T. So again, I agree with them burying Atari's E.T. because it's one of the worst games ever made.
Missile Command
Space Duel
2600 Video Pinball
5200 Baseball, football & soccer
5200 Countermeasure!
5200 Star Raiders!
Major Havoc!
Fire truck
Black Widow
Asteroids Deluxe
Super Breakout
These games alone are worth admission!!
20 years ago i would’ve told anyone they’re insane and would NEVER happen!!! 😃
1) even if Atari wanted too they can’t because it’s an obvious licensing issue
2) watch the documentary Atari: Game Over and you’ll get the whole story - good stuff!
Yes, but possibly next week. A car payment says I have to wait a little longer. 😅
This led me down the internet rabbet hole of "who owns Atari this week anyway?". Answer: Apparently half of the gaming industry.
So, when I got ahold of Sega Genesis/Mega Drive classics, it finally dawned on me that I had bought a Genesis way back when for exclusive third party games.
Likewise, Atari console nostalgia ain't much without Konami, Taito and Activision.
However, there's no way in heck I'm playing Atari 2600 games in 2018 anyway. So, I'm looking at this only caring about the Atari arcade games. Centipede, Millipede and Tempest? $13 a game? Well, it's cheaper than the actual arcade cabinet, no?
@BanjoPickles oh you’re missing a few classics there buddy ☺️ See my list of no brainer tried and true classics on my post #64.
Yea I agree 2600 Activision classics added in would be awesome. Hopefully a possible Vol 4 they can give us that? That would be sweet!
7800 (Food Fight & Desert Falcon!!) and Lynx have great games too if this new Manhattan based Atari can get around the licensing issues for most. As far as the Jag, from what I understand, notoriously hard to emulate like the Sega Saturn.
@Alantor28 I'm joking
Astroblast!!!!! It’s worth the price of admission for that game alone. Everything else is just cake.
Tempest Arcade... I. Want.
@BanjoPickles Wrong, most Atari published 2600/5200 games made after 1981 are great games with a few exceptions.
@robr This includes, for the first time ever, 5200 games too.
@MysticGengar Why would it. "Atari" would have to license the game.
@MeloMan There is no such thing as 4-bit. Everything on this collection is 8-bit. The 5200 even uses the same cpu as the NES.
Why is Gamestop shipping and Amz not, did they get an exclusive maybe ?
I appreciate the classics and will probably get this, but I also feel like we've seen these same Atari compilations over and over and over again. It's a little stale by now and only some of those games stand the test of time.
Does anyone remember the late 90s reboots of several of these titles? They were mostly on the PS1, IIRC, but there was Pong: The Next Level and enhanced versions of Asteroids, Space Invaders, Q*Bert, Frogger, Centipede, etc. I would love a compilation of those.
@Alantor28 Pretty sure people asking for E.T. are joking. I played that game back in the day, and it is every bit as terrible as reputed.
FYI, just for fun:
Ohh well. Looks like they couldn’t license Pitfall and Space Invaders. Kinda brings down the quality of the package overall.
@LetsGoSwitch can you not spam the comment section with this dreck? Please and thank you.
@LetsGoSwitch Atari. Atlus is never a mistake.
@kirbygirl you have to consider that this is the first time (except for the Nintendo DS) That these Atari classics compilations have appeared on a Nintendo home console....ok there was a 6-pack for the Snes too but other than that no. And the Switch being portable doesn’t hurt either! 😊
@Ignatius doh!! I left that off my price of admission list!! Thx!
@NandN3ds I own the complete Atari 5200 library! Man did I play the hell outta that system!! Ahhh the early 80’s lol...when Atari was still king!
@joey302 Good point. It's just that between all of our systems, it feels like we've bought a lot of Atari compilations over the years, plus I still have my old 2600 with the original carts of my favorites. I'm still going to grab the physical release of this one, but I'd love to see a compilation of those rebooted versions someday.
No river raid, no sea quest, no megamania, no enduro, no pitfall, no decathlon. What kind of classic collection is this?
I REALLY hope they include ET one of the finest games ever made...
I’m starting to suffer from nostalgia fatigue.. anyone else?
What next? A Magnavox compilation with overlays for our tv screens?!
@John_Deacon agreed Deacy but those are Activision 2600 games buddy...I assume you enjoyed the Bohemian Rhapsody flick?? 😉
@kirbygirl I’d like to see those psone games again also they were fun! I’m definitely guilty of buying every single Atari Collection on every system ever released and will continue to do so in the future including the just released Atari Flashback Vol 3 discs on Xbox and PS4!! Lol.
As a kid growing up in the late 70s/early 80s Atari blew my imagination sky high and introduced me to the wonderful world of video games!! I’m always thankful for that. I still wish the old Atari from Sunnyvale California was still around today kicking butt! ☺️
I will probably get this for Star Raiders 5200. I used to play Star Raiders for many hours on my Atari 800 home computer. I also used to enjoy centipede, missile command and asteroids, of course.
@John_Deacon I miss RR on my old Coleco..
Don’t get me wrong, I loved my 2600/5200/7800/Lynx. All of them had some incredible games (Kangaroo on 5200, Food Fight and Ninja Golf on 7800, Dirty Larry and Blue Lightning on Lynx). Also, there were a few incredible late-era releases on 2600 (Fatal Run, Championship Sprint, etc.). So many of the games, however, are too rudimentary to hold up well (the same could be said for the dawn of 3D gaming).
I may still end up getting it, just because I’m a sucker for retro comps. As somebody who already owns both collections on DS, I doubt that I’ll get much mileage out of it.
Wish they could add some trademarked / licensed games when they release these collections. For example, one of my favourite games to play back in the 1980s [on the Atari 2600] was “Popeye”. Still love it. 👍
Also so many other games such as Frogger, Space Invaders, Spiderman, Donkey Kong etc. (that we also had on the Atari 2600).
Eh, I will probably wait for a deep discounted sale.
I grew up with an Atari 2600, it was never something that really grabbed me. Once I got my SNES I never touched the thing again.
How well do games work which require rotary control/paddle controllers?
I presume you use the analog sticks or motion controls, but I don't think either one would work as well as the real thing.
The "deluxe" versions of the hardware Atari Flashback consoles included paddle controllers as well as joysticks.
edit: just noticed @AtlanteanMan 's comment - "borderline uncontrollable" sounds bad.
@Retr0gamedad Despite the massive size, only a handful of emulators are involved. And it was primarily platforms that Code Mystics were already intimately familiar with. Other than perhaps some of the early black & white microprocessor based arcade games, it's all familiar ground for them.
And the work was done over the span of three individual 50 game volumes, which were brought together for the Switch release in conjunction with volume 3's release on other platforms (since the Switch never received volumes 1 and 2).
Their emulation work is top notch. While I haven't yet gotten my hands on volume 3 to check out the Atari 5200 emulator, what I've seen with their unlockable Atari 400 emulator (A closely related cousin to the 5200) on the DS leaves me confident they got it right.
Also going over other comments, yes, a vertical mode is included. And Activision hasn't been responsive to efforts to license their IP for a modern Activision Flashback compilation. But on the bright side, AtGames has finally struck a deal with them on the plug and play side. So hopefully that paves the way for a modernized Activision Anthology down the road, hopefully expanded to include other classic platforms like the 5200 (Code Mystics has the emulator all ready).
The primary faults with this collection rest in two areas. The first major issue is that many of the games, including a sizable chunk of the good games, relied on unique types of controllers that just don't translate well to contemporary styles of game controllers. Particularly the track-ball arcade games and Atari 2600 paddle games. On the bright side, I bet the Switch in handheld mode handles the 5200 well with its analog stick and the ability to have the keypad overlay on the touch screen.
The second is the 2600 game lineup itself. Atari's results as a developer for their own console were rather mixed. A good number of successes, but a lot of duds. And many of the best in-house efforts were ports of licensed arcade games like Moon Patrol and Ms. Pac-Man, which aren't present. After removing from the equation all the chaff, sports games, paddle games, and the two player only games like Combat (unless you're lucky enough to find a partner), relegates it to about 20 high quality 2600 games.
And thanks to Atari SA's shortsightedness when they initiated a firesale on Atari IP a few years ago, no Battlezone is included. Not only is Battlezone one of the greats of the arcade gaming world, but unlike so many other classics, it translates beautifully to modern twin stick console controllers. And the 2600 port was absolutely amazing, single player, and relied on the 2600 joystick and thus would've translated well to the Switch.
On the bright side, 150 games for $40, dozens of good games, Switch in handheld mode is better positioned to make things like 5200 Star Raiders enjoyable than other platforms, and a lot of fascinating history are here. I'll admit 100 games are either relics of the past or for various reasons just don't translate well to modern platforms, but it still leaves a solid 50 game collection.
@ElectricGhost Sure.
Why not in Europe ffs
@goggles789 @huyi Plus you have the NES games for joining Nintendo Switch Online service.
and there was that time Nintendo released a Wii disc with a SNES rom Super Mario All Stars on it for Mario's 25th
@DockEllisD Activision title. Still have and play my Atari 2600, 5200(with trak-ball), and a Tempest Arcade in my collection. Love this. I saw this at gamestop yesterday(physical release)...was only 30 bucks, will pick it up.
I suppose there might be a few younglings with an interest in this, but I'd imagine the vast majority of those who remember these titles would have bought a similiar package years ago by now.
@ClassSonicSatAm I want a cartridge with 40 SNES games on it, not some shoddy online rental service.
@LetsGoSwitch Danke.
@goggles789 YESSSSS.
And they dug them up a few years back. I actually own one of the original buried cartridges. This movie explains it all...this is a huge piece of video game history.
The only Atari system I ever had was one of those the-controller-is-the-console things, with something like 30-50 games built in.
I don't think I really developed a strong bond to any of the titles, so if I bought this, it'd likely just feel like a giant backlog I'd be constantly dreading, rather than a trove of childhood treasures.
A noble desire, albeit a very unlikely one to be fulfilled.
It really should not be baffling to you why Nintendo doesn't do compilations like this.
It SEVERELY devalues the individual titles included, for all future remarketing. People feel cheated now when paying for one of the three first Mario Bros. games on its own, because they KNOW that All-Stars existed once.
That, and these compilations make it hard to know which of the games people really want it for. Not good for analytics and future planning.
Thirdly, buying something like this, people are statistically less likely to commit to playing any game from start to finish, than had they bought individual titles. Ultimately, they won't remember the games as well, and are likely to feel they have had less fun.
It's a lose/lose situation on the long term, even if it looks like a win/win short term. And Nintendo are so rarely ever going for the short term plan.
I'd like to know more about the multiplayer options. Is it just two players like in Tanks? Is it up to four? Are there games that previously didn't have Multiplayer now including some?
@RyanSilberman right but honestly would you pay $40.00 for it? I wouldn't. It's just that the 2600 games are so bad, there's no replay value...I'm speaking for myself...After I spent 20 seconds per game, I'd neve go back...
@Zeraki I agree, I wouldn't buy it. Overall, just not worth it. I'd play maybe each game for 20 seconds, and that would be it...
Anyone think E.T. will be included?
Woah, this is the first time I'm hearing about this. It's super tempting for the nostalgic factor (and yes, I would actually want E.T. on there if for no reason other than it would remind me of how much of my childhood was wasted trying so hard to like or even understand that game). But the Genesis collection I just bought is telling me that I probably don't need 200 new games in one week. Wait, 202 because of Smash Brothers and Quarantine Circular.
Thanks! Wow so many repeats. Definitely not worth the money.
@TTgowings I played RR a lot on my 2600! I just loved that game!!!
@joey302 Basically that's like having an SNES collection without any Capcom, Square, Konami or any other devs' games but Nintendo's. It reduces the number of top games considerably and that's a shame for such an extensive collection, which means some really bad games made their way into it. But that's the way it is, unfortunately....
I really liked Bo Rhap! Although they messed around with "our" timeline and romanticized some things, it is still a great movie for all fans to have some emotional moments with. Acting was pretty good in my opinion and having Brian's voice with his unique tone throughout the movie was a really nice plus!!! Impossible not to be touched by the Live Aid part with the band's original sound!
Love ATARI there arcade games are legendary stuff. Especially Asteroids, missile command, tempest, centipede, lunar lander, major havoc. I’ve just purchased the Arcade 1Up asteroids cab. It looks amazing, and yes before anyone starts I now it’s not as good as the original but it’s close and a fraction of the price:)
1) good analogy- hopefully one day the Activision classics will be added. They made some of the greatest 2600 games ever!!
2) loved the movie...believe it or not my only gripe was at the end they should’ve showed everyone the REAL Live Aid footage and show the real Freddie to all the new or unfamiliar/potentially new fans like my 75 year old father lol. That said, they still did a great job on the Live Aid segment! Rami did a great job as well and the Brian May actor was a dead ringer!! 😊
@BanjoPickles Yeah, I was always disappointed with the selection of games in these collections. The seem to believe people REALLY want to play their early titles from the 70's. But even as a Atari fan, virtually nothing before 1980 was worth playing except Circus Atari and Adventure. But yet Hangman, Starship, and Human Cannon Ball always seem to make the cut. If cutting out the garbage left the list of games too short, they could go for the 7800 library. I'm pretty sure people would enjoy Ninja Golf more than those I just named. And I think a lot of people would be interested in seeing what Atari came up with to counter the NES, since so few actually noticed at the time.
@JackTako its all good i got pitfall game yesterday and loving it again
Atari is the cheapest company on Earth. The only way to make a good Atari 2600 collection is to include the best third-party games. But this collection is about Atari classics only. Okey, so where are Paperboy (1984), Marble Madness (1984), Gauntlet (1985), Gauntlet II, Super Sprint, Xybots, Vindicators, and Roadblasters? My view is that you either do things right or you don't do them at all. Forty dollars for only 15 noteworthy games is ridiculous, since the games are ancient two-minute affairs.
@BanjoPickles 4 years later, and you got your wish.
Haha! That’s awesome! I knew if I kept tossing pennies into my local wishing well, something would happen!
I did have one question: how did you remember to come back to this post??
@BanjoPickles probably Googled something.
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