Another Saturday has crept into view, with yet another chance for us to discuss our weekend gaming plans. Just like last week, you can expect plenty of Pokémon entries from Team Nintendo Life this time around, although we also have a healthy dose of competitive online play and even world domination to attend to. So make sure to give our thoughts a read before leaving your own in the comments below. Oh, and join in the fun in our poll, too. Enjoy!
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
I find myself quite torn this week. If I had to place a bet on which game I'll end up playing over the next couple of days, it would probably have to be Pokémon: Let's Go, but I'm not exactly sure how far to go with it. Playing through the main story and beating the Elite Four was a wonderful nostalgic adventure, but I'm actually finding the idea of beating every single Master Trainer too daunting. Similarly, I'm not sure if I can really be bothered enough to put all the effort into completing the Pokédex, but that probably says more about me and the general lack of free time we have than the game itself.
I've really started to understand the desire for quick and easy games that don't take up too much of your time in recent years; as a child, I'd love nothing more than sinking countless hours into huge games, but nowadays there are far too many games and nowhere near enough time. Slightly shorter, but top-tier quality adventures, are certainly more my thing now, so perhaps I should allow myself to resist beating every single aspect the game has to offer?
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
It's wombo-combo weekend for Splatoon 2 and ARMS events in Europe, and I'll be doing my finest to represent my choices on both playing fields. Starlink: Battle for Atlas is out (sequel, please!), Warframe is in. Did not take much to figure a game featuring space ninjas would be up my alley. Valkyria Chronicles 4 is firmly on the road for a climatic ending but I am unsure I will be able to clear the final chapters this weekend alone… but it won’t be for the lack of trying. Now I only need to figure out where I will be able to sneak in a few Road Redemption fatalities and GRIP races in here.
My game of the week goes to SNK 40th Anniversary Collection. Bit of a cheat since its a compilation of several classic games from the '80s but there has never been any better way to revisit the formative years of SNK prior to Neo Geo hardware than this delightful Switch exclusive.
Gavin Lane, contributing writer
Assuming I can tear myself away from Civilization VI, I plan to check out the snazzy gold edition of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle this weekend. After picking up Dark Souls, Inside and Night in the Woods, I thought I was set until Christmas… but the Cyber Sale (and that Grant Kirkhope score) proved too tempting. My Banjo-Kazooie Totaku figure also arrived this week, so I’ll spend a significant amount of time holding that while wearing a big grin.
Ditching Civ is easier said than done, though. Teddy Roosevelt, that culture vulture, stole victory from me last night – I wasn’t best pleased and he needs to be taught a lesson.
Glen Fox, guides editor
I haven't contributed in a while because I got hideously addicted to various PS4 titles - blasphemy aside though, I've actually dusted off my Switch this week to invest a bit of time into Pokémon: Let's Go. As Nintendo Life readers will be well aware by now, I'm not the biggest fan of Pokémon. So I can't tell you in intricate detail how it's not as good as Diamond and Pearl or whatever but as someone who's dipped their toe in the water with Pokémon GO, Sun and Moon, and X and Y, I do have an idea of what it does well and not so well.
The stuff I like mostly involves the streamlining. I like that you basically just leave your house and you're off on an adventure – no faff. I like that you can check a Pokémon's stats with ease and later pick up the 'Judge' ability to get a solid idea of how good your Pokémon is. I like that you can catch Pokémon in a chain to get a much higher chance of nabbing a 'mon with the best IVs. It all just seems to make sense and be accessible in a way Pokémon wasn't before and as a relative newcomer, I really appreciate that.
The stuff I don't like is pretty much related to the controls. Playing with a single Joy-Con is a fun little novelty at first and the motion controls (when they work, at least) do offer a nice new way to catch monsters. It's a bit annoying that you can't use your Pro Controller at all though – what's that about? Surely it could function in a similar manner to playing in handheld mode? I don't see myself investing a lot more time into it if I'm perfectly honest, as it feels a bit like a shell of a game. Battles seem pretty easy for the most part so I don't feel the need to go out and hunt stronger Pokémon and I don't really feel the need to dig into it after already playing Sun and Moon or X and Y. Just feels a lot like a retread.
Liam Doolan, news reporter
I’ll likely be playing Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! over the next few days. A week on and I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a huge fan of the latest entries. If anything, they’ve reinvigorated my interest in the long-running series. One aspect about these new games that I truly appreciate is how Pokémon are now visible in the wild. This cuts potentially hours out of the journey and the grind, and throws the random encounter system out the window – to some extent. It’s great when you’re searching for a particular pocket monster or you want to avoid the lot of them.
There are a lot of other ‘quality of life’ changes that I would like to see carry across to future entries as well. The fact the entire Pokémon Storage Box is no longer fixed to a computer terminal makes the adventure so much smoother. It has also encouraged me to switch my party up throughout the game, instead of sticking with a select six. Once again, I could carry on all day about everything I love in these new games, but you get the point – this weekend I’ll be exploring Kanto. Expect another update next week.
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer
This weekend you can bet I'll be spending more time in Warframe. Check out my review if you haven't already - it's not perfect but it's the closest we're ever likely to get to having Destiny on Switch. I'll also be embracing some retro vibes in my next review, Rock Boshers: Director's Cut DX. Chiptunes for the win!
Which games are you playing this weekend? (308 votes)
- Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
- Splatoon 2
- Starlink: Battle for Atlas
- Warframe
- Valkyria Chronicles 4
- Road Redemption0.3%
- GRIP0.7%
- SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
- Civilization VI
- Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
- Dark Souls
- Inside1%
- Night In The Woods0.3%
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 99
This week I will be mostly playing the same as last week, and the week before:
Kirby’s Adventure Wii
Pokémon SoulSilver
Pokemon Let's Go. Am loving it... such a warm and lovely game, and it perfectly catches the atmosphere of the originals. I just hope that they fix the stuttery movement of the main character! I am finding that really annoying and distracting. I may have a tinker with Dark Souls too... have just started a NG. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Just got my tongue pierced, so I`ll be staying home playing:
Child of Light
And maybe some Dark Souls(I`m stuck in a boss lol).
Finally on the epilogue for Red Dead Redemption 2. Gonna blast through that then return to Octopath Traveler.
Also have a copy of Sushi Striker arriving today. £12.99 from ebay for a new copy on the switch if anyone is after a cheap copy
For me it will be:
Pokemon lets go
Kirby star allies
Well, you won't enjoy Pokemon that much if you're still trying to use water Pokemon against electric types...
joke, teasing 😆
Valiant Hearts on Swwitch, Uncharted 2 on PS3 and Final Fantasy VI on Snes mini.
Splatoon 2 and Crystalis on SNK 40th. Nice old Zelda-like that also kind of reminds me of Ys Book 1 & 2. First time playing it for me and I like it so far.
Almost done with Lets Go, quite enjoyed it.
Starlink is next
1. ARMS (Switch)

Join in Party Crash Event by using Min Min as my playable character. I choose Red & White outfit since it represent my country Indonesia.
2. K-1 Pocket Grand Prix (GBA)

I play it on my Pinky Love & Berry NDS Lite that actually a little bit better than my White NDS Lite in term on hardware condition.
3. Youtube (Switch)

Eh.... i use my Switch for watching America's Next Top Model old cycles.
Splatoon 2 and the excellent Warframe. Can't believe how much free content that game has.
Bomberman Switch.
Most of the reviews said it was not worth paying full price, it is not a £50 game, wait for a price reduction. I did and picked it up less than half price. I'm wondering if it would have worked better if it was in 2d or had a 2d option.
I just finished the Elite-4 in Let's Go: Pikachu last night and will be spending my gaming time this weekend with completing my Pokédex, splatting my fellow X-rankers in Splatoon 2 and getting crushed by G-rank monsters along with my flatmate.
@Anti-Matter nice to see someone else enjoying Arms this weekend.
Civilization 6 until SSB, this is so awesome to have a full featured strategy game on Switch. Crossing fingers for more releases in this genre, and also for RTS.
Just started the Torna XC2 DLC and am really enjoying it so far. Especially liking how much better it looks undocked than the base game.
****ing Zelda.
I'm struggling through Majora's Mask, and I've gone and compounded the pain by introducing my 6 yr old to Wind Waker, resulting in requests for my help every 6 seconds... FML.
I should really be playing other recent purchases but I’m hooked again on Pinball FX3 after picking up the remaining tables in the sale.
I’m off to a gig tonight (Mogwai) and I’m travelling light so I’ll dust off my 3DS. I recently picked up Okamiden, or I could brush up on Smash Brothers. But I’ll more likely be playing the 3DS Zen Marvel and Star Wars tables, seeing as they’re not on Switch.
Lego: Star Wars: The Force Awakens on WiiU. Arms and Skyrim on Switch.
Everyone should be playing Warframe. It's free yet has the quality of a triple A game. It has a lot of content and is a tonne of fun. Seriously why aren't more people playing it?
civ vi and if i can tear myself off it some randomized pokemon emerald
Just finished the Pokédex that I can have without trading therefore is time to move on (what a refreshing ride it was).
Just started starlink (that it finally got to a proper price) so I would be playing mostly that for the weekend and next week
Also have to try that strange Japanese demo from a game from the PS2 era that I cannot even say the name.
I am also downloading Warframe but I am pretty sure it won't grab me (I am that guy that does not even have a headset for online chat...)
I’m currently playing Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. The game started out mediocre, but really picked it up once you got your own pirate ship. Trying to wrap it up before Smash Ultimate releases (though I doubt I’ll be succesful).
I'll most likely be delving into Okami HD again tomorrow, but I have a packed weekend so I'll see how I get on.
Pokemon, Civ and Stardew Valley.
Civ VI, Diablo III and Pokémon, I guess.
1. Darksiders Warmastered edition PS4
2. Civ VI Switch
3. Diablo 3 Switch
I finally did it. At $30, I’d be insane not to. And I’ve never played it before. My colleague says it’s the best game ever made. Well, maybe it is. This weekend I intend to find out. That’s right, I purchased NBA 2K18....
Just kidding. Skyrim. I bought Skyrim.
Fallout 76 (PC)
Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu (Switch)
Octopath Traveller (Switch)
ARMS with my daughter, Starlink solo. I just landed on Ashar, trying to build my third Starlink tower.
@nofriendo Man, that cracked me up! Skyrim rocks!
I’ve got Blaine and Giovanni left to defeat in Let’s Go Pikachu and I just started Starlink after taking advantage of that deep discount on the starter pack. Both games are keeping me pretty busy and hopefully can tide me over for the next thirteen days until Smash finally arrives.
Monster hunter GU grind!
I’ve had a few days off and my mission has been to play all my Switch games at least once.
Civ 6: I can’t make head nor tail of it but will keep at it, $60 wasted otherwise
Warframe, really fun.
Wolfenstein 2, got back into that.
Loving Dr Mario, wishing for a full screen TATE Tetris though
And finally got around to buying Strikers 1945 2, great.
Dark souls. Having so much fun with it.
Some Splatoon 2 for pvp and later Warframe. I'm getting really into this game. Never heard of it before (shame) and I'm very impressed, only the pvp is trash. But nice to see this game on Switch. I was about to undust my PS4 to play some Destiny 2, but now I doesn't need to.
PS4- Soul Calibur 6, Dragon Crown Pro, and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary. I honestly need to start on Yakuza Kiwami 2.
Switch- Mario Kart 8, SNK Heroines, and a few Neo Geo games.
@MattFox I know we’re in a heated argument on another thread, but I seriously thought long and hard about what would be the funniest title to mention instead of Skyrim. But seriously I am so pumped to play this game. Last night I didn’t have enough free time, so I just booted it to the title screen and listened to the epic music and that alone doubled my anticipation.
Skyrim and The Flame In The Flood
Pokémon let’s go, and super Mario party
Picked up a copy of starlink on Black Friday so I can’t wait to give that a go. Also wanting to dive into Warframe. I’ve been a big fan of panic buttons other switch ports.
Don’t want to start another game, but thinking about Steamworld Heist or Wild Guns since there is a sale. Played Wild Guns back on the Super Nintendo but don’t remember it that well. Can anyone vouch for the Switch version?
Currently playing Fallout 76 on Xbox One.
Pokemon Blue on 3DS while hanging out with my wife playing Pokemon Lets Go Eevee.
Picked up Risk and Bethesda pinball tables on Switch for Black Friday, so I'll find some time to enjoy them on Switch.
Also finally caved and got Namco's Arcade Pac for $25 from Target. Coming in mail next week.
I'll be breaking in my new New (Jeez Ninty, your branding!) 3DS XL with the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D. I've just barely started the game (still stuck as a Deku Scrub), but I already know I'm in for quite a ride.
On the Wii U front, I'm still playing through Golden Sun: The Lost Age on the VC. I've spent quite a bit of time with the game already and still feel like I've only scratched the surface.
Have a blessed weekend all!
@Gibb I’m about where you are (just about to fight the elite 4) I’m a new player and was wondering, do you know what the mega evolutions are for? Do they just make Pokemon more powerful or change their type or something?
@Tyranexx I’ve heard a little about that game. Can you tell me what it’s about without spoilers?
Been playing some Smash 4 yesterday night to get ready for Smash Ultimate
Full Metal Furies has a hold on me, but I'm popping in Warframe and Splatoon 2 as well.
Oh, and it wasn't on this weekend, but I recently revisited and beat Mega Man Zero 1 and 2, as well. Gonna be moving on to MMZ3 next
Playing Celeste and Undertale. Bought them during Nintendo's Eshop sale. Both games are amazing so far!
@Kiro Good luck - whenever I vow to play all my underplayed games it never works. I always put the first one in and then just gorge on that one.
Tinker (G4W) - Need to finish watching the Let's Play.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - The Spirit Temple awaits me now.
What in the World? - (WP) - Not the biggest fan of this game.
@SimplyCinnamon53: Are you referring to Golden Sun: TLA? It's a JRPG from the GBA days. It plays a lot like other games in its genre, but there's an added system that uses creatures called Djinn to help augment the abilities of your party and unleash some powerful attacks/buffs/debuffs/healing. Your characters have their own abilities as well and don't need to rely on the Djinn.
Plot-wise, you're basically leading a group around trying to save the world and helping people you meet along the way with their problems. There's a lot more to it than that, but then I'd be getting into spoiler territory.
If you're interested in this series, I highly recommend playing the first Golden Sun; while it and The Lost Age are two separate games, they were originally meant to be one massive game. TLA is the second half.
This weekend I'm playing Zelda Phantom Hourglass, enjoying it so far.
This week I’ve busted out the old SNES Classic and have been playing Super Castlevania IV and Super Mario RPG. Both real fun!
I may play some more Earthbound and ARMS too, as well as Metroid thanks to Switch Online.
Everyone have an amazing, safe, and blessed weekend! 😃
A whole lot of Warframe. ⚔️
The messenger which i think im close to finishing. And ill get some hours into Samus returns as well. Place an order hold on la noire last night at gamestop as the physical was on sale for $10. As long as they held that price for today's pick up I'll grab that and give it a try tonight.
I was looking for the nothing option. Sadly, I’ve just sent away my switch and left joy con to Nintendo for repair. The L button had stopped working, and the switch itself has warped. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks I will have a better choice than nothing!
Slightly controversial opinion here: A Link to the Past is the perfect open world Zelda, not Breath of the Wild. I came to this realization as I've continued my holiday tradition of playing through the game.
Whereas BotW eschews traditional story, dungeons, and items in order to have its open world progression, ALttP maintains its nonlinearity while preserving the traditional Zelda gameplay. You can do the dungeons in (almost) any order you want as long as you have the right items to beat them. Yes, there are some limitations such as needing to beat the Palace of Darkness before doing the other Dark World dungeons, but overall it allows lots of player choice in deciding where to go next while continuously giving you new items and story beats. It provides for lots of exploring and experimentation and also maintains a constant sense of progression in terms of new items and abilities.
If we could get a new 3D Zelda with the exact same design philosophy as A Link to the Past (with perhaps a bit more emphasis on story) then I'd get my dream Zelda game!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 New Game +. want to get the story side of NG+ finished and the 7 extra Blades obtained before Smash Ultimate. Currently at the beginning of Chapter 8.
Backlog stuff: Half-Life 2 and Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows.
@Swoltacular I used my level 54 eevee to beat it. The hardest part was catching it.
Got my sixth badge and I have two more gym leaders to go on lets go eevee.
I’m at Blaine’s gym in LG Pikachu, so I’ll be playing his game show. Then house chores and decorating. Playing Smash 4 with friend later on, and borrowing Majora DS from said friend.
Nothing. I'm just not really interested in video games right now for some reason. I did just buy Skyrim and Starlink in the sale though.
Still in Let's go and the messenger but I did just get starlink so I may give that a go. Also back to training in 3rd strike.
Picked up DBZ Fighterz for $25.00 Thursday night. Will be playing that and trying not to spend too much $$$ at the eshop!
I've been grinding away at The King of Fighters '98 and 2K2 UM, and boy am I rusty after over a year of abstaining from playing any fighters. It feels good getting back into it, though.
Skipped PLG:E/P so I'm playing US/UM since I haven't played that gen yet but I'm about to get a good amount of Black Friday eShop sale games.. good deals on a lot of games I want so I'm going to load up
@Tyranexx Thanks! I might pick it up on the Wii U VC
@andyg1412 Let me know what you think of it! I’m thinking of picking it up
For me it'll be the exact same as last week. Diablo 3 first and BotW second. VOEZ will complete the podium. I'll change my current gaming habits when Smash Ultimate comes out.
I finally finished the main game of Xenoblade 2 today (having already beaten Torna). What an amazing game. I really hope there will be ports of the previous two games now...
I’m enjoying playing Let’s Go immensely... Now heading towards that 4th badge. If I get tired of leveling up my Pokefriends then I may play some DBZ Fighters seeing as how I just picked that up for $25- score! Never tried it since I missed the beta test but hopefully I like it more than Xenoverse 2.
Playing Let’s Go Eevee and some games on my iPad. Maybe also play some Light of Hope.
I'm playing Pokémon, but not on Switch. Getting a new team ready for next weekend's competition on Ultra Sun. Been a while since I've been into Pokémon and all this Let's Go business just made me dig out the latest 3DS version and I realized how much play value was still in it. It's nice when a game I thought I was done with gets a whole new freshness to it.
On Switch: I continue my steady diet of Diablo and Warframe.
On PC: Deep Rock Galactic, Battlefront II, and Slay the Spire or Fate Hunters. Maybe some Tomb Raider too.
I've already played some Pokemon let's go Pikachu, Towerfall, Diablo 3, and Kingdom New Lands. Towerfall is amazing by the way. My friends had never heard of it, but we couldn't stop playing last night! I'm probably going to play some Splatoon 2, Ms Splosion Man, 12 orbits (such a fun $2 game!!), Mini Metro, Party Golf, and the Katamari Damacy Reroll demo (which I love, but wish had a more expansive level included).
I've Pick up soo many games this week i don't know where to start.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider and A Hat in Time probably.
Wizard of Legend, and kicking myself for not buying this sooner.
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate leak It's not really my favorite game , but when in Rome...
Nothing.... My Switch is away for repair 😔 well I've just had a wee go on Fortnite on my sons Switch while he's playing Breath of the Wild on Wii U. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Bit of splatfest - loving splatoon 2 again after a few months off. Just so slick and fun.
Also getting to grips with Warframe. Had no intention of playing a game that like but quite enjoying it. That sort of grind and character tweaking type of game is well suited to being able to play handheld, but also finally got a pro controller so appreciate when i get to play it on the big screen.
Octopath Traveler and Warframe for me. Never thought I'd play a F2P that I'd like.
I just finished let's go evoli. Catching Mewtu and beating Green, I really don't see any point in grinding more. It was fun but really short. It only took me 34 hours.
@SimplyCinnamon53 really enjoying it so far. Can see me purchasing Spirit Tracks very soon!
Gathered together with a bunch of family, we spent hours and hours playing 4 player NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (bought it on sale on the eShop right before Thanksgiving and it already more than justified the cost)
@MattFox I'm very happy to see I'm not the only person that night Ys VIII. I finished playing it awhile ago but I very much enjoyed it.
Hopefully I can pull it back out and start over at some point (but too many other games right now)
I picked up a ton of games on sale this weekend. Here’s my playlist:
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Forza Horizon 4 (on sale for $30)
-Runner 3 (E-Shop sale for $10)
-Battlefield 5
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Tetris Effect
I'm focusing on the obscure titles this weekend: Legendary Fishing and Penguin Wars. Oh yeah, Japanese Rail Sim on 3DS.
So much back log, not enough time. Will be continuing Dark Souls, but feeling guilty about not finishing Octopath. Also got Hollow Knight and now Steamword Dig 2 and BOTW expansion just waiting for me to find extra hours in the day! A nice problem to have I suppose.
@SimplyCinnamon53 the mega evolutions are a way to get stronger in one battle (it is not permanent so just play with it and see the differences to each Pokémon)
P.s: it is something they brought in sun/moon
@ilikeike well you're talking about the best Zelda game period so... I would love to see that
@60frames-please I don't know if it was me but I found the controls in katamari probably the worst in a game EVER. I couldn't control the camera at all and I took me 30s to start moving the ball (deleted even before the time run down in the first challenge that I was going to loose anyway)
@Balta666 Yeah, I've played it ever since PS 2, so I'm used to it. It definitely has a variety of tank controls, like each analog stick control one tank tread. I have to agree that it doesn't have good controls. I still really enjoy the game though. For me, the music, sounds effects, graphics, silly writing, and snowball gameplay all come together and make it a wonderfully special game. At the same time I can understand why someone might never want to play more than 5 or 10 minutes of it due to the awkward controls.
Splatoon 2 and also Bomb Chicken. Bomb Chicken is really good fun and challenging.
Wild Guns Reloaded is half price in the eShop same so wondering if I should buy it.
I am enjoying Pokemon Let's Go. Took awhile for it to grow on me. Boring for the first 4 hours. Fun since the 4 hour mark.
Still on that Diablo 3 Grind. I tried Warframe, but I think I'm just better off playing it on PC if I'm going to play it.
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