Japan, Europe and even other countries such as South Korea previously had announcements for Super Mario Party bundles and now it is North America's turn.
On 16th November, a Super Mario Party bundle containing a neon green and neon yellow Joy-Con will be released for $99.99. Below is Nintendo's official tweet:
In case you're wondering, Japan received a Super Mario Party bundle with a neon pink and neon yellow Joy-Con (including appropriately coloured straps), while Europe's bundle came with a neon pink and neon green Joy-Con.
Did you pick up this game on release? Have you been holding out for the bundle? Which set of Joy-Con do you like the most? Tell us below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 45
Yeah... No thanks. Smash is going to be my last big purchase for the year.
Considering the price of the joy-con, that's an amazing deal. Now I wish I had waited to buy Super Mario Party.
Welp, I was gonna buy another pair of joy-con before Smash landed, guess this is how it's happening.
This is exactly why I waited on Super Mario Party. Those colors aren't exactly attractive though are they?
That's a great deal, wish it was available when the game came out...
Already bought the game and those extra Joy-Cons cost a fortune.
Am I the only one who thought that this was about a new Switch bundle?
@tabris95 The colors are supposed to represent players 3 and 4 as blue and red are player's one and two (considering you play this with one Joy-con so I suppose it makes sense but yeah I agree the look together aren't very appealing.
For this price it is a steal, you are paying less than half the price of one Joy-con costs with Mario Party (or you are getting Mario Party for $20 depending on how you look at it).
Nice deal and nice color combo. Glad they did something besides blue/red or gray.
Wow that's actually a great deal.
Terrible color combo
Europe and Japan got the better joycon colors. Sad.
@surferboy64 better? They got the Splatoon colors. Whoopie! Glad they did something else instead of re-hashing the same old color combos.
Really good price. I'm guessing they went green yellow because of the kid factor. I have the game digitally but I could be tempted to grab this for collecting purposes.
Interesting color combo. Would give me a full set of the neon greens though!
Seriously?? Too late now, I already have the game otherwise I would have gotten this. Basically 40 bucks for a pair of joy cons. I say yes!
Now this makes my next purchase and potential Christmas gift ideas interesting. Hard to pass up with the Joy Cons included
That's a great deal.
The price of buying a set of joy-cons on their own makes this a great deal as others have said.
But why green and yellow? They could have capitalized on both Mario and Luigi and Christmas by doing red and green.
That is a great deal for folks interested in the game and a 2nd set. Or, think of it this way; Get a new Switch, with Mario party and controllers for 4 people as a $400 family present. I’m thinking retailers could really push this bundle as an add-on sale this season.
Not gonna lie... This is actually a good deal. I don't intend to buy as i dont want MP and i dont want an extra set of Joy-Cons but this is a very good deal for anyone who wants both.
I've needed new joycons for a while. That coupled with MP, is a go
Man.... If we would have known about this last month, I would have waited! I actually wanted the green and yellow joycons. (but still want the green and pink ones)
OH well, I guess down the road I'll buy some more (or just Dbrand my grey ones)
This makes me feel really salty. A kick in the teeth from Nintendo. No more buying Nintendo titles in their release window if deals like this are going to come along so soon. Nope. Especially since my family had to purchase an extra set of joy-cons to play the game together.
I'm happy for those who get the opportunity now, but this salt...geez.
I saw that the bundle was announced for other regions, so I held off buying the game hoping it would come stateside.
But, yeah, they could have had this ready at launch or made it more clear that this option was coming.
Good deal, Maybe this is a good push for more sales
If you need more joy-con and are looking for a fun local multiplayer title, this is a steal. Highly recommend. Super Mario Party might not be as good as some of the older N64/GameCube entries, but it's still a lot of fun and a step in the right direction for the franchise.
Super Mario Party is AMAZING! The more you play the more you unlock. The Sound Stage are hilarious. Possibly my all time favourite (I loved Star Rush on 3DS too though!) I will get this bundle and sell the extra copy of the game or give it as a Christmas gift
Yeah got mine preordered with Shopto, well before the game launched, £15/£20 saving overall is well worth it. Perfect stocking filler for the kids
I didnt buy the game yet because I was waiting this bundle. In Europe arrive november 24th though
I'm glad I waited on Super Mario Party now, because this is a steal, and my original joy con have been acting funky.
I specifically held off of buying SMP because I only have 2 joycon, so this is a nice deal. But...it didn't sound like that great a game when reading reviews.
SSBU is the only physical Switch game I'm waiting for in 2018, rest is for indies.
I knew this was coming and originally planned to wait for it... but instead I ended up getting the game and gray JoyCons for $120 total, in order to play it sooner with my niece and nephew.
The price is good... the JoyCon colors are horrible (as are most/all of the colored JoyCons, in my opinion).
Sounds like a good deal to me. However, it's poorly timed. If this would have been available at the time of launch I would have made the purchase. This is too close to Smash!!!!! I may pull the trigger on this because I would like to have both at some point anyways.
Just looked at Amazon. I couldn't find a listing to pre-order or purchase. I guess this will be something I pickup at Target if they happen to have it.
Oh you guys complaining about the colours.......... yawn...
....wait...the green is on the left?!!! SOLD Thank you Hylia! Going to have my green switch after all!
That's a nice detail how the three bundles form a triangle of colors.
Green Yellow - Yellow Pink - Pink Green
I know I'm late on this(discovered from elsewhere), but anyone else notice that Best Buy's GCU appears to apply to the Let's GO + pokeball controller bundle, so that means that it may stack with this as well! It's listed on an ad of theirs, yet the bundle isn't on the site yet.
If true, that means the set of joy con is basically $20! That's a damn steal!
Got enough controllers already cause I will sell my older Pro for the two SSB controllers. And my Joy-Cons works just fine already. Got total of 4 Pro and 2 Joy-Con set. Of which got a X2 and Splatoon 2 Pro controller that you can't find anymore as MSRP. So once I sell my black OEM pro controller after getting the SSB controllers then I'll be up to date.
The neon yellow is essentially a tennis ball yellow, which is somewhat green. Kind of an odd pair with the more vibrant green.
I'm one of the people who bought the game AND joycons(granted they were on sale) on release. I should be mad. But I'm not lol I much prefer the green/pink to that yellow. Plus it was worth it so I could play the game sooner. This is a great deal though, for anyone who waited.
@dkxcalibur Its available at amazon now.
@Lalivero Its available at Best Buy for $79.99 plus tax with GCU. I'm really going to miss GCU once its gone.
The joy-con colors remind me of a set of highlighters. Oh, well, at least they'll be easy to find when I set them down.
@iluvwaynesworld Ikr? I could kick myself for not renewing when I had a weird feeling right before they cut off being able to, since they seem to be honoring it until yours is set to run out. I'm set til March still, so tryna live with it while I can. )-: It was extra incentive to check out other stuff in Best Buy, too, so it's kinda weird.
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