As seasoned Nintendo fans, we can't help but feel a certain affinity for Konami's Castlevania series. While the franchise was never 'exclusive' to Nintendo hardware - the Famicom Disc System original was ported to the MSX a month after its release - it certainly found fame on it. The NES instalments created legions of fans and Super Castlevania IV on the SNES remains one of the console's highlights. Later on, the GBA and DS entries cemented the link between the vampire-hunting series and Nintendo.
However, Castlevania has never been exclusively a Nintendo offering and we've seen critically-acclaimed entries on rival machines, like Castlevania: Bloodlines / New Generation, Rondo of Blood and - of course - the near-legendary Symphony of the Night.
The latter two titles are being released in a double-pack on the PS4 at the end of the month, and for Nintendo fans who really want to play SotN for the first time, the news that this collection is a Sony exclusive is hard to take.
Sony has apparently contributed to the development of the pack, which pretty much removes any chance of a multiformat release. That has been all but confirmed now, as Konami has revealed to GameSpot that there are "absolutely no plans to bring the games to other platforms". Boo.
However, it turns out that this could be a blessing rather than a curse; Konami has also revealed that the version of SotN included in the pack will use the voice track and revised script created for The Dracula X Chronicles on the PSP; keen fans of the game will know this means the iconic exchange between Drac and Richter Belmont during the game's prologue is totally different, missing the famous "Miserable little pile of secrets" line.
While there will be improvements elsewhere that make this version of SotN a solid choice for newcomers, many diehard fans will prefer the original voice track. Perhaps at some point in the future, Konami will choose to release the Xbox Live Arcade edition - ported by Backbone Entertainment in 2007 - on the Switch eShop as a stand-alone release? Our fingers are crossed, because while the revised script is OK, Jeremy Blaustein's original is the one we all remember.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 161
And it's a good thing !
What ?
You want a Fall Down of Nintendo Switch ?
I love you Konami barfs
That was confirmed long ago. Sony payed for the collection to happen. Of course they will not allow it to other platforms since they did it with their own money.
"This Firm is a creature of Chaos! It may take many incarnations."
With Sony handling this, it kind of feels like Sony is just trying to cash in on the back of the new interested in the franchise (Netflix Series and Smash Bros). I can't really blame them but it feels like a HUGE missed opportunity for Konami to cash in on a Switch version which would have sold a ton (especially if they went both physical and digital). Just look at Bloodstained. Oh well, disappointing but I've already got it 3 times over (PS1/PSP/XB360). It's a shame though.
Well, Konami can consider Dance Dance Revolution on Switch, also at the same time to celebrate 20th Anniversary of Dance Dance Revolution this October 2018.
Well i'm going back to the old saying "F*%k Konami" Use the Switch to advertise characters on smash for your ps4 game. Go choke on pachinko balls
Why pay for a port when they clearly have enough money to fund a new game??
Baffling... whatever... "For the Players" I guess.
@Wesjedker No. They payed for the port to happen. The exclusivity comes from that. because if you pay for something to be made - the technical part - you will want it to be only on your platform.
Also Rondo was also exclusive for SONY since it only could be played on PSP (PC Engine CD does not count).
A port and a new game aren’t the same thing
@Zuljaras oh sorry, I'll edit my wording.
Disappointing, but expected. As someone that never played many of the classic Castlevania games, I hope the Switch (or Steam) will see a similar collection in the future.
Its okay because ports and remasters are only a good thing when they're on Playstation!!11!1
@Wesjedker Actually to play for a games to be ported with some tweaks is cheaper but in the same time it has very huge return value. Especially for such classics that are almost guaranteed to sell well for their nice price tag.
It was a smart move. Also who knows maybe after the success of the Netflix series Sony could make a new exclusive grand Castlevania game.
This is basically bayonetta but from sony’s side.
All I want from Konami on Switch is Castlevania and Metal Gear. Nintendo should pay to have the GBA/DS Castlevania games ported over. While they're at it they could get Twin Snakes. Unfortunately, I'm not holding out much hope.
Solution: just get a PS4.
@Axlroselm Just what Sony want you to do seeing as they pretty much hold a monopoly over the video game world
@HexagonSun A Metal Gear Collection with Twin Snakes would be a great idea but it's Konami.
@Zuljaras In short... a cash grab.
@Moms-Meowth yea you’re right. But this exclusivity deals are part of gaming market and we cannot do anything about it. Back in 90s Nintendo did the same. The nature of market force you to own multiple platforms unless you don’t have enough money. I’m not fine with it, but that’s the nature of things in this market.
Ah Konami and EA the Sodom and Gomorrah of Vídeo Games :3
@Hobbesyall Then surely the god of video games shall smite them both?
Yeah I would rather have it on the Switch, it sucks but what can you do.
I suppose I do have my PS4 for a reason, the revised voice acting, while lame, isn't enough to deter my purchase.
@Moms-Meowth The day this 2 crap companies go under will be an happy day :3
Yeah still bothered.
guys it's not advertising the ps4 exclusive, belmont isn't even in it, aside from ritcher as an echoe fighter there's nothing to be upset about
@Wesjedker because they can do both
@Hobbesyall why?
I have to admit that - even as much of a diehard Nintendo fan as I am - that we're grasping at straws with sour-graping here. Damien already did that once.
Let's just admit that Sony screwed us over big time and pretend that - just for the time being, hopefully - Bloodstained is the next best thing we can get.
Watch it - our fanboyism must not blind us to the fact that this would also mean people losing jobs.
@AlexSora89 Bloodstained looks really good.
@Wesjedker Good point. I'll just wait for Ritual of the Night for my SOTN fix.
There are no plans of me purchasing a Konami game in the near future
@Wesjedker Yes it is. But for the fans. But people are whining about the exclusivity not the cash grab.
@Bliquid I'm playing the PSP version at the moment, so there are no sour grapes here. As someone who played the original in 1997, the original localisation is the one that I prefer - and a great many CV fans, I would imagine
Yep, but then again, games like Megaman 11 - and how it proved to be great even in the context of the original classic series, let alone its supposed spiritual successor - are making it increasingly harder to accept and embraced the kick-started spiritual successors as such.
What I mean is also that while we're getting Bloodstained, other people are getting Bloodstained and Castlevania.
@Zuljaras I think the exclusive thing stems from the Belmonts being in Smash.
I can still see them bringing a collection in some shape or form not just for Switch but for Xbone as well in the future. Maybe even more than this.
Not much difference to me since X Chronicles is the obvious option for me anyway. Drac's PS1 tirade is memetic enough that you hardly need a whole carbon copy of PS1 version particularities to relive it.
@Moms-Meowth Smash Bros homages Castlevania's classic presence on Nintendo's systems of old, not a 4K port of two games that have always or mostly been on PS platforms before.
@Yasume @Anti-Matter
If you don't get that it's a good thing that Requiem stays exclusive to PlayStation, I'm sorry for you guys...
Now, let me open your mind a little bit...
I'm sure that Konami is gonna divide the Castlevania series and if Chi No Rondo and SOTN are Playstation exclusives, I'm pretty sure that we're gonna get a compilation of the DS/3DS episodes on Switch... And guess what ? Shanoa rules everything else !
So yeah, it's a good thing !
nobody wants the 3DS Castlevania.
But the GBA ones are awesome!
@NewAdvent You are right, but look at it this way: Nintendo will have Smash, and Sony has Sony Play Station Battle Royale Game (That's the name, right??). So i'm okay.
@nhSnork Essentially you're basically telling me to kill myself. How nice of you coming from a brony.
Honestly, as much as I would love to see SotN, I would almost rather see the GBA/DS trilogy polished up and rereleased. Symphony has seen several rereleases. The DS games, however, have not.
I know Sony paid for this but what i can't figure out is the inclusion in Smash... Does this mean Konami is planning a whole new entry exclusive for Switch after PS4 gets their remakes?
I hope so...
@BanjoPickles Unfortunately Sony will probably hoover them up too like they just hoovered up the Ace Attorney series for the PS4
And whats with other games? Octopath? Happened because of Nintendos Paycheck, other Games too. Bayonetta anyone?
It fits well on the PS 4 cause SOTN was one of THE Games for the PS1. I really like to play it again sometime on a sony system. Its like the newer FF Games. They belong to a sony system with priority, and thats well deserved. Let opinions be in coexistence by the way!
Was thinking the same thing. Would rather played this on switch than no version at all.
Many of NL articles are kinda bitter. Get over youreselves and get along with other systems.
Where is all the support konami promised if Bomberman did well?!
I get what you’re saying, but how many previously exclusive SNES games made their way to Sony hardware? The Super Star Wars trilogy, Final Fantasy IV-VI, Chrono Trigger, Etc. If those games can find a home on Sony’s hardware, then the reverse should happen just the same.
@Moms-Meowth essentially I'm telling your human host to fight for control over themselves and their humanity, my dear fellow piece of - pardon what is a strong expletive in my vocabulary - fan love. A parasitic mentality could never self-terminate by definition, despite how tragically potent fans can be in killing humans at times (both those around them and the ones whose minds they're born in). And the only truly potent "killer" of fans is the successful authorial perseverance of the same fanship target whose resonance with people ended up spawning these fans as a toxic side product in the first place.
As for bronies, we are one of the most aggressive, entitled and dementedly possessive fandoms out there. Surprised it isn't common knowledge eight years in, but I guess the outside eye mostly judges things by tabloids who prefer to cover spicier clickbait stuff like Rule 34. Love and tolerance can be found in and celebrated by MLPFiM's themes, universe and some audiences (including those who likewise manage to choke out their inner brony ulcers at least for a while), not in jealous obsessions people develop towards the franchise.
And somewhat more ontopic, woe betide Sony for "hoovering up" the games that Apple "hoovered up" years before and that are also getting re-released again on Switch as we speak. X^)
Not even a vita port Sony? you lazy b******s
Lol, sorry, but I don't understand Konami's decision. I'm more of a PlayStation guy, but - nevertheless - I find it dumb, not to bring such titles to the Switch, where they'd sell better. Konami seems to hate money.
Just because Sony helped in the creation of the collection doesn't mean that the games suddenly belong to Sony. Nothing prevents Konami from making ANOTHER compilation that Sony won't have helped finance, both games still belong to them. The only thing preventing it is Konami being unwilling.
just release a castlevania collection.
i would be happy!
So...why does Castlevania belong in Smash then? When was the last time a core game in the series released on a Nintendo platform?
Nintendo paid to help bring about the sequels to Bayonetta and it became a Nintendo exclusive, Sony paid to help with these games thus it becomes a Sony exclusive.
Seems fair to me.
The second sentence in the article begins with: "While the franchise didn't begin life on Nintendo hardware...."
Am I missing something, or is this incorrect? The franchise did begin on Nintendo hardware with the original Castlevania on NES...
If memory serves, it was first released on MSX2 in 1986.
I get that this version of Konami has little to no interest in developing games but how hard is it to collect some roms together and put out some collections. Surely they must know that they would make money out of it. It’s crazy that they aren’t doing anything with their back catalog.
@Frendo But as I understand it, Sony is paying a significant portion of the cost for this re-release. Exclusivity was probably what Sony wanted in exchange for that money. I think it is pitiful that the once major name in gaming, Konami, is reduced to relying on Sony for something like this, but I suppose that'd better than the games never happening at all.
Well, that's unfortunate. Those are 2 great games that would be a great fit on the Switch. I was hoping NL was going to tell us Konami decided to release a Castlevania Legacy Collection on Switch instead. 😁
But I'm confused - wasn't NES Castlevania the first game in the franchise?
That's exactly my confusion too. @BanjoPickles remembers it on MSX2.
If wikipedia is correct, Castlevania first released in Japan on Nintendo's Family Computer Disk System in September 1986, then was followed up a month later by the MSX2 game Vampire Killer.
Konami should really be taking some hints from Capcom. We wouldn't be seeing that beat 'em ups collection If the Street Fighter and Mega Man collections didn't sell.
Gotta have a great laugh reading many of the comments on here and listening to people whine and cry!!!! Anyways, are Sony fans supposed to cry when the original 4 Castlevania's are just exclusives to nintendo consoles? Seriously people, quit complaining! Nintendo can easily come up to Konami too and back a project up to make a collection of Castlevania games for Switch (then you'd praise Konami and nintendo for it). Each game company has their exclusives. Bayonetta 2 is exclusive to nintendo because nintendo helped to back it up...Sony and Microsoft fans were disappointed...Nintendo has their mascot IP's and their own games...Sony and Microsoft fans complain...Sony has their mascot IP's and their own games...Microsoft and Nintendo fans complain...the same goes with Microsoft and other rival companies. All in all, it comes down to money for all competitors (and that's plainly what each company wants...our money. Each company wants you to buy their console, their games and all of their accessories. I'm a Sony and Nintendo fan (was a nintendo fan since the Atari days)...sorry to say that I buy both of the companies systems, and the only reason I like both companies...BOTH HAVE GREAT IP's!!!!
I'm sure there will be a Castlevania game or collection of sorts for nintendo...they released the Castlevania games on the Wii U E-Shop, so what's going to stop them from re-releasing again! Look how many times Resident Evil games keep on getting re-released...Gamecube, PS1, PS1, 360, Xbone, PS4, Wii...! For each and every company, as long as the consumers keep forking over money, it'll keep happening!!!!
@Cobalt No, it's not a good thing. Some people want this game on Switch. You don't have to be anti-Switch about it. so please, don't be a troll.
@Razer I just assumed Castlevania characters in Smash because the series has so much history with Nintendo systems. A lot of good games on NES, Super NES, GBA, and DS. I also think there was fan request to have a Castlevania rep in Smash as well. That’s just me though, would be nice to have a new game though.
Well, I still plan on getting this on PS4. That hasn’t changed.
@roykoopa64 Thank you for the follow-up. I wasn't even aware of the MSX2 and didn't even consider maybe a Famicom Disc version predated the cart.
I was just one of many kids in the mid-80s who first got hooked on the franchise on NES.
You and @BanjoPickles both are true scholars of the art form 😄
So you mean the revised voices are enough to make you happy because you won't play the port? Come on, man. Don't give me that
@Damo I'm playing the Dracula X Chronicles version of SOTN right now too. I bought a Vita just so I could finally play it. I didn't know there were different localisations. And now after reading this I will have to carry the pain of knowing I'm playing the "inferior" version! :-0
Completely agree! I will always have a Nintendo platform, but I couldn’t miss out on games like Red Dead, the latest GTA, anything by Naughty Dog, or games from From Software. During the 32/64-Bit era, I was able to enjoy games like Symphony and Final Fantasy VII while also being able to enjoy Super Mario 64, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Panzer Dragoon, Shinobi Legions, and Virtua Fighter. I guess that I like options.
@brunojenso It’s already on vita- Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles.
@Blister Hey, it's portable at least
Lol at all these comments. The reason its exclusive is that Sony helped develop the ports. We dont know what exactly but I'm willing to bet that these are just the PSP versions running on the souped up PSP emulator that Sony has for PS4 that they used for parapa the rapper are releasing medievil using. So Konami basically do nothing to get them running, just some optimising. No port work needed.
BTW, Sony is a lot more business driven than Nintendo. They might have a timed exclusive on their hands a may eventually let the IP be ported to other consoles, and maybe make a profit out of it. They will be gaging interest.
Screw Konami, they should just take their precious pachinko and stuff it
I honestly don't want to play the PSP version of Symphony of the Night, because it lost all of its charm without such legendary lines like, "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!" Or, "But now, feel my unbridled wrath!"
Well I have a PS4 so I don't need to be as childish as Nintendo Life "And here's why you might not be all that bothered..."
I mean come on you used to be better than this
Symphony of the Night is available on Xbox One via backwards compatibility.
@Damo What? The pain I'm carrying or the Vita? 😂
Presumably the psone classics download in the Vita store is the same version as Drac X Chronicles...? 🤔
While this collection isn’t coming to Switch, there’s a part of me that believes that at some point we will see some kind of Castlevania collection on Nintendo hardware.
Well it's their loss. I have a PS4 but the only interest I had was playing it on switch. I played SotN on 360. I like the game and would like to have revisited it. But Switch has won me over at this point with both its controls and ability to ve portable.
Itd be nice if they'd instead do a remaster of Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow or something (not like the latter cant be tweaked for one screen.
Hell, a port or newer version of Harmony of Despair would be nice. But i expect nothing from Konami at this point. At least i get to look forward to Bloodstained
This shows again... when a company wants a game to be released on their system they will get it. Money will make it possible. Nintendo should fight a little bit harder if you ask me for some other titles that are really good for the Switch system. They will sell even more hardware
Step it up nintendo! A gba and ds castlevania compilation would be awesome!!
Give me that order of ecclesia.
Dear Gamers:
We at Konami, having found out that Castlevania Erotic Pachinko is not the revenue maker we anticipated, have run out of the willpower to do even basic things like port 20 year old games as budget releases on most consoles. We have therefore accepted Sony's offer to spend the required ten thousand dollars to do it for us and give us a cut of the royalties. We figured if there was any one gaming audience thirsty for pixelated, letterboxed ports of 20 year old retro platformers, it was most definitely not going to be the Nintendo Switch audience where we'd have to compete against brand new exclusive retro pixelated games that sell like wildfire. We figured we're much safer competing against Red Dead Redemption 2 head-on. Thank you for your understanding, and please look forward to playing some barely remastered Playstation 1 games we didn't have to spend a dime porting!
Love, Konami-kun <3
Haha. Requiem is an exclusive. Sooo...Switch get's it's own Castlevania compilation hmm? Seriously though. Someone needs to tell Konami to put their games on Switch dammit.
Sometimes, Nintendo Life, it feels like you publish some stuff just for the clicks from upset Nintendo nerds and laughing Sony trolls, no matter how news worthy or relevant it is to all things Nintendo. But only sometimes...
@Fight_Teza_Fight True - shame its hidden unless you know.
@AllHailQueenBoo I win that money I bet, now who did i bet again?
Anyway that explains perfectly why its not coming to other platforms, they arent porting it, they are tweaking an emulation. Minimal effort required.
Same reason square enix not bringing KH the story so far to other platforms, minimal effort required to put it on ps4 as all games already run on it, to put on other platforms requires a ton of dev time to port.
@AlexSora89 Yeah. I'm bummed it's not coming to Switch, too, but lord...
That GTAV article was cringy.
@Royalblues My thoughts exactly! The same kind of statement that I put on!!!!!!
@lumothesinner I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is the only one in the series that will make it's way to XBONE too. Other than that, it is a surprise about at least not releasing 3 on switch, since 3DS got one. Other than that, the first 2 I can see why they're sony exclusives. Other than that, just like many of us stated on here, it's no biggie and it's why most of us go with 2 consoles in our lives. I have 3 just because of my N64 dying...need to have that Conker game!!! Bought the XBONE for Rare Replay, and now I live with 30 retail games on the system (125 on PS4 and 6 on Switch)...no offense to Switch, just waiting for more...Animal Crossing announced, it'll happen eventually!!!!
I would be very disappointed if they don't have any plans for any other castlevania games for Switch. I didn't expect this to come to Switch anyway.
I don't know about all this other business but Nintendo missed the boat by not having any castlevania games released on Nintendo switch online-nes this month. C'mon, it's October! And Halloween! Bring castlevania to the switch this month! Any of the first 3 please
Yeah, u got a point and its true! Youre right
Suck. After the Castlevania Smash reveals, I was crossing my fingers for SotN on Switch.
Suck. After the Castlevania Smash reveals, I was crossing my fingers for SotN on Switch.
Two lines = not worth the time?
When did NL become this pathetic.
Not buying into this.
"No plans" is not the same as "not allowed". No plans means "we cant tell you anything because we were paid to help sell the game on PS4, and part of that is making people THINK it will never release elsewhere."
Just like there were no plans for Crash, no plans for Fortnite, no plans for Diablo 3, no plans for Guacamelee 2, no plans no plans no plans.
There's never any plans. Until they announce it and suddenly there are. Even IF they didnt bring this exact version, you can't convince me they actually have "no plans" given Simon in Smash and the success of Bomberman.
And btw
"Hard to take" seems a little extreme. They're virtual console games. Good ones, sure, but they're still virtual console retro games. This isn't some GotY brand new release we're talking about. It's two good retro games in a sea of hundreds of good retro games. It would be delightful if they came over, but I'd hardly call 2 retro games not being on Switch "hard to take". You won't see me losing sleep over any of them.
I'm not bothered as I got the 360 version of SOTN for 'free' on Xbox Gold last year.
The only console that I would buy a SOTN port for would be the Switch, for the portable play.
Eh, pass I guess.
It is not the end of the world the Switch doesn't get this, it be cool to play it on the go, but that just be how it be sometimes.
This is not worth being angry or all upset about.
I read the subheader, and thought it might be a similar case to Final Fantasy on steam/mobile, but nope. Just a better translation/localization, and not something I'd consider consolation for it not appearing on the Switch.
It's a great game, and I'm glad I got to play it, despite being a Nintendo loyalist since the NES. I played it on a cheap PS3 - you really don't need to go out and buy a PS4 to experience this game, and I'd recommend you do if you've got access to a PS3, like I do.
It was, but we love Damo either way
I still have it on my ps3.
@JaxonH “ You won't see me losing sleep over any of them.“ Why writing a such a long comment then ?
I don't get why people are crying over a 20 plus year old game. Go buy a psx at goodwill. If you want it on switch there's retroarch. I don't see a point in wasting money on games most people probably already own just to play it again on a new console. I hate symphony of the night, in my opinion, it's garbage and it's what started the downfall of the series.
Oh no, a garbo port isn't coming to the switch.
I'm more upset that this was just a port of DXC that seemingly omits the 2.5D redo of RoB and still doesn't include the Saturn content for SotN. Even the Vita and PS TV aren't compatible with DXC for some ungodly reason, so now I have to emulate it after double dipping like a fool if I want to play it on a bigger screen. Once again, another "exclusive" PS4 game I can safely skip and/or play elsewhere.
@Yasume agreed
@Cobalt "And it's a Good thing!"
it's a Good thing indeed! just let me get a Sega Genesis, Playstation 1 and a PSP and i'll be good to go without needing a PS4 to play these games
sure the new copies are expansive. but, im sure i can find a pretty good used copies for ROB and SOTN
So much salt. Lol! Glad I have a PS4. I only by exclusives on my Switch anyway. Switch has the worst D-pad by far. Sonic Mania & Megaman 11 play so well with the DS4. Requiem will too. Pre-ordered.
@Mew lol but the PSP version isn't garbage.
That's not a long comment. Not for me it isn't.
When I write a long comment it's usually several girthy paragraphs.
I come on the site to discuss topics and share my mind, and I write what's on my mind regardless of how many words it takes to do so.
In fact I can probably demonstrate that to you right now by continuing to elaborate but I think I'll just leave it at that.
Just because it's "based on" the PSP version doesn't mean it's running on some proprietary emulator that we've never actually seen exist before, and even if we had seen exist, have no evidence to support that's what's being used. If there was any actual evidence to confirm what you say, I would probably concede that you're right. But we don't.
konami is dead to me now seriously the fk is konami is thinking literally castlevania games would fit perfectly well with the switch.
I think Konami should do TWO things
completely reboot Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
go a different route, they should get with D&D novels section and bring the Ravenloft series to life
@Aozz101x I have my copy of Chi No Rondo since the mid 90's and my PSX version of SOTN since the end 90's...
Maybe you were to young or even not born yet to get these games but as an old guy, it wasn't a problem for me...
@Cobalt i wasn't born during a time when ROB and Bloodlines were out. SOTN came out when i was still a Baby. so i've never experience these games. (as you said.)
welp time to experience theses gems on the hardware it was originally on for the first time! even though i've had a PS1 and Sega Genesis when i was younger.
Look, what is Konami today ?
To stay polite, I'll say they are only the shadow of themselves...
So, what happend when Sony came with some cash and said "hey dudes, we'd like to secure Chi No Rondo and SOTN on PS4..." ?
Konami grabbed the cash and they sealed the contract.
Now, what happened when Nintendo came with some cash and asked to use Simon and Richter for Smash ?
Konami grabbed the cash and they sealed the contract.
So, I'm totally convinced that Nintendo is not gonna let THE PAST EXCLUSIVES TITLES ( Order of Ecclesia, Portrait of, Dawn of) falling to Sony's hands as a "2nd Requiem" so I'm certain that we"ll get these games on Switch. Or one by one, or a compilation...
If I can suggest something to you. Buy a Wii U second hand, go to the Virtual Console and get Chi No Rondo for less than 9 bucks !
Just in terms of Castlevania :
Circle of Moon
Harmony of Dissonance
Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania III
Simon's Quest
Dracula X
Super Castlevania IV
The Wii U is awesome to play retro and the FANTASTIC thing that you can do with a Wii U if you really want to go FULL RETRO EXPERIENCE, you can plug your Wii U to a real CRT TV because there is a SCART cable for Wii U that exist !
You gotta have Castlevania Something on the eShop pretty soon. Won't Konami want to earn some decent bucks from people being introduced to the series via Smash Bros?
@Cobalt Except you can no longer buy anything on the Wii Shop Channel anymore so Rondo (And the remake of Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth) can no longer be downloaded.
@Yasume it's ridiculous that you personally attack someone like that and people actually like it. Even if the more I read, the more it seems true. Civility is so dead. Negativity doesn't mean someone's a loser.
The article attempts to act like it's a positive because of a voice track. The voice of track of every Castlevania game has sucked so badly that I don't see how it matters.
True. And I like Castlevania but Nintendo gamers definitely got the better end of the deal with Bayonetta (especially considering Bayo 3 coming out on Switch with no new or relevant Castlevania in sight).
@Quarth Quite often over the last week, nearly every article has been worded to poke at the hypersensitive who frequent the comment sections...
Bring ALL the Castlevanias to Switch, Konami!!
@IBeAGamer its also a game that's over 10 years old that's being marketed as a brand new release
As much as I want this game on Switch, I've played it so many times already I don't think I could sit through it again.
It would be great for all those that haven't played it though as it is a true classic.
@Blister Its not really inferior at all. Plus if you were playing the PAL PS1 version it would be running slower at 50Hz with the image compressed to that squashed PAL standard we used to get. If you are in the UK I'd go for the PSP just for the sake of the game running at a better speed!
Someone please ban Cobalt from this site... He's getting ridiculous with this nonsense...
@Ristar24 Thanks! I was being a little tongue-in-cheek with my comment, but those are helpful points! I'm happier playing this style of game handheld and I'm really glad I picked it up - it's great!👍🏽
@Blister Yeah, some great games to download on Vita, I'd recommend the Capcom arcade compilations if you dont have them. Just a bit of cheesy dialogue changed in SotN I can deal with for faster gameplay.
@Ristar24 Capcom arcade compilations? Will check that out!
@Mew I'm sure you'd care if it was being marketed for Switch.
I only played the original PS1 version and I don’t remember the lines being discussed.
That being said, my PS4 copy is pre-ordered with PS Plus discount and I’m excited to play it again.
@WiltonRoots Yeah, I can for example see that Cobalt is enjoying himself.
It’s sad that NL is part of this toxic climate.
@Blister They're 'Capcom Classics Remixed' and 'Reloaded'. More extras and generally better presentation that that recent 'Beat Em up Bundle' too. The PAL PS1 Classics version of SotN will run 50Hz even on the Vita (I have it downloaded), so Chronicles is the best option for PAL gamers I'd say, unless you have a US PlayStation store account.
@Ristar 24 As a UK gamer that is useful to know. I liked the beat em up bundle so will check that out. Cheers!
Sony can have their Playstation Portable port, while I'll enjoy actual new Castlevania content.
@Quarth This site has always had its trolls, crybabies and meltdown specialists, I feel though in the last couple of months they've all upped their game in the wake of the change of style (more reactionary and sensationalist) that this site has taken recently. Saying that though there's still some great level headed posters in here who I enjoy reading, who see through all this.
The new voices are nowhere near as good and iconic,it's a shame they used them for this and it's a shame that no Castlevania games seem to be coming to the Switch,now would be the perfect time.I never played the DS games,I wonder if they could be play with one screen,but I guess that'd be too much effort for Konami.
I wonder why they never port the Saturn version,it has new areas
@WiltonRoots Yeah, trolls will be trolls and there will always be entitled man children and spoiled kids frequenting fan pages of all kinds, but as you say: they will change for the worse when the page itself takes a more cynic and sensationalist approach, like NL is currently doing. But it’s a trend you see everywhere.
But hey, I think this place still has some great writers, both among the staff and the users, and it’s a good place to get Nintendo news. It’s just that the clickbait and the ”a non issue becomes an issue because we wants it to be an issue”-articles are getting more and more common, drowning out the good stuff. They also create a lot of articles based on weak rumors, often with a negative twist and with the end result being a lot of users takes it as fact and the complaining and whining begins.
I’d kill for a definitive Castlevania collection on the Switch. I adore these games and their enduring legacy; unlike Konami...
@Cobalt no, no it isn’t. Begone monster; you don’t belong in this world.
@vitalemrecords I liked Mirror of Fate immensely. I’ve loved most of the Castlevania games I’ve played over years as well; a GBA Trilogy set for Switch would be absolutely amazing.
@Moms-Meowth ace attorney series is coming to Switch, you didn’t know that?
I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.
@Cobalt you get a high five for that. Good job. “Your words are as empty as your soul!” XD
@0rwellianson Enough talk ! Have at you !
-epic J-Rock plays in the background-
@Cobalt I need to play SotN again... you gonna grab Requiem for PS4? I know I am. 👾
No I'm not gonna get it because I already have my physical version of Chi no Rondo for my sweet Duo-R and my original copy of SOTN PSX.
So, I have no gain to get requiem, especially when I refuse to play these games on a flatscreen...
I play these two jewels on a Sony PVM with full RGB at 240p.
@Cobalt lol; that’s neato. I don’t mind the new units and tech lately but I understand your fondness for the old school.
@Cobalt hey- what’s your Switch friend code?
My Switch is never connected so... It's not against you Orwellianson, it's just like that with everybody. Even my closest friends don't have my friend code... Hope you'll understand buddy ! ^^
@Cobalt it’s allllll goooood. I just got my online subscription and wanted more people to play matches with, no worries.
@Cobalt ...Ya know you can always turn one of your mobile devices or computers or laptops into a mobile hotspot, ya know? Easiest way to have internet on your Switch. I turned my computer/laptop into a mobile hotspot and it works great for my Switch.
@Alantor28 This is not the "problem"
To make it short, I don't give my friend code at all... even my closest friends don't have it...
@Cobalt Hmm, well I can understand that. U don't want some whackjob tracking you down and harming you. So it is wise of you to not give your friend code at all. Because the internet can be a dangerous place.
@Alantor28 It's for other reasons but there is a part of truth on what you say too... ^^
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