The recent news that Konami was remastering two of the best entries in the Castlevania series - Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood - for PS4 got a lot of people quite excited in the world of Nintendo.
The initial Korean rating which leaked the news only mentioned a Sony version, but as is often the case, more formats are confirmed when the official announcement arrives. Needless to say, fingers were firmly crossed in Nintendo Life Towers (and all over the world, we'd wager) that a Switch version was also in the works.
However, it has since been revealed that Castlevania Requiem (for that is the name of the two-game collection) is a PS4 exclusive, due to the fact that Sony itself is involved with the remastering process.
Both titles will benefit from upscaled 1080p visuals, and PS4 Pro owners will even get crisp 4K. Filters have also been added, and there will be trophy support for those of you who like that kind of thing. Castlevania Requiem launches on 26th October, which makes it the perfect video game accompaniment for Halloween, and will cost $19.99.
According to Konami, PS4 owners can:
Relive the timeless classics like never before thanks to Konami's partnership with SIE Worldwide Studios to create these high-quality ports.
That's pretty clear to us - Sony and Konami have collaborated on this project and as such, it will remain exclusive to the PS4. We're guessing, but it may well be the case that Sony is doing all the heavy lifting here, and Konami has just signed off on the whole thing in between updating Super Bomberman R for the millionth time and producing tone-deaf Metal Gear spin-offs.
Still, it doesn't make the reality any less painful; SotN on Switch would have been utterly amazing. We guess we'll just have to return to our well-worn copies of Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles on the PSP for our portable 'vania fix, and lament the fact that Alucard's amazing adventure still isn't avaialble on a Nintendo system.
Comments 270
It's Konami, so it's not exactly surprising that they'd do something against consumer's wishes...
Oh well.
@SimonMKWii Again, I think you're missing the point here. Sony is bankrolling some, if not all, of the development. Had it not been for Sony, I imagine this project wouldn't even be happening.
Konami hasn't decided against a Switch port - it was never on the table, due to Sony's involvement. Just like Bayonetta 2 was never coming to PS4 after Nintendo stepped in.
To Xbox One either. It's another case of PS4 exclusives, and considering Arcade Archives' Konami games haven't arrived on Switch yet, I'd say there is a special agreement between Konami and Sony... and that's a monetary agreement like Damo said.
Anyway, this is hardly a great project that needed a financing from Sony, so it's like a paid exclusive in the end. Arcade Archives with Konami issue can't be because Sony helped Hamster. At all.
Weird decision, to be honest, but I guess Konami know what they're doing... (nah, maybe they don't)
I honestly believe that this collection could sell much more on Switch than on PS.
Edited: @Damo I didn't know that Sony paid for the development... That explains a lot. Though anyway, I don't see this game selling as much as it could on Switch.
I feared it. And my fear proved to be true at least for a while. Who knows? Maybe in the future....
But don't worry, Sony. Buying a PS4 is not in my list. Nor in my means...
I don't know about the rest of you, but the prospect of playing a retro game on a big screen isn't half as enticing to me as on a handheld. I own a Switch and a PS4, but I don't have much time to sit in my living room and play games from them past any more. I would buy it if I could play it on my Switch in my lunch hour.
Snake got into Brawl to advertise his new game on other systems.
Simon and Richter got into Ultimate to advertise their games on other systems.
I'm seeing a trend...
Owning a PS4 Pro, I’m probably not the most objective here, but I’m okey with this. SotN is a PlayStation game, and in my mind belong on a PlayStation console. I would prefer it if Capcom re-released those Disney games on the Switch, though.
Actually,the port is a HD version of the bonus mode in PSP castlevania x chronicles. It might be running on a official psp emulator for PS4.
Yeah, unlike many subjects of conspiracy theories out there, this case has "partnership" spoken loud and clear. Either Sony agreed to sponsor SotN in 4K or they outright suggested the idea. Move along, nothing to see here.
Much more of a bummer that between this 4K and the console's official sunset, Vita is left out on a remaster of a PORTABLE collection with two games from the 1990s. But then again, Vita already has said collection inherited from PSP days, so it's probably fair that PS4 finally gets them, too. But I needn't clarify which platform I'll be playing these games on.
Konami's not very bright to keep on missing out on the Switch's success.
At least no one has to bemoan the fact that it's a remake.
@pdapanda Yeah, one of the Push Square guys mentioned this to me yesterday. So I assume it will have the 'new' script, which I don't like as much as the original...
Does Konami have something against money or what
I'm really thankful Sony is doing this since I had JUST been looking for a convenient way to play Rondo of Blood. The Wii VC version is inaccessible now, I don't want to get a PSP or Vita (3DS and Switch are enough handhelds already), and I was having trouble getting a PC Engine version set up. I also heard there was a Windows port, but I couldn't find it. So this really is a godsend for me.
But maaaaaan, I want a multiplatform Castlevania Collection a la Mega Man X Legacy Collection. I like to have retro games on a portable format, and having them on a format that's both portable and playable on the TV is even better. Wake up, could do cheap collections of Castlevania and Metal Gear on all current consoles and PC, and people would eat that up. Even cheaper if they did digital only, which yes I know a lot of people love physical media, but Konami are stingy.
More like Portstation 4 am I right?!?!?
Thankfully I have a PS4 so will pick it up on that but I really would have preferred it on Switch. Ah well Sony are making it possible so I do not begrudge this and in fact am thankful to them for doing so!
Smart move from Sony like always...
They know what to do to please every kind of gamers.
Strong AAA exclusives, all the multiplats and surprises like this requiem.
I regularly play Symphony of the Night on my Vita (PS1 classic), but it still would have been cool to have it on Switch, too. But as @Damo said above, it’s a non-starter anyway.
I think that I’d rather have the GBA/DS trilogies anyway.
The amount of salt I see on YouTube and gaming forums is just hilarious. Can't wait to play these masterpieces on Halloween.
And I seriously wish that Konami would FINALLY give Bloodlines the attention it deserves!
Well SotN, hopefully we'll meet at last on the PS1 mini...
I'll just be waiting for Bloodstained to come out, then.
@Damo Whilst I fully understand the reasoning behind its PS4 exclusivity, this is a very “Konami” thing to do. Get someone else to the work for you.
This is the biggest load of crap I've seen in a long while. I can't believe this happened right after the big Castlevania in Smash Bros thing. Konami just plain sucks these days. I've had Rondo of Blood via the Wii Virtual Console for years now, but Symphony of the Night on the Switch would have been awesome.
@Damo Where did you hear Sony funded development? These games are basically already developed other than the few extra features. I don't see Sony listed as a copyright owner... unlike Nintendo with Bayonetta 2 so the situation is quite different.
I was getting ready to roast Konami about this. Castlevania is on everybody's lips these days because of Smash Bros., so then Konami decides to release a Castlevania compilation exclusively for PS4? Didn't make any sense, but then the news of Sony's role in everything explained it all. Regardless, we need some Castlevania on Switch! Maybe Nintendo can get in touch with them like Sony did and work something out of their own.
Given the recent history of Konami I don't think this would have happened by their own volition so fair play to Sony. It is just a real shame as I am sure i'm not the only one who has both PS4 and Switch who would instantly buy on Switch because of the portability factor but being not so sure on PS4.
Sotn was on my switch wishlist but i guess it isn't coming (yet).
I don't want to play it for the 1000th time on a big screen.
I have it on the PSP but that thing isn't working anymore nor am i interested in playing anything ever again on a PSP
Let's hope for a classic and maybe even gba/ds collection for switch. I lost my order of ecclessia game so would
love to play that again.
@Cobalt I see what you did there;
Sony releases a remake = Wow, so smart!
Nintendo releases a remake = Port port port port!!
Anyway, this stinks for Switch-only owners, but $20 is a pretty jammin' deal for those who can play it! I'm just gonna wait patiently for Katamari from Bandai in the corner
@vio Game is being funded by Sony, how is that the biggest load of crap?
It sucks so much, specially after all the "free" marketing that Konami received after the Smash presentation.
Konami is really ignoring the Switch. Shame
Regardless their support, this bundle is also not that great, they should have added more classic Castlevania games, personally, I had something in mind like Capcom has been doing with SF and now the Beat n' Up games.
I have suggested in Push Square comments that this is an HD port of Rondo of Blood but I would prefer an emulated version funded by Sony. This means that more PSP classics may come on PS4 and, even though I have all the games that I want on my Vita, I would love to play again some on 4k.
@Damo Even if this is a PSP emulator they could easily hack back the original script and voice acting if they want it.
I already preordered it, there is a 4 euro discount for Plus members.
Wish Konami would sell their IP's and just keep a licence to make pachinko machines with them. They've got no appetite for the video game market and with their IP's it's such a waste.
definitely will pick it up on PS4 then.
Yeh Nintendo, Good decision adding Simon and Richter to Smash...
As a hardcore Castlevania fan I am getting this! I am way more tolerant of such things since I got different consoles
Just two? No love for bloodlines?
@UltimateDespair1 I understand that, but Konami should be funding this themselves. Capcom isn't having other companies fund their various kick butt retro collections. Like I said, Konami just sucks these days.
"avaialble" indeed
They are making a REMAKE in FULL HD !
Nintendo PORT Wii U games which are already HD to Switch...
It's not the same at all AND games like Chi No Rondo or Symphony are not games that were available on the previous system as new games... NO, it's old SD games remake in HD.
Resident Evil 2 remake follow the same logic... but in 3D...
Nintendo choose the lazy way to port, Sony put money on the table to let Capcom or Konami to bring HD experience from SD cult games.
Hope you're gonna get the big difference buddy... ^^
@Cobalt This isn't a remake. It's being upscaled. A remake would imply redoing the game from scratch like FF7 Remake. This won't even be on the same level as the Crash and Spyro trilogies.
@Cobalt Both SotN and Rondo have been on numerous previous consoles, including PS3. In fact, I played SotN a few years ago on 360.
But ok. I was just pointing out something, and what I said is absolute truth.
Have to pick this up on PS4 but would have preferred it on the switch as 2d games always look great in handheld mode
No biggie. These games are already available in portable form on the PSP/Vita in the form of the Dracula X Chronicles.
@Ralizah Exactly. That's how I played Rondo the first time, too. And SotN is on so many plats, anyway.
I have these games for Vita. I do not need it in HD. It is unfortunate because I would have gotten it fo Switch.
If Konami need Sony to finance the porting of a PSP game to PS4 then they must be in serious financial trouble!
I was hoping to try out SoTN, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I did cave and preorder a PlayStation Classic, so here’s hoping SoTN winds up as one of those 20 included games.
Here’s hoping this game eventually comes to switch. I have made this mistake before picking up crash bandicoot and the Sega genesis collection on other consoles before an eventual switch release
Despite owning a PS4 Pro I'm reluctant to buy this collection simply because of the PS4's awful d-pad. I've always avoided anything 2D on every Playstation system due to just how painful it is.
The games are great of course, with Rondo being perhaps my favourite Castlevania of all time.
I've got the games on PS3 / Xbox already and I'm not convinced the upscaling to 4K is really essential. Nice collection for those who played it on the original system and want accessibility or didn't have a chance to play first time around I guess
@ramu-chan Uh what, the PS4 d-pad is great.
Oh oh oh... KONAMI 😓
U Had a goldmine and lots fans for this game and on switch. At least bring one with Simon belmont.
All that support for Bomberman R and this is the thanks Konami gives Switch owners
@SimonMKWii like nintedo with Bayonetta?
@Truxton_4_Life lolwut?
Just because one game got support from a company doesn't mean that Konami is in their debt.
Well if Sony is paying for it to be made for the PS4... Kinda obvious this would be a PS4 exclusive.
Nintendo did it with Bayonetta so we can't be mad here.
Castlevania series is on Netflix
Netflix isn't on Switch
Netflix is on PS4
Castlevania is on PS4
Um, yes it is, at least according to the leak beforehand, which was accurate about everything else. It could be wrong, sure, but there's enough evidence and convincing for me to wait it out.
It said Sony had worked out a deal for exclusivity (as per usual, they're not "bankrolling" a freaking virtual console release, what they're bankrolling is timed exclusivity) but that it's 110% coming to Switch, and should be announced around the time it releases on PS4, or a bit afterward.
So don't fall for it. Sony didn't fund squat, although they might phrase it as such to avoid backlash. Funding Bayonetta, a full multi-million dollar release after everyone else refused is one thing. You're telling me poor Konami couldn't afford to release a PSone game?
So just say no thank you, bide your time and you'll be rewarded handsomely when the Switch version gets announced. And if it doesn't, it's not like the games aren't 20 years old anyways- a few extra months aren't gonna make a difference.
@Truxton_4_Life it's a deal between two companies that doesn't involve either Nintendo or Microsoft.
Sony is giving them the funds to make it happen and in turn Sony gets exclusivity... Now the situation would easily be reversed if Nintendo was bank rolling a game.
@Sinton Symphony of the Night is available on Xbox One though.
@JaxonH Where's your proof that it's coming to Switch?
Konami are getting like Sega in their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...
Even if it's not clearly a remake in itself, I meant that they have to rework the games :" Both titles will benefit from upscaled 1080p visuals, and PS4 Pro owners will even get crisp 4K. Filters have also been added, and there will be trophy support for those of you who like that kind of thing."
@HobbitGamer Again, these games ARE NOT direct ports of the previous generation. It's not like Captain Toad (NEW WiiU game) ported to the Switch or like Hyrule Warriors (NEW WiiU game ported to the Switch) or like Bayonetta 2 (New WiiU game ported to the Switch) etc... etc...
You don't want to just open your eyes and understand the reality of things...
@Ralizah I'm sorry but did you tried these versions ? God, it's horrible.
A shame really, as I enjoyed my time with SOTN on my Vita, it really does go well with a handheld system. Oh well, 4K it is instead
@Cobalt Mkay
I’m definitely getting this on PS4. Well, there’s still the Castlevania reps to look forward to on Smash.
If Sony itself is working on it, that's a nail in the coffin.
@Razer that's exactly the problem. Why is it a deal with only the two companies? Why not 3?
@rjejr Netflix themselves have tried on 3 occasions to reach out to Nintendo. So that isn't at all related.
Lack of Netflix on the Switch is 100% on Nintendo
@Truxton_4_Life Because had Sony not put the money up, Konami probably wouldn't have made this...
So it took Sony going to Konami to make it happen, do you think Sony would call Nintendo and Microsoft to tag along?
I don't think "proof" has anything to do with anything when you're dealing with stuff like this (where's the "proof" Sony funded development that Konomi somehow couldn't handle on their own?). But if you want to use logical reasoning, you can get the next best thing- confidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
This was leaked a week ago. Before it was ever announced. And in that leak, it spelled out exactly how things were going to play out. It predicted that it would be PS4 exclusive due to a deal made with Sony, and went on to say it's absolutely 110% coming to Switch, and will be announced around the time the game releases on PS4, or just after.
And then, lo and behold, the game gets announced and lo and behold, it's PS4 exclusive due to a deal made with Sony. Right on both counts. Are we then going to ignore the final part of that leak that said it's absolutely positively coming to Switch?
I know I'm not gonna be ignoring that-as if we needed to be told that anyways- this has happened over and over and over again so many times, people have wised up. At least, I certainly have. And if it turns out for whatever reason it never comes, oh well. I already own the games anyways. Not like this is any different than Sonic the Hedgehog or Virtua Racer coming to Switch. It's virtual console.
@Razer So you're saying that Konami needs to rely on Sony to fund their IP's? ... no. Stop making excuses for Konami. They're a garbage company that makes terrible decisions. They would have made a ton more money had they included Nintendo on this release. Since it most likely would have sold more on the Switch
@SimonMKWii it's because of Sony's assistance, this game is even happening. Nintendo on the other with Bayonetta and made that game a reality. It's well within Sony's rights to make it exclusive to them, they're the ones paying.
@JaxonH Well if this is indeed the case then that would make this a timed exclusive.
I've never played Symphony of the Night before but I have played Rondo of Blood. What a game! I was a huge fan of Hammer Horror growing up and RoB absolutely nails the gothic horror theme perhaps more than any other game I've played. The music is superb too.
Real shame it won't be coming to Switch!
@Truxton_4_Life no I'm saying the thought of doing this probably didn't occur to them until Sony came to them...
Look if you want an excuse to be bitter and hateful for no reason be my guest, but don't try and pass it off as a legitimate reason to be upset... Its not.
This is exactly the same situation with Bayonetta.
Nintendo announces a port = bad
Sony announces a port = good
@OorWullie Symphony is like the holy grail of the 2d side scrolling with rpg elements. The only thing I would live to add is a New game plus mode.
Other than that it is pure imperfect-perfection if that makes any sence.
@JaxonH I wasn't aware the leak said that,that's good to know. It's just a matter of time until its announced for Switch then.
I love Sony, the PS4 is one of my favorite game consoles ever. But I'm not buying this on PS4. I'll wait a while to see if there will be an inevitable switch version.
I recently bought a 2nd hand Vita essentially to play Symphony of the Night which is an unlock in Dracula X Chronicles. Must play it more!
I hope this game collection is a time excuses like Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy because if not at least we are getting Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
So Sony has paid or has helped developing this port. My question is when Konami was contacted by Sony about this why didn't they consider potential sales on all platforms and the relatively low cost of developing ports of these classics? Is it worth getting backlash? Is it worth losing money not releasing these ports on every platform?
The new Konami is weird, they said recently that they would focus on other business but they developed Metal Gear Survive for Xbox/PS4/Windows.
@Truxton_4_Life I agree with that comment, porting a classic game is a small project financially, it's not a 3D ambitious REMAKE like Cash Bandicoot, Spyro, Resident Evil 2. They didn't need Sony for this and they might lose money by not selling it everywhere else.
@Zuljaras Sounds superb! Was SotN the Castlevania that changed the series from being an action platformer into the more Metroid style of gameplay and where the term Metroidvania started? RoB had some alternative routes but it was still an action platformer.
I'm sure some castlevania will appear at some point.
@Razer Yeah I don't see an easy port job as something Konami is going to get big money for. It's not fair to also compare Bayonetta to something like this. Konami is making a big mistake by not finding a way to get this on Switch. Bloodstained sales prove where this game belongs
@OorWullie Exactly! It changed the series after that. The GBA and the DS titles are built on that wonderful formula.
How are we not calling this a "Sonami"?
Sorry...I'm just a sucker for a portmanteau.
Wow, if only publishers were clearer when they talk about new projects. Is it exclusive, is it timed-exclusive? Was it developed or financed by Sony? They say ambiguous things and you just have to guess. Sometimes silence is paid.
konami isn't making video games anymore.
as for this; i just don't care enough about castlevania to give this a second thought. heck; didn't even know this was a thing.
I still see this being something of a timed port-exclusive (can't believe this a thing). If not, kick Castlevania outta Smash Sakurai! /s
Just like Nintendo got Bayonetta Sony got Castlevania to be honest I for one am glad we got Bayonetta and if I feel the need to play a good Castlevania I can start up a game of Dead Cells which for me is much funner.
@Damo As much as it pains, you're right. And a similar example from a Nintendo perspective would be the resurgence of Bayonetta 2. The game was pretty much bankrolled by Nintendo, and without them there would have been no sequel or re-release of the original, or no third game (frankly that is thanks to the two previous games being re-released on Switch). So yeah, you're right. Sony is just doing for this game that Nintendo themselves did for the Bayonetta franchise.
Screw You Konami!!!! 😡😡
@sword_9mm Well, you can't really say that they are not making games anymore. What you can say is that they are not developing as many games as before, then, I agree with you.
And you might not care enough about Castlevania but there is no denying that this series is one of the most known in the gaming community and it's really important for its influence.
@Truxton_4_Life i don't see why it's so hard to understand that Konami wouldn't of even bothered making this had it not been for Sony...
You keep trying to pin this on Konami like they're the one's who decided to remake this game...
They did NOT decide this, Sony decided this and because the right are with Konami, are paying them to make it happen...
It's an extremely simple premise to grasp.
@Truxton_4_Life if you make chairs and someone comes to you and pays you a lot of money, to make a particular type of chair for them that you use to make and them only, with their logo on it and everything...
Are you gonna say
"Uhh no thanks we make chairs for everyone, take your money and go elsewhere, we never intended to make this chair again".
That would be stupid...
I mean, leaks have been partially right and partially wrong before. So there's no guarantee. But there was also the e3 listings for multiplatform collections on Switch, PS4 and X1.
All I know is there's enough evidence to wait it out. Can always grab it later if it doesn't come. But we've seen this song and dance before with Crash, and even Spyro (twice listings for Switch were leaked, we know it's coming).
This is par for the course with PS4 releases. Pretend it's exclusive, announce Switch after release. People start catching on, start phrasing it like a "partnership" to sell people on the illusion this is the only version that will ever exist
@Razer Now I'm very curious to see what Sony paid Konami to make this super important exclusive collection. I 100% guaranteed Konami got screwed out of the deal, considering how well this would have done being on multiplatforms.
Well I will be able to get it for free anyways so meh.
Well that's a shame. SotN is the best Castlevania ever and for a long time was/is my fav game ever. Its not going to sell great on ps4 compared to what it would on Switch.
Wow, Konami needs help for porting over 10 year old 2D games! 😲
Weird choice though from Sony and even from Konami to make these games an exclusive. I would have expected them to rerelease Metal Gear HD/Legacy Collection first before this one.
@JaxonH "where's the proof that Sony funded it"
Seeing as Konami have released an official statement confirming this, there is indeed proof whether you want to accept it or not.
@electrolite77 Nintendo announces a Mini console = good
SEGA announces a Mini console = good
SNK announces a Mini console = good
Sony announces a Mini console = OH MAH GAWD SUCH A RIP OFF OF NINTENDO!!!!
@BensonUii But the Wii U ports on Switch are objectively not remasters. Castlevania Requiem is not either according to Nintendo Life: "upscaled 1080p visuals, and PS4 Pro owners will even get crisp 4K. Filters have also been added, and there will be trophy support for those of you who like that kind of thing". That's an upscaled port.
We've also seen the opposite, Bayonetta 2 and SFV which still hold exclusivity to their platforms. We can all agree konami hasn't been doing the castlevania ip any favors besides the netflix series so I can totally see Sony going to Konami for this.
Gotta give credit to the PS4; it's been killing it with games. I might get one at some point (have never really owned a Sony console before, since i don't count owning a PS1 for only 3-4 days back in 1999).
@tguk911 Shush man, a baseless leak means so much more than an official statement from the company.
Makes sense, it's always been associated as a Playstation game, though I do have to wonder how much of the PS audience in 2018 is into retro platformers. This seems like one of those "LOL Sony fanboys only want old games sold to them again and again lol lol first!" kind of moments.
@JaxonH I don't know, in this case it specifically says it's a partnership with SIE. Not a partner with "Playstation" but with SIE....seems Sony 1st party is involved in the project itself, so I'm going to guess the rumors were false here. Of course SOTN is also available on XBox in its original form, and theoretically could come to Switch, but this upscaled remaster seems to be more or less Sony 1st party collab.
If you said this 2 years ago I would have agreed but after the NES Classic hype I don't know anymore. Sony obviously thinks it's history can still sell otherwise I don't think they would have jumped on the classic mini train in the first place but only time will tell.
I would buy SOTN on the Switch but I guess I'll just stick with the 360 version on Xbox One.
@BensonUii said "Exposed by @HobbitGamer ahahahhahahaha!
Nintendo remastering: port port port!
Sony remastering: smart move!
This is why I have no trust in humanity anymore... Even the smallest and easiest basic thing to understand has become too difficult to get... :/
There is a study from 2017 that demonstrated the decline of IQ in the "civilized world"... I was sceptical at first glance but now... ^^
@CaPPa Tried it on Xbox One but it's a pain to play with a control stick and the achievements don't unlock so I deleted.
Maybe. But enough doubt has been cast that I won't believe it til I see it with my own two eyes that a Switch version isn't coming afterwards.
It might be true, but I don't think its "proof". I think it's more likely carefully crafted statments to avoid backlash.
But we'll see. I know I'm definitely not accepting that statement as proof of anything more than a deal made for temporary exclusivity.
If a year passes by and no Switch version, then I'll accept it isn't happening.
@JaxonH So official word from a company isn't enough proof nowadays just so we can keep on port begging. This is just sad.
Out of all the games not announced (or available) on the Switch -More rehashed retro nonsense is what people lamenting? 🙄
SONY does not even care about ROMs, download this ancient stuff on your phone or PC and call it a day.
Who is buying this on a PS4 Pro on the same day as RD2 🙃
@Agramonte Me because I would rather play one of the most iconic and love games in existence than yet another open world sandbox game.
@tguk911 Technically the minis aren't really aimed at current console owners, they're aimed mostly at people who had a console back in the day, grew up, grew out of gaming, but see that "cheap" bit of nostalgia and buy in (plus collectors from the core fan base.) They're mostly about non-gamers reliving the past in a cheap package, and I imagine there's a huge market for a little retro PSX. But I'm not sure that's really the core PS4/PS5 market buying into Spider-Man and God of War. (Not that there's no overlap, of course.)
@Cobalt you sound like a Sony fan person. Sony doesn't always make smart moves.
@Agramonte All the more proof the Nintendo fanbase is the right fan base that wants this stuff more than the PS4 fanbase
You can still get SOTN on XBox for $9.99 and often on sale. Sure it's letterboxed but it's still a real console release, so at least the game itelf isn't Sony locked, just the remaster. I wouldn't mind seeing the original non-remaster on Switch either.....$20 says it would outsell the PS4 remaster 10:1.
I own a PS4, but I would much rather have this on my Switch.
You're right, Sony doesn't always make smart moves, we've got the PS move...
Seriously, sure they screwed up some stuffs but globaly, they have made a pretty solid business with the PS4 in terms of power, games and advertisings...
That Castlevania requiem compilation is a smart move for sure, especially with the love that players have for Castlevania's games...
Who care both games are really old no loss here
@NEStalgia Yes... SOTN is $9.99 on PSN. It goes on sale for $4 all the time. Anyone who is a Playstation fan has played this a million times. 1080p or 4K... it is the same game!
On the same day as RD2? and 2 weeks before FallOut76? Outsold 20:1 😂
@BanjoPickles Same here. SotN is great, but IMO its sequels greatly improved on it so much, specially Dawn of Sorrow. I'd rather have those games, which have never been re-released.
@deafswin37 Clearly a lot of people since there are so many port beggers on here and elsewhere.
This would have been amazing on the Switch. How about Nintendo contact Konami and bankroll some games. Silent Hill or Contra maybe? Same goes for working with Capcom to bring some exclusives to the Switch.
Konami will license to Nintendo, no problem (ex: hudsonsoft games on Wii U VC). The problem is that now with the VC gone, Nintendo has no channel for Konami’s IP anymore. So it looks pretty grim getting Konami back catalogue on Switch. If Sony has to commit resources to get Castlevania, that’s an indication that Konami isn’t planning classics collections, which is irresponsible, but that’s Konami for you
@IBeAGamer And that is good for you. But honestly, you know you in the minority.
Come October, nobody will be talking about this on PS4... why it is a budget - digital only game.
Nintendo should port all of their GBA, ds & castlevania the rebirth games. That would be seven games not on other systems.
(it's a collection of old games)
I feel like the NES classic maybe was aimed at that type of person but I feel like it hit a chord with people that still game but prefer retro games. We wouldn't have virtual console libraries or ps1 classic libraries if these didn't cater to a large demographic. Also I've seen many new gamers fall in love with 2d platformers/2d metroidvania with games like shovel knight, dead cells, hollow knight etc.
I for one hope this sells well because maybe this will get the ip going again kind of like what the mega man legacy collection did for mega man and finally gettting 11 after almost a decade.
@Cobalt Untrue. SOTN was given a new translation, new voice acting, and it even includes content from the Saturn version of the game. It's the best currently available English language release of the game. Both it and Rondo perform well.
@Agramonte Because Rondo and Symphony are two of the finest side-scrolling games ever made, and not everyone is interested in RDR2?
A game being new doesn't automatically make it a better experience than older titles.
@Agramonte Maybe they won't but don't act like no one cares about the game at all.
@Agramonte Smells like a game created to be a PSN+ freebie, doesn't it?
Man this one stings. Both excellent games for sure and for convenience sake I’d love to have them on one console. I have the two split on my Xbox and the wii. Rondo of blood is my favorite classic style vania while sotn is my favorite of the Metroid style.
@NEStalgia No.
No surprise, typical Konami business decision. It's no loss for me since I already have these games on my PSP and Vita. But it's unfortunate for Switch gamers who don't have either a PSP or Vita to play either game portably.
What a pity. But it’s the Bayonetta 2 situation here, so move along people, no need port begging.
@Truxton_4_Life i don't doubt that. But these things are hard for a business the size of Konami to gauge, you have to consider that for them to bring this multiplatform, it would increase their development cost by a lot, the time by a lot and the investment for it is all on them.
It would have been a bigger risk, albeit bigger reward. But you also need to look at effort it takes to do that...
But as a business you weigh up your options and you go for whats available to you. Konami have other projects too that they have funded themselves so im sure a low risk lower reward venture seemed appealing to them.
Unfortunately or fortunately these companies don't always act in the best interest of their fans.
Castlevania - Castlevania - gets an "exclusive" HD collection. All while Simon and Richter are going to make their Smash debut. Suspicious doesn't even begin to describe this.
Guys, give Konami time. It'll come.
@Cobalt I don't see how it is a smart move. It will alienate fan of japanese videogames who are in majority on switch while Playstation fan as always will complain this is just old gen, lazy port, nostalgia pandering and the game will sell terribly since PS4 fans only care about western big budget AAA. It's just Sony being Sony. As a control freak megacorp they just buy exclusives to keep them away from other gamers and let them die on their systems. They did that a lot of time for the Vita. Buying tons of exclusives that didn't sell at all and pushed most of the japanese developers on mobile gaming.
@dourfram You seem incredibly salty.
Bummer but Sony worked the deal out with Konami. I can only imagine that Konami could have made triple their investment if they we're to release the games on Switch & Xbox. I hope they got a big check from Sony!!!
I would have bought this game instantly for my Switch. I will pass on the purchase on my PS4.....this game screams portability!!!!!
How about a new Castlevania game based on the netflix series instead.
@dourfram Also this comment is just hilarious, Sony are being control freaks for partnering to get this game released on their system but Nintendo buying away Bayonetta isn't the same deal?
I own a PS4 as well as a Switch and while too will lament Requiem not coming to the latter system, I’ll still grab the game for my PS4. Now if we could get Nintendo and Konami to release the classic GBA/DS Castlevania bits on Switch or 3DS, I’d be very happy.
@NEStalgia Yep!
They took it from a desperate Konami. And doing the bare minimum - so it cost them little to give it away.
@Knuckles-Fajita here’s the thing though- both franchises started on Nintendo; both have developers and creators that love working with Nintendo. These people still have sway in certain respects. Maybe we could see more crossovers in the days ahead. Anything is possible.
“I do have to wonder how much of the PS audience in 2018 is into retro platformers”
I’m not sure how many were into it in 1997 TBH 😁
@Cobalt do you ever shut up? Probably not.
Lol now people are playing down as iconic and adored the games are because they're not getting it, truly pathetic.
When trying to reason with fanboys, logic doesn’t work. Lol
Good grief. The post on the PS Blog even states hat these are the originals emulated with some filters added. Not a remake and probably far less effort than Nintendo put into e.g.adding a new mode in DKC.
Your hypocrisy is astounding.
And if you want to talk smart moves, compare the sales figures of Nintendo’s Wii U ports with the sales of this and we’ll discuss smart then.
@electrolite77 So compare a full re-release of a game that didn't sell well originally and now has much more of an audience to a small digital only re-release of two games made over two decades ago.
Also you can't talk about hypocrisy either my friend.
Shame. I would have bought the hell out of this on Switch. Oh well, maybe SotN will be on the PS1 Classic. Or there’s always emulation...
Why does it matter how many people are ‘talking about’ it? Gaming is a broad church now, there’s plenty of room for retro and modern. Something Sony realised a long time ago. The main USP of their systems is they get everything.
“Sony announces a Mini console = OH MAH GAWD SUCH A RIP OFF OF NINTENDO!!!!”
Yep. Zealots be zealous.
@electrolite77 Pointing out your hypocrisy my friend.
I'm not the one claiming it's bad when Nintendo does ports now am I?
What are you on about?
EDIT : It’s alright. I’ve checked your comment history. You just want an argument with anybody who’ll humour you, even trying to pick one with me when I’m agreeing with you. However you’re going to have to work much harder than the last couple of bits of nonsense. Up your game if you want attention.
Already got this on PSP/PS Vita/PS TV so not gonna bother with it on PS4.
@electrolite77 That whole crap you started earlier about trying to make it seem that it's bad if Sony does a port but it's fine when Nintendo does it.
Read the edited post #176. Then get your head around post #86 being a parody of others on here and not my opinion. You should really be able to figure that out from my other posts on this thread.
If you can’t comprehend that, stop bothering me.
@Sinton Yes it originally was a PlayStation but it also got a Sega Saturn release as well and was also released on Xbox 360.
@electrolite77 Someone is really aggressive aren't they?
When you've got a bunch of little brats trying to act like these two games don't matter, screaming how terrible Sony are and then you see a comment like your initial one then yeah, you'd assume it's more of the same.
Don't act all high and mighty because I thought your original comment was genuine.
@electrolite77 you sound like a vindictive little gobshite. Go bugger off and play with yourself elsewhere.
Who said anything about begging for a port? You're literally imagining things. I said I'm waiting cause I don't believe the misconstrued interpretation. I havent asked or begged for a damn thing.
The only thing "confirmed" is there was a deal. Implications interpreted from words don't sway me. I've seen this trick pulled multiple times before. Don't get mad at me for not falling for it.
And ya, they're iconic games. But so is Virtua Racer and a dozen other classics coming to Switch and not PS4, but you don't see Sony fans spazzing they're not getting those.
They're virtual console games. 2 in a sea of thousands. Great games, no doubt. But nobody's gutted over 2 virtual console games. It's just bragging rights for fanboys on both sides. PS fanboys want to act like it's some earth shattering revelation for these 20 year old PS1 games that were on Wii, TG16, Vita, etc. And Nintendo fans just want them to fight back with.
Normal people are like eh, that's cool. If they come to Switch I'll pick em up. Otherwise, meh. Already own the games 3 times over. Dont need another tv only version. A hybrid version though? Sure.
@JaxonH What was confirmed is that Sony are helping porting the game so it is entirely a Sony job and will not be released elsewhere. Who said anything about being mad, I just find it really sad that people are trying to pretend that the deal doesn't mean anything and that the game will come elsewhere when that is not the case.
This comment section has been a fantastic read. Thank you.
Also this Castlevania collection is staying PS exclusive. SIE are directly involved & there are rumours that these games are running on the PS4s not-so-secret secret PSP emulator.
It sucks, but gaming is no longer a priority for Konami.
Sony probably didn’t even have to throw too much money at them.
We'll wait and see.
I think it's possible it means what you say. I also think it's possible they worked out a deal for timed exclusivity and want to phrase it in a manipulative manner to sell people on buying that version. Unless they specifically come out and say "we paid for full development and these games will never ever release anywhere else" I'm just not buying it. Not yet anyways. A year goes by, still no port, then ok.
@JaxonH Lol you do you man. I'll be enjoying my game and not caring about the system I play it on.
@IBeAGamer I disagree with you on that
If Sony are paying for this, I’ve no problem at all with it being exclusive. I’ve also no problem with the Wii U ports, they make perfect sense. I don’t agree with thirdparty exclusives generally unless there’s a really good reason (like platform holder funding). If a system can run it, put the game on it.
What I can’t do with is some people cheering for one platform holder porting games and booing another, which is literally some posters on here.
@deafswin37 You can disagree all you want.
@electrolite77 What I can't stand is double standards either and the whole double standard thing about the PS Classic really did my head in so I saw your comment and thought "more of this crap".
I do care though. For one, I already own these games, and have for years and years. This offers me nothing I don't already have access to. A Switch version, however, would offer something I don't have- a hybrid version. And that's something I'm willing to pay for.
For two, I've gotten to a point where I simply have little interest in games that can't be played on the TV and on the go. I lose interest the minute I leave and have to play a different game. Then never come back. I haven't even opened Spiderman, Shenmue Collection (and good thing, since Sega Japan is going to talk to the team about Switch given the demand shown in the Ages poll), Tomb Raider... great games, but the system isn't flexible enough.
Of course I'm happy for you. Enjoy. There's no salt here. I'm glad people can play these games now, although given how Sony and Nintendo fans already had access to these games via the myriad of platforms they've released on (even now I own on PC for TV and GPD Win 2 handheld, Vita for handheld and Wii for TV, not to mention modded 3DS for handheld), I can't imagine buying them again and getting nothing new out of the deal. If it ain't on Switch (tv and handheld in one), there's little reason to care imo. For me anyways.
“you sound like a vindictive little gobshite”
From your Comments history....
“do you ever shut up? Probably not.”
“you are weak and just as useless as your posts. What a sad life you lead.”
“you’re just a flaccid troll with delusions of grandeur. Sit down, you whiny little twerp.”
“Go be a Debbie downer somewhere else.”
“says you, the overgrown manbaby... get lost.”
Yeah I probably should have used a /s somewhere.
From my own personal POV I won’t by this as I have SOTN on PSN and Xbox. I might have gone for it on a portable. But if Sony are funding it, I accept it ain’t going elsewhere.
@electrolite77 I have it on Xbox One but I don't know if it's bugged or not because achievements just don't unlock and it doesn't have Rondo Of Blood so that's a definite.
@JaxonH Now I feel like a total tool.
And this is going to save Sony from being dominated by Nintendo, How? Lol... Think Sony, it's time to move on and be a first party developer for the big N.
No worries friend. Miscommunication on the internet happens all the time.
Yeah I’m saying that now but I reckon if it’s on sale at some point I’ll bite for Rondo.
And I agree with you on the PS1 Mini. I think the article on here was pretty tongue in cheek but there are plenty who genuinely think like that.
Two best games of the series!!
[Insert clever way of saying #F**Konami here]
@electrolite77 It matters when it is my reply to someone who contest my comment that most on PS4 will not care about this during the holiday season. Even less with top games we all been waiting for (for years)
Yes, PlayStation gets everything. So it is amazing to me, that the community that does not - this is what gets an article about wanting.
@NEStalgia They already using it to promote the PS+ discount 🙄
On top of 15% off for everyone. SONY does not even care if they make money on this.
@Agramonte I's still letterboxed just like the existing versions. What exactly is remade about this at all? Is it seriously just running in a 1:1 scaler to keep the exact same appearance on a 4k display?
I never thought I'd say this, but Konami could learn a thing or two about retro ports from Capcom...........
@NEStalgia Yeah man. They just upscaling it as-is.
"I never thought I'd say this, but Konami could learn a thing or two about retro ports from Capcom"
Yeah, like you can sell them for 39.99 on Switch 😏
I am dying for Konami to start bringing some of their games to Switch. Much like Squaresoft, we have missed so many years of quality games. SE, Namco and Capcom are becoming rather prolific. If Konami can raise their game, then it would be just like the heady SNES days.
It is not even a port. It's just emulators slapped together haphazardly to cash into the netflix series.
As expected, the same person always whining about ports on Switch praises Sony when they do it. You know, you're complaints become WAY less valid if it's more of an agenda than a complaint.
@IBeAGamer I couldn't understand that comment either. It's the best D-pad on and console control pad. Ask any other street fighter player the same question 😂
While I would have preferred a switch version. I'm still glad since I have not played sotn and I do not want to play it on my Vita.
@Orwellianson You sound mad?
So, how about a port in a different form? Let Sony have Requiem. How about Symphony of the Night period and Rondo of Blood period?
Eh I might get it. I haven't really played my ps4 since I got tired of MHW and I got a huge backlog on it besides.
Like a few others have mentioned I’m gonna wait it out and see if it comes to Switch or not. If it doesn’t I’ll just get it on the PS4, no biggie.
@Fight_Teza_Fight not so much; more disappointed it’s not coming to the Switch. Oh well.
@Razer "have tried on 3 occasions"
I guess they thought 3rd time would be the charm with Ntinedo.
I have SotN on Xbox & Rondo on Wii U, I'm good
@Agramonte Anybody who pays for a game a month in advance deserves to get it for 20% off. It's digital, ti's not like they are going to run out of stock or they need to decide in advance how many copies to make. Plenty of games on the eShop have 10% off for pre-ordering. Nothing by Ntinedo obviously b/c they suck at being nice to their fanbase, but many other companies are willing to give you a discount for paying for something in advance - before all the horrible reviews come out and you change your mind. Better something than nothing.
Castlevania requiem? Hopefully it can defeat king crimson
"Anybody who pays for a game a month in advance deserves to get it for 20% off"
Now that is 100% true.
Just as Bomberman R was first in Switch, and then it appeared in the other consoles, the same could happen with these 2 versions (port) of Castlevania, first in PS4 and then in the other consoles, including the Switch, just to wait!
Forget it.
@Agramonte I'd like to amend my previous comment to only apply to digital indie games. I don't think you can get a disc in a box of God of War or Spiderman for 20% off a month in advance, that's asking a bit much, manufacturing, shipping, retail, there's a lot of people that need to get paid. Digital, a lot less middlemen.
@Orwellianson Mind your language! And please watch the personal insults.
I love how Nintendo fanboys are crying that it's not fair and how dare Konami do this and F Konami. But when the shoe is on the other foot like what happened with the Bayonetta series it's all good
what is a port?
a miserable little pile of secrets!
A bit conspiratorial, but now that you mention it, it is kind of a head-scratcher. You're not telling me that it's going to take much to port those games on any system at the moment. The 360, Wii U or ps3 could have even done it justice. Eh, it is what it is though. I didn't even hear about it until literally today when I stopped pass another site. Guess that some companies really don't like money.
And for the people that I've heard talking about oh well it's kind of like the Bayonetta 2 situation here and on other sites, I respectfully say gtfoh with that. The budgets from both of those games combined probably wouldn't even match up to close to what Bayonetta 2 was. We're talkin about some pretty old games here. Games that were on a ps & Turbografx I believe.
And unless they're doing a whole Mario 64 3D makeover or something along with remastering, there is no way the budget for these old games hurt them so much that they needed financing like Bayonetta 2. Konami are in a much better position than Platinum games. It got moneyhatted, plain and simple. Much more respectable when you just own up to it instead of going further out of your way to insult people's intelligence.
I think people are being intentionally ignorant about this when they say "Konami can pay for it by themselves!"
That's not the point.
The point is that Konami NEVER had ANY PLANS on porting this to any system at all.
They're ONLY doing it because Sony paid them to.
@rjejr well, I figured Because of your following line that you ment digital. Yeah, you would think all those savings in production and distribution would come our way.
Yeah, like I said to others earlier concerning this, get the fark out of here with that. There's no way you're telling me that a port of a Turbo Graphics 16 game and a old playstation one title needed bankrolling to be funded for a company like Konami. A company that has been developing AND publishing all their own AAA games for decades now.
Where as a Platinum needed help to get the first Bayonetta & more of their games published. Here's another fact: Konami are big enough to secure huge licenses like TMNT, Aliens & The Simpsons. Platinum works on liscensed titles like TMNT & Konami's own Metal Gear in order to keep their lights on and secure funding for some of their own pursuits and endeavors. Amazing how as supposedly even remotely in the know gamers we overlook these types of facts & circumstances making some of these statements.
Ironically enough, in your rush to go ahead and label folks who may have something not so glowing to say about this fanboys, you yourself sound just like one. As you're just as quick to regurgitate the same overused & cliche talking point that many of them do when defending a money hatting move for a company that's not Nintendo or their preferred choice. Those two instances are hardly the same.
What makes you think that Konami had ANY plans to do this before Sony begged them to and threw money at them?
This wasn't in Konami's plans at all before that happened.
@gameboy1975 And I case you just prove my point very well. And yes they are exactly the same. Now if you excuse me welcome to my ignore list. Don't need to deal with trash like you.
Yeah, and I am okay with that. However, any PR spin to act like it oh my God I wouldn't have ever been able to be done without their help is straight-up bull$#**. Who could be mad at them for just being straight up and saying hey, these guys want to pay for it getting done, so we'll take the free money. Anything else though is bs.
Edit: Lol I just saw that you had actually replied to me after I commented on your post. Like I said, that's totally reasonable and will be certainly understandable. Should be to even the most die-hard loyalist or angered fans.
Nobody believes that.
When people say "It wouldn't have happened without Sony", they don't mean that Konami couldn't afford it.
They just mean that Konami had no plans or desire to make it happen until Sony paid them to.
Small Brain: "Why won't they port to Switch?"
Big Brain: "Why won't they remake these games instead?"
Galaxy Brain: "Why can't they bring over the Saturn content?"
Universe Brain: "Why can't this game I already own run on Vita?"
Yeah lmao, you would have to try harder to NOT see their bs in all honesty. Still, it is amusing seeing it on full display where even the most obtuse of folks cannot deny their horseshat.
In any case, I don't really care that much either way, but it has been good for conversation and entertainment while at work. In all honesty though, it seemed more like the sony fanboys were the ones making a bigger deal out of it more than anyone else. Just so they could then turn around & say that all the "others" are so upset & going on about it like mad.
Like I said, I literally had to Google it to see what the hell everyone was talking about. And I legitimately thought the Requiem thing was a new castlevania that people were getting angry about, which I could at least understand a bit more. However, I didn't know it was just the two old games being remastered. In a nutshell, I hadn't even heard that much caring about this (or mentioning of it at all even) before it was announced that it was paid for by sony.
I don't see why there would be this much fervor over this anyway. We've had years to play these games & no shortage of ways to do so. Hell, you can still even do it now without ever touching the ps4 (or in some cases a sony product) at all. So if you really didn't care that much then, don't let these guys fabricate a lot of faux outrage for you now. And of course, there's definitely going to be people upset over this. Hell, there's people upset that Nintendo is still in business for God's sake. Again though, it seems the people making the biggest deal out of this are some of these sony fanboys.
@SakuraHaruka I'm sorry, but it's true. Have you heard of "Metal Gear Survive?"
Sony used the Konami code: up, up, $, $ start, start
@IBeAGamer Yes i can because im right thanks
@klingki Can you please tell me the name of the game in your avatar?
@proof21 Sure, it's called Roof Rage.
Nah fam, I have to disagree with you on that. Porting some old a$$ games that have been on the Saturn, Wii VC & many other places as opposed to funding a multimillion-dollar one like Bayonetta2 is NOT the same thing. Like I said to some idiot earlier, Platinum NEEDS funding & publishing a lot of times. Konami on the other hand hasn't had that problem since I can remember them. They develop AND publish their own games. Where as Platinum are at the mercy of other publishers and have to make games like the Legend of Korra and licensed games to make ends meet & fund other projects that they wish to make.
Since everyone wants to beat this one tired & cliched example of Bayonetta to death, let's talk about the fact that Sega (IIRC) had to be involved in some capacity with Bayonetta, Platinum and Nintendo. When was the last time you heard that problem with Konami? Hell, can you give me one example of them having to go through that problem with their own IP as Platinum has had to? There's certainly better examples out there, but this one is poor my dude.
And for the record, I definitely respect a lot of your post even if I don't agree with all of them. I just didn't want you to think I was calling you an idiot because I had to talk to some other idiot earlier that I immediately blocked.
115MrBlackyYesterday, 9:35am
Wow, Konami needs help for porting over 10 year old 2D games! 😲
It's a rough market out there man lol.
1. Release the original
2. Get on a port of twin snakes
I feel like they should port over the GBA / DS games as a collection to the Switch.
I would not have expected such meltdowns over this.
If Sony is directly involved in making the games, fair enough. Nintendo fans get the same exclusivity with Bayonetta 2, and most likely 3 too.
Then I can't understand Simon and Richter in Smash...
Timed exclusive. Will be on switch within a year of PS4 launch. Mark my words.
Hopefully it's a timed exclusive and those will be released on other platforms once PS4 players are done with beta testing
@YANDMAN I KNOW, I MENTION IT IN MY COMMENT. I just say it wasn't necessary, it was not a project like Shenmue III, and it only makes the Konami-Sony relationship (admittedly special for several reasons) stronger.
@deafswin37 you're not but k.
@SmaggTheSmug Beta test a 20 year old game?
The desperation is strong.
@IBeAGamer A port of an old game could still be broken.
See: Chrono Trigger PC.
@SmaggTheSmug Which is a port of a broken remake of the game on phones.
There's still plenty of CV on the table for a collection, but it's clear that Konami is hat-in-hand for this kind of stuff, and a shame Nintendo missed this opportunity, and probably the current one to compile I-IV, X, Bloodlines, and ReBirth.
I already have dracula x chronicles downloaded to my psp, and I own sotn on as a ps1 classic. I don't see getting it on the ps4 as an upgrade.
I will just politely wait until it is out for switch.
@IBeAGamer Oh but i am but you keep thinking that kiddo thanks lol
A few bad seeds make us all look bad.
Konami is so lazy and useless anymore.
Makes no sense whatsoever.
@gameboy1975 in terms of the actual game itself no they are not the same, yes also Platinum couldn't publish a game where as Konami has no such issue.
The thing that you and others just can't seem to understand is that Konami had NO INTENTION of making this remake before Sony came to them and said do it.
It's not like people were begging Konami to remake these games, there was no demand prior to this and they had no reason to, nobody was asking them to do it. It's not like was a planned prohect from Konami on all systems until Sony stepped in...
No... There was nothing before Sony stepped in...Then Sony came and said "do it and we'll give you all the money for it, just do it for us..."
Do you think Konami would say "No thanks we didn't want to make this game"...
I mean i really don't get why thats hard to believe? Konami never had ANY intention of making this game before Sony came to them to have it made... Why do you all insist that Konami is at fault for abiding to Sony's request?
Is it blind annoyance because the game isn't on the Switch or is it failure to understand how two companies can make a business transactions?
Btw no offense taken.
@IBeAGamer They didn't buy away Bayonetta. They funded the sequels. The game wouldn't exist without that. Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night already exist and it would cost nothing to port them on current systems. It's just Sony buying exclusives for the sake of keeping them away of other gamers. But keep defending that control freak company. The japanese industry has not a lot of time left to survive with this toxic policy.
@dourfram "keep defending that control freak company."
Says the guy defending the company that controls YouTube videos about their games and pretty much steals from content creators.
@dourfram Also no, it was a partnership between the two companies but you keep crying more fanboy.
You did all that just to generalize, make assumptions & lump everybody together & say much of nothing. So maybe YOU are the one that's blind & perhaps has failures in understanding bruh. As it seems that you're talking about the horse's arse & I'm talking about the horse's face. I merely brought up the fact that your example is poor comparing Platinum Games (who have to seek out publishing & work on licensed garbage at times just to keep the lights on) to a company like Konami that develops & self-publishers their own games. And have been doing so since I can pretty much remember them existing.
All while yourself & others are repeatedly making a worn out apples to oranges comparison about Nintendo funding Bayonetta 2 & sony funding these two titles. We know Konami can & has done what Platinum as of yet cannot. That's not speculation, but FACTS, period! It's like comparing my spending capacity to Mark Zuckerberg's for a night out on the town & then wondering why I might not be able to hang out all night. That was it & that was all. All that other spiel you were vomiting had s#!it to do what I was talking about with you.
And considering that I already mentioned well before I commented to you I believe (and for damn sure before you responded to me) that nobody should have a problem with Konami taking what is basically free money, all of that jibba jabba, thinly veiled ASSumptions, alluding to fanboy musings & being upset because it's not coming to Nintendo switch is quite frankly stupid looking. As like I said before you went ASSuming & tried to type cast me, attempt to talk down snarkily & lump me in with others, I never went out of my way to play these games in the 1st place.
Hell, point to me where I even hinted at the fact that I would buy it even if it hit the Switch. Oooo ooo, maybe you can find where I disputed that Konami are bs'ing & that they were ever going to do anything with these two games besides let them languish until sony money hatted this? Or where I was outraged & shown to really GAF about it all either way. Yeah, betcha you can't. In any case, we seem to be done here my friend.
Disappointment in Konami feels as natural as breathing at this point.
Hope its 15$ or less. That's all I have to say about this. If Konami really wants to make me excited get on the Capcom train and make the Konami Beat Em' Up Bundle.. What? All of the good ones except for Sunset Riders which technically isn't a beat em' up are licensed games like Simpsons, X-Men and Ninja Turtles? I have fury!
269 comments for two old games? I guess it's worth it. It is Castlevania!
@gameboy1975 mate you are talking a lot of crap, if you try to look at this logically and i know that might be hard for you but just try...
Sony pays for a game that use to be for everyone to be exclusive.
Nintendo pays for a game that use to be for everyone to be exclusive.
See how this is EXACTLY what happened and exactly the same situation... If you remove what got both companies to that situation... Sure yea the inards of this dealing is different but stripped bare and it comes down to the same thing.
Now if you really want to be anal about it... You can pick the inards out and point at differences (like you're doing), but that's just pointless as the end result is still exactly the same situation.
Look mate don't try and pass your inability to understand simple sense to me... I tried to keep my last post to you civil but in all honesty the way your banging on with a wall of text that's 50% gibberish i didn't bother this time.
You are actually looking too hard into this... Forget everything else and think about it logically...
@SBandy you cant go calling it a port station when your upset that it isn't on switch, which would have also been a port. Am I right? Just be glad were getting this
I was very clearly joking. Don't take things so literally.
@Damo Ah, I skimmed over the bit where it stated that it was being funded by Sony.
I have a preemptive bias against Konami as a whole, as its terrible handling of the fantastic IPs they own is extremely disappointing to me.
Don't get me wrong though, I am still happy for the PS4 owners that get to experience the game, and I hope for their sake that Konami doesn't shoehorn overpriced DLC, microtransactions and other similar anti-consumer practices like that into the experience.
@IBeAGamer Lol the thing is we can actually criticize nintendo's stance about youtube videos or rom sites. When Sony remove videos on youtube or PS1 isos from romsite we never hear about it. That's what I call a control freak company. They control the narrative because they're a faceless megacorp that destroys the industry.
That does suck-- those games would have looked sooo good on my Switch. Especially Rondo of Blood, which to my eye is the best looking Castlevania game, and one of the few i have yet to play. Fortunately i do have a PS4, but still-- what a missed opportunity!
@electrolite77 - The thing is, these games weren't platform exclusive in the past, and now they are. Not sure why Konami went this route, other than $$$, which is a shame, because a Switch version would have done very well. I do have a PS4 and will likely pick this up, but a Switch version would have been much, much better, for obvious (hand-held) reasons. And that's where the console preference (or fanboyism) comes in.
@dourfram We never hear about it because it doesn't happen.
@dourfram Hahahahaha they control the narrative?
You have to be a troll or a deranged deluded fanboy.
@IBeAGamer It happened though. PS1 and PS2 isos have been removed from rom sites too. But I'm sure it's nintendo fault right? The megacorp Sony who owns 80% of the market is perfect they would never do that.
Not yet anyway...
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