Today, Sony announced the PlayStation Classic, a micro-console which comes pre-loaded with 20 games, is bundled with two full-size replica controllers, connects to your TV via HDMI and is powered by a humble USB lead. Sound familiar? Of course it does, because it's blatantly inspired by the NES and SNES Classic Editions. Even the imagery used to promote the new console – a hand holding the system aloft – is eerily similar to that used by Nintendo when it confirmed its own 'mini' machines.
This isn't the first time that Sony has copied the work of Nintendo, the company that, at one point, it was working with closely on the unreleased SNES PlayStation CD-ROM system. Of course, Nintendo has influenced many other players in the industry too, but it seems that Sony in particular loves to crib from the Kyoto veteran. Here are some more examples.
The PlayStation Controller
When Sony revealed the original 32-bit PlayStation back in 1994, it was pretty clear where the company's designers got the inspiration for the console's iconic joypad. The familiar diamond button cluster (with each button boasting a colour-coded symbol), the rounded corners and the shoulder buttons all screamed 'SNES pad', and more than a few people at the time commented at the striking similarity between the two.
This isn't all that shocking when you consider that Sony's staff will have been using the SNES pad during the development of the aborted SNES PlayStation; it makes sense that they would therefore choose it as the basis for their own controller. It was also a very sensible move because the SNES was, in Japan at least, the clear winner in the 16-bit console war. By adopting a familiar pad design, Sony was making it easier for jaded Nintendo fans to upgrade to the PlayStation.
While Sony used Nintendo's design as a template, it also added some welcome improvements; the prongs at the bottom of the pad made it easier to hold and by adding two more shoulder buttons, control options were increased. Sony has stood by the basic look of this controller for decades, and the modern DualShock 4 still has the same core design – proof that this is one of the best controllers money can buy. Good job Sony picked the right company to copy all those years ago, then.
Analog Control
Nintendo wasn't the first company to use analog control on a console as the standard interface – that honour falls to Audiosonic's 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System, released way back in 1976. Later, in 1982, both Atari and General Consumer Electronics released analog controllers for the Atari 5200 and Vextrex respectively. In the '90s, both the PlayStation and Saturn had their own analog controllers – the PlayStation Analog Joystick and the Sega Mission Stick – but these were bulky, premium accessories and not the standard controllers for each system.
Analog control was, up until the release of the Nintendo 64, seen as an optional extra rather than a core interface. With the N64, Nintendo made analog control the de facto standard on games consoles, and every single home system released since then has featured at least one analog stick, if not two.
It's hard to claim that Sony was 100 percent inspired by the N64 in this regard; as we've already touched upon, it already had an analog control option on the PlayStation and may well have been considering releasing a standard analog pad around the same time (the precursor to the DualShock, the Dual Analog Controller, launched in April 1997); even so, the iconic DualShock wasn't bundled with the hardware until the release of the PSOne in 2000, so you could argue that Nintendo's move gave Sony the confidence it needed to make analog control standard on PlayStation.
And while we're here, Nintendo was first with vibrating controllers (although admittedly, this was achieved via a special pack which bolted onto the pad itself).
PlayStation Move
It's easy to forget that when Nintendo revealed the Wii – or 'Revolution' as it was then known – many in the industry openly mocked the company. The notion of motion control was alien to pretty much everyone at the time, but once you'd played a game of Wii Sports, you were a convert.
It didn't take long for Nintendo's rivals to clone this approach; Microsoft invested millions into Kinect, a completely controller-free interface, while Sony released PlayStation Move, which used Wii Remote-style wand controllers that were made even more accurate by the fact that the PlayStation Camera tracked coloured orbs on the top of the controller itself.
Because it was an optional interface and not included with every PS3 system, PlayStation Move's success was limited; however, it's legacy has proven to be a long one, as the controllers are still used with PlayStation VR software.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Of all the times that Sony has copied Nintendo, this has to rank as the most embarrassing. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a crossover fighting game just like Smash Bros., and attempts to pull together various characters from the PlayStation universe, such as Parappa the Rappa, God of War's Kratos (pre-beard and fatherhood), Uncharted's Nathan Drake and even a Big Daddy from Bioshock. If you think the eclectic cast of Smash Bros. feels disjointed at times, then the lineup here will absolutely do your head in; it ranges from 'WTF' to 'Who?' and never gels properly at all.
Questionable character choices aside, the combat system is reasonably enjoyable but lacks the nuanced depth of Smash Bros., which is largely due to the fact that Masahiro Sakurai and company spend months honing and tweaking every attack to make sure the game shines. PlayStation All-Stars may have sold over a million copies, but it would seem that Sony would rather you simply forgot about this shameless cloning effort.
Totaku Collection
While this range of collectable figurines isn't made by Sony itself, the majority of the examples released so far are from PlayStation properties, and they carry Sony's blessing – so the company is culpable in this rather cheeky attempt to cash-in on the amiibo craze. We refuse to hear otherwise, OK?
Crash Bandicoot, LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy, WipEout’s Feisar craft, Heihachi from Tekken… they're all here in plastic form, and while the figures are actually really well designed, they lack any kind of connectivity with the games which inspired them. You could argue that many amiibo collectors simply buy them to place on a shelf, so the lack of NFC-powered interactivity here is a moot point – and you could go further and rightly point out that Nintendo was by no means the first company to jump on the now-knackered 'toys to life' bandwagon. But saying all of that massively undermines the core intent of this feature, so you can take that pro-Sony talk elsewhere, sunshine.
We're Contractually Obliged To Mention...
...the times that Sony inspired Nintendo, of course. We've got to be balanced here.
Take memory cards, for example; SNK was actually the pioneer in this respect, with its Neo Geo AES and MVS system which allowed players to save data on arcade games and then transfer it on the home variant, but it was Sony's PlayStation which truly made the memory card the format of choice for save data. Poor old Sega opted for an internal battery within the Saturn console (although an optional memory cart was available), but Nintendo would include a 'Memory Pak' option which slotted into the N64's controller (even though most games had on-cart saves). It would also use the memory card approach with the N64's successor, the GameCube.
Then there are online subscription services; Nintendo has today launched its Switch Online program which asks people for money in order to secure things like online play, free games and cloud save support – something Sony did years ago. And what about the all-important 'Share' button, so widely questioned when the PS4 launched? Yep, Nintendo has copied that too, with its Screenshot / Video button on Switch.
You could also argue that Nintendo followed Sony (and the rest of the industry) by using optical media after stubbornly sticking with expensive cartridges during the N64 era. And what about Monster Hunter? When the series took off on Sony formats, Nintendo swept in and tied down Capcom's famous series as a 3DS exclusive. What about augmented reality? AR was a big deal when the 3DS launched, but Sony had been dabbling with the concept on the PSP a short time beforehand.
But we'll ignore all of that, because Sony copies Nintendo, not the other way around, right? Right!?
Comments 250
I think they should try again with PlayStation All Stars. Put Kratos in with his beard and his axe.
Wow this is some straight fan boy drivel. Surprising from this site
Now if only Nintendo would copy Sony's online...
"While this range of collectable figurines isn't made by Sony itself, all of the examples released so far are from PlayStation properties"
-when did Tekken and Sonic the Hedgehog become PlayStation properties? And Ni No Kuni has appeared on the DS and PC...and aren't owned by Sony.
"So the company is culpable in this rather cheeky attempt to cash-in on the amiibo craze."
...well no because they don't have any functionality except from being a nice little collectable, and releasing figures isn't a new idea.
I can see that you wanted a Top 5 situation here but it's more of a Questionable 3
The speed you got this article written is incredible, like you had it waiting on the server for the right moment to strike...
Everyone copies each other in this industry. Sony copies Nintendo, Nintendo copies Sony. If there is money to be made, they all follow like sheep. It's how business works.
In before someone gets snotty about this article and comments without reading it with stuff like 'Actually....' or accusations of fanboyism...
OK, that didn't last long..
@martynstuff Lots of people haven't quite mastered the art of 'reading the text' before commenting on the title. I guess it takes too much time?
This article is kinda fanboyish, but at the same time, I didn't see anything factually incorrect. Truthfully, Sony does copy Nintendo. I say this as a Sony and Nintendo fan. Just like Sega copied Nintendo. It's just kinda how it works. Sometimes Sony IMPROVES upon the ideas. I don't really think it's anything to get too angry about.
I'm curious now if Pushsquare will strike back with an article about Nintendo copying Sony.
Still this is Damien we're talking about, stoking the flames a bit is kinda what he does. It was an interesting read nonetheless. I honestly had no idea the "Totaku Collection" was even a thing!
EDIT: On the note of Toys to life, there was already R.O.B, and I remember there being a ridiculous device called The Hyper Scan which basically involved collecting trading cards and using them with CD based games. The idea of using toys and such with games isn't all that new.
How is it fanboy drivel when they included facts when Nintendo was inspired by Sony and not just the other way around? And the article's last line is clearly sarcasm...
Well, this is gonna draw the insecure ones out of the woodworks.
I'm leaving it alone. Enough tensions from insecure fans on both sides as is, without prodding them with a stick
Of these 5 points only the move controllers and all-stars battle royale seem similar enough to be considered copied once you’ve read the backstory behind the others. Really fanboyish article.
@Cia just my opinion on it. Not going to go back and forth but it just seems that way to me. Hope you enjoyed it
So the Totaku collection is a copy of amiibo, but somehow amiibo isn't a copy of Skylanders?
The retro PS1 is a copy of the retro NES/SNES, but somehow they're not a copy of all the SEGA, Atari, Commodore, etc. retro consoles that have been around for ages?
Move was obviously a copy of the Wii remote, but you describe it like Nintendo invented motion controls with the Wii. There have been dozens of motion control devices before the Wii. In fact it's funny you mention Kinect. Nintendo fans accused Kinect of copying the Wii, despite the fact that it had way more in common with the PS2 EyeToy (Sony's motion control device that somehow existed before the Wii despite Nintendo "inventing" motion controls with the Wii), so by their logic wouldn't that have made the Wii a copy of the EyeToy, as it's the same difference?
Hell, Atari had a wand-like motion controller in the 80s...
Battle All Stars was certainly inspired by Smash Bros. but then I don't remember X-Men vs Street Fighter/Marvel vs Capcom fans accusing Nintendo of "totally ripping off the idea of a franchise crossover fighting game" etc. back in the day. There was also an obscure Japanese fighter called The Outfoxies that was somewhat similar to Smash Bros.
Only Nintendo fans seem to care about such things (I guess because of this "Nintendo invented everything/Nintendo is the only innovator" mythos/narrative that's been fabricated over the years). Why are we always so obsessed with who copied who?
[Oh and if anyone accuses me of being a Sony fan/defender or something, I'm not. Don't care about Sony. Only ever owned Nintendo consoles]
In case it is, it needs more winky faces
Not gonna touch this comment section for the rest of the day though!
Hahaha props for how quickly you guys could write this. I own both PS4 and Switch so I don't really care either way. There's totally going to be people that don't get the sarcasm here.
Could people please actually read the article before crying about ‘fanboyism’?
@Kimyonaakuma they even produce for microsoft
My favourite thing about this article is that practically everything Sony copied off Nintendo, Nintendo had already copied off somebody else. I mean innovated. Yes, innovated.
Well Monster hunter imo is not copied, they just stole away the contract. Which is more Business related than stealing/copying. So you can't use that one. It's just the same as current multi console games where specific titles get extra stuff cause the company pays them to add stuff (starlink => starfox for example). Destiny => PSN contract so extra stuff on PSN not on Xbone or Pc.
Atari was really ahead of their time to be honest. They even came up with wireless controllers way before Sony or Nintendo did.
@Damo You have a good point with the SNES controllers & the Nintendo Playstation.. though some people forget just how close the Playstation's Prototype controllers were to a SNES pad.
Does anyone else hear a “wooosh”, almost as if a joke was flying over somebody’s head???
For those of you that are butt hurt about 'fanboyism'...your on NINTENDOLife. Did you forget?
Anyway, both companies do good things but Nintendo is almost always the one leading the charge with brave new ideas while Sony follows close behind, riding thier coat tails and improving those ideas where they can. Nintendo will always be the kings. This recent copy of the PS Classic is soooo embarrassing. Lol. I almost feel bad for them...
What people may forget at times is that while ninty took inspiration from other companies and made these mainstream, such as analogue stick, it was the ingenious software that made it happen. I remember back in the day discussing Super Mario World with the new SNES pad. OMG. Or 3D analogue controls on N64 with Mario64. The rumble Pak in StarFox64. Or motion controls in Wii Sports. All the hardware ‘innovations’ have been successful because of the awesome software and its relationship with the hardware. God love Ninty. Unashamed fanboy
Great read and now to the comments
@redd214 100% agree, even the title seems so aggressive "shamelessly"
I don't mind. Nintendo doesn't have the games Sony has and vice versa. As long I can get great games i'm all fine
For me the main selling point of the NES Classic mini is Super Mario Bros 1,2 and 3 , Legand of Zelda, Kirby and Super NES Classic mini likewise the beginnings of Nintendo's biggest franchises. There is no other gaming consoles out there that have franchises as rooted and great as Nintendo in my opinion, just an opinion and Sony doesn't have that kind of appeal for me there are good games on Sonys systems but not as rooted and collectable as Nintendo has and offers.
@Haywired All this "who copied who" business is nonsense as the concept of building off of other people's success exists in all forms of creativity. However, I will defend Damo's choice of Playstation All Stars as, yes there have been crossovers before.. but such a near identical format with the small landmasses & being knocked off the stage?
I'd be interested in your thoughts on Sony's Sixaxis controller which suddenly came into existence a few weeks after the Wii was announced?
@Damo maybe if you manage to make proper titles the confusion wouldn't be so big. shouldn't the title be enough ? I mean you say one thing in the title and then in the content you say something different. And you are kind of a cocky little boy with that comment aren't you ? You should be presenting news not click baits that are so common these days on your site.
I feared such an article would crop up.
Brace for impact, the sister site userbase is coming at us.
They're fierce. They're sassy. And they're generally elitists. Be very afraid.
@invictus4000 and just why is the PS classic embarrassing but the NES classic isn't? Did you completely forget that the Atari Flashback and Genesis Flashback existed before the NES classic? Its not like Nintendo was innovating by bringing their classic consoles out. Nothing embarrassing about it at all from either company. Just a smart business decision to capitalize on the current retro craze by giving consumers something they want.
@vitelus u ok hun
I was actually completely baffled when Sony announced the Sixaxis in response to the Wii, because they already had a high-profile motion control device on the market before the Wii was even announced; the PS2 EyeToy (well I say "high-profile", it's now been largely wiped from history as it doesn't quite fit in with the whole "Nintendo invented everything" mythos haha). Instead of crowbarring motion controls into their controller and inviting all the ridicule in the world, they could have just nonchalantly announced the Eyetoy 2 for the PS3, with sequels to their already existing motion-controlled party, sports and fitness games and been like "Yeah we've already got all that, and that's just a small part of what we've got. I don't know why Nintendo's making such a big deal out of it." Instead they made themselves a laughing stock, when they could have done the same to Nintendo, or at least massively taken the wind out of their sails. With that simple announcement they could have perhaps nipped the Wii in the bud if they wanted to (after all, the Kinect took a lot of the shine off the Wii when it released, a new EyeToy could've done the same). So yeah, that always seemed really dumb to me.
I’m far more intrigued with a PlayStation Mini than what Nintendo has given us. I think it will do enormously well because they haven’t carted their games around like Nintendo has with Virtual Console. I’m curious to see their full game offering when it’s available.
Puzzled about those accusing this of fanboyism. This is literally a site exclusively dedicated to Nintendo. They have a sister site for Playstation. This is where fanboyism should be!
@Haywired I agree, it was a baffling choice for Sony to wheel-out the Sixaxis so quickly, especially when it wasn't ready at launch. Having picked up my PS2 at launch.. well I regret trying to play that darned helicopter game (Thunderhawk?) with the Sixaxis!!
I will say that the Power Glove long pre-dated the Eyetoy... but who ever ACTUALLY used a Power Glove?
If we’re going to write an article on who-copied-who we really need to start with the Dreamcast:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Everyone steals ideas from everywhere. It happens Nintendo is pretty good at innovating and they are better than most at keeping secrets until the big reveal.
I'm more of a Nintendo fan so it is easier for me to see what Nintendo did first, but I won't know what Nintendo stole from others.
It's the same war between iOS and Android, PC and MAC, Console and PC, Audi and BMW, nVidia and ATI, Intel and ATI, Boeing and Airbus (yes, there are arguments amongst pilots), etc... I can continue all day.
Oh yeah, of course, loads of motion control devices existed before the EyeToy, like the Atari one I mentioned above and the Power Glove (though that was made by Mattel not Nintendo despite what a lot of people think).
Am I going to have to bring Chad Warden into this?
@RadioHedgeFund Good call, I loved my Dreamcast & playing bouts of Phantasy Star Online. You could technically call Sega as the first to use console/handheld interactivity... if you're willing to call the VMU a handheld unit. Personally never got the VMU's battery to last long enough to play a game though.
@Haywired Indeed, as I said in a previous comment creativity thrives off of building on other people's success. You're correct that Mattel distributed the Power Glove but it was developed by another company altogether. I'm guessing people like to remember the first successful implementation of a technology.
@HammerKirby right now to me Nintendo’s online service seems more of a retro game service than for online play. There just doesn’t seem to be that many games that will utilize it. At least it’s cheap.
Sony has been copying Nintendo since the release of the original PlayStation. And MS copied Sony with the XBOX.
Without Nintendo there wouldn't have been an XBOX or PlayStation. But people often forget this.
20 Games? Come on Sony I seen non-official products that could hold more game that.
@Damo and too much thinking effort.
Only a matter of time before Sony copies the Switch. There’s a good chance that they will make a better version of it as well. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the PS5 is a hybrid console.
I have to say Playstation Classic looks dope. Maybe Nintendo should just answer with Gamecube classic! I don't mind if they skip N64
@Yasume No they won't try to compete Nintendo again on handheld or hybrid category. PS Vita and PS TV were biggest flops than Xperia so they won't make same mistake twice
@sanderev Well, you are correct that without Nintendo there would be no Playstation.. there is a reason it was originally called The Nintendo Playstation. If you look it up there is a working prototype.
If Nintendo had been a little less greedy, they'd have been partners with Sony & there'd be no rivalry. But that's all history now.
@Yasume It's very unlikely that Sony will attempt to create their own hydrid, as @dimi said.. Sony has a bad track record on this with their Vita's. Nintendo seems to have an iron grip on the handheld market, the NeoGeo Pocket Color was (in my opinion) a much better console than the GBC when it was released... but couldn't compete against Ninty's marketing power & library.
Didn't Nintendo copy Atari on the classics?
Wait, the classic doesnt have dual shocks? Wtf?...
"Yesterday's Soapbox was pretty good for clicks, I wonder how we can improve on that today?"
"Start a fanboy war?"
"Yeah, why not?"
@Trajan Sony is probably being cautious with releasing anything that looks like the original Dualshocks after they lost their copyright case & had to pay out millions in damages... plus are there enough games in the library which would make use of the vibrations to make the cost worth it? The less hardware they include, the more profit.
I don't know who's more shameless, Sony always ripping off Nintendo.
Their pathetic fanboys always defending Sonys blatant theft from Nintendo.
Imagine when they introduce "THE VITA 2 IS NOW SWIT- ERR UMM A HYBRID!"
it baffles me how people continue to say Sony copied Nintendo over this when you can argue that Nintendo copied Atari and Sega as they had classic consoles come out before Nintendo.
The Totaku Collection isn't really a copying either since they don't interact with games (Which I will point out again that Nintendo didn't start the toys with games also) and figures from game/movies and such have been a thing for... well more than 20 years now.
What exactly did Sony steal?
1. Anybody pretending one set of fanboys is worse than the other is hilariously, myopically wrong.
2. These companies should copy each other. In fact they should do it more. Nintendo should copy the competitions Online service. Sony should copy the competition and allow Crossplay. Microsoft should copy the competition and make more quality exclusives etc.
We're straight up trolling now, eh?
@Yasume I can't see that happening when they're enjoying so much success on the pure home console front, but I've gotta admit, I would definitely buy a PS5 if it was a hybrid.
I find it hilarious that you act as though you didn't make use a click bait title for this very purpose.
Sony copying the Switch would be business suicide. They’re great at selling home systems but not so good at selling handhelds, and like everyone else they can’t support two machines these days. Not making a powerful Home system would be handing the market over to MS. I really can’t see that happening.
@DanteSolablood I thought that got dropped?
@Rika_Yoshitake what did Sony copy besides analog sticks and vibration?
That’s just funny. Swap ‘Sony’ and ‘Nintendo’ round throughout your post and it would be perfectly viable. If you don’t agree you must be ignoring thousands of posts from Nintendo zealots every week on here.
I respect Microsoft with the XBox, they are good competition.
Thanks for the fun read, and as always, the comments make it even funnier
@MH4 It’s like a wind tunnel in here!
Funny that I was watching this video last week that have the same 5 plus 5 more.
I can imagine Nintendo taking to optical media like swallowing bitter medicine, then ejecting it. From mini discs to more traditional disc format, then back to cartridges.
A glass half full approach would be Sony didn't copy, they were "inspired". You know to ease the other side
Little big planet kart racing, rumble feature, portable consoles and many, many more
At least Sony doesn't kill you if the console you're responsible for fails. RIP Yokoi & Iwata!
I'd argue the inclusion of a 'share/screenshot' button is more influenced by social media and an eventual step anyhow.
@HammerKirby This.
@Ralizah @electrolite77 @DanteSolablood @dimi The new PlayStation chief stated in a fairly recent interview that he’s looking at possibilities for a new PlayStation handheld. He also explicitly states that he doesn’t want to seperate portable gaming from console gaming, but rather have them working together, which clearly hints at a hybrid system.
Could be standard PR talking, but it’s definitely a change from Sony’s previous boss who flatout stated that there’s no market for handheld gaming anymore.
Here’s the article in question:
Now if only Nintendo can copy from Sony : HDR / 4K / psn online network / 2TB console / free AAA games every month etc ...
Come on guys ! Stop being fan boys for once ... I always loved Nintendo until 2012 when Wii U came and I found my true love to Sony PlayStation lol
@Damo damn it was so easy for you to prove my point. My first language isn't english so I am sorry if i don't understand the subtlety of what you mean by that. Thanks again for proving my point...damn
@Yasume That's an interesting article and confirms that a change in management has taken place since Sony gave up on the handheld market. It could be fun to see Sony try again with portable gaming.
I will say that the article does seem to have a Sony bias though, "While Sony has a handheld device, the PlayStation Vita, it hasn’t been revised or replaced since 2011. That created an opening for Nintendo Co. to deliver a hit with the Switch"... that DEFINITELY reads like they're saying the Switch is only a success because Sony wasn't keeping the Vita up to date.
@redd214 There's been a lot more of that lately. I really don't appreciate it.
Ohh yeah....this is really true.
Someone had the courage to say it. TRUTH! lol
Hey, it Sony copies something from Nintendo and does it really well too, which is usually the case, then I have no problem with that at all.
@Damo 5?..... 5?.... you could only list5??????
1) The format in it's entirety was inherently an expansion of a Nintendo Console
2)The controller in it's entirety
3) Analogue Control
4) Dual Control
5) Controller Feedback
6) Taking Monster Hunter from Sony??? could easily be levelled at Final Fantasy going exclusive to Sony from Nintendo. But this is a weak point to make. Monster Hunter also moved to Nintendo in the middle of the huge collaborative works between Nintendo and Capcom.
7) Downloadable retro back catalogue
8) Handheld console
9) Motion Controls
10) Off TV play
11) Remote play of main console
12) Online Subscription service? But then surely this was Sony copying Xbox? thereby Nintendo copying Xbox and not Sony?
13) I would bet money that PS5 is close to an upgraded Switch it will be scary. By all rights, it should be as well. A more powerful hybrid console in the PS5 would be awesome. The Switch has set the bar for the future of gaming after the giant misstep with the Wii U and is quite literally the big generational leap in home console gaming since the N64.
Nintendo has relentless been the leading innovator in home console gaming, closely followed by Sega. Sony has done a very good job of taking those ideas either to the next level, or more commonly utterly failed .... Vita/Move/DualShock Controller (worst stick layout ever, but you have now played it for sooooo long that your thumbs have been brainwashed into making do)
@KingSandyRavage Because despite the point of you more or less being factually correct there it would seem very overkill and those 5 stand out even more. You can see the whining in here already calling it fanboy drivel, and at a surface level I can see how it would be seen as that. But history doesn't change things and it did and repeatedly did happen. Nintendo was earlier, they took a few concepts from Atari before that because they worked like the joystick and removeable carts (which the Fairchild Channel F did before them.) Nintendo yanked a select far fewer times crap from Sony too, but it's not an even smash and grab either.
It's just how it works, someone does the right thing, it takes, and others run to copy cat the hell out of it and Sony is a master of that. They've never been huge on their own ideas but they're good at taking and using them.
@peeks all formats have their strengths and great games. At the moment though the Switch is miles ahead in terms of hardware. The PS4 is Sony's worst machine ever and in my opinion is a step back from the PS3.
1) The entirely free online service is now £50 A YEAR. No Thank you.
2) You could download and felt like you owned the films you bought - Now you have to stream them and require a constant internet connection to watch them, more like a subscription service. Charging full price for a streaming only platform is criminal.
3) Restricting control of and number of accounts in the manner they do now means its a ball ache to own multiple consoles in one house and waaaaay more expensive for a family to play online as you all need a paid subscription. Three active gamers in one house now costs £150 a year... PS3 was FREE. Switch is only £35 a year for those 3 and an additional potential further 5 gamer accounts for the same price!
The PS4 is slowly doing to Hardware what EA is doing to software:
Giving you less to own, giving you less control but charging you more and more every year for the privilege of renting their services.
I agree, but Sony is making more of a track record of failing with those copies and showing their hand way more and more that they are imitator over innovator and are purely a business centred business as opposed to a gaming centred business.
I always apportioned this to fact they are not a games developer and are purely driven by shifting hardware numbers. Their consoles are more and more on slowly bleeding the gamer with the micro-transaction and subscription business models, over delivering quality.
Funny detail. You could find Vita TV for 50$. Stronger hardware but without the controllers, the vintage Playstation form and the free games. You could download PS games (and also Vita, PSP games) for 5$ each though but not all.
Great... More old trash. Is everyone having a midlife crisis 😂
NES, SNES, Genesis, NeoGeo, PS1. The garbage parade keeps coming and every fanboy defends their own relic 🙄
Pentium 4 gaming PC... COMING SOON!
didnt expect such an article from this site....since i am no Sony or Nintendo fanboy, I dont really care...I am just surprised
@KingSandyRavage wait what ? A head in terms of hardware ? Lol ... do you know that you still play doom on your switch @ 600p while ps4 owners play it @ 4K ???? And if it a head in terms of hardware why it’s impossible to port 99.9% of AAA third parties games to switch lol
And for online features ... do you know that you CAN NOT play the same game you purchased digitally at the same time on different consoles with Nintendo switch because it will pause the same moment someone log on the primary console but with Sony PS4 you can play the same game on two different accounts two different consoles at the same time
Stop defending Nintendo for everything even their mistakes and flows ... yeah I love the exclusive games for Nintendo <3 played and owned them all but ofc my ps4 is way better than my switch
Forgot to mention Crash Team Racing
@Agramonte You want to burn some silent films over lunch? You seem to be that type of guy.
@Giygas_95 the first attempt was terrible though
Sony are good at that PR, making people pause because 'well Sony might have that new thing coming out'. Realistically it could mean anything e.g. a new handheld, a streaming service to mobile The only way they could do it is if they somehow released a cut down PS4 that pretty much ran OG PS4 code. They don't have the development capacity to support two distinct systems, nobody does.
Sony are good at that PR, making people pause because 'well Sony might have that new thing coming out'. Realistically it could mean anything e.g. a new handheld, a streaming service to mobile The only way they could do it is if they somehow released a cut down PS4 that pretty much ran OG PS4 code. They don't have the development capacity to support two distinct systems, nobody does.
@peeks what resolution is DOOM on PS4 while on the toilet? Sorry couldn’t resist, different people value different aspects of both the PS4 and the switch. If you want power then great the PS4 or PC is for you.
Analog control was first done by Atari though, so you could argue Nintendo "stole" that from Atari. Atari was also the first to try out a wireless controller and a motion controller. Atari also arguably had dual controls long before Nintendo or Sony did, as Raiders of the Lost Ark on Atari required the use of both controllers to fully enjoy the game. One controller controlled the character and the other controlled your inventory and such. Even the concept of cartridge-based gaming was done before Nintendo did it.
It's also worth noting that Sony's Dualshock controller pretty much shaped the standard for dual controls. Sony may have copied from Nintendo, but they at least improved upon some of the ideas.
EDIT: Also... wait... pretty sure Sony did Dual Controls before Nintendo did.
@Brutchie-bear All the more reason to try again and get it right this time!
@beazlen1 1440p @ 60fps, why?
@Mrtoad Last Silent Film I saw was 4 years ago at the NY Phil.
But honestly - better films being made by students down at The Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film & Television in NYU.
Times move on. We have better stuff now... No need to live in the past.
Ohh fanboy fuel!!
I bet you won't talk about things Nintendo has plagiarized. I won't talk about it either, it's a lot. But just so we're clear, staying up with the competitive market and downright plagiarized are 2 different things.
Have fun.
The frequent, nostalgia-induced, white-knighting "but Atari and Sega!" defence of this makes no sense (nor do the other even more reaching anecdotes like the "analog stick" one). AtGames developed (and continues to develop) very poor quality devices stamped with Atari's and Sega's franchises in order to sell them as cheap gimmicks in dollar stores. Nintendo made their own compilation console but did not make it a low-quality product nor did they fail to support or market it widely. Thus, the only similarity between AtGames and Nintendo, here, is the superficial observation that both companies made classic console compilations.
Contrarily, Sony (as usual) is "coincidentally" doing almost everything Nintendo has done, tit for tat (literally down to the naming of this device), simply because Nintendo was successful. I guess that's fine (and frankly, the PSClassic is the only one of these devices that actually has seriously caught my interest), but it's nothing but flagrant fanboyism to deny the fact that almost all of PlayStation's history has "coincidentally" been dependent on mindlessly cloning/copying everything successful Nintendo does.
Looking forward to Sony announcing their new portable console hybrid, the PlayStation SWAP, next year.
@Rika_Yoshitake I'd say the ones that think Nintendo hasn't done worse than just keeping up with the lastest trend, which God forbid a company for trying to be competitive. But you forgive and forget Nintendo for plagiarism. If you don't want to look like a hypocrite, I'd advise you to not speak on the matter.
Does the PSOne actually have any truly classic games that still hold up in 2018? Asking for a friend.
@Euler nothing close to the best of the N64
"that DEFINITELY reads like they're saying the Switch is only a success because Sony wasn't keeping the Vita up to date."
Ha, good point. A more honest sentence would have been something like 'Sony is still just about in the handheld business despite making a total a**ehole of the potentially fantastic PS Vita by forcing in proprietary Memory Cards while forgetting to put enough buttons on it'
I'm still ticked off about how Sony killed the Vita with that crap. Just being reminded of it makes my fist ball up. That's on top of rendering the UMD format pointless and then not supporting a fair chunk of PSP games. Pretty much every PSP game I would want to play on the Vita is unsupported and with no UMD slot, I would have no way to utilize my existing PSP library on it. I would probably be willing to re-purchase some of my Monster Hunter games and Portable Ops Plus for the Vita, but they're not supported. Huge fail on Sony's part for sure.
Yikes. I could think of several articles for all 3 console makers that could highlight their flaws, mistakes, and cloning habits. But none of it serves as anything except click generators and fanboy arguments.
@vitelus The way the article is written, it's clearly not taking itself seriously,it's just a bit of fun.
@peeks I said hardware not graphical processor.
There is way more hardware in a switch than a PS4 and it has changed how you play games. The PS4 is essentially a PS3 with more power and less features.
Doom may be higher res on PS4 but unless you sit down with both copies wide by side and intentionally lookfir the differences, you don’t really notice as it is neglible once you are playing the game and it is the exact same experience...... except for while you have 4K at home, I have the same resolution no matter where in the world I am. I’m playing Doom on the plane while I go on holiday where the resolution of your PS4 doom is???? 0x0.
I’m playing it on my break at the same rock anyway performance, your resolution on PS4 is?..... 0x0.
You have totally missed the point of what the switch has done for gaming and it’s future if you think shouting about 4K at home is where gaming is headed.
@Onion nope. The N64 controller was a dual controller, it was using the D-pad and analogue stock. You could also use two controllers in goldeneye in 1997 for actual dual analogue. Rare in conjunction with nintendo innovated the control scheme that is now the standard for home console FPS.
Damn, i miss PlayStation All-Stars. I hope they make another one...
Let me rephrase that, Dual ANALOG controller. The N64 was analog and digital, while the PS1's dualshock had two actual analog sticks. Of course, that came out AFTER Nintendo had released their rumble pak, so you can still argue that Sony copied Nintendo's design.
Update: There's also the version of the dualshock seen only in Japan for a short while that didn't have the force feedback. It flopped due to Sony switching over to the version with rumble feedback.
@KingSandyRavage You'll get no argument out of me on that, they've basically turned into Microsoft pretty much. Force things out, copy others efforts, shift interests around all ADHD like as the tides roll in and out, and put a minimal enough effort in to give the appearance of caring, something fresh, and it's more of just meh. PS4 disappointed me so I sold the games, found better versions on PC anyway, and their IP was crap to me over PS3 so I kind of packed it in there as I caught on to it.
@HammerKirby Minus the constant hacking and I'll agree.
Not mention in the article is the PS3's Sixaxis controller, which was clearly a last minute tacked-on response to the Wii. I remember even seeing a photo of the circuit board, where the chip that does the motion detection is separated from the main board and connected by wire in a clear indication that it was not part of the original design.
1) The format in it's entirety was inherently an expansion of a Nintendo Console
So, just because it was originally going to be an expansion for a Nintendo console, it qualifies as a Nintendo innovation even though it was entirely developed by Sony..... doesn't work that way. The CD ROM format had already been done by multiple other companies anyway.
2)The controller in it's entirety
Nope, early PC games with that shape and button layout already existed before the SNES.
3) Analogue Control
No again, the Atari 5200 used analogue controls
4) Dual Control
Twin stick shooters existed in the arcade long before they did on a Nintendo console
5) Controller Feedback
Again, existed in the arcade, mostly on driving games and other sim type games long before Nintendo
6) Taking Monster Hunter from Sony??? could easily be levelled at Final Fantasy going exclusive to Sony from Nintendo. But this is a weak point to make. Monster Hunter also moved to Nintendo in the middle of the huge collaborative works between Nintendo and Capcom.
Landing an exclusive is not an innovation and has no business in this conversation
7) Downloadable retro back catalogue
Virtual Console and PSOne Classics literally launched within days of each other. Steam beat them both by several years and had plenty of classics.
8) Handheld console
Gameboy beat it to market, but the Atari Lynx was in development long before Game Boy was even a thought. Both were just the next logical step from the game and watch handhelds which themselves were inspired by the old Tiger Electronics handhelds of the 70's.
9) Motion Controls
Playstation Eye was a thing before the Wii. Before that the Power Glove existed which was developed by Mattel, not Nintendo. Before that even, Atari had their own rudimentary motion control device.
10) Off TV play
PS3>PSP remote play was a thing before the Wii U
11) Remote play of main console
See above
12) Online Subscription service? But then surely this was Sony copying Xbox? thereby Nintendo copying Xbox and not Sony?
Well then, that would be Microsoft copying the Sega Channel from the the early 90's who in turn copied Atari gameline from the early 80's
13) I would bet money that PS5 is close to an upgraded Switch it will be scary. By all rights, it should be as well. A more powerful hybrid console in the PS5 would be awesome. The Switch has set the bar for the future of gaming after the giant misstep with the Wii U and is quite literally the big generational leap in home console gaming since the N64.
If by big generational leap you mean they settled on a format that limits what they can actually do with the console, then i agree with you. The PS1 was a bigger generational leap moving over to disc based media. The N64 decision to stick with cartridges limited what could be done in a game and cost them a ton of third party support that they are still struggling to regain. The Switch is doing the same thing with its lack of power. That isnt to say that those systems didn't do anything right, they did and are both excellent systems with quality games, but they aren't the generational leap you seem to think.
Nintendo has relentless been the leading innovator in home console gaming, closely followed by Sega. Sony has done a very good job of taking those ideas either to the next level, or more commonly utterly failed .... Vita/Move/DualShock Controller (worst stick layout ever, but you have now played it for sooooo long that your thumbs have been brainwashed into making do)
As you can see above, Nintendo is not an innovator at all. Thats not a bad thing. The vast majority of innovations are huge failures when they first come out. Their one true innovation in the past 30 years or so is a perfect example of that, as the Virtual Boy crashed and burned almost immediately. VR is just now becoming viable some 20+ years later. What Nintendo is good at, is improving, and on occasion perfecting, innovations by others when the technology is there to do them right. And despite their consoles being consistently well behind their competitors, they are able to stay relevant thanks to their top notch first party games, and their focus on a different experience than what Sony and MS offer.
Yeah like dominating a generation
What a stupid article, and I did read it. I expect better from Nintendo Life. Nintendo, SEGA, Atari, and Sony have copied each other in different hardware aspects throughout the years, who cares? E.g. Wii Classic Controller Pro is a copy of the Dualshock, Playstation Move borrowed from Wii Remote, Genesis had compatibility for Atari controllers, etc. Heck, SEGA and Atari did mini consoles way before Nintendo did!
N64 is my favorite system of all time, but I'd love to try some PS1 games that I missed out on. I never owned a PS console growing up; PS4 was my first one. The $100 tag without AC Adapter is quite sketchy, but an N64 mini wouldn't be too far from that price tbh.
@Onion fair point. But Goldeneye was dual analogue. You could use two controllers, hence two sticks and fill dual analogue control.... before the DualShock was released. It also had four ports meaning loads of people had invested in loads of controllers so rather than re release a modified controller they gave the configuration of either method to be selected by the players.
@ultraraichu FYI mini discs are a media format that is dead. GC used mini DVDs. Mini Disc was by Sony in the early 2000s.
@HammerKirby Sony's Online isn't the best.
@Euler Lots of timeless RPGs: FFVII - IX, Chrono Cross, etc.
A lot of the 3D stuff doesn't hold up, but there are some good 2D action games and platformers, like Tomba and Klonoa.
Both Mega Man Legends games are fun, if a bit primitive, and extremely endearing.
Dual analog in the same sense that Raiders of the Lost Ark was for Atari 2600, yeah. I'm not really denying that. I'm just saying that Sony was the first to package it up into a controller format. The rumble feature and all that was definitely ripped off from Nintendo.
Yeah I can confirm that the driving games were using force feedback. I was actually really tempted to mention that too, but I felt like an arcade machine wasn't the same as an actual home controller and a home console. Good point about the twin-stick shooters though, that hadn't even occurred to me. Great point about Steam too. Despite all of that, I think Sony definitely took the ideas from Nintendo, but Nintendo were hardly the first to do any of these things anyway so to me it's kind of a moot point.
I don't really get why some people get stuck up over who did what first anyway. Atari and the old arcades beat most of them to the punch anyway. I mean, Atari were even trying to make a controller that used brainwaves to control the game. Those guys were nuts.
Hasn't SONY got a new CEO? Oh dear. I hope his vision is broader than this. Stocks will plummet? Oh...seems it's just Nintendo everyone has anxiety over.
@poppadux wow. You were completely wrong on every point there. Well done.
Why are you arguing irrelevant points. Can’t be bothered bullet pointing my way through, but st one point your argument actually agreed with my point about the original article but in an argumentative way to me? Very odd.
The discussion is home console market. To say a product existed in some form in a totally different market beforehand is totally irrelevant and just makes you sound needlessly upset. It’s like saying the television was unimaginative and just copied the cinema screen!!!!!! A Walkman played tapes and was just a blatant rip off of the home stereo!!! You see? Pointless arguement.
Mentioning the Playstation eye as a motion control was also beyond a stretch too far. The revolution with the Wii remote was that it bright actual 1:1 motion control to video games. That’s why it sold such a stupid number of consoles.
Disc over cartridge only served the market departments and not gamers. It gave you lush fmv cutscenes but garbage in game grhapgic engines and loading times. When PsOne owners were sat waiting for the second cutscene to load after spiking themselves for making a tiny muddy characterless 3D sprite on a flat 2D back ground, the N64 gamer was probably into Hyrule castle on Ocarina of Time wondering how the hell this world was actually possible to render on an in-game engine.
Oh man, the salty tears of Sony fanboys, delicious. Witness their arrival on here claiming "fanboy trash article" and some other worthless attempt to undermine the facts. Don't bother replying to me, since I don't care about your opinion.
@Onion it was in a controller format on N64. The “innovation” Sony manage was to put those two existing sticks into one piece of plastic. The actual innovation around dual sticks was finally presenting a user interface that delivered proper control in an FPS more comparitve to the far superior PC versions with a mouse and keyboard.which was first delivered in goldenye which is the biggest innovation in FPS genre on home console.
@Trajan Really (checks Google)? I stand corrected. Didn't even know those things existed, much less called that.
The more you learn
@Agramonte Films are art, Video games are art, even if something is not as good as it is today, it should still be preserved. We wouldn't move on and ignore the art from thousands of years and allow it to burn. Because that is what "moving on" does, it allows people to destroy the art while we look away.
No it wasn't, they simply utilized it for one game. Unless you're capable of some impressive mental gymnastics, there's no factual way to argue that the PS1 wasn't the first home console to have a dual-analog controller. That's really the bottom line. The Dualshock controller did what the N64 would need two controllers to pull off. Arguing otherwise is a bit senseless and fanboyish. Even if all they did was put two sticks in plastic as you say, they were still the first home console provider to do so. Nintendo certainly didn't do it. Utilizing digital and analog isn't the same as two analog sticks AND dpad, and needing two controllers certainly isn't the same.
It doesn't really matter anyway, since dual analog had been around before either one of them did it.
@Agramonte Speak for yourself, I've played my NES and SNES minis each more than my PS4 this year. Spiderman's the first PS4 game I got in ages (an awesome game).
Also, not everyone had access to these systems/games when they first released decades ago.
@Callmegil wow! You have a PS4 in your bathroom? Commitment. Love it
Yeah, but remember when the GameCube came out ... It used discs so Nintendo copied Sony & Sega 😜©️
I'm gonna like this classic console, I still have a lot of original PS1 games on disc as they are collectors dreams (Valkyrie profile, tactics ogre). I can hope in the next 5 year Sony releases a PS2 classic with HD rendering (I can dream right?).
Competition is healthy, and yeah if Nintendo cut a patch, it's an easier route for Sony to follow!.
“all of PlayStation's history has "coincidentally" been dependent on mindlessly cloning/copying everything successful Nintendo does.”
The bit I don’t agree with is that it’s ‘mindless’. It’s very deliberate. Far better to copy good ideas from elsewhere (e.g. Apple, The Beatles) than be ‘unique’ for the sake of it (e.g.Wii U)
@Onion it absolutely is.
The innovation is having movement and looking mapped to two analogue controls sticks which is now the standard for ALL FPS games on home console. That innovation was brought to the market for the first time ever on Goldeneye by Rare and Nintendo in Nintendo64, which was also the home of FPS games for that generation and remained to be until the PS2 came out.
Sony then refined that innovation, as they typically do and released a revised controller part way through the consoles life. It wasn’t a bad design, but it certainly was a re-design if a Nintendo concept and not an outright Sony innovation.
@beazlen1 You can play PS4 games on a Sony Xperia (a mobile phone series made by Sony's Electronic subsidairy) and PS Vita (a handheld gaming device manufactured and designed by Sony SIE)
The more you know. Information is the key of life.
@Mrtoad Yes... and happy to appreciate the past. But have no need to relive it for the 100th time.
Especially when there is tons of great "new art" being made today I have yet to experience. I woke up this morning looking for RTX reviews so I can live that "art" in full glory.
There is barely enough time to play all the new release on PS4 in th enext 4 months for me to be stuck in the past playing PS1 nonsense
How it normally goes:
"Nintendo did [insert innovation] first and [insert name] copied them!"
"Actually Nintendo didn't do [insert innovation] first, it was [insert name]."
"Well, Nintendo were the first to do [insert specific aspect/variant of said innovation]!"
"OK, if that makes you happy. I think we're both probably just clutching at straws now."
Here's what a nonpartisan site has to say about it:
"Continuing in the grand old tradition of PlayStation copying everything Nintendo does, Sony today announced its own retro microconsole complete with 20 preloaded games."
I wasn't really arguing that it was a Sony innovation. I even acknowledged that the dualshock ripped off the N64 anyway with the rumble feedback. I'm simply saying that regardless of what Goldeneye did, Sony were still the first ones to actually apply it to a controller so you don't need 4 arms to play games comfortably.
There's no arguing otherwise. Even assuming for a moment they saw this being done in Goldeneye and copied it, it doesn't change the fact that they came up with the first dual analog controller.
As I keep saying though, it doesn't matter that much. The whole concept of dual analog has been around since the Atari 2600 and onwards. Neither Nintendo or Sony pioneered the idea. It's a silly thing to get up in arms about, and the only reason I'm even participating in this little debate is because I'm more concerned with the facts. All you're doing at this point is trying to cling to some variation of Nintendo innovating the dual analog idea, and that's fine if that's what makes you happy. I'm just telling you the facts.
EDIT: I can pretty much just condense my whole post into what @Haywired just said though.
@Damo Does the PC-Engine Tennokoe count as a memory card? (it was an expansion device that added RAM saving to PC-Engine card games since the cards were so small they couldn't support saving themselves)
But I think even the ASCII Turbo File predates that (released in like 1986 for the Famicom). It was basically the same idea as a memory card, years before the NeoGeo was made (1990).
Sony's design for the PlayStation controller had to be further impacted by the SNES. Due to RPGs on the SFC commonly using A as the "enter" button and B as the "cancel" button, that is why Sony chose Circle and Cross as the button names, since those symbols in Japan have that general positive and negative result meaning, respectively. (though Sony famously changed that in the west, making Cross the standard "OK" button and making developers change their games accordingly.)
Ok, I agree Smash Bros and the move controllers but the rest are a bit of a stretch.
Also, Konami ripped off Smash Bros. with a PS2 and GC game in Japan called Dream TV World Fighters with a cast of Konami, Hudson and Takara properties. Smash might have Simon coming, but it's still lacking Bomberman, Twinbee, Dracula, Power Pro Baseball Man, Master Higgins, Optimus Prime? and Licca-chan (Japanese Imitation Barbie)
Oh man I did not expect someone to mention that game. I played that on my Gamecube and beat the story mode with Optimus Prime. That game was completely nuts. Although I personally think they didn't rip off Smash ENOUGH. Too few special moves, unless there was something I'm missing.
@ChameleonBros I am speaking for myself. I have 1 pre-order every month from now till March 2019 on either Switch/PS4/PC. On 2 of those months (like in September) I have 3
Not spending time and money on archaic NES and PS1 games.
All the Nintendo people who claim they have no time to play at home so do not need a PS4... now have time to play NES Mini "at home".
And all the Playstation people that complain about graphics, hardware and old games on the Switch now are going to buy a PS1 😂
Yes Sony copies its competitors a lot. Heck Crash Bandicoot is just a Sonic rip off. And remember wii sports, Move, crash kart racing, and all stars fighting. But to be fair there are def some times where we WISHED Nintendo would of copied the other two also. Example: Nintendo Switch Online . Competition is good unless you completely ignore it like Nintendo. Last time Nintendo acknowledged competition was Sega and we got some Gems out of that one.
I've always thought the SNES controller design was brilliant, and Sony was brilliant from copying/being inspired by it. Now PS controllers are my favorites and one main reason I won't touch an Xbox with a 10 foot pole is because of the controller design. It irks me that Nintendo chooses to do their controller layouts more like the Xbox design... Many think it's better, but my hands disagree.
@beazlen1 How can anyone game on the toilet... disgusting. Always wash my hands before i touch my switch or ps4
They already had a portable called VITA and they did a good job at killing it. Nothing wrong with copying what NIN did but the fact like others said the graphics is dated as well and having less games is not a good way to start. There are plenty of PS1 games more then 20 they should've put on it and only having 20 shows lack of innovation and not thinking outside of the box. Who cares Nintendo Classic had only 20 games you can do better Sony. But guess that isn't going to happen either.
@Sanquine you be surprised how many will not be honest and do game on the toilet bowl. You really think those that do that will come out and say oh yeah I do that. Open your eyes a bit here.
Funny thing is people crying about Sony fanboys >> post people who defend Sony on here arent even on pushsquare
@Agramonte "And all the Playstation people that complain about graphics and hardware on the Switch now are going to buy a PS1 😂"
Could've have said it better myself.
@Dualmask , that's a matter of ownself but controllers come as they are from testing not just from copying so a little knowledge is needed here before making misleading statements. As anything you don't like don't buy. It's simple but then again your trying to have your cake and eat it at the same time.
@SwitchForce many disgusting people then
Yeah it was a mess. The PSP compatibility was half hearted, PS1 games and PS4 Remote Play were ruined by the lack of buttons, and hey didn’t exactly support it well. Lovely bit of kit as well. I’d struggle to trust them with a handheld again.
Lol: This article is just made to sugercoat the fact that Nintendo is failing at the moment BIG TIME. Not sales-wise of course, but anything else. They are super arrogant!!
Nintendo would do well coping Sony once in a while , they gotta be doing something good to control the market share like they do
I blocked IGN and Gamespot to get away from fanoy garbage, shame NintendoLife want to do that trash as well.
I am a Nintendo fanboy and I just don't care about this debate 😂
@ReaderRagfish actually Nintendo had rumble first
As a side note, xbox had paid online first.
Not just analog control, how about D-pad, shoulder buttons, start, select etc?
@idrawrobots a million times better than Nintendo's
I don't know what disappoints me more, the fact that you guys thought it was a smart move to make such a troll-bait article or the fact that some people are actually stupid/gullible enough to believe every word you're saying.
1) Please refrain from making troll-bait articles in the future, it brings out the worst in people and doesn't paint you in a good light.
2) Before you guys get triggered by obvious trolling, actually read the article and learn how to detect sarcasm.
@electrolite77 Fair point. I disagree that it's usually better to follow the trends, but SCE usually know exactly what they're doing while doing so. A better word would be "audaciously".
I see... so Sony is the original Echo Fighter lol
(But in all seriousness, these kinds of lists are really old and repetitive.)
I'm already disappointed, not because they are copying Nintendo's nifty idea, but I looked to see what games they had and out of the 20 offered, only 2 were ones I actually liked heck, some of them weren't even top sellers, and not a single F.F. game either, at least the NES & SNES repros had some of the best and a sufficient variety of genre also, I love repros and/or re-releases on disk/carts, but if you're going to do it, do it right and Nintendo has consistently done that over the years
It's obvious why Sony never released their stuff first cause then they wouldn't be able to copy what the other companies did right. Every system whether consoles or handheld they made had always come second or third behind another company. PS1 came after the Sega Saturn, PS2 came after the Sega Dreamcast, PSP came after the Nintendo DS, PS3 came after the Xbox 360, PS4 came after the Wii U, PS VR came after the Oculus Rift, PS TV came after the Ouya, PS Vita came after the 3DS, PocketStation came after the VMU, PS Move came after the Wii, the PlayStation Network came after Xbox Live, PSNow came after OnLive and Gaikai, etc. Sony was never the first in a lot of these product launch for that generation.
I'm already disappointed, not because they are copying Nintendo's nifty idea, but I looked to see what games they had and out of the 20 offered, only 2 were ones I actually liked heck, some of them weren't even top sellers, and not a single F.F. game either, at least the NES & SNES repros had some of the best and a sufficient variety of genre also, I love repros and/or re-releases on disk/carts, but if you're going to do it, do it right and Nintendo has consistently done that over the years.
Ummm... one of the game they show in the trailer for that plug and play was Final Fantasy VII btw. Also the other 15 games were not announced yet so not sure how you came to know that there weren't anymore FF games in there.
@retro_player_22 the two sites I visited had the same games listed, but no F.F. mentioned, well even with the 2 games I do like, since a bunch of F.F.'s are coming to the Switch anyway, it's just not worth it (for me) and since I have a family that likes to hog the tv, I had become very partial to portable systems since the GBA, the Switch is just a bonus for me, so unless Sony can offer up something better, it's all Nintendo for me.
@Kyranosaurus honestly, I'm not sure 99% of the people who complain about it deserve to, I guarantee 100% people here have purchased generic versions of products from grocery stores or the big mega-chains like W-M or T, or how many have requested the generic of prescription medications from the pharmacist when available, don't try to legitimize it as "not quite the same", it is, someone took a successful selling product, made an almost identical version and sells it as their own, so no complaining, no one here is allowed
Yeah that’s spot on 🤔😃
I think it just applies as a general rule. If you’ve got and can implement a brilliant new way of doing something do so. But if your competition is doing it better, the braver thing is to admit that and take what ideas you can.
@Haywired sorry, but Nintendo had the gameboy camera, and you would have been able to put your picture in the perfect dark multiplayer game, but Nintendo backed out.
Yeah but you get way more value with a mini psone than an Nes. Also, does no one remember the playstation eye?
Um, okay? None of this offends me or anything. I mean if it works for Nintendo why not try it for themselves?
@edgedino When it comes to online, MS have damn near done everything first on consoles.
It's the one area I actually give MS a lot of respect for their work.
PS. Nintedo have also copied Screenshots and video capture, thankfully. We all win when good ideas are adopted as standard by the whole industry.
sits and waits for on system chat for Switch
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
@Callmegil ouch burn ok you win that one. Doesn’t streaming through phone suck though cos of lack of proper controls. And what if you’ve got poor or no internet? I don’t think, although I may be wrong, that any of my PS4 owning friends use that feature. Switching however is intuitive and just works. The standby function is unreal, the speed of switching is lightning fast. It just works seamlessly all with proper controls. Don’t get me wrong I think the PS4 is great, but it’s not game changing in any shape or form. (Off to game on the John)
@Henmii, Sony is disparate for sales why else make this. Their failed sales are of their own making. And killing the Vita was by Sony no one else. They already lost the long and short game that goes to the NSW.
Oh? I see Sony is now copying Nintendo. Such an cheap ripoff.
@beazlen1 You asked if it's possible, whether it's not flexible, or revolutionary, that matter is that you can do it. In the future with the PS5, it will change, streaming games will be on top of the service—but that's not relevant.
This is great,people are getting so worked up over this.😁
I really don't care who copied who, I'm still buying this.
If PS Classic is a ripoff of NES/SNES Classic, then NES/SNES Classic are ripoffs of Atari 2600 Flashback and Genesis Flashback.
@SEGATA_DREAMCAST Different strokes. The NES Classic comes with 30 games, at 60 USD ($2/NES game). The PS Classic comes with 20 games, at 100 USD ($5/NES game). So for the PS Classic to have better value, you have to assume that the average PS1 game is worth more than 2.5 times as much as the average NES game. On the Wii and Wii U Virtual Consoles by comparison, a N64 game would cost you only twice as much as a NES game. Using this benchmark (an N64 game is worth the same as a PS1 game), the PS1 Classic is slightly worse value.
There are 2 kinds of people in this comment section:
1. Reasonable human beings with a good sense of humor that give me plenty of reason to love the community.
2. Explosions of cancer.
@Euler the gameplay value of a psone game is much higher than that of an NES. You get dozens of hours of rpg with psone
I could probably list at least a half dozen things I wish Nintendo would copy.
As predicted the Sony fanboys are threatened by truth.
You forgot rumble.
The Playstation Classic is definitely Sony copying Nintendo's approach to cash in on notstalgia and the lack of these retro games being readily available on the current generation game console.
This article is though, is a joke gone wrong at best. I'm more inclined to believe that it's intended effect was to get folks riled up.
@RadioHedgeFund Never had one, but truth be told, the Dreamcast had so much promise. Had they stuck with it, it could've been great.
Key word being "could've..."
Sony will forever be a copy cat, and they haven't released anything new since the PS1. Just the same console over and over with new insides. BORING. That said, I welcome the PS1 Mini thing. PS1 was a big deal.
@Euler I judge the value of a game by its longevity: how much play time will I get out of it? Assuming FF7-9 are all on the PS1 Mini that makes it an absolute bargain for the 300+ hours gameplay you’d get out of those 3 games along.
That’s not including the multiplayer hours you can kill on Tekken 3, lap times shaved off in WipEout 2097 or Gran Turismo mode.
Compared to the relatively shallow depth of 8-bit games on the NES mini I’d say that’s incredible value. Only the SNES mini really comes close thanks to Super Mario Kart, SF2 and FF6
@MarioFan02 the Dreamcast unfortunately had to die. Even with late in life titles like Shenmue 2, there was no way it could ever have competed with the PlayStation 2 once Gran Turismo 3, GTA3 and Devil May Cry came out.
@PLAYwithGregg What about the PSP and playstation Vita?
What about using your Vita to play on your PS4? what about 4k gaming? Virtual Reality headsets
@RadioHedgeFund I agree
And Nintendo copied Atari. The Atari Flashbacks we're out for years before Nintendo copied them with the NES Mini. So don't act all high and mighty.
@Richnj I will get you a rocking chair and cane wile you wait.
@RadioHedgeFund SNES Classic is pretty heavy in quality RPGs. Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG. That's four. We don't know how many the PS Classic will have. Plus, not everyone is into RPGs.
@Rika_Yoshitake VeRy tHrEaThEneD inserts SpongeBob meme How is it to get self fulfillment from a gaming company being better than the other ?
Without any NFC connectivity, those totaku things are just normal figurines, right? Doesn't that make them more of a copy of other pure figurines like Funko rather than amiibo?
@Haywired @__marc While it's technically true that Nintendo copied most of these ideas themselves, Nintendo was the first one to create a quality product out of the mini console, analog stick, and motion controls, while even the first Smash Bros. game expanded on the concept of the crossover fighter far beyond what had ever been done before (9 different franchises, none of whom originated from other fighting games, along with simultaneous 4-player multiplayer).
Is this article what you would call flamebaiting?
Seriously, I don't get the point of this article. I know it's written tounge in cheek, but it's only making the neanderthals coming out of their caves, screaming and throwing their feces on each other. You know pretty well that some tools on here don't read the full article and it will only fuel the negativity on this site. With a headline like that, one can wonder if you're only in it for the clicks?
Of course companies copy each other, but as long as the products are good and it's not straight up stealing, is it really that bad?
I think it's cool with a PS Mini. What I really would like though, is a Game Boy "Mini", with portability, but also the possibility to connect to a TV screen, and with classic games from the GB, GBC and GBA catalogue.
@__marc Calm down. Read the article again, it's so tongue in cheek it's ridiculous. It's just bait and you fell for it.
@__marc let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Nintendo didn’t invent the console but they sure as heck saved the entire industry after Atari destroyed it. They also had d-pad’s where others used the joystick. The NES was the iPhone of its era.
Sony’s wand was also just a piece of coloured plastic in front of a camera that went on to become the Eyetoy. The Wii remote was an evolution of the power glove.
@Onion Although Sony still hasn't figured out that it's better to have the left analog stick in the primary higher position for modern 3D gaming with the digital directional buttons then placed down below.
@Quarth They already have that. It's just an actual GBA along with a Game Boy Player attached to a GameCube.
@Richnj Actually, the Dreamcast had online play before the XBox did.
@electrolite77 The problem with that method is that it's very much a gamble. Consider, for instance, that it seems evident that the PS4 is currently topping out its lifetime by still fighting the graphics race insofar as now the "games" it gets are filled to the brim with cutscenes with just a bit of gameplay sprinkled on top (eg 2, the Vita's discontinuation next year). At this point, SCE will be dependent on trying to either salvage the crumbs of the market of any potential customer and any development company that's not already on board with the Switch by making a more expensive clone of it (eg, PSP, Move), but will their higher ups approve of another lukewarm machine? I'm not so sure, but we'll see, I guess.
Enjoyable chat, and pretty refreshing in comparison to the mindless virulence of much of this thread.
@BulbasaurusRex In a sense that's true, but then you need the whole package and the portability disappears. What I want is a model that looks like the original GB, but with a backlit screen and rechargable batteries, plus a collection of classic games. You should be able to bring it around, but also to connect it to a TV screen with HD quality. That would be downright awesome.
Yeah you’re totally right. I don’t see how they can make it work. They’ve got their strengths in home systems, Nintendo have their strength in handhelds (and have pretty much taken the space for ‘home Console gaming on the go’ as well). The balance works well.
And yes, nice chatting. Like having a civilised whiskey in a quiet bar while they’re rioting on the streets outside 😉
“What I really would like though, is a Game Boy "Mini", with portability, but also the possibility to connect to a TV screen, and with classic games from the GB, GBC and GBA catalogue. ”
(Throws money at the screen) Gimme gimme! 😉
I don't understand the totaku being PlayStation figures reasoning. It's multiplaform and multicompany based. Sonic (now with Tails and Knuckles too!), Lemmings, Halo, Sea of Thieves... that's not Sony at all!
@Quarth Why would the portability disappear? When you're not playing on the TV, you'd just play on the GBA instead. I can understand the cost and space concerns if you don't already have a GameCube, but like I said, just get a used GBA SP, and that will do everything else you want it to do (well, aside from the rechargeable batteries).
While you'll have to buy the games separately, you'll also be able to play every GB/GBC/GBA game you can get rather than being limited to a mere predetermined 20 or so games.
Sony copied the 'Start' and 'Select' buttons. Also the up, down, left, right buttons.
@electrolite77 Their home console business is soon going to be completely dwarfed by PCs' matchless power (and interconnectivity with FTP games also on Switch and on that other console that once was said to be able play games) since the PS4 only plays movies, anyway, and they're already too late to have another chance at competing in the handheld sphere, as you noted. Will they survive? Won't they survive? And if so, how?
In any case, you said it well, so, let's do this again, sometime. Don't recall this degree of clamour since the Star Fox Zero days.
Yeah, when you put it that way, you could of course have the portability, but not the same convenience. I have every GB system (even the Japan exclusive GB Light) and a lot of games to them, so I know very well that I could do that. But I don't want to get a Gamecube just to be able to play the games on a big screen.
But by the same argument you could say the NES and SNES Minis are unnecessary as well, as you can play the original consoles. But people want them and enjoy them.
I think it would be a neat thing to have a GB Mini, with the retro feel, but still with a modern touch, just as the NES and SNES Minis. And you could have the ability to insert loose carts as well.
GB games are usually pretty small, so there might be space for more than a mere 20. And keep in mind they could put games on it that otherwise are hard to get. Some GB games are beginning to become very expensive.
And think to have that iconic GB design, but with a backlit color screen (with optional pea green filter).
@electrolite77 Yeah, I know, right?
Nintendo has been a generation behind for over 10 years now.
Just leave this here
@BigKing "Nintendo has been a generation behind for over 10 years now."
"Oh but it's ok if Nintendo, Sega, Atlus, Platinum, Square, Capcom, Konami, Namco make generation behind games. They just appeal to a niche audience. As long as they appeal to me they're great and you can't compare them to actual next gen western AAA".
That's what the delusional fanboys respond when you call out the scam of their japanese garbage.
Also Sony copied Mario when they made Crash Bandicoot because you can jump in both games.
People saying that Sony don't innovate with their consoles; to be fair, if you had a business that was as successful as Sony's home console business, why would you drastically change it? I mean, they've made 4 home consoles and they make up 4 of the top 5 best-selling home consoles of all time. Plus they have actually put out a number of wacky, "innovative" (if Nintendo had done them...) games/peripherals/controllers in that time. Nintendo may have gone down the wacky/innovative console route in recent times, but that's only because they f'ed-up their home console business so badly that they gave themselves no choice but to do that. Before that they were all "Now You're Playing with Power", "Now You're Playing with Super Power", "The Fastest Most Powerful Games Console on Earth" etc.
I have actually been playing some Smash Bros. clones recently - Brawlhalla and PlayStation All-Stars!!
Bizarrely enough Brawlhalla may make it to the Switch before Smash Bros. Ultimate itself!!
I kind of commend Nintendo for enabling Brawlhalla for Switch - if you like Smash Bros., all of these games are fun to play.
Of course all of the original Smash editions are great - I've been carrying the 3DS version around a bit for random practice. (And I note PS All-Stars also runs on the Vita/PSTV, which is nice.)
@electrolite77 @Quarth Regarding playing Game Boy games on a TV... isn' that called the Super Game Boy (SNES) and/or Game Boy Player (GC)?
Edit: It really is like the great grandfather of the Switch! (or the PSVita/TV.) I think a lot of GBA games would play great on a larger screen.... Darn, now I have to get a real gamecube since it doesn't work with the Wii's backward compatibility. ;-(
@bitleman I was talking about hardware. But Japanese garbage? Stay off that crystal meth bro. Stop sippin lean.
If you want gameplay you get Japanese games. If you want the cookie cutter cinematic cutscene walking simulators with good graphics then you get American games.
5 times? More like 5,000
5 times? More like 5,000 times 😂
Sony sux.
Lol!! Yeah I knew the comment section was going be hot on this article. Sony, the PlayStation division not the gamers (I also play PlayStation), as a gaming corporation they are straight up trolls and they know it. They trolled the mess out of Microsoft especially at 2013 E3, and still troll Nintendo. Nintendo is still the game industry's trend setters, so, when they try something new and it works then the competition follows one way or another.
Style biters lol (sarcasm)
@blecch Yeah of course.
But I would love to see a GB Mini nontheless. Check my reasoning in post #226.
@bitleman So Western AAA games, full of lootboxes and microtransactions, aren't a scam but a quality Japanese game with marginally worse graphics is? And I really mean marginal, the jump between graphics output has been getting smaller and smaller between every successive console generation.
This article is pedantic as hell. Please never do anything like this again, you just look like a child.
@BigKing I really don't see how nintendo games or any other japanese publishers games have better gameplay than the superior western AAA and how it would justify the fact they're a generation behind graphics wise. You sound like a delusional fanboy.
Given the PlayStation wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the Play Station, which used an SNES controller, it should come as no surprise that the first controller was inspired by that one.
@Velocirapstar (#231)
Sony didn't make Crash Bandicoot, it was Naughty Dog.
But will they copy the new trend setting online service and give acces to 20 playstation one games for 20 bucks a year. , a man can only dream.
Are they really that different? The original Atari, Sega, Commodore, etc. retro consoles were mini retro plug n' play consoles with a load of preinstalled games. The NES/SNES Mini are mini retro plug n' play consoles with a load of preinstalled games. I'm not seeing what this big distinction is just so we can say that it was Nintendo's idea and anyone who comes after is copying them. I mean, if the Atari, Sega, Commodore ones had come out after the NES/SNES Mini somehow I doubt Nintendo fans would be picking at any minor differences to give them a pass.
I've seen some people say "Well Nintendo popularized them!", as if a) that's remotely the same as what they were first insinuating, b) As if that's relevant. c) The original retro consoles must have been successful enough to still be on the market to this day and successful enough for Nintendo to think that that could be a fruitful market for them to get into and d) As if Nintendo fans would be fine with it if it were the other way around. If Sony's next console was a complete rip-off of the Wii U for some reason, but they made it really successful, would Nintendo fans be like "Yeah cool, no worries, you popularized it, so, it's your innovation now. You can have it." Yeah right...
@Haywired But it is relevant. Sega and Atari didn't even make those. AtGames did, in the same vein as a cheap toy. Nintendo making their own consoles is irrelevant to the fact that a company sold a device featuring licensed branding. Furthermore, if it AtGames' model was the catalyst for this, then we would've seen the PSClassic long ago (and it wouldn't use the word "Classic" in its branding).
It's perfectly fine that Sony is doing this, and it's pretty cool, too. The dishonest defensiveness of PS fanboys that deflect criticism with anecdotes is a little annoying, though.
@bitleman I'm playing Kiwami 2. Decade behind? Hell naw
@BigKing Compared to Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Detroit Become Human, God of War, Spiderman, Shadow of Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Fifa 19, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us 2? Hell yes. I don't see how the logic you apply on hardware shouldn't apply on softwares. When you buy a japanese game you get less for your money because they're less budget and less work provided in those games, and it shows.
@bitleman Kiwami 2 looks amazing.
Most of the games you named look boring as hell and very similar. Give me the stylized graphics any day. A punch in Street Fighter looks harder to me than in UFC 3. You like the big budget snoozefests. That's good. You probably like Hollywood movies with special effects too.
Lol so delusional. Feel good watching western AAA using 100% of the power of the PS4 crushing your japanese old gen garbage. Have fun living in your bubble while the rest of the industry move on.
Sony isn't desperate for sales. However, they also like some quick bucks. Who doesn't? They are just jumping on the "mini-console" bandwaggon. Years ago there where already mini Sega-Genesis consoles with installed games, maybe not as popular as the Nintendo offerings though. And of course there's the Neo-Geo one!
@bitleman According to Metacritic the only Trump-era video games that could reasonably be considered the greatest of all time are Zelda Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. They’re not Western AAA lootbox games. The top game of all time, for what it’s worth, is a 20 year-old N64 game.
Both of these games have sold more units than anything on PS4 or Xbox One. Breath of the Wild also won 2017 game of the year. So it’s obviously not just Nintendo fans but critics and a lot of other people that are getting conned.
Either that, or having the most expensive graphics isn’t all there is to a good video game.
@Tasuki sorry Tasuki to do this in this manner, but why did you lock your Diablo III Questions page ???
it's near impossible to contact another member directly and if I could talk on that page, this wouldn't be an issue
@jhewitt3476 I didn't lock it. One of the mods did you will have to ask @Octane.
@Tasuki aww well, bummer, was hoping to talk and find out more about it before I get it, I looked at the other thread, but it was almost like everything BUT Diablo
@jhewitt3476 Yeah I know that's why I started that one but appearntly were are not allowed to start new threads even if the current threads has nothing to do with the topic. Go figure,. That's why this place has gone down hill, their logic makes no sense here.
@jhewitt3476 What did you want to know about it perhaps I can help.
@Tasuki from the vids, and a friends house for about 5 minutes, it looked like a Gauntlet clone, which is what made me take interest in the first place, I've always loved Gauntlet games and gameplay, I just wanted to find out for sure what it's about and gameplay like
@jhewitt3476 It's simalar to Gauntlet in gameplay terms. You go into randomly generated dungeons and such Battle hordes of enimies as you make your way through the dungeon like Gauntlet. The difference with this and Gauntlet though is you also get loot tons of it. Weapons, armor, gems etc. Which you upgrade your character with. The better the gear the harder the dungeon you can do. The harder the dungeon the better gear you get.
@jhewitt3476 @Tasuki I didn't lock the thread. But we have a Diablo III thread over here.
Rubbish. Anyone who thinks another set of fanboys is worse than the other is looking at it through their own selective fanboy goggles and seeing what they want to see.
@HammerKirby : Or even better. Copy Xbox Live. After all, Sony copied Microsoft.
I own PS4, PS3, VITA, Xbox 360, Xbox One etc. too so i know which online system and social integration is the best.
This guy clearly forgotten that "Inspiration" exist. Pretty cringe fanboy.
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