The last Ace Attorney game released was Spirit of Justice on the 3DS in 2016. Since then, there's only been the slightest bit of evidence Capcom's popular series would make a resurgence.
After a long wait, there's now finally some more convincing information a new chapter could be on the horizon. According to recent findings linked to this year's Tokyo Game Show, Capcom will be hosting a special Ace Attorney panel on 22nd September for approximately 40 minutes. It's being described as an "unmissable" experience and will star the series producer Motohide Eshiro and game designer Shinsuke Kodama.
This news aligns with some incredibly descriptive rumours dating back to November last year. Following Capcom's word it would develop Switch titles (including a specific mention of the Ace Attorney series), Kotaku UK was reportedly able to find out the exact plans.
The rumours suggested a bundle of past Ace Attorney games, split into two different collections, was due out at some point between April and October this year. The first collection was said to include the opening three games in the series, and the second would contain entries four, five and six. This was apparently a mere appetiser for the main release - a brand new entry in the Ace Attorney series, with Phoenix Wright as the lead character.
What are you expecting from Capcom's panel at the 2018 TGS? Would you like to see the Ace Attorney series make its way across to the Switch? Tell us below.
[source, via]
Comments 49
Oh man! I was just thinking about Ace Attorney this morning and have been wanting to see some news on AA7. Can’t wait to see what they have.
can't wait to hear anything new about Ace Attorney. i've already finish watching the anime in sub, (half way though dub.) and need to get the games!
Lets go!
AFFECTION!... for this series!
This is honestly more exciting than the Nintendo Direct.
Please be a collection of the first 6 games for Switch (and a new game).
Also, Phoenix Wright for Smash. I can imagine him shouting OBJECTION as an attack. They’ll figure it out. Lol
Yes! About time. I don’t think I’ll purchase a collection again though, I’ve played them to death in the past. Any new entry is a day 1 purchase though.
Oh and please bring back Gumshoe, Capcom.
Hopefully some news of Investigations 2 officially coming west!
Ditto on bringing back Gumshoe!
Oehh a brand new title on the switch would be very welcome.
Why is everyone so delighted for more ports? Surely the AA/PW fans have already played these.
Just crack on with new game Cappers.
@SlowPokemon you say its more exciting but imagine full ace attorney collection for switch, even though I doubt that will happen any time soon.
I remember there being talk of an Ace Attorney collection or remasters coming to the Switch a few months back. I would really like that since I missed out on these games back when they were new.
@GameOtaku I too would like Gumshoe back.
How about like... half the characters from the original trilogy back, a big reunion case or something, that’d really get me excited.
@gcunit probably because Capcom has yet to reproduce the magic that was the original trilogy (the newer games are good but the first three were gold). Like, personally I’d like new games because I keep hoping they could reignite that spark, but I can understand why people would ask for the originals updated again and again, I’ve played them three times each and watched another three playthroughs of them, while the latter three... I played them once and had no interest in revisiting them.
Once again, I’d prefer newer entries because I currently own the original trilogy on two platforms and can play them anytime, but I do see where people are coming from in this case, it’s not like some franchises where newer entries are necessarily better, I’d say we’ve seen an increase in quality since the fourth but they’ve yet to match the first three (probably due to not having the original writer). I’m sure a new one is in the works either way, the bigger question is will it be localized given we still haven’t gotten The Great Ace Attorney...
My favourite series. I have absolutely no need to play the first six games again as I know them well but if they brought them to Switch, I would buy them again just to have them on my menu.
Here's hoping for a new AA title. One of my favorite gaming franchises.
I'm expecting a new game, maybe even for consoles, but I'm hoping for a Miles Edgeworth Investigations collection for 3DS, which would include an official translation for the 2nd game.
My kids have recently got into Phoenix Wright (via the vs Layton game). Switch games (whether a collection or new game) would be Day 1 purchases for our household.
If something dropped this year, that would be great.
I know it’s a major long shot but an official localization of Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2 would be vastly appreciated. i have all the games, including the Japanese versions as well as the fan translation of Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 on an offical DS cart (gift for my birthday this Summer from my husband when he came across it by pure chance) that works in my old DS Lite (no hacking/mod or anything needed but will only read on the original DS or DS Lite).. so to have more English games (and on physical media would be a bonus) would be vastly appreciated whether on 3DS or Switch
@ShadJV I think where they started to go wrong was with all the stupid new ways to spot clues, they obviously felt the need to mix up the formula a bit but in Spirit of Justice especailly things just got too complex, and I'm not really sold on all the supernatural stuff. Give me the original way of finding a clue and presenting it, but make it a little more ambitous, like you can miss clues and they can send the case in different directions. Of course you'd then be able to fail a case but that the price you pay for not being thorough
I've been working on some Phoenix Wright videos all night, so this is the coolest news.
I, for one, am the hype right now.
Phoenix Wright games have yet to let me down in any regard.
The new gimmicks always take a sec to get used to, but they're not so bad once you get them down.
If anyone ever missed on the Ace Attorney Investigation games, go fix that. They're like... a beautiful off-shoot, evolution.
Pumped for whatever Capcom can bring.
Finally! By far my favourite game series, even though I've bought all the 3DS ports I will likely buy any ports that come to switch cause I'm just that much of a sucker for these games, but I've got my fingers crossed for a new entry!
smash announcment!
If those rumors are true, I will have to buy the older games first. I never got around to playing them on DS when they were new!
If they release a collection, day one for me. I only played the first one, but loved it
Yes!!! This is amazing news!!!
I can play all of the older ones on my phone or tablet, and for a reasonable price. And, unlike some Capcom mobile efforts, the Ace Attorney ports are excellent (see also Ghost Trick and MHFU). For me, it has to be a new entry - or don't bother.
I didn't buy them on 3DS because I've been waiting for a Switch release.
I have the trilogy on iPad but somehow, I never felt the need to play games on that machine...
It would be neat if they released collections of all the other Ace Attorney games on Switch along with AA7. I have only finished the first one and that crossover game with Professor Layton.
I just want the games that haven't been released outside of Japan. Once you've played the Phoenix Wright games and know the story and endings there's not really any reason to go back unless you play years later when you've hopefully forgotten most of it.
I’ll probably pass on a game collection but I’ll take a new game for sure.
There are so many things I want to happen on the Ace Attorney announcement right now.
It’s funny how Gumshoe and Terrakion are never seen at the same time 🤔
Yes this excites me.
I love these games and can't wait for another one.
This is one of those series that I've always been curious about but have just never gotten around to playing. I've had it hyped to me by an acquaintance, but the lack of (recent) physical game releases and the amount of other things I need to play have been a barrier so far.
Great Ace Attorney Collection for Switch? Western localization announcement to follow?
I still need to get DGS2 for 3ds (its a little pricey right now) but honestly if they did some sort of super collection 1-6 (plus investigations 1 and 2) on switch. ...yeah I'd triple dip...TV output and larger portable screen.
I feel Capcom won't do it, I want a physical copy of the next AA. Won't hold my breath though..
@iN5OMANiAC I don’t agree that missable clues would be good design, if you could go into court in an unwinnable position then when you figure that out you’d have to go back and replay a lot of dialogue which is tedious. That would be the one thing that would push me from ever buying new games in the series again, I would not put up with being forced to immediately replay any sections of a visual novel, that sounds incredibly boring. Heck, if anything finding clues should be MORE streamlined, sometimes it’d hard to know where you’re supposed to go or what you’re supposed to show someone and you end up frustratingly wandering a lot, I know I’m not the only one who does that because I’ve watched it happened to friends and streamers and many times it makes them want to just stop playing. If it was possible to just continue at that point and not get a key piece of evidence that you don’t know you’ll need, people WOULD and then get stuck and it would just be poor design, it’s essentially like if Nintendo made Mario levels where you could softlock him and have to restart the game to get out. Even if it’s the player’s fault that’s too harsh a punishment.
I want this almost as much as a new Metroid
@ShadJV LA Noire does something sort of like that. I was floored when I discovered after accusing an early witness with wrong evidence she refused to speak with me further. As it turns out she supplies several key pieces of evidence that are critical for getting a good result out of the suspect. Without it you can still win by bluffing your way at some of those spots, there's always a path to be able to complete it, but you get a much worse and more difficult process of trial and error if you don't obtain evidence.
I think if the series is to survive, they need to consider making AA multi-platform. While its nice to have it exclusive to Nintendo, fans who don't have a Switch are missing out and Capcom is missing out on their money. Having the entire series on say, PS4, XBONE or even Steam as I often see requested would be a heathly boost in sales not just fans revisiting the game or indeed buying it on all platforms, but more exposure to new fans browsing one of the stores, seeing the games and being like "Oh, its that game with the OBJECTION meme. Wonder what its like buys"
But I'm sure whatever good news they have will be good regardless.
@ShadJV At the end of the day, convenience of having all the game on one system without say having to dig up your old DS/3DS or in the case of many, rebuying said console you traded in for your Switch to replay them. And then there's what they could add. DS added Duel Screens and the infamous mic for yelling OBJECTION over the GBA's one screen wonder, 3DS added 3D and redrawn sprites. The Switch, assuming Capcom won't be lazy, could offer could offer these games in HD as well as proper way of playing these games on a TV (Without you know, being lazy on the Wii which regardless, we can no longer download.). And heck, there's also the possibilities if they're HD-ing up the games, then maybe they can be released on every other console to reach those without a Switch. I've seen many people wishing they had the games for Steam for example.
And heck, Capcom just loves to port stuff. All the last gen main entries of Resident Evil are on XBONE/PS4 including the ports (RE4, Code Veronia, REmake+Zero.) while Revelations 1+2 are so far on Switch (And that steam version of RE7), we have Megaman Collections and a Street Fighter Collection on all the systems, yeah. Capcom was porting massively before it was cool. XD
Knowing Capcom, I expect ports to the Switch (which I may or may not buy) but if they port and localize the Investigation games, and possibly the latest AA game (even if they have to alter the Sherlock Holmes character or alter dialogue to avoid any potential issues), take my money!
@Angelic_Lapras_King was that meant to be replied to me? Because I was siding with I can see why people would continually want remakes of these series and admitted I already own it in two formats. While I DID say I’d personally prefer newer entries, I believe there’s reasons for people to keep asking for the original trilogy which was a masterpiece.
@NEStalgia well I personally was responding to the person who, in their suggestion of how to improve the series, mentioned that not finding all the evidence could lead to an unwinnable scenario because you weren’t “thorough”. Which is different than what you’re saying (unless I’m misunderstanding) because I’m your case it’s still winnable, just harder and through different tactics. Personally, I’d still lose interest though and actually had LA Noire on my list of games to eventually get to and now am not so sure I want to. Though maybe I’m not understanding it fully. Or maybe it’s just not the right type of game for me, doesn’t mean it’s a bad game.
@ShadJV yes the solution is still winnable. The game is built more for replay. The case closed screen offers a hint at what you could have done better so you can try to get it right the next time. Not a bad solution for replay value in a genre without much replay value. If you like aa there's a fair bet you'll like la noire. It's different, but has some similarity.
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