While some major third-party publishers have backed Switch enthusiastically from the beginning, others have been rather more reserved. Capcom has certainly been cautious early on, offering some support with ports and tweaked older games while waiting for indications of early sales.
With the Switch having enjoyed a positive debut year so far, it seems Capcom is looking to produce more titles to cash in on that popularity. Speaking to Japanese publication Jiji, a company executive outlined plans to bring more titles to the Switch after April 2018. The only specific franchise mentioned was Ace Attorney.
There's certainly plenty of scope for easy wins with the series. In addition to the various 3DS entries and remasters the IP has had multiple HD versions on smart devices. Of course, the Switch could potentially be on the cards for any completely new entries, too. Beyond Ace Attorney there are various ports that could be quick projects for Capcom (we already have Resident Evil Revelations and its sequel around the corner), though many will naturally hope for new games.
What Capcom titles would you like to see on Switch?
[source jiji.com]
Comments 120
Let's see what else you got Capcom! Bring it on!!
This news makes me so happy
Heck yeah, duders! Phoenix wright in HD!
Ace Attorney is my favourite series and all I really care a lot about from Capcom so this really pleases me. As long as they can continue to provide that, I can overlook how poorly they've handled Monster Hunter and everything else.
I'm writing out my wishlist right now.
Resident Evil 7
Monster Hunter World
A new Street Fighter
A new Okami
A new Viewtiful Joe
I fully understand third parties wanting to see how the switch does, so seeing these reports coming from Capcom, the other day from Bandai Namco, increased titles from Ubisoft and Bethesda... makes me really, really happy.
Objection!!! Nope I'm perfectly fine Okami wouldn't hurt, too, and SF V, and more MH. Let's see (Odyssey)
This is great news, the switch is really hitting its stride, and as soon as an Ace Attorney game goes onto it I've got no choice but to buy one! Hopefully it's another main entry in the series, and we get a continuation of the ending of Spirit of Justice
I'm hoping they mean a new Ace Attorney and not just a port though.
Anything new from Ace Attorney on the Switch will be a day one purchase for me.
There's Okami HD, which could be even better with those joycons.
We probably will have the MegaMan Collection... and the faster the better as it doesn't have competition with VC yet.
And let's dream a little, Viewtiful Joe HD.
Those Mega Man and Disney collections had better be on the way.
Gimme Ace Attorney 7. A trilogy release of Apollo Justice/Dual Destinies/Spirit of Justice would be nice too.
Hmmm ok then.
Capcom Arcade Classics please. That will do nicely until you decide what the fudgebars you are doing with your modern output.
I'm not as big of a fan of the 3DS Ace Attorney games. They're not bad by any means but quite forgettable. Dual Destinies was boring at times and I stopped playing Spirit of Justice soon after 3rd case. I need to finish it someday. I liked SoJ more than DD but I hope they'll reach the awesomeness of the original trilogy with their next entry.
@Late You absolutely have to continue with Spirit of Justice, the final case is absolutely incredible, and I'd say it was second only to Trials and Tribulations as the best ace attorney game. It fixes everything that was wrong with Dual Destinies and then some
This better mean monster hunter! Or I'm off......
The only way I can really be happy with this is if it includes The Great Ace Attorney (2 pack with the second game would be epic) and maybe an Investigations 2 pack for us here in the west. I already own every Ace Attorney available to us on both ds and 3ds. I can't see myself triple dipping. And in the case of the first game quad dipping since I own it on Wii U.
@BranJ0 That's good to hear. I did like the setting and characters. I liked case 3 but thought it was bit too long. If I remember correctly, case 4 is kind of a filler case, so that's probably why I stopped playing.
So so happy!
@Dr_Corndog I suspect they are, and have been, at least behind the scenes, for a while. I'll admit I don't understand how Switch wasn't a part of the equation from the get-go, because even a moment's thought would let you know that they would sell on a Nintendo system, even the Wii U. Perhaps they were coming to Wii U and got shifted to Switch for all the obvious reasons, but that delayed it for us and they thought it better, for marketing purposes, to announce it for Switch later rather than announcing it at the same time but also announcing the delay. Whatever Capcom's thinking, I just hope they're coming, although I do believe they are.
@syntaxkita I stand corrected haha
Would easily buy an HD Ace Attorney Collection.
Also, Okami!
Me and the AA games are bound to each other now. The characters are like family that comes to visit me once in a while, so bring it on. Aaaand... I need to finish Spirit of Justice
Just take my money for a Switch version of those old Disney games!
The new games feel a bit easier than that of the original trilogy. It kind of walks you through where you need to be, like when examining a room.
In the old games, you had way more freedom to walk around and explore as you saw fit. Sometimes getting lost on what it was you needed to do next. I like the new games, but they are missing a bit of something the original trilogy had. At least to me.
Hope it's a new one, I don't need more remakes!
I would love the new Resident Evil so much. Don't actually know how high-end the graphics are on it or if it would be doable but I've wanted to play it since it came out.
RE4 hd remake and RE7!
EA are crying because Switch owners would rather spend their money on games instead of imaginary packets of imaginary footballers and imaginary contracts.
I’ve never played any Ace attorney games. Are they pretty good? I’m thinking about getting one of mobile games just to try it out.
I’ll TAKE THAT!!! Sorry, that was bad I know, but I had to do it. A new Ace Attorney for Switch would be nice. Heck, I still want Miles Edgeworth 2.
I would love to play through Killer7 again. I absolutely loved that game.
Can’t wait for Ace Attorney on Switch!
This is obvious but still a pipe dream but man I just want a new Mega Man game.
I hope Capcom start taking Switch seriously now and stop trying to sabotage their releases. If you live here in Europe you aren't getting a hard copy of Revelations unless you import it.
Yes even Revelations had a catch in the end.
What sabotage?
@Wayoh2002 My video game habits are kind of weird. I can be very ADHD about video games, so it's rare for me to play 15 or more hours on a single video game or series unless the story is really good. According to my 3DS, I put in 78 hours and 27 minutes into the Ace Attorney Trilogy, if that says anything.
Woahh..I just finished replaying Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the DS last week and thought how great it'd be to have it on the Switch..now this!
Mind. Blown.
I want the GameCube RE game remasters, Okami, the retro collections that would have fit the Switch perfectly, Monster Hunter, and anything AA related.
I'd love the megaman compilations and the Resident Evil early titles with Umbrella. RE 1-3, Veronica, and the fun lightgun games from wii: Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles. Nice to see 'em all in HD and the survival horror ones portable.
Street Fighter V probably won't happen, sadly. Sony paid for console exclusivity on that. Love it on my ps4, but portable would be great too. Still got 4 on the ds and 2 on the Switch though.
A Jill Sandwich! Right...
Since I started talking about Ace Attorney, I might as well continue with my thoughts on how the series could improve.
1. Don't show the killer / make it super obvious right from the get-go. It's so rare to get the satisfaction of finally discovering who was behind the murder.
2. Every case doesn't have to be a murder case. More variety would be great.
3. Quality over quantity. Now, the amount of cases per game is already small but there are still always some filler cases. It's okay to have a case not directly related to the main story but try to make it of the same quality as the other cases.
4. Some cases just drag for too long. They came up with the 3 day system to keep the cases compact but I don't want every case to use all 3 days. The first case in the first game was great introduction and made you feel smart even though it's really short.
5. I like feeling smart so don't give me the answer too easily but make sure the answer is obvious once you do get it. What I'm trying to say is that I don't need my partner to give me a hint as soon as I've pressed every statement and once I'm ready to show the evidence, there shouldn't be any confusion of what the evidence is and for what statement. I'm sure we all have experienced the "I know how the murder happened but I don't speak the same language as the game".
6. Keep what works. There are many things that are introduced in one game and never seen again. I want to see character profiles and 3D evidence in every new installment. Multiple witnesses at the same time worked great too.
6. Keep trying out different ideas. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It's good to keep things fresh and you might hit the jackpot. Maybe let us pick multiple pieces of evidence for one statement or combine items?
@MegaTen Not over here it isn't. People have already confirmed it with Shop To. Go on Game and Amazon UK. You still can't pre-order. It hasn't been ruled out for the future. Also let me say: Street Fighter at £40 was a rip off and an attempt to sabotage the game.
Good news for Ace Attorney fans but not everyone is a Ace Attorney fan so you know...
@MegaTen I hope you're right. I've been trying to pre-order it since August and even called them out on Twitter. I'm not the only one to have been told this though.
AA! Wooooot! The only Capcom franchise that matters! Long Live Switch!
Great news. I’m a fan of Capcom games so this is definitely a 3rd Party I want to see do more on the Switch.
Wonder if they'll consider a physical edition this time? With the Switch selling as it is, surly that's more then enough gamers willing to buy a physical cart, right?
While we're at it Capcom, those Disney Afternoon and MegaMan Collections please!
To quote Alan Partridge, Back of the net!
@Tsurii Ultra Street Fighter 1: The Good Edition and Ultra Super Street Fighter III: The Final Strike with Extra Thick Chun Li as a new character anyone?
Well, dang. That's one way to show you're serious about support!
These are the types of games they can concentrate on... Just see the Switch as a handheld.
I still really want Mega Man Legends 3, but they should at the very least put the Disney Afternoon Collection and Mega Man collections on Switch.
You still got a long way to go Capcom but sure bring them all on:
Mega Man Legends 3
Disney's Afternoon Collection
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Okami HD
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Monster Hunter XX
Monster Hunter World
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Okami please and thank you.
Okami 2, instead a remaster form Okami
Monster Hunter XX in the west...
Objection! I'll miss the 3D in Ace Attorney.
YES! Phoenix wright is one of my favorite game franchises!
SO the one BIG maybe NEGATIVE here is, because it's an Ace Attorney game...what are the chances of us not waiting out a long time for a western localization? Interested to hear what else they got planned. Been a good 3rd party buzz week for Nintendo. Ya see EA! YA SEE WHAT YA DID BAD? Wish Konami and Ninty would co-dev one of their legacy properties or something, like a reverse Ninty-Capcom on the Zelda portables. Or toss a Belmondo into the new Smash.
Well how about megaman ,capcom vs marvel ,Okami , hd port of the first four dmc , virtual joe , Sengoku Basara and Dark stalkers
now can we have MHW? (even, though i have a pc to play it. )
err, i mean good job capcom.
Ports wise, Disney Afternoon Collection and MM Collection 2 should be inevitable. I'd also love to see the Resident Evil 1 HD remake and the forthcoming RE2 HD remake. And of course, if doable, Re7 as well.
As for new games, it now looks like we're getting a new AA and MH on Switch, which is nice. Hopefully the success of USF2 means that we'll be getting a new SF title. I'd be down for any new MM game as well..
It’s about time. Whatever you do Capcom don’t forget you’re also sitting on a mountain of classic games!!!
@GrailUK aside from them hopefully releasing individual classics, I’d also be happy with that collection as well. Good call!
Disney Afternoon Collection, Both Mega Man Legacy games, Street fighter Collection, and some RE love. I know for certain that some of them are already in the works.
All they would have to do to make me happy is release Monster Hunter and Okami in the states for Switch and I will be super content, as long as Okami isn't marked up compared to the other systems I can definitely see myself buying it again.
@RamrodDestroyer I just started playing the mobile one and I’m hooked! Although my brother is upset with me since it’s a weeb game.
Resident Evil trilogy 5-7 please!!!
They should port/"remaster" Killer7 to cash in on the No More Heroes Travis Strikes Again hype.
Okami HD please! Other than that, I’d dearly love a second Ghost Trick title!
Capcom, please give me :
1. Another Rhythm games for Nintendo Switch, created by Naoki Maeda.
2. Street Fighter III HD
3. Street Fighter Alpha 3 HD
4. Disney games
5. Pocket Fighter
I don't think I'll ever get over the MML3 cancellation. Capcom used to be my favorite developer, but they're no longer the giants they once were in my eyes.
i wouldn't expect a new AA game. they will probably just port some (or all) of the mobile games.
@Optimusultimus phoenix wright has been in HD for years on mobile.
hell yes Onimusha Collection!!
Okami obviously! Other than that, street fighter 4, Asuras Wrath and Viewtiful Joe. Maybe give Devil may cry another shot.
That Resident evil 2 remake capcom are making. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! come to the switch!!
Onimusha series were one of my all time favourites. These would look and play great on the switch I support this!!!
I would love to see Duck Tales 2 get a remake, but after the death Alan Young, I can't see it happening. I just don't think it would be right with somebody else voicing Scrouge McDuck.
If Capcom are that worried about sales on the Switch, they should just do a few small projects, like remake some of their old games, or do something like Konami's rebirth games.
Next year would fit in line with how long it usually takes to see a new mainline entry (2-3 years) but I'll temper my expectations and assume it's HD ports of the previous games.
Which honestly is fine with me, would absolutely love to have this series of games on the Switch to replay. But Ace Attorney is also the perfect safely popular mid sized game to push out to get some presence on the system within a year so.... Capcom could indeed surprise us.
Okami at 60 fps would be a pre-purchase/pre-download for me. I'd love Okami 2, Megaman Legends 1-3, classic shooters, DMC, super puzzle fighter turbo, viewtiful Joe compilation, ghost trick remake and a new one!, pocket fighter (so cute and fun!), megaman collections, and Disney afternoon collection. Get to work Capcom!
Oh Jesus! Dark Void Zero! Please, that would be awesome on Switch!
Oh! and Tatsunoko vs Capcom! great fighter!
oh, and Powerstone 1 and 2, and heck, why not a new one too!
RE 2 HD remake... hell may as well release the original trilogy, to me it’s still the best RE games.
@flapjack-ashley Marvelous also said that they are ramping up production and bringing new games. Many are hoping for a new Rune Factory.
@N8tiveT3ch "Hmmm ok then."
Pretty much my response.
would prefer the RE0 and RE1 HD collection, as well as the code veronica HD port. but this is the company that couldn't bother putting the megaman or disney afternoon 8-bit collections on the switch. not expecting a great deal from capcom.
One thing and one thing only from Capcom; Powerstone 2. And I will literally die and go to heaven.
I'm only waiting for the Disney Afternoon Collection.
And then the Only Japanese version
Ah, finally Capcom jumps on board. This is a good start but I'm really hoping for some MH support. Like, a game built from the ground up for Switch, since of course World would be a bit too much for it to handle.
Capcom Stars Racing PLEASE!!!!!!
MH World and Ace Attorney is all I need. MH XX can go die in a hole. I don't even think XX is getting an Amercian release if I'm not wrong.
Ace Attorney 7, please!
Dragons Dogma please and we won't [removed] about you ever again
A new 'Zak and Wiki' would be great but I'm not holding my breath!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 'A new Okami,' lol. I'd buy a smart fridge if Capcom released a new Okami on it. Sadly that team is gone and just makes action games now.
@Yasaal MH World on Switch is a no-no, because they've already said and I quote:
"It comes down to what we’ve already said – we want to deliver the perfectly adapted game for the hardware we have in mind. That was our design concept, and our mission from the very beginning. Being able to adapt Monster Hunter for those systems – adapting that to different hardware doesn’t really work this time around." (Link: http://nintendoeverything.com/monster-hunter-world-co-director-asked-about-a-switch-port-wants-to-think-about-the-future-instead/
And since the Switch constitutes different hardware......
So it's either XX localization, or Capcom stops being dazed, and starts giving us a clue as to what they're doing for the system. I can't fault anyone for losing confidence in them with how World has been front and centre, while it's completely silent surrounding the rest of MH. They have two teams, so what's that other team doing? Sitting around?
Whatever. This is Capcom we're walking about here. Even their multiplats that would be cheap and easy to port are yet to be released on Switch. The fact that customers are still having to request Disney Afternoon Collection is beyond pathetic at this point.
Their only support on Switch thus far (to my knowledge) is a barely enhanced port of a port of a game from 1992 and the middle finger that is the Revelations "Collection". Considering that the package includes two games (as opposed to just the first game on PS4/Bone), I can't fathom why they so stupidly opted for a budget-priced half digital release when they could easily have charged full price and included both games on cartridge. Seeing the AU$35ish asking price in the eShop boils my blood as I would happily have paid double that to have Revelations 2 on cartridge. I don't need a third physical copy of Revelations 1 (though I would have still bought it had Capcom not handled this release so idiotically).
On the plus side, I anticipate that physical releases of Ace Attorney will be making a comeback.
LOL. They won't see any money from me until they release XX in the west.
Respect to Capcom for Resident Evil: Revelations the best looking game on 3ds and best portable horror game ever. Respect for another exclusive Resident Evil 4 and cool remakes on honorable Gamecube. Not very cool that they abandoned 3ds when their games didn't sell as well as expected. Not cool their non support for Wii U.. Support for Switch can mean only one thing: More Resident Evil games. Bring 7 pls! Or Dino Crisis 3.
A proper good Breath Of Fire game would be nice. Hell, I'll even take hd remasters of the old ones! Proper Mega Man games... Do another revival of Ghouls and Ghosts, or Gargoyle's Quest. Remake Code Name: Viper!
Viewtiful Joe needs a come back, as does Maximo as it was an excellent challenging 3D ghosts n goblins in all but name. They should also pony up for the ACA fun as they have one of the best arcade line ups of the 80s and earlier 90s. I could taunt it, yes I will, Mega Man Legends 3?
I'd love to see A Capcom classic collection HD
A new Final fight
A New G'n'G
And there are so many that would be perfect on switch
I'd be interested in DMC remakes, look Capcom a nice easy one to port your favourite thing in the world! Hell a download of Viewtiful Joe gets you my money...
If capcom wants my money they will do right with this series on the switch.
@UmniKnight Yes I am aware of Capcom's statement regarding MH World. I was just wishing it could happen. Maybe it will later when Capcom actually outs in the effort? If a game like Doom can be scaled down successfully on the Switch then why not MH World? It's possible, Capcom is just lazy.
@Yasaal We'll see, but I wouldn't count on it.
@UmniKnight I can totally understand why.
Ace Attorney for Switch.
As others have mentioned, preferrably a new entry, or a port of the Great Ace Attorney games, or a new trilogy (with Dual Destinies..! Some may disagree, but I love that game)
@manu0 well yeah, but it'd look way better on a console that isn't 100% handheld.
@Noonch What's your Pocket Camp friend ID, butthead?
@Ras check your swap doodle, ya jerk!
@SimplyCinnamon53 YES! They are very good! Start out with the original trilogy, Apollo Justice and then play AA Investigations (And the sequel if you're ok with a fan translation), and then DD, SoJ and then the brand new Switch one. That is if you like the first one.
P.S. The game starts relatively slowly, and some sections aren't very fun, but the best parts are so good that it should be totally worth it.
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