Today's Indie Highlights presentation has revealed that competitive shooter Morphies Law will be available on Nintendo Switch from today.
Originally announced for Switch back in August last year, Morphies Law is a 4-on-4 shooter with a unique twist. In the game, each weapon hit steals you 'mass', making you grow and your enemy shrink. Whichever body part you manage to hit is affected; land a headshot and your opponent's head will shrink, while yours simultaneously grows.
This can have a huge impact on the game itself; if you take some hits and shrink down, you can use your tiny body to hide in secret passages, ready for an ambush. If your body is huge from dealing lots of damage, you'll be an easy target for other players. It sounds incredibly exciting, and we really don't have long to wait.

Yes, Morphies Law launches on the Nintendo Switch eShop today, 20th August, at 6pm BST / 7pm CEST in Europe. A North American release time is yet to be confirmed.
Will you be trying this one out for size?
Comments 63
This looked the best out of the bunch. Glad it comes out tonight
Okay, so this is news from a European video with no American counterpart. Can you confirm if this release time is accurate here as well?
Edit: ah, I see the article was updated. Sigh NoA uploaded a single trailer for Bad North a little bit ago and hasn't acknowledged the big deal.
I'm pretty interested to try this one. At $30 (AUD), I think I'll give it a shot. I like that they mentioned gyro controls in the trailer, shows they understand their audience.
Seems cool!!!
60’ish FPS lol
I like their honesty
This. Looks. Like a game? Review please.
I have wanted this since the first trailer came out and can't wait!
The price is £15.99 in the UK for those who are wondering (that figure comes directly from its eShop page).
@Stuffgamer1 there IS no big deal
Thoight this was ftp. Looks pretty fun
I’m very intrigued. The premise seems wonderfully unique, but how is it in practice? I’ll wait on a review.
I remember being very interested in this game after seeing the nindies direct. I’m surprised that it’s been radio silence since then. Will look into this one!
I'm definitely interested but I'll wait for early impressions. My main concern is the online mode,since that's what I'd be buying it for. Can an indie game regularly fill 4v4 rooms without long waits?
No groin shot in this game = no buy.
@RichardZ I'm talking about all the hubub regarding this Indie news out of Europe. I joined the hype an hour ago only to be left with no NA video at all.
In other news, Morphies Law is now listed to release today on the NA eShop for $19.99.
If this game was free I’d try it out. But as is, it doesn’t fully capture my attention.
Can't help but think this game should of had a beta.
@Rafke With the power of flex tape!
Is this going to require the Nintendo Online Service when it launches?
I've been waiting for this 😈
This is the only one that seems halfway decent. On the other hand, If it's running off Nintendo's server it will unplayable. Not only that, but good luck finding any other players in a room, as most online games on Switch are dead except Splatoon, Mario Kart, and Fortnite.
The most ugliest game I ever seen! Even if gameplay is perfect, I couldn’t be less interested.
Wish them luck though
Is it just me, or did this release date drop out of nowhere?
@MongolRaider hey, Arms online is alive and kicking.
The game looks cool. I'm gonna keep an eye on it. Looking forward to the reviews!
@Tulio517 I think you mean “alive and punching”
Excited to get this once I have the funds. Gyro controls sold me.
@Rafke Spray your opponents with FLEX SEAL to shrink them back to normal size!
Interesting. Ugly. Bots or no buy tho.
@MongolRaider unplayable? kind of hyperbolic don't you think? You even say yourself that some online games are still alive, you think they would if they were unplayable?
Really cool premise, I remember this from the Nindie direct ages ago. I have a bad feeling that in practice it doesn't work as well as on paper, but it's a cool idea nonetheless.
My son has been asking when this game comes out weekly for the past year. So happy to be able to surprise him out of no where. Downloading ASAP!
@MongolRaider you’re joking right? RocketLeague is alive and kicking. FastRMX is alive and racing. FIFA is alive and, well you get it. These titles along with Splatoon, MK8 and ARMS are alive and I haven’t tried any other online games.
People what other online games are alive and kicking?
I thought this looked really bad
@beazlen1 @MongolRaider
If you guys are into Street Fighter, I was playing the 30th anniversary collection last night for a good hour or so and I was having no problem finding people to play with.
20 USD.
@ImagineerNik yes, only free Switch games don’t require it; Fortnite, Fallout Shelter, etc
When the paid online service comes along I only see MK8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, free to play games and games with XB1/PC crossplay still being active (Smash Ultimate joining the list in December).
@FutureTrojan Well that blows. I'll hold of for now then on this
This is such a crazy premise, I really hope the execution holds up!
Huh, that came out of nowhere. Why weren't there any updates between the initial announcement and now?
I was looking forward to this from the start and will probably get it soon.
Man, I've been waiting for this!
$20 is steep for a game like this, especially when having a strong online community is essential. I think they would have more than doubled the purchases if it only cost $10. Poor business decision, IMO.
@Whalehome How on earth do you propose a video game to be given to you freely? Aren't there people behind this game that must be payed for their effort? Don't you pay for your food, milk, coffee and internet?
I was wondering what happened to this game. Looking forward to the review.
@Cosats see Frogopus’ answer above. If a game is fun enough, I’d pay the developer some money through micro-transactions like I’ve done with Fortnite or Marvel Puzzle Quest.
Surely you can admit this game needed a free weekend demo or something to at least get people wanting to play more.
@MongolRaider Nintendo hater! those are the only good multiplayer games on the switch you fool! plus Mario tennis aces. never have had issues playing with others
Well... this isn’t leaving a good first impression on me. Already quite a list of things I don’t like
@Whalehome It's up to the developers of a game to decide how they want to distribute their game in order to be paid. You don't go to a shop that sells cars to tell them that you will only rent it because that's the way you like it.
@Cosats nobody is disputing that. I just stated the conditions in which I would play this game- as a free to play model— and you freaked out on me. I would gladly change my mind if this game receives raving reviews that get me to buy in and play it.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this. The first shooter I’ve been excited about since Splatoon.
@MongolRaider not true, rocket league is always active.
@Frendo i'mean I'm not sure yet on game play but i definitely agree that the presentation of this game looks very AAA compared to other nindies that always go the route of pixel art or have a mobile game stench to them. I also read it was a one man team! I'm just waiting to read reviews as I'm tempted but not usually a big fan of fps.
@PhilKenSebben I did a little research and found out this game has offline and bot mode.
surprise? Seems like a lot of stuff is getting a stealth release. Is today somebody's b-day or something?
I don't think a $20 price tag is going to scare off that many people away from the Switch's online software.
Those NES games are going to single-handedly push the service to the mainstream, if NES Classic sales are anything to go by.
@Tulio517 Yes, Arms as well! That reminds me, I still need to get that game. I thought I was warn out on fighters until I tried out the Testpunch. It really threw me for a loop how good Arms was. I will definitely get it when Nintendo gets their online service together.
@Ensemen I said they are active, I didn't say they were very playable. Getting kicked off constantly is kind of annoying.
@Kingkong1 I don't hate Nintendo. Where did you get that impression? In fact, I probably been a Nintendo fan longer than you been alive. That doesn't mean I have to like everything Nintendo does. They deserve criticism just like anyone else. Not criticising them here, just some other fans that seem to not want to support titles outside of Nintendo's, other than the occasional oddball ones (see Rocket League) Fifa is about the only one that I can think of that's not out there, but again, Soccer is popular even with Nintendo fans. I can't say the same for Madden if it was ported over, which is why it didn't. NBA 2k18 is a good port, but online is practically dead. Btw, there is nothing wrong with Rocket League, it's just that developers have to go through extremes to cater to most Nintendo fans taste. I don't know, maybe the Switch will be different, but it's too early to tell right now.
@Chamillion205 thank you!
BAH! I thought it was free like Fortnite. throws iPad across room
I cannot help but find the game weird. Demo please.
Why am i only now noticing the title is a pun of Murphy's Law
@MongolRaider every NBA 2k cools down just before the release of the new one, which is in less than a month, and as per Take Two's horrible practice, online for last year's version will be shutting down soon anyway.
I’m getting this mainly for offline play with bots! Finally a team based OFFLINE shooter I can play with no restrictions!!!
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