A far less dramatic SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy clip has been released on the official Nintendo YouTube channel.
Following a video highlighting how the all-female cast had been kidnapped, and then a clip about Terry Bogard's "fatal cutie" transformation, the latest trailer briefly highlights the key aspects of the game.
It mostly serves as a reminder you can customise the heroines, participate in two-on-two tag matches, perform multiple moves with single button inputs, accessorise with over 140 fashion items and choose between three unique costumes for each girl.

This Switch release is due to arrive on 7th September. Take a look at the trailer above and tell us in the comments if you're planning on adding this to your collection.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 55
Maybe this can fill the "light-hearted, fan-service heavy fighting game" void left behind by Dead or Alive?
It looks fun, and I like the apparent simplicity of the combat.
Just mash buttons like a lunatic and you'll win.
Button mashing won't get you far in these games still. Its not like Soul Calibur 2/Dead or Alive 2/3 days.
This is fine for me since I play my more serious fighters on Steam with my custom/retrofitted arcade sticks and I rather play this with just the joy cons for light-hearted online.
The single button command is really not my thing when it comes to fighting games. But this game isn’t being taken serious. I’ll just have to try it out for myself.
as much as i played kof....i'm not touching this.
The Desperate Moves was So Random.
Already pre-ordered from the eshop.
Absolutely disgusting.
SNK means KOF, means Garou, means The Last Blade etc...
I don't understand how it's possible to fall as low as that...
Can't wait for this to come out. I like deep fighters as much as the next player but I'm also fond of simpler-to-control games like Smash, and this sounds like it'll be a fun kind of melding between the two approaches to fighters.
alrdy preordered.
Alternate Tagline: Blushing included
"accessorise with over 140 fashion items and choose between three unique costumes for each girl. "
I was having PTSD from FFX-2 reading that. Man was that game bad.
I might buy this just for the lawls at the absurdity of the fan service and because I enjoy the occasional genderbender.
Nothing wrong with sexualized fictional characters. And people only complain when it's women. If these were real people it'd be different, always treat real people with decency, man or woman. But fictional characters like this? Have fun, that's the point.
Simpler inputs would work better on the joycons anyways and depth doesn’t only come complex commands.
Looks fun!
This is what feminists want: an all female fighting game. Empowered woman and man will enjoyed it too... feel the bounciness in your hands with HD rumble.
I'm gonna make the cutest warriors the world has ever seen.
As if I needed any more of a reason to get this... I absolutely enjoy technical fighters like Melee, where high-level play...well, it does involve tons of inputs, but not the classical, finnicky, and strict controller inputs seen in...most other fighting games. Insta-buy for me, now...
(Actually, another good example of what I'm talking about could be applied to Pokken...)
Original Senran Kagura was loads of fun due to this kind of customizing shenaniganery, so I can already tell that this will be the same kind of ridiculous fun.
My love for hot women makes me want to buy this game.
I always wondered why they never made a game like this with men in you can dress in their smalls? Surely there is a market for that too?
@RadioHedgeFund the majority of players are straight males.
Okay now this just lost my interest, sorry SNK as much as I love the KOF girls I don't like the button mashing nature of this game. If it's an optional feature like in Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO then maybe I'll reconsidered but as a permanent feature it just doesn't click with me. I want my fighters to be technical and love it to stay technical so if this is not then I'm sorry I'll have to stick with HAMSTER, Capcom, and Arc System for now.
...as if we didn't need more conformation that this was just a pervy fan service more than it is a fighting game.
I miss when SNK made real fighters.
Always the extreme with you isn't it? They are just making a fighting game for a more casual audience and there is nothing wrong with that, and it certainly isn't "disgusting".
@Bass_X0 "the majority of players are straight males."
We'll never know if there's a market for less sexist but still sexy fighters until someone makes one.
What is extreme it's the radical turn from SNK.
The SNK philosophy is the opposite of what is SNK Heroines...
You can take whatever fighting game from them, they're all different but they share a similar DNA, they're all technical.
SNK Heroine is to SNK what Mc Donalds is to healthy people, disgusting.
Well i don't think it is going to be a massive hit but it will hopefully appeal to some. It isn't a game for me but I know not every game is tailored for me and that is OK.
No offence but basically, you kind of play against your camp.
I mean, if SNK is doing stuff like that it's because they hope to sell good on Switch "because ya knooowwww, Nintendo players are kids blah blah blah..."
So yeah, one button mashin' fighting game, this is the result.
It's sad to say but I really hope that game to make a huge flop otherwise you can be sure that SNK will continue to make "one button mashing" rather than what they normally do...
What is my "camp"?
This one " It isn't a game for me but I know not every game is tailored for me and that is OK."
Sorry I still don't understand how I am playing against that view point.
This game is also coming to PS4 so it isn't a Nintendo thing it is SNK trying to appeal to a different market. There are lots of gamers who find real fighting games too technical and intimidating so let them have a game that is for them. I doubt SNK will stop making the rest of its games if this game is a big seller, all it means is they have another revenue stream.
I never said something about Nintendo...
My point was basically, if that type of game will become a success and knowing how the VS Fighting market is today, you can be sure that SNK will continue this way.
Everything is about money today, so why the hell they'll do the effort to create a deep gameplay experience if making a one button mashing sells like crazy ?
You said:
"I mean, if SNK is doing stuff like that it's because they hope to sell good on Switch "because ya knooowwww, Nintendo players are kids blah blah blah..." "
Seems to be clearly about Nintendo.
We shall agree to disagree about the rest.
It was like talking "with the mouth of SNK". The PS4 version is just to make extra money because it's the biggest community that's all.
You can clearly see that the promotion of SNK Heroines is on the Switch, like Nintendo Direct etc... On the Sony's side, they prefer to talk about Cyberpunk, Resident Evil 2 Remake, TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman etc...
So, they pretty much brought back Gals' Fighter? I'm actually ok with that lol
Like I said we shall agree to disagree. And you were putting words in SNK's mouth so they were your words and this is all just your pretty baseless specualtion.
But hey if SNK starts releasing fighting games from now on that are just for casuals and they stop with their existing brands then I will happily come back and say your were right all along. Don't see it happening though somehow.
This game makes me ashamed to be a gamer. So icky.
Speaking of accessible fighters. Anyone ever played Tatsunoko VS Capcom? That was easy to get into, really fun to play, and was tough facing off against good players online.

That would be one of the more accessible aspects of the game then.
Wouldn't touch this trashy nonsense with a barge pole.
@Dizzy_Boy it still had input commands unless you used the dumbed down wii mote controls, which were terrible.
I love input commands, it gives more satisfaction to pull off a special move like that in the heat of the moment.
Yeah, its essentially a spiritual sequel to that excellent little game (it, Last Blade, and MotM were my favorite fighters on that handheld).
lol, all of the serious bidness hot takes up in here acting like there will be no skill factor to the game because of its simplified input system.
Fine, go back to KoFXIV and enjoy your "real" fighting game. Meanwhile I'll be playing and enjoying both for what they each are/do.
@BigKing true, but they were were still stripped down compared to other Capcom fighters.
@Bass_X0 http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/10/29/the-demographics-of-device-ownership/
Apparently the majority of console owners are female.
@Dizzy_Boy I thought it was really good. Like Marvel vs Capcom 2 good. Better than MvC3 imo
@RadioHedgeFund I think the difference is that women tend not to respond to this type of fan service the same way guys do. If they did, plenty of fighters already feature buff shirtless men. I'd say the majority of them do, in fact. But regardless of this, women on average lean towards different genres of games.
@Dizzy_Boy I really enjoyed TvC! We still play it from time to time.
@Kanbei and @BigKing TvC is deffinitly a great game. I think it sits in a weird sweet spot of being slightly goofy, slightly serious, easy for begginers and doesn't put off better players.
It's a real shame Capcom let the licence drop because I would have loved to have seen a sequel.
@Dizzy_Boy Definitely! I also had fun getting to know the Tatsunoko characters, as I had never seen any of their anime.
@Regpuppy it's a shame really. In an ideal world those scantily clad ladies would be fighting equally scantily clad guys in some insane mashup of DOAXVB and The Full Monty.
@RadioHedgeFund I mean, I've seen some that have male and female characters, barely wearing anything, fighting each other. People just don't make a big fuss about it, since it's no weirder than the drunk old man, cyborgs, gods, and Demons fighting alongside them. We just see more male-oriented fan service because of the demographic that already exists. If there was money in the former, people would be doing it.
a@Kanbei I've seen the english dub of Karas. I know it was a 6 part mini series in japan. The UK dvd releases had 3 episodes on one and 3 on another, but they were put together as if they were supposed to be films. And the story was kinda hard to follow too, the animation was good though.
I recognised some of the other characters through the ads on the dvds, but I never got round to watching them.
Pokken Tournament use TWO buttons for attacks... You could do crazy combos by just mashing a single button. And I found that a recipe for a boring game. After picking up BlazBlue, I probably wasn't going to buy this anyway, but now it's definitely not happening.
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