Poor Luigi, he met his maker in the recent Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct, but it seems he is actually alive and kicking... Not only that - he's even bustin' ghosts to boot!
We're really looking forward to getting our hands on the remastered Luigi's Mansion for 3DS; this GameCube launch title is a bit of a fan-favourite, and for newcomers who enjoyed its 3DS sequel Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, it will be fun to see how the spooky series got started.
This updated version of the game includes the same classic adventure we all love and remember from the GameCube days, but with some juicy added features. The 3DS' touchscreen can now be used to view the mansion map, and a new 'Gallery Battle' mode, exclusive to this remake, gives Luigi the ability to re-challenge boss ghosts that were defeated in the game.
With all the Gamescom happenings this week, Nintendo has revealed that Luigi's Mansion for 3DS will hit the shops just in time for Halloween. Players in North America will be able to get their hands on the game on 12th October, with Europe following just a week behind on 19th October.
Let us know if you plan to pick up this spooktacular game in October with a comment below.
Comments 79
Yay... !
But, why didn't released on 30 October 2018 ?
That will be Perfect for my Birthday present.
I honestly didn't like the sequel due to how the game was structured, but I did prefer the new control scheme. This could be the perfect, happy medium for me. The original Luigi's Mansion with improved controls and flashlight mechanics? Yes please.
will it be better than Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon?
I wonder, because this is the first part, oryginal released in 2001
Dark Moon - 2013
While I’m glad this game is going to run in stereoscopic 3D, I’m going to pass. Besides being a remake, I’m trying to hit the brakes and not buy new $40 3DS games anymore. WarioWare Gold was my grand finale after over seven years with the system.
This will be the last push to get adult own 3DS owners to see the advantages of 3D and to also encourage people to upgrade their 4K TVs to 3D. Hopefully if this does well, we may even see an adult Luigi's Mansion game rated 16+?
Can’t wait for this
@NiaBladerunner more like downgrade to 3D; hardly any of the new range of 4k TVs come with 3D capabilities. More mature 1st party Nintendo games will never happen, let alone a 16+ rated Luigi's Mansion.
Suuuuuch good news! So glad I’ll be able to play this that soon. I’ll have something to play on the plane now as I visit my brother that month and for Halloween!
Sounds like the possibility of a September general Direct is fading away fast. Nintendo's just revealing the rest of 2018 in other ways so the next Direct will probably be a Smash Direct in October/November.
I would be excited (if it was for the switch)
Nice, one of my favorite Gamecube games. It always had really great atmosphere so I'm interested to see if they preserved that.
If I can find it at a decent price I'll get it.
Day one for me, loved Dark Moon and never played this one.
@Megadeth It's different. The first one was more about exploring one mansion, finding ways to get to new rooms, and quite puzzling boss fights; whereas the sequel was more linear, with more content, but less puzzles and exploration. If my memory serves me well, that is.
I really don't understand the appeal of Halloween, but I'll get this game. I only have a few left now to create a really nice 3DS collection.
Hmm, looks like the Best Buy leak was correct! Now I know when to go pick up my preorder.
I STILL say this game should be coming to Switch!
Think I'll stick with the original as it's best with a proper analogue stick than the 3DS slider.
I still have my copy for GameCube & Samus Returns was my last 3DS purchase. I'm not as interested in this one. If it were coming to the Switch I'd gladly double dip
Waiting for part 3 on Switch...pretty please Nintendo.
I’ll wait for part 3
1 was short but great at the time
2 was great and great finale
3 I’m patiently waiting
Does this game use the stereoscopic 3d effect? Like that is the reason I would buy this game, after all, they experimented with that feature while developing the game for Gamecube.
@paihia i was waiting for "new luigi's mansion....for switch" but alas, it's still 3DS.
Absolutely not interested, it was good when It came out at first on GameCube. That's where I keep my fond memories on this title & not going to ruin those impressions. Call me when there'll be a 3rd installment on Switch.
Haven’t played on GC so I’ll likely pick this up!
I'll be honest. When I first saw that this would be a launch title for the Gamecube as a preteen, I was disappointed that there wasn't a Mario game. The joke turned out to be on me in the end because I thought this game was great and far better than the Mario game that would be released for the system. True it's not very long, but it's also not blatantly padded like Super Mario Sunshine and the original version of The Wind Waker, which goes a long way, as does its charm.
I'll definitely be picking this up, though I'd rather it have gone to the Switch along with the sequel with an announcement that a new installment was on its way.
I'm looking forward to this. I really liked the original but didn't care for Dark Moon.
Yeah exactly, glad someone understood what I meant. I didn't want to go into too much detail and risk sounding like I was bashing Dark Moon, but that was precisely my problem with the game's structure. I didn't like having to keep going back and forth between missions and generally preferred the more open nature of the original game. I did like the improved controls and ghost catching mechanics though. If they port the original over but give us better ghost catching and controls, I'll be very happy.
@Onion yes and full 60fps gameplay instead 30fps on gamecube. We want the master version
Fine game and all, but I’d rather have GameCube remakes on Switch. Warioware is also my last 3DS game unless they announce Elite Beat Agents 2.
I'll likely get it but it'll be at a point in time where it's on sale for $20, just because I still have Dark Moon to play and it would take me years to clear some backlogs for me to justify buying it.
Also have the GC version, so no pressure.
@joey302 You probably think God of War should have come to the Switch. Stop the port begging please.
@Crono1973 uh yea sure God of War ok. I haven’t touched my 3DS since the Sega ages games and what is wrong with a port of a good game anyway??? Stop
Other than the few Atlus games still scheduled for release on the system, I think I'm done with buying new releases for the 3DS.
My 2nd Nintendo game this year !!! And 1st 3ds game
@joey302 So touch your 3DS when a game you want to play comes out for it. Is that such a hard concept?
@Crono1973 therein lies the problem....
@Crono1973 lol wut? What’s the harm in asking for a Nintendo game to come to a Nintendo console?
This game should be on Switch.
@LUIGITORNADO The game is coming to a Nintendo console.
@LUIGITORNADO yup thank you!
@Crono1973 an almost dead console. Nintendo’s focus should be the Switch and their 1st party output still sucks...so now if they’ve already ported all these other Wii U games to the Switch then why not Luigis Mansion??? They ported Captain Toad to both...
This will probably be one of my last 20% off Prime preorders, which is both happy and sad.
@Crono1973 Again. What's the issue asking for it to come to a Nintendo console?
Grabbed my 3DS XL in 2012 with Ocarina of Time... six years, 58 games, and an upgrade to the New 3DS XL later... it’s time to retire this gadget via Captain Toad - final stop: Luigi’s Mansion!
I'm still remembering, before the Swich was released (I think it was around when it was initially unveiled), that it was supposed to receive some ports of GC titles... Am I the only one remembering that?
I understand the will of Nintendo to keep alive it's "affordable" portable system, but this, to me, feels like a lost opportunity. I'd love to revisit the game on the Switch, while on the go. I don't have a 3DS anymore. Many still do, but many don't.
Haven't played the first game so I'll probably get it. Maybe not for full price though. I'll get a used copy or wait a bit.
Never had the Gamecube version so this is very tempting. How suitable is it for quick on the go gaming sessions?
I stopped playing anything on my 3DS, I just use it for music...a Switch version of this and the M&L remakes would be nice, Nintendo...
I'm excited to get this!
@joey302 What determines if the 3DS is almost a dead console? Is it determined by whether or not games are released on it? Why are you fighting games getting released on it? Is it because you want it to be more dead than it is?
Some Switch owners are so entitled, they think Nintendo should abandon everyone except Switch owners.
Another 3DS game that should really be on Switch as well. Come on, Nintendo.
Oh boy look at all the this should've been on Switch comments. Should've could've would've but it's not so stop complaining.
You guys should be happy they're still supporting the 3DS because the Switch won't have a long life if they get rid of it when it's technologically inferior.
@Crono1973 well usually, throughout the history of this industry, no or near no support is an indication of a console nearing its end. I did say “almost dead”. I don’t have a problem with Nintendo making games for it at all so not sure where that came from. I just would like to see a game like Luigi hit the Switch is all I’m saying. Especially since it’s unlikely we will see it via GameCube virtual console. I don’t want it to be more dead than it is no. I just feel Nintendo’s resources are being wasted on it at this point. But I’m sure they feel obligated to the millions of 3DS owners out there to throw them a bone here and there. Again, they ported Treasure Tracker to both...so why not Mansion?? Sounds to me like you don’t have a Switch or this wouldn’t bother you. No entitlement here...you just need to recognize when a system is “almost dead” and I’ve been recognizing that since the Atari 2600. And for the record, I thoroughly enjoyed my 3DS to death and it still obviously has an amazing library which is not going anywhere. I just moved on. What happened when Dreamcast died? We moved on...we had no choice.
Last quarter, 3DS hardware and software sales were <20% of Switch hardware and software sales.
Mind you, I personally don't really have a problem with Luigi's Mansion being a 3DS game, as it is clearly a cheap port built on the already-existing Dark Moon engine. Porting the game to the Switch would require a massive reworking of said engine, and those resources would be better spent building Luigi's Mansion 3 from the ground up for Switch.
Dead guy on a dead machine fighting ghosts. Makes sense.
@joey302 Again, they ported Treasure Tracker to both...so why not Mansion??
The 3D effect.
Sounds to me like you don’t have a Switch or this wouldn’t bother you.
Yeah, I have one but I also still love my 3DS. Don't see why Nintendo can't release a game on the 3DS without all the port begging from Switch owners.
Would have preferred this on Switch, but will still get it for 3DS.
I did prefer this a lot more than the 2nd outing
You can’t see why owners of a Nintendo system would want games by Nintendo to be published on their Nintendo system, given that there are no technical reasons why they shouldn’t?
What was the reaction of XB1 and PS4 owners to the string of 360 and PS3 exclusives MS and Sony (respectively) were churning out in 2014 and 2015?
@thesilverbrick Yep. While I still need to get it, WarioWare Gold will figuratively be my horse ride into the sunset.
@electrolite77 The Nintendo 3DS IS a Nintendo system. Do you really believe that the 3DS should get no exclusives?
@Crono1973 the 3D Is cool but imo overrated. Hey I love my 3DS too but time simply doesn’t permit me to work it in with the current gen systems. Again I don’t have a problem with Nintendo supporting the 3DS just support your new system. I felt the same way when it was the Wii U/3DS. The Wii U needed games BADLY and many 3DS games if ported to Wii U would’ve been nice. Maybe the Wii U would’ve even sold better. Their own output is just horrible. And porting treasure tracker to both systems but NOT Luigi’s Mansion to me makes zero sense...which most of the times Nintendo is known for. Defying logic and sense.
It should be my last purchase on my New 3DS, I don't think Nintendo could make anything that attract me back to the system after that. I may buy the bravely series (i didn't play neither games yet), but I'm expecting HD version with the 3rd on Switch.
@joey302 Like I said, it's because Luigi's Mansion is the type of game that strongly benefits from 3D.
A cool surprise announcement at Gamescon could have been Luigi's Mansion and Dark Moon combo port to the Switch...
@Alto That flashing avatar is really bothersome
@May_Nyan that’s the second complaint I’ve gotten... I’ll have to consider this my final warning lol... sorry ya’ll! I just really love Metroid!
@Crono1973 I agree that it would...and so would many other games benefit from 3D. Doesn’t mean they can’t be great 2D games on other platforms. Hell Look at Sony with VR...it’s all about the tight gameplay...
@Joeynator3000 I... I think you may be on to something. This would be awesome. I also want them to make Mario Sunshine HD but that's a stretch...
@Banjos_Backpack that was one reason why i hated dark moon on the 3ds i never completed it either, dark moon was stripped of what made the original luigi's mansion great.
@Realnoize I remember an articl÷"on NL saying that what is now known as the switch would get GC ports, too!
Can anyone please post the link to that article?
@Realnoize I also sold it. But would have loved to play this game
I’m saying if it gets games that could happily run on both, they should be on both. It is unusual for an older machine to get exclusives (see, my Sony/MS comparison), and it’s unnecessary. Basically I don’t want to deprive the game of potential sales and players of the opportunity to play the games unlike, it seems, yourself. For some reason.
Europe has Halloween? I’m sure they do it all wrong.
@electrolite77 Basically I don’t want to deprive the game of potential sales and players
Maybe it will come out later for the Switch. Putting it out on both at the same time would kill 3DS sales.
That’s the only reason that makes sense. As 3DS software sales drop off maybe they’re worried about getting a ROI on the 3DS version. Otherwise it just feels a bit self-defeating. But then, it is Nintendo I suppose.
@Alto Thank you for changing it =)
I didn't like Dark moon so I probably won't pick this remake up, I hope they just end the 3Ds's lifetime sooner than later, insert "This could've been on the switch" here.
I’ve still got the original in NGC, but I will be buying this, in hope that if enough people buy this, then a 3rd game in Switch might come next!
they need to release both games onto the Nintendo Switch.
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