This year’s QuakeCon revealed DOOM Eternal - developed by id Software and published by Bethesda - would be coming to the Switch in the near future, with port specialist Panic Button officially handling the Nintendo version of the game.
During an interview with Variety, id Software studio director Tim Willits revealed Rage 2 - developed in partnership with Avalanche Studios - was currently being considered for the Switch:
We’re looking at the tech on that right now, and we’re still evaluating that… We stream everything [in-game], and we’re just looking… because everything is open, everything’s available, so there’s no level loads. We are looking at that now, but we don’t know.
Despite technical barriers that may need to be overcome, given the fact id Software already has DOOM, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and now DOOM Eternal up and running on the Switch thanks to Panic Button, Rage 2 may be in with a chance.
Would you like to see Rage 2 on Switch? Would you like to see more id Software games in general on the system? Tell us below.
[source variety.com]
Comments 60
Honestly, that's a completely reasonable answer from ID
Who ya gonna call? Panic Buuuttonnn danananana
Everyone is thinking Panic Button when they hear this, but I’m curious what Bethesda’s in house porting team is doing next. I assume that we’re going to see something soon from them (Fallout 3 port, maybe?)
Doom 3: BFG Edition, pretty please.
And that should fit in its entirety on an 8GB cartridge (16GB max).
I’m getting this game on PS4 unless it comes to Switch
Happy for it, would love to see it happen. But all I really want is a proper Fallout game, NV for Switch please.
Getting this for my Xbox, can't wait! Been waiting for RAGE 2 for like 7 years
I'd rather ask them for a port of Fallout 3 and New Vegas (in a bundle). I think it would sell much better.
I would say this is pretty unlikely to be ported to switch
I really do hope peoples doubt about this game is not because of the Switch's specs.
There isn't much reason beyond time (to figure out what needs tweaking), resources (how many people are needed to tweak it)and cost (how much will it cost to tweak) why this shouldn't come to Switch...but I suppose they are the 3 main reasons lol.
"We steam everything" - what's he mean by that?
@gcunit The people at their office are big fans of steam cleaning most likely, even their hardware. Nothing like a good steam to open up those pores and circuits.
Can we get Panic button to port doom trilogy to the Switch as well? And rage 1, and everything Bethesda...
Somebody should inform Ubisoft about Panic Button!
@gcunit "We stream everything"
By streaming they're talking about a type of continuous loading applied to game development. Instead of loading one big map with all the content of the map in the ram memory, they do load on memory eveything that it needed at the moment of the gameplay (only what is happening on screen and anything from Ai that needs to be in memory, the rest will be loaded when needed).
This technology is getting common in all open world games and those which have big scenarios.
An example easy to see of how this works is Xenoblade Chronicles 2. When you do a teleport to Gormoth's town at the Windmill Plaza, you'll see how first the objects appear with no textures, later they load textures low resolution textures, and finally they load high resolution textures. Check it out.
Yeah, I want it on Switch, I'm definitely sold on the Mad Max-esque gameplay. But I can only imagine the compromises necessary to make it happen and...I'm not sure it's worth it.
I'd rather they waited until the upgraded Switch model rolls out to get the best product possible.
But is Tim Willits totally a fan of the Nintendo Switch? This is important information.
Why not test it on the actual console? Streaming won't prove anything. The PS Vita could stream PS3 games on PS Now, that doesn't mean that it could actually run them games. If anything, give it to Panic Button.
Everywhere in the comments I read: "Panic Button, Panic Button, Panic Button"!🙄
Should Panic Button port over all third party games on the Nintendo Switch? How do you expect that to work, especially considering how much time it would take? How about developers are planning Switch support from the beginning and port the game themselves?
And It gets to be ported Rage 2 developer ID Software confirms it and says to "Panic Button" Can you do it?? And Panic Button say's,"Here Hold my Beer" Lol.
@Liam_Doolan it would be better explaing what he means by "streaming" so people do not confuse with video streaming.
@DannyBoi like was explained a earlier, by streaming he means loading only the part relevant to the player right now and load more as needed. Rage 2 requires the entire map and everything on it loaded at all times, which is way more demanding.
30fps 720p
Hmm, it could happen
Day 1 purchase for me on the Switch.
Looks interesting! Hopefully the testing is successful.
I would buy it in a heart beat.
Honestly, I would much rather see the handsome Jack collection ported to the switch.
See, games like this could come but Switch would need to be in mind from the start. Porting after the fact means severe compromises. Building with Switch in mind means scalability can be programmed so other compromises can be made besides resolution.
I'm expecting more from DOOM Eternal though. We saw how Rocket League was 540p until Psyonix tweaked it and got it up to 720p. I think Doom Eternal could see the same, if Bethesda's internal team takes enough interest in helping optimize. At the very least Panic Button is being consulted during development to help design the game with scalability to Switch in mind
Yyyyyessss. Make it so Panic Button. Make. It. Sooo. Mwahahahaha...
I think games, even like God of War can run on Switch perfectly if they are developed with it in mind from the start instead of porting it an then making downgrades and compremises.
Ofcourse not with the same fidelty but still better then what has been done with Doom en especially Wolf2.
I am pretty sure that if these games were specifically made for Switch it would look a bit better but would benefit performance a lot more (a more stable 30fps atleast en 900p docked, 720p at mininum while docked).
Maybe i am ignorant and naive but i believe Nintendo thought this through when developing the Switch (after the Wii U) and that only Panic Button and Bethesda are the ones really seeing this power the Switch has and are putting effort to get used to the hardware that has lesser power.
Look at Doom Eternal, just from one glance you see it obviously has more going on than Doom 2016 and they have planned for the Switch wondering why everyone is suprised.
PS4 and XB1 are amazing but homeconsoles getting more power and higher visual fidelty capabilities is a lot less impressive then a Tablet like the Switch producing graphics higher then the PS3 close to PS4.
Also [removed] 4K! 720p, 900p and 1080p are still perfectly fine resolution even in 2018 and beyond.
Eventually day one buy for me.
Streaming on the other consoles utilised both streaming from the DVD drives and streaming from the hard drives ... Concurrently to maximise the data throughput.
It would be very interesting to see what data rate is capable streaming on the switch (cartridge, internal memory and external memory all at once).
It might even be possible for Nintendo to manufacture "faster" cartridges (which are more expensive, or optimised for streaming). Be an interesting investigation.
I suspect the breaker might be the size of the data on the physical disc, compared to a cartridge and cost.
I'll be very surprised to see a rage type game on the system, but you never know...
@Dazzle “Also again with just the sequels? Like with wolfenstien if I haven't played the first one it's no buy and if they're not on the same system, no buy.”
Rage came out two years before the current gen consoles and wasn’t ported to them. Wolfenstein may be one thing as it’s quite recent, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic that a relatively lukewarmly received (at best) game from 2011 isn’t ported to the Switch.
If you want the back story read the Wikipedia article. As it is Rage for most was a pretty forgettable experience and the story in particular was never strong or important.
The industry is full of sequels and I think in cases like Rage if people really want to go back, then in some cases playing on PC or an Xbox (maybe a One with backwards compatibility or a cheap 360) makes more sense than companies spending resources porting a game that almost anyone interested in it has had ample of opportunity to play to date. Much rather resources went into new titles or porting the countless games that are more deserving of a port.
Seriously, playing Rage is probably more likely to turn someone off 2 than psyche them up for the new one. Dooms probably a better lead in, narrative aside.
@Sanangelo89 Please mind your language!
Would be great if it happened. Definitely getting the game but would probably go ps4 as I'm sure it'll look fantastic on a big screen with 4k/hdr. Either way it's good they have interest in getting it to the switch!
Would pick it up for sure if they released it on switch. Not expecting it but it would be neat.
I would love to have this game on Switch. I loved the Mad Max game Avalanche did for Warner Bros Interactive was and this seems like it'll take everything from that game and expand it. Fingers crossed they manage to get it on here. Otherwise, I'll just wish for a Mad Max port instead.
Can't get your AAA game to run on Switch? ..push the Panic Button!
Every major studio should have one!
If they could pull this off, Ubi would almost be out of excuses as far as Beyond Good & Evil 2 goes.
Crossing my fingers that Panic Button finds a way to port Rage 2. Rage looks phenomenal!
@Silly_G I agree. And also Rage 1, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Elder Scrolls 4, Evil Within 1, Wolfenstein New Order and Old Blood and any other last gen games.
Panic Button, Panic Button, Panic Button. Christ. Everyone stop brown nosing this team, they can't be the solution to third party games coming to the Switch.
Will Beyond Good and Evil 2 even launch on any current generation console? Ubisoft literally announced that they were outsourcing art and music assets for the game at E3.
I don’t think it’s out of line to heap praise and have expectations for what Panic Button is doing and can do. I do agree they can’t realistically be the only one doing the porting.
Yes. Good. This I like.
I’d buy it on launch day! I’d also totally be up for purchasing Rage 1 digitally for the switch
The question is not if it runs... But how badly will it need to run. All the so called "best" translation by Panic Button would still be considered unacceptable in every other platform we own at home
Just give us CrossSave with other platforms. The people who do not care they playing 520p @25fps at home can just get the Switch version. The rest of us can keep the full experience at home and double dip if we think the game is worth to have on the GO. People didn't wait 8 years for a sequel to then play a muddy mess.
Also, Rage 1 is $2.50 on Steam Till monday.
Well that much is true. We're still mostly seeing prerendered story trailers.
Absolutely, I would pick this up for the switch.
@MsJubilee I agree. There's only so much you can do. Yeah, it's impressive that they manage to get a game like DOOM running decently on the thing. But, it wasn't without many sacrifices. That is just not worth it to some developers.
I respect the fact that Panic Button is hard at work with the Switch, but they can't be the "BoB " all the time, some other port specialist needs to step up. It's just unrealistic to think they can do it all.
The Panic Button port ratio would then be at 1 ''other guys' games'': 2 BETHESDA interactive electronic masterpieces.
I would love a new open world on the switch, but if Panic Button can pull this off, why not Fallout 4 or the Witcher 3!
@Agramonte It depends, if switch has motion aiming, I don't care if it's 240p, it's still the best playing version if you can't play with a mouse.
@westman98 And crowdsourcing. Nothing screams modern AAA like BYOAssets. BG&E2 I doubt has any hope at PS4 let alone Switch. And early prediction: It will be a broken mess Ubi apologizes for and patches over 10 months whenever it does release, as we look forward to BG&E3, the one that will get it right.
@tanasten Monolith should be slightly ashamed of that texture pop-in for a first party game....gameplay shouldn't be its own tutorial of engine deconstruction.
It's ridiculous. Imagine how much flack Nintendo would get if they announced that they were crowdsourcing assets for a F-Zero/Golden Sun/Wave Race/(Insert Dormant Nintendo franchise) revival...for the Switch 2.
@westman98 As the center showcase of their E3 no less!
Personally I think Ubisoft should buy Capcom so they can merge the BG&E2 and Deep Down teams. Maybe pick up 3D Realms while they're at it. With that dream team BG&E 2 should release within 15 years! Not run...but release....
@NEStalgia Always turn it off (Every console I ever had). Some swear by it - I don't get it. Only Zelda I never finished was Skyward Sword 😕
But even then- use MC on the go and at home - cloud save overt to the PC - and keep going on K/M at full specs at home. Nobody looses by having more choices.
@Agramonte I'm not a fan of "motion controls", but motion aiming I'm sold. I learned shooters on the mouse.....trying to adapt to sticks was a nightmare, and then when I'd finally figured out how to not suck that bad Splatoon came and spoiled me with mouse-like gyro aiming. After that I deplore any shooter on console forcing me to use sticks and generally avoid the fps genre. (I switched all console from PC some years ago for a variety of reasons.) 3rd person is fine, but first person, on console, with sticks, and no gyros.....nope. I was trying Dishonored 2 on X1X yesterday....I felt like hitting my head into something hard Give me a mouse, or a gyro.... Rage 2 on Switch please!!
@NEStalgia hahaha... I cant do neither. But I play all my FPS on PC. That is just where they belong in my head. Not just for K/M - I also need to know I have every effect on at max 😅
But something like this would be great to go and do busy work (grind, side mission) when away from home. Same as something like FallOut.
@Agramonte LOL I got bored of the video-card-catch-up from the late 90's to late 00's to still have much interest in maxing settings. Too jaded id started it (thank you, Q2 with your colored lighting.....) but then after Q3A they kind of vanished from relevance and then it was Bethesda that did it to me (Oblivion.....then Fallout3....) I give up
I had that crazy mouse adapter for PS3 but it never worked so well...
I think Doom, Wolf, Skyrim, and maybe Rage would be perfect vengeance. A decade of video card catch up resulting in running it all on a handheld. With almost as good control!
@NEStalgia yeah, all those adapters are nonsense. I gave up on Nvidia exclusive "features" in games. Basically just made you loose 10Fps.
Why putting it on everything is a good thing. Let people decide what is important when gaming.
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