Celebi, the mythical Pokémon which first appeared in Pokémon Gold and Silver, will be available for all players in Pokémon GO starting from next week.
The legendary creature will become available through a new Special Research questline which will be kicking off on 20th August. Players will encounter tasks that will test their skills as a Trainer, with each one completed giving you access to extra XP, useful items, and the chance to encounter certain Pokémon along the way.
You can begin completing your Special Research on Celebi at any time as long as you have done the third group of tasks related to the Special Research on Mew, and a new Celebi T-shirt is now available for free in the Style Shop to celebrate. Celebi's arrivial in the game has also "drawn out the appearance of more Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region", meaning you're more likely to find your Johto favourites mulling around at your local corner shop.
Of course, this Pokémon was first made available during the Chicago Go Fest last month. If you were on of the 21,000 players who managed to attend the event, you'll no doubt already have the grass and psychic type monster in your collection, but you can still get involved. Players who already own Celebi will still be able to complete the questline and be rewarded with bucketloads of Celebi candy instead.
Will you be adding this Pokémon to your Pokédex? Let us know below.
Comments 20
Awesome!!’ Can’t wait to get to it.
As long as Mew’s quest line doesn’t disappear. I’m not quite finished with that yet.
Hooray! I enjoyed the Mew quest. It had some challenging tasks. And as a collector, it will fill another gap
Also, have a friend code: 0802 0989 2696
Here's hoping they have some slightly less grindy quests involved. I want Mew but it took me 12 months to get enough Magikarp candy for my first Gyrados; it's unfair when evolving something like a Swablu is much easier.
@RadioHedgeFund Disagree. It was the long term challenge the game needed. Catching Mew wouldn't be special if it was easy.
I've actually been trying to collect enough magikarp to evolve one since I started playing back when the game came out. Still not there yet. And now Celebi is being announced, lol I guess I'm just not very good at this game.
I think it depends where you are - I've evolved two Gyarados (including a shiny) yet only have about 80 Swablu candies
I want to give this game another go, but I don't want to end up opening it up, and then realizing there are no Stops nearby. Then I'd just sigh and close the game and uninstall it. -.-
@Joeynator3000 Do it! I did it too lol.
Awesome, this gives me something new to work on! I'm a long term player so managed to get Mew done quickly.. over half way through Mew on my second account too.
@Joeynator3000 It's worth a go, there are new stops being added all the time.
I've been stuck on getting a Ditto for almost 2 weeks
I have 2 Articuno, small army of Snorlax, Zapdos and going for my third Raikou
I have a shiny Swablu but only 300 candies and 221 for magikarp
Having said that the game has become a lot more fun with all these updates. They put more pokestops in my area, I have one next to my house with a few gyms with a two blocks of my house as well..
@w00dm4n My best advice for Ditto is to just catch every Rattata, Pidgey & Sentret you see - they also seem to be more common in different areas. Raid groups tend to post Ditto sightings too.
@Findonovan95 Magikarp candy collection can vary depending on where you are.. if you're nearer the coast like me you can actually save up a lot of candy - I have 4 Gyarados (have disposed of a couple) and 1,135 candy.
I dunno...it's just...I just...don't feel like wasting my time with this game. xD
@DanteSolablood Yeah I have my chart as my background on my phone.
I had a pile of Whismur.
I'm guessing since i never caught a Yanma that it will be the ditto.
So, no reason to get the ball controller for the Switch games to get Celebi then?
Nice. It's events like this that keep the game fresh. I just hope there is no "throw an Excellent curve ball" this time... God I hated that.
@Incarta would you buy any game that you knew took 3 hours per day minimum over a full year to finish?
@RadioHedgeFund Probably not. I seem to recall Magikarp being quite common shortly after the Mew challenge came out so it wasn't so hard to get the candies needed. If you're not near water, I suppose it would be hard at the moment.
Friend me on pokemon go. I Play everyday and I'm at level 30: 5154 4111 6636
Why won't it let me use my metel coat 😭😫
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