Since the launch of the Switch, Nintendo has worked tirelessly to spread the word far and wide about its existence. With the system’s mainstream exposure crucial to its ongoing success, it only seems natural for Nintendo to continue getting the brand out there in any way possible. This includes the continued promotion of Nintendo Labo.
In what can be seen as a mutually beneficial arrangement, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé - along with other stars including the mayor and even baseball players - have joined forces with the Seattle Police Department to help out with its lip-sync battle music video.

The clip, based on the Macklemore’s 2015 hit song “Downtown,” plays out much like the actual video, with plenty of bike riding and dancing. Reggie can be seen very briefly at the 2:30 mark playing the piano from Nintendo Labo and is supported by an officer in the background on a cardboard guitar. Given Nintendo's presence within the area, it's not all that surprising to see Reggie make a guest cameo.
The music clip was made in response to a challenge from the Norfolk Police Department in Virginia. Seattle joins law-enforcement agencies across the US participating in the lip-sync battle, which started back in June.
Take a look at the video above and tell us in the comments if you’ve been jamming out with Nintendo Labo in recent times.
Comments 33
I thought he had been arrested for excessive bad@$$ery for a second.
good to see reggie.
police + furries + reggie
instant buzz
My body wasn’t ready to watch this
Those mascots border on fursuit territory dangerously.
Wow, that headline is a WHOLE lot of random.
Reggie at 2.30
Not gonna lie, that's probably the best one I've seen to date...and I'm not even a fan of Macklemore.
Haha! I watched this earlier (I live about thirty miles south of Seattle), and I had to do a double take! 😂
It was funny that they let Reggie lip sync one word.
Correct, you should not be talking about politics on this site. So I would appreciate if you guys didn't put me in the situation of having to delete an entire debate tomorrow.
Looks like a George Michael Music Video with all these police.
wow lost a lot of respect for him. silly cop propaganda
@Arcamenel you right. nobody is aloud to have fun
I thought the title was Clickbait. But it it turns out it's real and my body was not ready for it. Lol
Good God that song is awful.
Cops plus Reggie plus lip minus sync?... I'll see myself out
I started watching this video because I love Reggie nearly as much as I love Seattle, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO THOSE AREN'T MOPEDS!!!!!! (that MOtorized bike with bicycle PEDals in my avatar picture is a moped) Considering one of the longest-running moped "gangs" (we call them that because it sounds funnier than "club") in the U.S. is in Seattle and is recognized as an official organization by the Seattle Police... you'd think they could have looked that one up. I couldn't watch the video after that. Sigh. I miss Moped Mondays.
I live in Virginia Beach, VA which is right next to Norfolk. I've known a few Norfolk cops. Kind of funny what our neighboring police department started.
That was good.
I would very much like to inform you that I was singing, not lip-syncing.
Leave the lip-syncing to the drag queens, Reggie.
Never saw the original video or even heard the song before but that was well done for amateurs. Reggie was in it so little they almost shouldn't' have even bothered, but he was technically in it w/ Labo so there's that.
The 2 biggest questions on my mind are how long did it take them to find 5 minutes of sunshine in Seattle and how long did it take to edit out all the Starbucks? Unless I missed one, I wasn't looking that hard at the beginning.
...And this is a thing. lol.
Dear Self 20 years ago,
Prepare your body for 2018... you may not be ready.
Meanwhile in Seattle..........
Oh man this was awful. I, like, literally can't even.....
If ever there was a moment in Seattle to steal a $40 organically sustainable fair trade produced avocado and locally grown artisan currant scone and get away with it while fleeing on a hijacked moped, it was during the filming of this video.
@Nincompoop And if you told kids that, today, they wouldn't believe you!
Did you even read the article? Nintendolife writes it like lip-sync not lipsync. Hope that clears it up.
jamming out with Nintendo Labo?
What age is the audience you are trying to attract to NL, or worst still what is the age that you think you are communicating with?
The hell?!!
This is part of Reggie's mandatory community service
I know, I was just joking. Hence the "I'll see myself out"
What a dork
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